Because the new life is too comfortable, and the good day is too comfortable.

The members who arrived in the grassland revival used all the skills to tie up tribal leaders, and marched in the grass-roots herdsmen’s groups to call on everyone to throw all kinds of rotten and smelly things at them, scold them and pour anger at them.
Then hang them in public and let their bodies fly in the wind.
After being captured by the army for a short time, the herdsmen at the bottom of the two tribes did not feel that they were prisoners.
Together with the army, they criticized the greedy tribal leaders. Suddenly, they didn’t think the army was horrible, but they felt that the army had avenged them and had a little gratitude.
With this floor, mobilize them to help build grassland and pastoral areas, and things will be settled.
We need to tell them that they have been naturalized and become Chinese people, and they will enjoy the benefits of a country’s policies on grassland herders and really implement them, so in three to five years, the grassland will fly big flags everywhere.
They will sincerely recognize themselves as the country recognized by the Chinese people.
In the future, China will be able to train a wider grassland and a larger number of cavalry, increase the number of cavalry stationed in major corps in northern Xinjiang, increase the number of horses and make it easier to cultivate improved varieties of war horses.
Sometimes it may be necessary to grasp the core contradiction and stir it up a little.
Chapter 143 People are waiting for people wherever they go.
In two months, China successfully solved the present and future border problems.
The country’s northern Xinjiang is unprecedentedly stable, and it is foreseeable that there will be no large-scale military operations in the northern Xinjiang in the future.
And this is also after the east and west line soldiers created enough stability before.
On this basis, Su Yonglin will not affect the overall situation if he prepares to launch the Korean campaign after Hongwu has entered the spring for ten years.
Relying on the production and construction of strategic materials in Liaoyang and Heilongjiang provinces for several years, the crusade and annexation of Korea was completed.
Therefore, Su Yonglin didn’t make any elaborate plans to deal with Korea. He sent someone to send a letter to the capital of Korea to tell the military commanders who have mastered the force at present to let them give up their resistance and accept severe punishment from the country.
Now, if you give up resisting the severe punishment of the receiving country, you can still get some preferential treatment for the prisoners, but if you persist in resisting the big army’s crusade, they will be completely liquidated.
After usurping the throne and becoming the king of Korea, the supreme power of Korea was run by Zheng Zhongfu, Li Yifang and Li Gao, the three main initiators and organizers of the mutiny. All three of them discussed to maintain a superficial state of military, military and political harmony.
Because every one of us really wants to be the one who has the sole control of one thing or two, we can do whatever we want.
However, this kind of harmony can’t last long, because only in the first month of the three people’s co-governance, a contradiction that is difficult to reconcile has caused some minor disputes among the three people
Li Gao wants to kill Wang Xu and Wang Yun and make himself the king of Korea to make a complete coup.
His reason is that if we don’t completely solve the Korean Wang government, once the military administration is unstable in the future, it will be difficult for everyone to encounter cruelty. If people outside the country don’t obey them, they will fantasize about fighting under the banner of Qing Jun, which is definitely not what they want to see.
Why don’t you just do it all at once and get rid of Wang Yun and Wang Yi together, and replace the Wang family with their own people to be kings, so that no one will liquidate them.
Even if they want to liquidate, they can’t find any Wang family to continue to be the king of Korea. Without this banner of righteousness, how can they liquidate?
This is called solving problems from the source.
Li Gao was very happy and proud to tell Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu his plan.
Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu are opposed to such a big negative idea.
They actually feel that what they are doing now is a gross violation of the law. It is everyone’s last bottom line not to harm the royal family. If this bottom line is to be broken, everyone really has no way out.
Li Gao agreed on the surface, but secretly felt that Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu’s courage was inadequate, so he decided to leave them alone to complete this earth-shattering coup.
Then his plan was leaked.
Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu joined hands to make his national politics in Korea change from a three-legged system to a two-legged system.
When Su Yonglin’s letter was sent to the city, it was the time when Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu joined hands to govern the country. When they read Su Yonglin’s letter, the color turned white, and a feeling of "dying to death" surged in my heart for a long time.
The country is coming true, and the country really wants to play with them, and their plan to hide the sky from the sea has failed
If the country really comes true to them, these Korean professional military commanders have absolutely reason to believe that they can’t even support the army for a month, and they will definitely easily sweep through Korea and let them die.
But surrender …
Can we ensure their safety and family safety?
Can you ensure that they will not be settled by the country?
At present, they can’t come to this conclusion.
Zheng Zhongfu and Li Yifang called high-ranking military commanders to discuss this matter, and then came to the conclusion that the plan with the highest support rate was to abandon Korea and flee in the direction of Japan, so as to protect the family.
Because a few years ago, before the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, many dignitaries or wealthy businessmen in the Southern Song Dynasty were afraid of the liquidation policy of the country. It is said that life is not bad now by fleeing through Korea.
Some Japanese activists seem to appreciate that some of them have designated a place for them to live in, and some of them are officials to let them continue to live in Weifu.
It is said that cows and horses are always cows and horses, and people are waiting for people everywhere, even second-class citizens, and their lives are not what cows and horses can imagine.
It must be very happy for these people to continue their lives before they are asked to live their lives.
Li Yifang and others didn’t have any ideas at that time, but now they immediately thought of this road when faced with the brutal threat of the country.
"We can’t beat the powerful army, and there are many terrible firearms. We are not opponents in the field or defending the city. We are not opponents in forced confrontation. Maybe we will lose in less than a month, and we should plan ahead."
Cai Yuan, a meritorious soldier of the mutiny, has been afraid of the country for a long time, and has denied that Korea has a country to fight against. He may strongly advocate escape and call on everyone to flee to Japan to stay warm and stay away from Korea and the country.
It is impossible for overseas countries to pursue the past, so that everyone will be safe. When the time comes, they may be able to get along well and continue to thrive in Japan.
Zheng Zhongfu is too old to support Cai Yuan’s idea. He believes that there will be no good place to stay in Korea against the country. He thinks it is better to escape.
However, in the prime of his life, Li Yi still has a trace of anger in his heart, and he is greedy for power and does not want to give up his fantasy of resistance.
"If the army attacks Korea, it is not familiar with Korea’s climate and terrain, but we are familiar with Korea’s climate and terrain, and hundreds of troops can fight to give up so quickly? Since we took office, we have been humiliated and oppressed by civil servants. How long will it take for us to lose our family dog once we stand up and turn over? "
It’s hard to say, but that’s what it means.
We’ve been kings for half a generation, and it’s hard to turn over and make decisions. It hasn’t been a few months since Weifu, and the big boss in East Asia is coming, which is not too unbearable
"We have managed to dominate the political power of the DPRK, but now we have to surrender our power without resistance?"

"No problem. I’ll try to stall them. You just have to do nothing to tear down the tower."

When heshy was sent to the road, King Ning of the spring was also resurrected. He rushed to Dalongkeng at the first time, hoping to make amends.
A Shui Long Hang put a real eye into the pit and then quietly watched ES fight Tai Long. At this time, the female gun trick has turned for the better, and he didn’t mean to release it.
However, when ES found out that the Knight Ranger appeared in their highland again, everyone in ES immediately became very anxious, especially in Longkeng, where there was a water eyeing up.
ES is not afraid of being robbed of dragons. They play wild and skate shoes and pull spears. If they can all be robbed of dragons in this way, ES should really lose. They are afraid that Lucian is stealing from home, but there are super soldiers.
Chapter 54 Unwilling
"IG chose to steal the house again. This step is very good. Is there a chance to steal it this time?" Remember to be puzzled.
"That’s really not certain. It depends on whether ES can knock out Dalong. If we can take Dalong and strengthen the effect of returning to the city, we may have a chance to catch Lucian before tearing down the base."
Guan Zeyuan frowned and his tone became ambiguous. At this critical moment, he did not make a prediction, but kept his eyes on the blood volume of Dalong.
"ES didn’t hit the dragon as fast as expected, but it didn’t hurt to have three front rows to carry it."
"But now ES has to race against the time. If you slow down, their family may be gone, which is very stressful for the players."
Guan Zeyuan looked at the ES players with pity in his eyes, but he played so humbled when he occupied such a big advantage. Who can argue with this?
But when Dalong had 3,000 blood left, heshy had pushed down a front tooth tower in ES, and the pressure on ES was even greater.
Just resurrected from the spring, Ning Wang and others rushed to Dalongkeng, and the situation became unfavorable to ES. Looking at Dalong with less than 2,000 blood, Ning Wang couldn’t catch up with it. He made a big move at Dalongkeng.
Xiong Xiong was startled, and when his hand shook, he pressed the punishment. In an instant, Xiong Xiong’s heart suddenly cooled and he felt that it might be bad.
"Two thousand blood! Ning Wang is big! Tai lung is dead! Who is Dalong! " I remember shouting at the commentary desk, but I soon found out that Dalong belonged.
Ok, LkeN also shook his hand with Xiongxiong, pulled out his spear and punished him. Two high-level injuries killed the dragon with little blood volume and finally took the dragon.
However, how to retreat is a problem. It is reasonable to say that ES located in the blue side should be easy to retreat, and it is easy to return to your home through the wild passage.
But time waits for no one, and there is a god of death at home.
Heshy has demolished the last incisor tower at this time, and there is not much time left for ES.
Therefore, they have to go back to the city and defend their homes quickly with the help of the bIG dragon BUFF, but the ig people behind them will not give them a chance
Ah Shui took one look at the progress of heshy’s tower demolition and immediately felt confident. "Stop them and heshy will soon be demolished."
"Brother Shy’s batch of cattle in the trough really stopped these grandchildren quickly and never let them go back."
Ning Wang also glanced at the progress of heshy’s demolition when he heard Ah Shui’s words, and immediately saw the dawn of victory, so he angrily rushed to the fleeing ES people.
"Rush! Victory is just around the corner! " Sapphire also shouted. At this time, he didn’t line up in the back, but rushed to find the trace of ES people.
At this time, I was driven away by IG, and ES was in a hurry. If it wasn’t for an extra tower-tearing death at home, ES taught IG to be a man in minutes.
IG, these four people are not ES five opponents. If it were him, maybe an ES center field and a charge IG four-person formation would be broken up.
But now it’s not the same. ES waits for no one. Everyone is in a hurry.
In the end, 369 and Xiongxiong decided to stay behind and stop chasing IG four people to create opportunities for the remaining three teammates to return to the city.
Calista and Lux hid in the blue BUFF grass and returned to the city, while their left hands were more anxious. He flashed directly from toad over the wall to avoid the sight of IG and others.
In the end, Cong left his hand and went back to the city. The double team of Blue BUFF was easily interrupted by a big move by Ah Shui, and by the way, it was smashed by a big move by Nutan.
The battle in ES semi-wild area is very fierce, but the camera has turned to ES Highland, where fighting is the key to winning or losing the game.
When his left hand returned to the spring, heshy had torn down the last front tooth tower of ES, and the holy gun ranger kept shooting at the base crystal with two guns.
The left hand is very distressed. This shot is not to hit the base crystal, but to hit his heart. Looking at the blood volume, the left hand of the base crystal is dripping blood.
Dao Mei stepped on hot wheels and hurried out of the spring to save the endangered base, but after seeing Dao Mei, heshy chose very wisely.
It’s like the king of Qin circling the column. It’s happened many times in this game that the holy gun ranger circumvents the base crystal to avoid Dao Mei.
It was a one-to-one victory before the third peak matchup between the Ranger and Dao Mei, but now Dao Mei has to bear the cost of failure in this contest.
In the end, the Holy Gun Ranger and Dao Mei Imperial PK did not win or lose, but the ES base crystal exploded in front of Dao Mei.
Dao Mei didn’t lose in the 1V1 one-on-one hit, but Dao Mei lost the whole game. At the moment when the base crystal exploded, his left hand was white and bloodless, and his eyes seemed to lose a light.
When the game was finally fixed, Dao Mei’s record was 935, and the reward was as high as 500 yuan. If it was a one-on-one left hand, he was confident that he could kill heshy alone this time, but the final result was that he lost.
"heshy shot the ES base crystal with two shots, so let’s congratulate IG on their unexpected victory in the game again by stealing the house!" Remember to yell with passion
"The two games ended so dramatically. This two-game match is really something. If you miss the audience, I strongly recommend watching it again. Okay."
At the end of the game, Guan Zeyuan’s expression was a little subtle, especially when IG stole the house again and won. However, compared with the commentary on the stage, ES players were even more sad. They could not accept the ending of being stolen twice in a row.
His left hand just looked at the screen, and even when the IG people came to shake hands, he didn’t respond until Xiong shouted his left hand and got up silently.
The left hand is very unwilling. It’s not that it’s stolen, and it’s also very unwilling to lose, but the final result is that it’s beaten by ES.
Competition is a winning and losing arena. Here, the outcome is discussed.
The left hand looked bitter and walked to him. heshy looked at his face and smiled. The left hand was even more bitter. Ning Wang patted his left shoulder and told him not to be sad.
Looking at the stage and bowing to the audience, IG everyone shook their heads with their left hands, and their eyes became more determined. He has not tasted the champion yet, and it is not yet time to be depressed. Sooner or later, he will also get the highest honor for professional players on the podium.
Chapter 55 Falling equipment in a row
IG lounge is so quiet that you can’t see the excitement after the victory. If you don’t know, this is ES lounge.
Yun Ge sat in the corner of the lounge with his chest in his hands, and coach Mafa sat not far from him, and then he didn’t play in koi fish for half a year.
193 Sitting beside Su Xiaolou, the two people got better as soon as they didn’t know what they talked about after the week. Maybe there should be Yun Ge’s credit in it.
When the players walked into the lounge talking and laughing, they felt this strange atmosphere again, and even they were not at all concerned about these things. heshy felt something was wrong in her heart.
Ah Shui feels even more obvious. First, he looks at the expression manager Su Xiaoluo and coach 193, and then he looks at the coach calmly and leisurely, as if nothing had happened.
So Ah Shui obediently returned to his seat and didn’t say much. Banana Wolf and Baolan learned to find a place to sit honestly.
A group of players have Ning Wang, who seems to be reckless. He walks up to Yun Ge and smiles very much. "Brother Yun’s game today is really exciting."
"heshy finished stealing the house in both games, otherwise it would be really hard to win." Ning Wang touched his head and seemed wanting more. He actually felt that the game was over too soon, so he didn’t enjoy himself.
Yun Ge looked at Ning Wang grumpily, pressed Ning Wang’s shoulder and let him sit in the chair, then prepared to say a few words to the players.
Suddenly, a series of messages flashed in front of Yun Ge’s eyes. Before BP was over, Genting suddenly appeared in the background.
[The team won three consecutive victories and won the winning streak award (one out of three)]

"Click, click, click!"

The same nine-shot sound represents the nine-shot combo of Ba Tian Huang Wei, but the sound should be crisp. Many ships are suddenly broken, and then a miraculous scene appears, like a fragile eggshell, which is broken by nine cannon shots, and then the cannon shots fragment is derived on a large scale. The last place is not cannon shots.
This blow is so overbearing? This blow is so strong? It is no wonder that Harley will call the smashing-level artillery attack stunt full of disbelief in the eyes of Li Haitao, a wise man who has always been proud, but this blow is left to Pu Yunxian and Yuan Hongbo, but he is extremely obsessed.
It’s worthy that Harley, the chief artillery officer of the Tianzhu fleet, pushed the artillery attack skills to a great extent, and even overwhelmed 200 odd-class star cruise ships to attack the magnificent Tianwei, which is the strongest in the world.
Tens of millions of monty worms nearby were pierced by artillery attack stunts without moaning, but the battle did not end there, on the contrary, it became more bloody.
Volume 22 The devil takes the hindmost! The Great War Chapter 1276 Burning
Harley killed more than 50 million monty bugs with an earth-shattering blow, which is one tenth of the whole swarm. However, such casualties did not scare off crazy bugs, but they became more bloodthirsty.
"Ow ow …"
Dull roar pierced the depths of the heart, and the battlefield burst into violent fluctuations. Ten thousand monty worms burned a dark blue flame, and then all blue light was interwoven into a sea of light.
"Boom …"
"ah! No, the energy shield defense number is dropping rapidly. Damn it, what kind of attack is this? How so powerful? " The crew are a little scared, and the defense force of the Tenchu fleet is already ridiculously high, but blue light can still cause a severe impact on the fleet. If these ten thousand monty worms are strong, they will suffer greatly.
Just as the ship’s shadow was about to be submerged by blue light, the bow of Phantom of the Opera suddenly showed an avalanche, and the negative energy actually condensed into the blue light ocean around the entity and collided with each other maliciously.
The lack of energy in the wave and light is eliminating the crisis, and the head of the crisis is shattered. The species Duo Duo finally made a move. The negative energy accumulated for many years pressed the other side, effectively preventing the defense number of each ship from falling.
The top-class shattered species can achieve far more than these dark black spears. The incredible pattern disappears, and thousands of monty worms have a hard shell on their heads, and then many crazy insects come to an abrupt end.
There was a strange scene on the battlefield, and ten thousand monty worms suddenly stopped charging. They floated like a machine suddenly shut down, and all the breath disappeared.
It seems to vent the pain of being trapped for thousands of years, and it seems to announce to the Zerg that the majestic golden-winged Dapeng bird in the bow of the Phantom of the Great Power has come alive and raised its head to make a long sound of implementing the spiritual level.
It was very original and overbearing, and the spiritual storm swept away. Ten thousand monty worms felt threatened and rushed forward, but the zerg would not be afraid of his situation. Life worms rushed forward and backward.
After Harley’s bombardment, the momentum of ten thousand monty worms was slightly frustrated. It was precisely because of this fleeting opportunity that the Phantom of the Opera’s ten insect turrets popped up in the fleet, and the insect turrets of other ships had also hovered near the hull, followed by the strongest firepower explosion, which belonged to the Tianzhu fleet.
"come on! Let the worm see that we are so powerful that the out-of-bounds galaxy will always remember this moment. "Lin momo nodded at the screen and said forcefully.
Previously, the worm turret also attacked, but it was not the power of the Ministry and it was not pushed to the extreme. Now, it is not Aotian Long’s sinking blade, Daqing Mountain, Dongmei Mountain, Daqing Mountain, Xiada Mountain, Qingshan Spring, and five peerless masters poured the source power.
Nearly 100 top experts in the fleet, nearly 1,000 top experts, Qi Xin Xieli Worm Turret, have actually produced various attribute forces, and those gunners who specialize in artillery attack technology have been influenced by Harley to come up with the strongest strength.
Around the Tianzhu fleet, a strong color cannon light suddenly emitted, which eclipsed the whole universe. Brothers like Athena and Cletina, who are rich, relied on their powerful weapons to bless them, and were slightly inferior to the peerless masters. They were assigned to the wise man Li Haitao of Obsidian, who closed his eyes and listened intently, and muttered something to himself, which actually simulated Harley’s cannon attack stunt.
"Boom …"
The zerg is fierce, but the attack of the Tenchu fleet is even more fierce. Even if the defense ability of ten thousand monty worms is amazing, there is always a limit to bear. After the peerless master and the peak master pour the source power, the destructive power of the cannon light is extremely abnormal.
Ten thousand monty worms roared, and some insect shells were melted red by terrible heat energy, and some insect shells were damaged by terrible decomposition, and the situation expanded several levels.
Whenever matter is beyond the scope of energy scrubbing, the gunners of the Tianzhu fleet can destroy hundreds of thousands of monty bugs in an instant even if they only achieve 1% lethality of Harley’s artillery skills.
Lin momo’s heart is excited, and the number of casualties of ten thousand monty worms is soaring. This is the ideal hindmost. Even in the face of the strongest zerg in the universe, everyone is not afraid and can win perfectly.
From now on, the performance of the Tianzhu fleet is perfect. More than half of the deaths and injuries of monty worms have dropped from 50 thousand to 20 thousand, but the cannon light has not stopped and still maintained the maximum firepower output.
Tenchu fleet tried its best. Lin momo tried his best. The crew also tried their best. Occasionally, a bug shadow rushed to the crowd and was quickly blown away by the cannon light. The body was kept intact.
In the distance, Connor and Damon joined forces to fight, and the discoverer fleet suppressed the light screen to represent the zerg’s life emblem. The blue spots are disappearing in batches, and the record is still quite brilliant. It is impossible for these zergs to turn over the battlefield situation.
After more than ten minutes of shopping, the number of ten thousand monty bugs has dropped to thousands, but Lin momo frowned. At present, the fleet is really strong, but it is equally unusual to rank third in the list of strange bugs. Unfortunately, the information on the list of strange bugs in ten thousand monty bugs is not very detailed, because this zerg has not been seen for two thousand years, and it has been forgotten.
"The closer you get to success, the more you need to be careful to hit this level. You still can’t make a move and let everyone get close to the formation. I have a bad feeling." Lin momo looked dignified and watched the battlefield with a deep and remote eye.
"Momo you also perceive? There is something wrong with these ten thousand monty worm strength seems to rank some discrepancy unless they have other means "destruction blade to connect to the master control room at the same time.
"Yes, I have noticed that according to the data in the database, the adventure guild sent a crusade against the fleet two thousand years ago, but the final result didn’t say the battle scene. For example, several fleets returned home in triumph. Maybe the captain who participated in the operation was hiding something. Maybe the light Federation didn’t want to set up a difficult enemy. They wanted people to see a glimmer of hope. Today, all kinds of possibilities may be able to make a concrete assessment of the situation in that year. Anyway, we are now in the wind and these ten thousand monty worms are very suitable for building heavy insect turrets." Lin momo smiled leisurely.
At this moment, Lin momo is not so nervous and powerful, which comes from confidence and combat power. If the Tianzhu fleet can’t even cope with ten thousand monty worms, then why talk about interstellar space? What about controlling the adventure guild?
This ten thousand cases of monty bug Lin momo’s eyes are a little cute because they are dazzling.
The cannon light becomes denser and denser, the number of insect shadows decreases sharply, and the number of attack targets decreases gradually. It is difficult to think of firepower, and the fleet moves slowly from standstill, which can minimize the risk and kill insects more quickly.
"Boom …"
It is no longer possible to bombard the fleet to take the hindmost offensive. Every cannon light is sharp and abnormal, which makes ten thousand monty worms unable to stand it. Soon Lin momo will know what will upset him.
The ultra-low temperature environment of those ten thousand cases of monty worm corpses is not frozen, but a very subtle fluctuation, which is connected with each other. Then a dozen odd-grade star cruise ships on the edge of the battlefield appear bloodshot, and then these ships flash out the signs of broken silicon crystal cover energy shield.
At this time, millions of remaining monty worms shook their heads, and they actually broke free from the hard shell and gave away their miserable green soft bodies, which directly exposed the battlefield in the universe, and one after another lotus flower gathered and went away. Just a few breaths created nearly a hundred huge things.
It’s bloody and cruel. It’s obvious that some ten thousand monty worms’ blood energy transformation is so gorgeous and self-exploding, but they insist on ten thousand monty worms’ breath. They don’t reach the level of zerg overlord, and their size is even far beyond that of zerg overlord, which devours worm blood and makes their cells swell to the point of multiplication.
"Damn, these big guys are very unstable. The root is bombs." Lin momo scolded 1 and shouted at the wave frequency. "Lilith forced Purgatory Violet to limit them and couldn’t let them succeed."
"Okay, leave it to me!" Lilith simply responded that her voice did not fall and she set off a surging flame. Thirty-six star cruises were separated from the Tianzhu fleet. The first odd star cruise ship was like a red-violet.
Purgatory violet war is a trump card in Lin momo’s hand, and the whole fleet is escorted by the super incineration power of black lotus to deal with ten thousand monty bug mutants at all times.
Thirty-six ships rushed very fast. Before Lin momo and the sinking blade were suspicious, Lilith had already prepared that no matter how difficult the ten thousand monty worms were, they would burn them thoroughly before they dared.
The black lotus comes from Taikoo granary, where the accumulated fire energy of hundreds of millions of years is unusually fierce, and the battle of Purgatory Violet has reached the level of comprehensive ship warfare. This is the light that rises from the mighty universe and shines in all directions.
"Thirty-six ships in the Heavenly Infernal Purgatory Violet War" Lilith exclaims that one or thirty-six ship shadows are quickly superimposed together, and the fire energy is also superimposed together.
"Purgatory purgatory purgatory …"
"Violet violet violet violet …"
"Kill kill kill …"
Cruel and extremely murderous intention sweeps the dark blue, and the fluctuation is like the dragon’s fluctuation, which comes out in vain. The non-burning place in the center of violet is not the blue rainbow.
Across the street, ten thousand monty worms are ugly after expansion. They are covered with one tumor after another. When their huge bodies rush in, they encounter burning power and decompose these giants with blazing light.
"Boom ….." Terrible explosion. This is the terrible place of ten thousand monty worms. The shock wave spreads wildly, enveloping the whole battlefield.
Volume 22 The devil takes the hindmost! The epic war Chapter 1277 Looting
A few hours later, those huge insect corpses are still burning in the battlefield, and the power of purgatory violet is double. Ten thousand monty insect mutants will be incinerated when they are about to explode. There are not many insects that can cross the war blockade. The abnormal cannon light of Phantom of the Opera forms the second blockade, and the blasting power has reached its lowest point.
Despite the double insurance, there are still more than a dozen star cruise ships with broken energy shields. Lin momo’s face is uncertain. If you really meet ten thousand monty worms and the adult tide wants to win, it is too difficult.
After Purgatory Violet bloomed, Lin Sisuo led his team to sneak into the gas planet and met tens of millions of monty worms.
Tens of millions of monty bugs are just a trouble, which is not enough to make the Tianzhu fleet timid. However, they rely on the favorable terrain in the troposphere to stick to it before they hit the strategic granary road.
To be honest, the combat power consumed by playing this granary is beyond Lin momo’s expectation, and it will be quite easy for the fleet to take the hindmost action. As a result, Harley’s artillery attack stunts will be gorgeous, and the species will be shattered. Even the Purgatory Violet War will be put to use, and the ordinary fleet will definitely lose its reputation.
In the end, it won’t be a bloody battle, but it was a bit thrilling because of the appearance of ten thousand monty bugs, that’s all.
Cleaning the battlefield has always been Connor and Louis’ favorite thing, while the granary of the gaseous planet is condensed by countless low-level insect corpses
When the Phantom of the Opera entered the granary, the shocking scene even froze for a long time. There were two meteorites suspended in this strategic granary, which fell into the atmosphere and left potholes, and each meteorite was huge, with a diameter of several kilometers and dozens of star cruises connected end to end to encircle it.
If you only see meteorites, you don’t have to be so excited. The key is that these two meteorites are very special. The smaller meteorite on the left is light green, just like a large piece of jade, but it is not real jade, but a lower-level refined raw ore. According to the calculation of energy series based on the is, even if it is pure, I am afraid the consumption is equivalent to 670 million units of refined crystal. What’s more, the large meteorite on the right is more valuable.
The meteorite on the right emits a faint golden light from time to time. This is the rarest ore in the universe, which can make Brother Wu’s bones and muscles lighter and stronger, and make the skeleton of the Star Cruise Department stronger and stronger. It has a very arrogant name called Destiny Dragon Emperor Mine.
That is to say, whoever gets this kind of ore seems to get destiny, and it can be called emperor ancestor in the field of star cruises, although the statement is exaggerated, but the value is really high

And Su Moxiao strode to Anshun Day, patted him on the shoulder and smiled at him for a long time. "Brother, I admire you."

Par518 brothers and sisters are deeply in love.
There is Su Moxiao, who is fairly calm. Xia Mu pities Jin Ba Xing Linsheng along three people who have long been shocked and speechless.
"Owl, I want to talk to you alone!" Anshun day sincerely looked at Su Moxiao.
Su Moxiao didn’t reply but agreed to nod his head.
Two people went out of the kv private room in tandem. Before leaving, Anshun Tian told him, "Xiaoxiao, you should go to the shopping mall next to Mu Lian first!"
"Well, good!" Lin Zixiao nodded his head.
Then she went to the shopping mall next to Xia Mu Flow, dragging and still shocked.
"Owl!" Anshun took Su Moxiao to the rooftop. He leaned against the railing and stared at the distance and said, "I know you like Lin Zixiao."
"Well," Su Moxiao decisively nodded his head.
Anshun Tian stretched out his hands to block the dazzling sunshine and sighed, "You haven’t said a word to me since Lin Zixiao and I officially got together last year."
"I’m sorry, I’m not reconciled." Su Moxiao’s eyes became dark and his voice was hoarse than a mouthful.
"You don’t have to apologize," Anshun Tian said with a smile. "I know you think I deserve it!"
"Well, the reason is that you and I both misunderstood what she gave me. He didn’t choose me. I don’t think anything, but she chose you who once hurt her the most!" Su Moxiao nodded his head in a gloomy tone.
There seems to be anger in everything you say.
Hearing his words, Anshun Tian dropped his eyes a little sad and wanted to speak again. Su Moxiao changed his attitude and said with a gentle smile, "But today, I don’t think you hesitate to kneel down and your face hasn’t been wronged. I know that Lin Zixiao’s choice is right. If it were me, I’m afraid I can’t let go of my arrogance!"
Anshun took a deep breath and half-narrowed his eyes for a long time before he asked, "Are we still brothers?"
"Brother?" Su Moxiao laughed a few times.
Then Yizheng said, "It has never changed!"
Over there, Lin Zixiao and Xia Mu Lian are shopping in full swing. They are crazy about trying to be the most popular clothes and some new styles.
Lin Zixiao simply sent a text message to Anshun Tian saying, "God, Mu Lian and I are shopping for clothes. Go home first. Anyway, I’ve sung enough. I’m going shopping with Mu Lian. Go home first and don’t wait for me! !”
Anshun replied with a smile when he read the text message one day. "Come back soon when you know that my home is waiting for you!"
Lin Zixiao went back to Anshun the next day and tried on the clothes with Xia Mu’s family.
What she asked Anshun to go back first was that she didn’t want him to wait too long. After all, boys don’t like shopping very much!
And Anshun day nature is also white. Lin Zixiao’s mind did not refute but tried to cooperate.
The tacit understanding between two people is getting deeper and deeper …
[Text Ending] Let happiness go on

The preparation is not complicated. Boss Zhang thanked him again and again, so Xia Xue Car and Zhou Xiaolong returned to the advertising company together.

When sitting on the stairs, Xia Xue also asked Zhou Xiaolong, "Hey, how sure are you that your cow blew?" !”
Zhou Xiaolong said impatiently, "Oh, don’t worry about the little things!"
Entering the door, Xia Xue saw a guest in the company. Xiaoya, an intern, was accompanying a couple.
But when Xia Xue saw the two men clearly, his eyebrows tightened immediately.
Zhou Xiaolong asked, "What’s wrong?"
Xia Xue explained that "that couple is the landlord who always comes to trouble me these days, mainly because they want high rent. In fact, they are all partners with the company next door and want to crush our company. This couple is very difficult."
Seeing that Xia Xue entered the door, the landlord and his wife immediately got up and the landlady said first, "I said that prices are going up every day in the summer, and the rent can’t be high. You can’t blame us."
Xia Xue retorted that "it was agreed that the lease term would be three years and the monthly rent would be three thousand yuan, but now it has not reached five thousand yuan in three years, which is completely against the rules."
The landlord said, "But we made a verbal agreement at the beginning, and manager Wu next door wants to rent this house, and the price is very high. You can’t help my husband and wife making money in summer!"
"Come on, Xiao Xia, you’re so young. If you think our rent is expensive, you can find another local company and don’t delay our husband and wife from making money."
Zhou Xiaolong quickly understood that it was probably the big advertising company next door that colluded with the landlord to squeeze out Xia Xue.
He said that the landlord came out from behind the chair. He was thin, but his abdomen was surprisingly large, like a pillow was stuffed inside, and his face was sallow.
Zhou Xiaolong, the younger brother of Xuanmen, was proficient in medical skills. He immediately judged that the landlord’s liver was diseased and it was very serious
"I said you’d better not be so grumpy, uncle. I advise you." Zhou Xiaolong said seriously, "You can eat whatever you want when you go home now, because I have seen that you are afraid that your life will not last long."
When the landlord heard Zhou Xiaolong, he dared to curse himself and immediately flew into a rage.
However, the landlady worried that her husband would be angry and hurt her health and put her husband back in the chair.
The landlady turned to Xia Xue and said, "I said, Xiao Xia, who is this child and how can he curse?"
Xia Xue is also embarrassed. She doesn’t want to move from Longteng Building.
Because it is very troublesome for the company to move, it not only costs a lot of money, but also takes a long time to operate in a new place without customers and resources to slow the company down.
The Xia Xue company can’t change the place now. She doesn’t have that much money. There is still one year left in the lease, and she has already given the money to the landlord.
At the moment, Xia Xue wants to persuade the couple to leave, do a few cases and earn some money before considering moving.
But I didn’t expect Zhou Xiaolong to say something like that to the landlord. Isn’t this sincere to intensify the contradiction between the two sides?
To avoid Zhou Xiaolong talkative Xia Xue ruthlessly stare at him low warned "little dragon, you stop talking nonsense! ! !”
Zhou Xiaolong still has a face or expression. He straightened his chest and said to the landlords, "I didn’t talk nonsense. When I spoke, they naturally knew that he was sick and very serious. I’m afraid he wouldn’t last for half a year without treatment."
Xia Xue more nasty want to cover Zhou Xiaolong mouth.
But the opposite male landlord came together to ask, "Do you know medical skills? !”
"Yes, are you a doctor?" The landlady also asked
"Don’t worry about whether I’m a doctor or not. I’ll ask you if I’m right if you have liver problems."
"Yes, yes, yes, you are right!" The landlord nodded quickly.
"If I can get you back to health, will you drive us away at high rent?"
The couple looked at each other and looked at the little boy in front of them. Although he was young, his hair on his head looked like a Taoist.
Since ancient times, heroes have been teenagers. Is it true that today I met an expert who can help them cure diseases?
"Brother, you really have a way? !” The landlord tried to ask
"Of course, Xuanmendi never talks nonsense."
"Then how do you treat me? !”
As the saying goes, the landlord has been troubled by the disease and went to many big hospitals, but he has not cured him.
In fact, the couple just want to give the rent to the company next door to earn a lot of money to continue their treatment. They don’t want to get rid of Xia Xueshi before the lease expires.
If someone says it can cure this disease, the landlord would like to have a try.
Zhou Xiaolong said to the landlady, "Go downstairs and buy a bottle of old vinegar, and then I will treat your husband."
The landlady was hesitant to leave her husband alone, so Xia Xue asked the intern Xiaoyalou to buy vinegar.
The landlady took out 100 yuan and gave it to Xiaoya, who told her to buy the most expensive kind of mature vinegar.
There is a supermarket at the bottom of the building, and Xiaoya soon bought a bottle of authentic mature vinegar.

"whose shoe are these?" Say that finish Henaan big eyes full of aura wobbled at him.

"I’ll tell you if we’ve reached the mountain after this?" Huangfu Zhantian didn’t want to entangle this topic more, but changed the subject.
Henaan shrugged his shoulders when he saw that Huangfu Zhantian didn’t want to say anything and didn’t ask much, and then skipped to the front to look at her worries. Huangfu Zhantian couldn’t help but think that like a little girl, she couldn’t understand what she was older than herself. She should be younger than herself.
Soon the two men came to the foot of the mountain, and Huangfu Zhantian was really a little reluctant to meet my little sister before long, but no matter how reluctant they were, they had to be separated. Since they had to be separated anyway, it would be better to be free and easy to think of this Huangfu Zhantian with a smile. "Come on, Henaan, just send me here. Go home quickly, or your family will worry about you."
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, Henaan’s face piled up a flattering smile and didn’t answer. Before hugging Huangfu Zhantian, his right arm shook, while Henaan’s towering strength rubbed his arm from time to time, which made Huangfu Zhantian cry too much, but he was unwilling to let her go. Henaan’s plump mouth pouted a pathetic look, which made Huangfu Zhantian burst. Section 418: One move 1.
See Henaan that kind of suspection.i Zhantian resist heart will hand out of her arms without trace a little faint loss way "Henaan elder sister I have to go, you take care, rest assured that I will come to see you".
"Xiaotian, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m the only one in the family. There was a grandmother before, but now even she can’t. I’m left alone. I don’t know where to go." Say that finish, Henaan’s watery eyes were covered with a layer of fog and then she looked at Huangfu Zhantian pitifully.
HuangFuZhanTian a look at this posture directly overwhelmed the wry smile way: "Don’t cry first, there’s no one at home. Why didn’t you say so earlier? It’s really disturbing for you that a girl lives in this deep Shan Ye forest. Well, I’ll help you find a place to live in the city. Well, I really don’t understand whether you are older or older than me and can cry."
"I’m younger than you, but you insist on calling my sister, and I really don’t know where I’m going at home. Besides, I don’t know anyone who knows you, and you have the heart to lose someone." Then I began to cry again.
Any suspection.i Zhantian stroking his forehead nai way "my aunt what do you want to do? It’s inconvenient for me to take you to a far place. "[
As soon as Henaan heard that things had turned around, he immediately stepped up his offensive. "I’ll call your brother after this, so you can always take me away, and I promise I won’t delay you or drag you back. Is that all?" Say that finish a face of delicate and charming expression to see that if suspection.i Zhantian don’t promise, this sister-in-law appointed to cry.
"Well, I promise you, there’s nothing you can do." I added, "Then I’ll rent you a carriage, or we won’t know if we’re going this way."
"No, I can fly!" Henaan waiting for two big eyes way
"What can you fly? How is that possible? Are you blade master? Impossible: How can you be so small that you are blade master? Absolutely impossible. "After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian was taken aback, but on second thought, how is this possible? Henaan can’t be blade master, where can there be such a young blade master? And look at her. Although she is bigger than herself, it is estimated that it is not much bigger.
"blade master? I don’t understand, but I’m telling the truth. You don’t believe me. Why don’t we have a competition? I will never drag you down "Henaan nifty blinked her eyes. After that, Henaan seemed to want to prove himself. In the eyes of Huangfu Zhantian, he was shocked and his body was gently flying."
"This … this is definitely not a flying skill, Henaan. Are you really blade master?" Huangfu Zhantian’s glassy-eyed way to himself is abnormal enough, but when he saw Henaan, he found that compared with her, he was dwarfed and not worth a blow.
"I don’t know what you mean by blade master, but you can’t beat me." Henaan said another sentence that made Huangfu Zhantian collapse. Section 419: One move.
After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian really has a little faith. After all, the facts are in front of her, and then she can still be calm and calm before her own murderous look. There are also her barefoot walking on the mountain road and her bizarre appearance. All these show that Henaan is unusual. This elm head has only now been discovered, but Henaan said that she can defeat herself, which makes Huangfu Zhantian almost sneer at her own cultivation techniques. No opponent has been found in her peers or peers.
"Henaan, don’t be ridiculous. You said that you can fly. I believe it now, but I don’t believe it when you say that you can beat me. I can beat you with one hand." Huangfu Zhantian looked at her fragile bones and said with a smile.
"Hey, hey, let’s make a bet. If I win, then you have to promise to let me follow you. If you win, how about I cook for you?" Henaan cunningly laughed
"I’m afraid of you. Come on." Say that finish. Behind Huangfu Zhantian, Raytheon’s wings are on display. "Sou!" A flying smallpox feather is far away.
"Brother Xiaotian, I’m coming. Be careful." Henaan chuckled and said that her whole person disappeared from the sight of Huangfu Zhantian [
See Henaan disappear suspection.i Zhantian pupil suddenly shrink back suddenly and violently. On the way back, suspection.i Zhantian will spread Raytheon’s true qi all over the body and then Lei Guang will be protected. Just after finishing these suspection.i Zhantian, I found that Henaan appeared in the place where Henaan disappeared just now, and it seems that she didn’t move. This made suspection.i Zhantian can’t help but rub his eyes and dazzle himself. But suspection.i Zhantian is sure that Henaan has disappeared. Is this because it is too fast?
"Brother Xiaotian, you have to honor what you just promised Henaan. Oh, you have to take me with you." Then Henaan patted his hands and smiled.
"But you haven’t beaten me yet." Huangfu Zhantian also said with a smile.
"No? You see if there is a white mark on your chest. "Henaan laughed while covering her mouth.
After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s face changed and he looked down at his chest. When Huangfu Zhantian saw that very dazzling white mark, Huangfu Zhantian’s face was like ashes, and he was defeated and defeated so thoroughly. He saw Henaan’s figure disappear and then appeared, but he didn’t see her. I don’t know how she didn’t realize the situation and printed this white mark on her chest.
But it’s a good thing that this person is Henaan. If he is a malicious person, he will probably become a corpse at this time. Thinking of this Huangfu Zhantian wry smile, "Smelly girl seems to be that I despise you. I don’t know how you cultivate my genius. If those who praise me see you, what will you praise?"
"Brother Xiaotian, don’t lose heart. If it’s true, I’m not as good as you. What’s the reason? I’ll tell you when the time is right." Henaan bit her lip and said that she was afraid of hitting Huangfu Zhantian and losing confidence. Then it’s troublesome. Section 4: Strange Town 1.
"It’s too shocking, Henaan. Now I finally know that this is the gap." Any suspection.i Zhantian was devastated!
"Ha ha, I won’t joke with you. Let’s go now, but you should cover your face before we go." Huangfu Zhantian said seriously, although both of them are a pervert, after all, the trouble Huangfu Zhantian doesn’t like the most is the trouble. Of course, it’s not disgusting to bother Huangfu Zhantian like this little beauty.
"What?" Henaan blinking big eyes naive asked.
"Don’t tell me you’ve never been out," asked HuangFuZhanTian, looking at her seriously.

Li Fu couldn’t help but sigh, "This damn weather is even more grinding than the northwest! I have never seen a lotus flower in this season! "

All the way through Shui Ze Hutang, whenever lotus roots are planted, the lotus leaves are still green and graceful, which can give Li Fu a rare time
Lian Fangzhou couldn’t help laughing. "My grandfather is in Nanhai County!"
Said Li Fu also smiled.
The two of them visited the most prosperous commercial street once, but they saw a wide variety of merchants, both with local characteristics and from the Central Plains, Jiangnan and other places.
Later, I had lunch in a family restaurant, sat in a teahouse for half a ring, listened to people talking, and went to an agricultural trading firm in the afternoon.
Nanhai County is near the sea. There are many kinds of seafood here, such as dried fish, dried shellfish, kelp and seaweed.
Even Fangzhou looked at the farmers’ market and saw that there were all kinds of rice and vegetables sold in it, and she knew it secretly.
I couldn’t help laughing at Li Fu. "This Lezheng family is generous to the rural people. I didn’t expect a remote southern town to be so prosperous and rich. No wonder that guy called their family a’ we are Lezheng Master’!"
Li Fu crooned softly, "In the past ten years, the imperial court has hardly collected taxes from Nanhai County. Instead, every year, the emperor will give these four families a lot of money. This is where the Le Zheng family roots are. Naturally, it is more generous. Even so, more than half of the city’s business is with the Le Zheng family. Even if it doesn’t belong to the Le Zheng family, it is inextricably linked with the Le Zheng family. Didn’t this money flow into the Le Zheng family pocket in the end?"
"That’s true!" Even Fang Zhou smiled and took Li Fu’s arm and laughed. "Know yourself and know yourself. There is no need to take it to heart early, husband!" Well, I haven’t seen what the wedding customs in Nanhai County are like! Let’s have a good look at a big excitement first! "
Li Fu couldn’t help laughing. "It’s up to you!"
After talking, they held her hand and went laughing.
If two people would never dare to be so intimate in Beijing, they would dare to hold hands with long and wide sleeves at night, but in Nanhai County, there is not so much attention to ten couples or nine lovers here. They are all so close. Chapter 1161 Make public the wedding.
Even Fangzhou is used to entering Nanhai County at the beginning of modern times, so he naturally followed suit and took Li Fu’s arm.
At first, Li Fu was really shocked, but at this end, he has a strong ability to accept and learn, and he is more familiar with it than she is.
In a blink of an eye, three days passed. During these three days, the two of them visited the Gongzhang City both inside and outside the city, and they all knew the situation.
The Lezheng family proved to be a local tyrant here, but its prestige in the official county government is just a decoration.
To say that today’s marriage is just the third principle of Lezheng’s parents’ room, it won’t be so ostentatious.
However, in the future, Lezheng’s family has a patriarch, the head of the clan, who is responsible for disciplining the clan and handling the clan’s things, so that no family business can be contaminated.
To put it simply, it is to manage this big family well, so that everyone can go to one place to make sure that the Lezheng family will continue to prosper.
In order to strengthen the clan leader Wei, although he can’t be contaminated with any family business, he can receive more lucrative returns than everyone else, and he has supervision over the family business. If someone reports that he is in charge of a place or a business, the clan will enrich themselves and damage the family interests, and the clan leader will send someone to investigate it thoroughly.
So the business base has nothing to do with the loyalty of Changle.
This generation of Lezheng’s parents, Fang Zile Lezheng Shanqi, encountered pirates on the way back to sea with Fujia’s seagoing ship a few years ago. In a fierce fight between the two sides, this Diji was stabbed in the chest. Although he saved his life, he remained in the soup for many years and his chest ached from time to time, so he naturally could not be the helm.
It’s just that my third son is very good at music and is very clever. He has been favored by my grandfather since I was a child. My father values years of experience. Although he has just turned 20, he is really sophisticated and reliable. If he is decided unexpectedly in the future, he will be the helm of all family businesses and the management of the grange shop. If this wedding can be held quietly?
Early in the morning, even Fangzhou took Li Fu out to watch.
It is said that the bride is the daughter of the Lin family, a landlord, and the Lin family’s daughter, virtuous Shu De, is famous in the local area. Both sides can be said to be right.
Even Fang Zhou and Li Fu didn’t think there were too many spectators!
The Le Zhengjia wedding procession passed by, and people were crowded on both sides of the road. People were all wearing new clothes and wearing gold and silver. Obviously, they had carefully dressed up their faces, laughing and talking about this sensational grand wedding. The big girls and kannika nimtragol were all envious of Miss Lin’s many lively Chinese New Year celebrations.
The wedding procession hasn’t come yet. Even Fangzhou and Li Fu can’t get near.
Li Fu is also afraid that even Fangzhou will be pushed and stepped on, and then she will be pulled back to avoid smiling. "Come on, what’s so good about this excitement?" Let’s go back to the inn! "
Le zhengjia? Sooner or later, you have to deal with their families and watch this excitement at this moment?
Besides, hearing these people’s reverence for Le Zhengjia and seeing Li Fu, a government official who kept order on both sides of the street, was very unhappy. Even the prince in Beijing didn’t dare to work when he got married. This Le Zhengjia is really hehe!
I don’t even know where Fangzhou saw the sedan chair. The sun rose so high that many people were crowded and noisy, and there were two points when they couldn’t stand it. They nodded to Li Fu and "hmm". He took his hand and walked outside the crowd.
Just at this time, I sighed, "Oh, it’s really not good to say this man doesn’t believe in life!" Miss Lin’s eldest daughter, Lezheng Sangong, is a childhood friend. Who doesn’t like them? Who knows that this young lady Linda went back to her family but fell into the water and died! This wonderful marriage is cheap for nothing! "
Lian Fangzhou immediately parted Li Fu’s hand and refused to go.
The fire of hexagrams is burning in my heart and I can’t help but listen carefully.
The young woman’s words provoked several women and girls to echo and sigh.
One person laughed. "Yeah! Miss Lin looks like that. It’s really unfortunate that people love her when they see her! "
"Otherwise, how do you say that Le Zhenggu is kind! I’d rather change my sister with the Lins without my sister! I don’t know how many people are envious! "
"Alas, Miss Linda is the only daughter in that room. This time, Fannie and Freddie got a great bargain in vain. Today, I watched my niece get married. Mrs. Linda doesn’t know what it’s like to be sad!"
"A few days ago, I saw Mrs. Lin go to Dalin Temple to worship incense, and her eyes narrowed into a line. It’s really more popular than people!"
"This is life!"
"Tell the truth!"
See phase words even fangzhou smile with Li Fu out of the crowd laughed "I didn’t know that there was such a love here! It’s really more lively than talking! "
Li Fu smiled and said, "It’s just that you like to listen to the length of the market!"
Li Fu always feels as if he is in Nanhai County, and his wife seems to have jumped off a lot of things and talked a little more, but he doesn’t mind.
However, I don’t know that even Fangzhou came here at first, which was originally suppressed in many environments compared with the capital’s loose freedom, and the modern sense of freedom was ready to move again, and it was inadvertently expressed.
Laughing and laughing, they went back to the inn. Li Fu frowned and said, "Let’s leave Gongzhang now without touching his family!"
Even Fang Zhou wants to imagine himself and Li Fu as "passers-by", even if he eats a flowing mat, he must be in the periphery. It is impossible to be with the serious guests invited to dinner by Le Zhenggu, so it is unlikely to be able to see anyone and find out what news, so he nodded with a smile.
It’s just a few clothes for two people to pack their bags. Just pack a bag and you can go.
That guy saw that the two of them were friendly and talked very well these days, chatting and getting familiar with each other a lot. He was surprised to see that they were leaving, and he was kind enough to persuade them not to leave in a hurry, so he might as well stay and eat the running water mat before leaving, otherwise it would be a big loss.
Even Fang Zhou listened funny and saw that he still talked about the trend of two people, and Li Fu was already impatient. Even Fang Zhou smiled and said that it was inconvenient to stay with that guy because of something urgent.
The two hired a carriage to go all the way to noon and passed a shady forest, so they stopped to have a rest and let the coachman unload his horse and go to drink and have a rest.
They found a shade to keep out the quiet place and snuggled up to sit on the grass and rest. Li Fu suddenly jumped his eyebrows and looked at the northeast of the deep forest. "How do I hear someone crying?" Like … Still a young woman. Chapter 116 A woman in the forest.
Even fangzhou’s first reaction was to look up at the sky, and through the branches and leaves to cover the gap, she could still see some light. Her heart was slightly relieved that there should be no ghosts during the day.
He asked quickly, "Are you sure? Listen again! "

Bai Ling’s face flushed slightly because of excitement, but the excitement was different from that of the dark night, not the kind of excitement that was about to come, but full of confidence in the future.

For a long time, the apocalyptic disaster seemed to weigh on her heart like a heavy stone. No one had ever seen what it was, and no one knew how powerful it was. Although Bai Ling’s present practice has been able to call the wind and rain, every time she thought of it, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of help.
After all, 10,000 years ago, before the disaster, the whole two families of ghosts and gods were wiped out, and there were still many gods who were higher than their present state.
Therefore, it is said that the power of the altar is so strong that her heart is always a little hesitant.
At the moment, these tornadoes are just a little escape from the altar power, but they can feel scared. It is natural to imagine that such a powerful force is still difficult to fight against disaster.
Compared with Bai Ling’s excitement, Yanglingtian has a calm face.
He is different from the dark night, which is created by the two families of gods and demons praying for the gods. The savior has great power since his life.
And he came step by step from an ordinary mortal.
Looking back, Zhu Kang, who was just in the realm of Tianwu, felt different from this tornado at that time, just like the fighters in the realm of Tianwu today, and there is no difference between him and ants.
Quietly looking at the yellow sand in front of him, the young man in white also frowned gently-he actually faintly felt the breath of strength in this altar, and he seemed familiar with it.
And this power seems to be divided into two strands, one of which is grand and comparable. Although it makes him feel familiar, he can’t remember where he has seen this power.
While the other one is very weak and negligible, but he can be sure that the breath of strength is exactly the same as that of an acquaintance-the breath of being covered with body.
Meng also has something here?
Yanglingtian frowned.
Suddenly, the wind and sand in front stopped abruptly.
Then around the gas hum but a light sound a purple light impressively straight at chapter 17 shrines secular.
The dazzling purple light soars into the sky, blinding people. The sky seems to be pierced by light beams, and the flowing clouds form a huge whirlpool, like a hungry little animal sucking the purple brilliance crazily.
"Is the altar coming?" Looking at the situation, Bai Ling even trembled when he spoke.
However, no one answered her question. It is the first time to enter here whether it is sunny or dark, and I have never seen what the altar looks like. They are quietly.
Time passed slowly, and finally the purple light seemed to fail to resist swallowing and getting thinner, and finally disappeared and the sky was full, and the clouds seemed to boil, and the ancient desolate atmosphere kept rolling, filling the world, and a huge white city slowly fell from it.
At the moment when the city appeared, Wan Li was sleeping peacefully outside, but it was good to be asleep, but suddenly he woke up and his face changed greatly, and he quickly rose and flew to the desert where Yanglingtian and others lived.
At the same time, the holy and transparent sky in Kunwu Mountain, an overseas archipelago, suddenly changed
Stretching over the Wan Li Mountains, the original mottled sky became colorful and kept shaking as if it would break immediately.
"What’s the matter! ! !”
"What happened? ? ? ?”
"Is Kunwu Mountain going to collapse?"
"Did it come before the disaster?"
Several demons flew out of the ground and looked around with fear.
Although it is only a trace of resentment, after all, there is still consciousness, and when they face death, they still panic involuntarily.
The illusory figures of the Destiny King and Bai Ze appeared at the same time and looked at the surrounding changes with a dignified look.
"Finally ~ ~ ~ Finally ~ ~" The King of Destiny couldn’t help shivering, but it wasn’t that kind of fear but excitement.
What hatred spirit, his face turned red.
"What’s coming?"
Fang covered the earth with doubts.
If the present situation really indicates that the King of God will never look like this on the day before the end of the apocalypse, does this horrible situation also indicate any good signs?
"I’m sorry, I’m a little excited." Destiny God King also realized that he was rude and stretched out his hand and touched the same excitement. Bai Ze’s face was instantly restored to the state that God King Gujing did not wave.
"Don’t be nervous. This situation is a sign that Kunwu Mountain will be gone."
"What? Will Kunwu Mountain be gone? Then what shall we do? "

The next morning, after the morning break, Jack went to Chen Palace to talk about Su Xiuwen’s being in a coma. He was immediately scolded, but she went to Luoyixuan House with him out of the palace. After careful pulse diagnosis, it was determined that Su Xiuwen was in a temporary coma due to excessive blood loss, which made her feel more at ease.

For Su Xiuwen Liancheng, she thinks that people are quite nice, but she didn’t expect that Jack would humiliate a woman like that. Even if the other person is wrong, the man should be generous, right?
Yeah, it’s hard to bear to put a woman in this era by humiliating her first with words and then with actions.
It is not difficult to understand that Su Xiuwen will go to a dead end.
The sun was shining all over the floor, and neither of them spoke when Jack and I walked along the long path in the imperial garden.
For a long time, Jack couldn’t resist saying, "Boss, do you think I did something wrong?"
"Go and sit in the front pavilion for a while" Liancheng didn’t answer his words, but casually said a sentence and walked towards the nearby pavilion.
After she stepped into the pavilion, Jack added, "I hate being calculated and I hate being threatened, boss. You know that."
Liancheng greeted him and sat down with a serious face. "No one in this world likes to be calculated and threatened, but Miss Su Er is your aunt anyway. How can you not show any respect?"
Jack said, "I stayed because she didn’t love herself enough. Can you blame me?"
"Jack wants me to say that Miss Su is at fault, but the fault is more about your parents and yourself." Liancheng took a look at him. "Especially, your mother and a girl are close to each other without picking words, which led to yesterday’s incident."
"I think my attitude is really good for my mother, and she is also good," Jack blurted out.
"Your attitude is true, but it doesn’t mean that the other party can see it." White one eye is priceless, and it’s not urgent or slow. "Su Xiuwen knows that she can marry you as soon as she throws a girl. From this point of view, she is not the kind of mind in your mouth. It is because she feels ashamed to live in this world after being humiliated by you. Chapter 376 Solution
I heard that Jack’s face changed slightly. "Can’t you see that it’s her own business?" Hum, he continued, "But I won’t humiliate her again and again when she is enough. It’s even more exasperating to calculate me and then threaten me. If this woman’s mind is not malicious, what is it?"
Liancheng threw him another dirty look. "Didn’t you listen to what I just said?" Jack looked at her with a sip of his lip and saw that she didn’t good the spirit tunnel. "Miss Sue is bent on marrying you. It’s really wrong for you, but you don’t have to humiliate others in that way, do you? She is a girl and she is in this era. Do you do that to make her live with face? " Jack is still silent, and she can’t help sighing. "Maybe it’s not a threat to make you regret it, just to make you remember her."
"But I was a little reckless at that time, but I couldn’t control my emotions at that time." How did he kiss her at that moment? Jack lowered his eyes and recalled the scene when he kissed Su Xiuwen yesterday.
If there is a feeling, there is doubt, but the subtle feeling he had for women in his previous life is too small.
He was … baiwan?
As soon as the idea crossed Jack’s mind, he suddenly jumped twice.
"Jack" is a whisper.
Look up at her thoughtfully. Jack’s mouth moved but he didn’t say anything.
"Do you still face up to your heart?" When Liancheng’s words were first spoken, Jack was shocked, and his face changed a few times. He muttered, "I, I …" What should he say? Face up to your heart. Does the boss want him to face up to his heart and ask him to find that person?
Liancheng stared at him and frowned when he saw that he had been silent for a long time. "So you are almost open to all the women around you, and Miss Su Er is also a beauty and has a good talent. You are not only unable to give birth to her, but also extremely disgusted. It is not difficult to say that you can’t let Haiyan know your news or go to Forgotten Island to find him?"
"I like women" was silent for a long time, and Jack’s lips and teeth slowly overflowed.
"Really?" Liancheng recalled his lips and smiled, "I know you very well. Don’t tell me anything, I won’t know what you think."
Jack said, "I don’t have any ideas."
"Really not?" Liancheng eyebrows asked
"No" eyes looked at the spring scenery outside the pavilion. Jack said softly, "I want to be a good son and father on a quiet day now." He didn’t want to set foot in that place again, even if he often thought of small fish, he wouldn’t go there. It was very powerful. "Jack, I want to see you happy and don’t want to see you alone." If you don’t wear it, you will still live happily like that. How can you be so preoccupied and see it in people’s hearts?
"Boss, I’m not alone. I have parents and children. I live a full life every day. You don’t care about me." Jack turned around and pulled his lips and smiled lightly.
However, his smile fell into Liancheng’s eyes, but he barely smiled without comfort.
"Sue home there is not difficult for you?" Feelings are two things. If the parties always escape and don’t want to face up to their hearts, even if she persuades them and is impatient, it won’t help. She shakes her head and turns back to the topic of chaos.
"I didn’t ask me not to say anything about Su Xiuwen." Su Xiuwen didn’t go back to the office yesterday. After Sue’s parents got Zhou Mu’s words, she didn’t think deeply about clinker. After knowing the real reason why her daughter didn’t go back to the office today, she was simply ashamed. Although they are not bureaucrats, they are also fragrant. I didn’t expect her daughter to do that. She asked Jack to keep his mouth shut and never force her brother-in-law to be humanitarian.
They won’t blame Sue and Jack if their daughter can wake up.
Speaking of which, do they blame it?
After all, Su Xiuwen is already an adult, and no one forced her to do something wrong. She felt ashamed to see people choose to hit the wall and commit suicide.
"In that case, don’t worry. At the latest, Miss Nisuke will wake up and I’ll untie her and you won’t see her again!" Gently soft voice raised Liancheng got up. "Let’s go and sit in Chen Palace. Three little guys even woke up." Jack followed the silence and didn’t follow her out of the pavilion.
Su Xiuwen woke up in the evening and found herself in a strange place. free from worry stayed in the room for a short time and then struggled to get up from the bed.
"You’re awake!"
After being called by Jack to Luo Yixuan House, Su Xiuwen brought people into the palace to settle down in Xiang Yuge’s middle workshop. Bad gossip affected Jack and Luo Yixuan’s reputation. Of course, Su Xiuwen’s reputation is also under consideration.
Didn’t you hear her when you didn’t talk?
"You’d better lie down because your forehead hurts badly." Liancheng, who walks slowly beside the bed, urged with a smile.
Yes, the bearer is Liancheng. She just wants to see if Su Xiuwen woke up and changed her forehead wound by the way.
Su Xiuwen didn’t listen to the advice. She sat up with difficulty and her eyes fell dead. She asked, "Where is this?" Her voice is hoarse and her expression is callous like a lifeless doll.
"This is the palace. I brought you in." Sitting by the bed, I looked at her with a gentle look.
"the palace?" Su Xiuwen murmured
Liancheng moment said, "You can call me Princess Yu or Princess Yi. I’ve heard what Lord Zhou said about you."
"Zhou adult brother-in-law … said he told you what you are? What does he want to tell you about me? " Su Xiuwen stared at the pain in her dead eyes. "Are you laughing at me together? Laugh at my overreaching, laugh at my self-affection, and deserve to be humiliated by him? "

It turns out that marble is really collected here

Sun Ningyan suddenly nodded with a dark shout and turned to ask, "But the rules of your fishing village are really a little strange. It’s okay to catch cuiyu once a month, even if you collect marble, why don’t you think it’s troublesome to walk around?"
"Not by the river?"
The fisherman looked at Miss Sun with a puzzled look, complaining all over his face, and suddenly smiled, "Hehe ~ ~ ~ This lady doesn’t know that Dongchuan River is here."
Here? ? ?
Sun Ning Yan rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, but it was still a piece of green grass
Even more clearly, she took a deep breath, and her body flew high, overlooking the Fiona Fang for several miles. Except for a hill full of exciting people, there was nothing else, not to mention the Dongchuan River, and there was not even a shadow of an ancient well.
Suddenly, when she landed on the ground, she immediately put her hands into her waist and said coldly, "Are you and I blind? Is there any river in Fiona Fang?"
"A little girl is too fierce to get married." It seems that the fisherman who likes Sun Ning’s straightforward personality is joking like an elder.
It was not until Miss Sun’s chest was high and her face was filled with anger that she was about to reach the critical point of explosion. He just smiled and reached out to the hill behind the village head of Shitang Village in the distance. A smile instantly converged. "The girl didn’t know that this Dongchuan River is really a dark river. You can see it from the cave on the hill."
Everyone turned around in order, and sure enough, there was a dark cave ten feet square behind the village head. When you look carefully, you can also see the dense water vapor floating in the darkness.
See the cave at the same time, and everyone is happy at the same time.
Jade feathers cover the sky and want to go east.
Cuiyu cuiyu
Cover the sky and hide the dark river.
Xiangdongchuan River
Every word of the first sentence seems to have been answered in this cave.
Excited to wait for a long time, finally a crowd of people cheered and rushed to submit marble into the cave.
Because there are too many fighters here, the entrance of Dongchuan River is spacious, but not so many people go into the world together. After paying marble, they can go into the cave to catch cuiyu in groups of five.
The original Sun Ningyan and others finally came to the queue, and they should finally enter at noon. However, the gray fisherman, the "local strongman", led the people to get some points, and even divided the people into the cave behind the villagers in the fishing village.
It’s cool to enter the cave, and immediately the Dongchuan River is like a long jade belt embedded in the dark, and the cave is charming and dizzy.
"Ha ha ~ ~ The people in Shitang fishing village are so stupid that they don’t send people to guard them. How do they know if others come in and catch a few?"
Look at the surrounding environment, Sun Ning’s smoke is not cold.
"Hehe ~ ~ ~ Little girls come here and people won’t catch more."
Sun Ningyan’s words just fell, and an old man with a fair hair and a shiny crutch came out of the shadows.
"Hum stingy is just a few fish and send someone to guard it."
Sun Ning snorted contemptuously, but forgot that he had just shouted "conspiracy" when he raised his head.
"Hehe ~ ~ ~" The old man smiled faintly. "The girl is wrong. I’m not here to monitor how many cuiyu you catch, but to wake you up not to destroy the Dongchuan River environment."
"Sleep letter stingy is stingy! !” Sun Ning smoke her hands rested on her hips and looked up to the sky with disdain.
"Really," the old man shook his head naively. "The girl didn’t know that this cuiyu is delicious, but it must be cooked immediately after it is killed. If the cuiyu is dead for half a quarter of an hour, it will not only taste very bad, but also be highly toxic. Even the five-level summit fighters in SHEN WOO may not be able to bear it. After it is caught, it must be taken out in a basin, which cannot be hidden."
"People don’t know how to put the birdbath in the bag." Sun Ning’s smoke disdains cold hum, but it seems as if he remembered something and stopped immediately-you can’t put the living creature into the bag and die for a moment.
Deep and remote black mountain cave instantly became quiet, and Sun Ning bowed his head in smoke and workplace.
"Alas ~ ~ ~"
For a long time, the old man looked a little dim and carefree and sighed, "Actually, it used to be outside to explain the rules to people. There is no one to guard this cave, but I don’t know how this time, I finally feel what will happen to Dongchuan River during the fishing festival this month. I generally have to move my old bones to come in and see Chapter 19 Fishing Village."
The dark wind blew from the mouth of the cave and rippled gently with the old man’s deep and distant voice.
"And when you came in, I felt that the bottom of Dongchuan River seemed to fluctuate-I had a hunch that the change was probably yours."
Sun Ningyan and others looked at each other, but they didn’t come here to catch what cuiyu came to find the entrance to the overseas islands. Now the first sentence has been finished, and the old man also said that changes are about to happen here, which may be related to himself and others. Is the entrance to the overseas islands really here?
No, the old guy said that there was movement at the bottom of the river as soon as we came in. Can the entrance still know that people are excited when they come to find it?
Thoughts flashed through Sun Ning’s eyes with a narrow smile and looked at the old man. "You don’t mean to say that we can’t catch cuiyu in view of this," she said, and she also held her hands in a bold and disdainful tunnel. "Hum! We made marble! ! !”
"Of course not," the old man smiled and shook his head. "Rules are always rules. Since you have made marble, it is natural for you to catch."
"Hum! This is almost the same. "
Sun Ningyan snorted with satisfaction, and at the same time, the old man’s face suddenly became solemn. He took a dignified look at the quietly flowing Dongchuan River and said, "But you should also follow the rules of Shitang Village. First, you are not allowed to hurt him when fishing. Second, you don’t need fish. Therefore, the river is led by villagers, and you can’t enter the river for pollution."
Sun Ningyan was slightly stunned. They came here to explore the entrance to the overseas islands. According to her idea, this entrance is likely to be at the bottom of the river, but people in Shitang Village will not allow them to cross the river. This should be like looking for it.
"Hey we don’t river that how to catch fish! ! !”