On the surface, there is nothing wrong with letting two star cruise ships join the Tianzhu fleet, but the battlefield confrontation is full of variables. It is believed that it will not be a problem to renovate the still-fighting ships in these three days.

"I knew that Director Lin would say that many directors don’t want outsiders to get involved. This idea is very normal, but the third round of the competition is very important. The family really doesn’t want to make any mistakes. I wonder if Director Lin wants to participate in the team competition or the individual competition?" Hawkins said, listing the information of those promoted fleets.
"Team competition? Is there a scuffle in the third round? This seems to have previously stipulated some discrepancy "Lin momo slightly zheng quickly asked.
"aha! What is the theme of the Star Challenge? It’s not the final round? That is to say, 40 star cruises with the strongest strength are selected from each family. If one party is so unlucky and poor in strength, the final number of star cruises will be deviated. For example, 30 star cruises will not say much about the results of 50 star cruises, while the third round of events is obviously uneven. If the number of the top four fleets is determined, it is quite particular that both families have to make a series of compromises with each other. The so-called third round of team competition is the product of compromise. "Hawkins took out a cup of hot tea from the ring and tasted it, but he was silent here.
"I’m sorry that the ship’s robots and crew were heavy, but they neglected the guests." Lin momo flashed for a moment and took some snacks from the kitchen and put them on the table for Hawkins to taste.
Lin momo’s ability to move the source is commendable, so that Hawkins can open his mouth to face this increasingly familiar captain Lin and dare not neglect him again.
"The thing is, if you want to decide on sixteen fleets in the third round, it will be produced in these sixteen fleets, but it’s easy to say that twenty fleets over there will participate in quenching birds, and twenty-three fleets over here will appear as competitions to solve this problem. After two high-level consultations, it was decided to adopt the elimination mechanism of the team race, and it had been agreed in advance that each family had two fleet races to advance. The remaining fleet was divided into six mixed race challenge areas, and there were still six separate challenge areas. After such screening, it was said that the first fleet in the family was also hospitable to the Qing fleet, and those star cruises with outstanding strength were always screened out. "Hawkins was flattered and stuffed into his mouth. This snack was soft and delicious after Sasha’s special cooking.
"So that’s it. This mechanism seems unfair. It can go to the end. What ship is weak? In the final analysis, both families want to win, but they are not afraid of suppressing things. Is it after the game, such as calculating contributions? My goal is to get good results in the finals and let the quenching bird executives promise me three requests, which I will get myself in the process of refining crystal and benefiting from the competition. "Lin momo smiled and showdown."
If there is no target, Lin momo is too lazy to rub his teeth with Hawkins! The first battle was to warm up and let Roderick try to command the fleet battle. The second battle was to destroy the Helhounds, so as to fulfill their long-cherished wish for many years, and it was worthwhile for them to meet.
If the quenching bird family agrees to Lin momo’s three requests, then there is nothing wrong with the third round of the tournament, the Tianzhu fleet and the Li Yi fleet settling grievances, which is not bad for the finals. Lin momo has no interest.
"Three requests? Lin and can you speak more carefully? "Hawkins immediately became cautious. It is equally difficult for the quenching bird family to know that the strength method of the Tenchu fleet is completed.
Lin momo narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to reveal his worries at this time. It is obvious that there have been some changes in the third round of the star competition. If Li Yi can give the promotion opportunity to the quenching bird in the melee, his strength will be preserved. This is not necessarily a good solution to the status quo.
If the three ships, the Black Rose, the Blade and the Langqi, were not badly damaged, Lin Sisuo really wanted the hero to be higher, but the fleet lost more than expected, which was not what he wanted to see, and it was only natural that the result would change with the change of the race.
"Let’s put it straight. The first request is the same as the second request. The first request is that the quenching bird family must lend me 50 B-class star cruises. It is said that the second galaxy and the third galaxy of the red storm have been founded one after another, and the first galaxy also has a lot of territory. My purpose is to make the red storm do something to them and destroy my hometown. The second request is that the quenching bird family will go out for a huge amount of crystal refining in the official name of the adventure guild to organize a crusade if the red wind. I got something from the nest. I took 10% of my head and gave it to the quenching bird. Of course, the former quenching bird won this competition. I believe that the status of your family’s adventure guild will rise with the tide. Hawkins Pavilion, tell me that these two requirements are not too much? " Lin momo said the fundus appeared a cold.
The force of the red storm is getting stronger and stronger. Lin Sisuo always feels that he should do something. After several explorations, the quenching bird and the red storm should not be considered again and again by the charm, and then he decided to take advantage of it.
Hawkins’ fat body shivered with a red storm, and the three major galaxies were very fierce. I didn’t expect this Lin momo to be a red storm.
"So the third requirement? I dare not make the decision on these two requirements, but I must respond to the face-to-face people. "Hawkins’ big head can’t help but gather together. He really wants to hear what Lin Sisuo’s third requirement is."
Volume 12 War! Star rolling Chapter 77 War
Hawkins was late from Phantom of the Opera, and he took the lead in reporting the situation to the top of Quenching Bird. Lin momo’s request was submitted smoothly, and Lin momo was good at being a disguised person and giving this big fat some benefits.
Fortunately, Hawkins quenching bird family has deep connections, and all the characters he finds are very well-managed. Maybe it is possible to send 50 elite star cruises, but it is not difficult to send 50 B-class star cruises.
Lin momo made three requirements after careful consideration, and he considered from many aspects that it would not be too difficult or too simple for the quenched bird family to bear the influence of the quenched bird family adventure guild.
In fact, the top management of Quenching Bird didn’t want the Tenchu fleet to participate in the final. Lin momo’s proposal just met the wishes of these high-ranking people. After all, it is important to show the highest strength in the final and a fleet should cooperate.
Imagine how many ships can the Tianzhu fleet leave when it gets there? And Lin momo doesn’t want to let other star cruises participate. It will be really difficult to compete in many ways, and every step should be extra cautious.
After all, quenching birds to raise those wise men is not to decorate the fleet to kill the hell fleet. If the spirit of Li Yi’s fleet is wiped out again, then these two victories will turn into valuable advantages, and quenching birds will surely win.
Hawkins’ report was just finished, and the wise man estimated that Lin Sisuo’s two requirements were to release 50 B-class star cruise ships to the guest fleet, which was easy to complete and a "good thing" to crusade against the red storm. After that, it was risky for the guild to have good luck and make it cheaper.
What is a family? That is, it is not too difficult to do things in front of a family like Lin momo. It is just that the power is strong enough for the world to imagine.
Potential is a wonderful thing, and Lin momo has carefully built his own power, but it is far from the red storm since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Today, it is impossible to grow by the red storm.
What is the purpose of Tianzhu? That’s it. Lin momo, the red storm, is still weak, but the First Galaxy of the Quenched Bird Family Adventure Association has a certain influence, and the star is a rare opportunity
On how powerful the family is, if it weren’t for the super family like Mujia and the first galactic chaebol, they would still have to fight for profits and put them into force to ensure that the family could flow away for tens of thousands of years.
Mujia human history has a perpetual history, and it will continue to go to those aristocratic families for a long time. It is not impossible that the example of Mujia has a long history with the continuous expansion of human rule.
Besides, Hawkins asked Lin momo what the third requirement was, and Lin momo didn’t hide it. The third requirement was that the fourth floor of the Phantom of the Opera record list should strive for more benefits from the adventure guild. The quenching bird family is an expert in this field, and the incarnate son got feedback. The reward method of this record list seems to be very particular
Hawkins naturally agreed to this. You know, a star cruise ship with a record list on the fourth floor is a great event and good luck. Not only Lin momo can benefit from it, but the quenching bird family can also increase the influence of the adventure guild. This is beneficial to both sides, and it makes no sense to push it out.
Nowadays, although the adventure guild still has various laws and regulations to restrict the chaebol and families from joining, with the gradual expansion of human rule, the adventure guild can’t do everything, and some requirements have been relaxed. Many small and medium-sized families can become agents of the adventure guild, but those big families and chaebols can’t see this interest
It is the quenching bird family and the adventure association that have this kind of agent-style joint Lin momo to find them and lend a boat to demand that everything is to curb the development momentum of the red storm, which is very important
You know, the federal government’s crusade against the red storm is just to make a mess and find out the bottom line of the federal bosses, so that they can grow bigger and bigger, and how many ships that take over the adventure guild have real strength? Lin momo is probably the highest achievement among the teenagers poisoned by the red storm. Even so, he doesn’t have much chance of winning, so he must carefully arrange to mediate.
Before Hawkins left the Phantom of the Opera, Lin momo stopped him. Another important thing is that Anthony holds the Ares magnetic card.
Holding this ares card can clear the coercion released by the odd star cruise ship. If Lin momo is indifferent, it is false, but the message from the incarnate son is that the magnetic card authentication procedure is complicated and abnormal.
That is to say, Lin momo didn’t have a chance to make this ares card. If it is destroyed, it is a pity. It is better to ask Hawkins if the quenching bird family has any idea to buy or blackmail the ghost bird family.
Hawkins was holding the Ares magnetic card in his palm. He didn’t know what to think. When Lin Sisuo was impatient, he suddenly gave an unexpected answer. Hawkins bought this magnetic card and was willing to pay 350,000 units for crystal refining.
Lin momo Anthony got 500,000 units of crystal refining for a B-class star cruise ship, which made the books of the Tianzhu fleet advance by leaps and bounds, while others made millions of units of crystal refining.
Don’t refine crystals. It’s worthless. This thing is interstellar hard currency. It’s a life-threatening spell for the fleet to show up at home. It’s really a surprise for Lin momo that Hawkins, a little errand boy, should take out so many refined crystals.
Hawkins was embarrassed to explain, "Hey, brother, I don’t think so. At least our quenched bird family has been mixed for generations. Some savings are normal, and this magnetic card is very important to me. You can’t hear that it is very important. Do you know the origin of this Mars magnetic card? That’s the king’s egg given to Anthony by someone in charge of Shuijia. We quench the bird’s fear that this magnetic card of Shuijia must be returned, so we must consider it carefully. "
Lin momo nodded his head. Even if he doesn’t take out this magnetic card now, he believes that the top of Quenched Bird will find it through Hawkins. It’s really hard to say whether it can bring so many benefits to 350,000 units of refined crystal.
It’s a chicken rib to leave the Ares magnetic card in your hand and give it to Hawkins. Obviously, Hawkins wants to gain some benefits from it. But now that the top management of Quenching Bird has not asked about it, it’s very convenient to make a time difference. It seems that the aristocratic family is simple. This Hawkins has a unique essence.
"Well, I sold the Ares magnetic card with 350,000 units of crystal refining, and brother Hawkins can raise funds slowly. I wonder if three days will be enough?" Lin momo smiled. He was helping Hawkins.
"Ha-ha, momo, bro, it was my brother who brought you this great favor. Since the Tianzhu fleet wants to go around the First Galaxy, I can help you." Hawkins was very happy when he heard Lin momo’s words.
Although Hawkins can raise 350,000 units of refined crystal at this key moment in the Star Challenge, he has to owe a lot of gratitude. It will be different for Lin momo to give him three days. After that, he can talk to the quenched bird family with the banner and the price will be easy for him to grasp the bottom line and earn 100,000 units of refined crystal.
Hawkins said excitedly, "To tell you the truth, Sisso, brother, there are still some small businesses in the First Galaxy. In addition, in recent years, the interstellar situation is not good, and some military supplies have been accumulated in the hands of the local authorities and some quartermaster. If you want to buy smuggled goods or military supplies after the arrival of the fleet in the First Galaxy, just ask your brother."
Lin Sisuo and Hawkins had a good talk, and everyone can get a lot of benefits from it. Can’t they be happy? It was very late when Hawkins left the Phantom of the Opera, but the Phantom of the Opera and several other star cruise ships were still undergoing renovation.
After the three-day renovation period, the three-star cruise ship is ready to go to war. I don’t know what the quenching bird family has done. Anyway, Li Yi’s fleet is also on the team competition list, and its position is opposite to the Tianzhu fleet.
Hawkins’ efficiency is quite high. On the evening of the third day, he sent 350,000 units of refined crystal to see Big Fat. I’m glad I should get some benefits from it. Lin Sisuo didn’t ask everyone to get what they needed according to their own circumstances.
As soon as the 350,000 units of refined crystal arrived at the account, how comfortable it was for Momo Lin to stay in Xiao’s heart. I haven’t gone to find the Tianzhu fleet yet. This family business is enough for rapid development in the next three years.
Lin momo is thinking about whether to invest some refined crystals in the third galaxy and the second galaxy. Although Klinsmann Group and Tuhuanxing Enterprise Group are not within his control, there are many shares in them.
In the interstellar era, all enterprises are behemoths, and mastering the planet and star field at will will also affect the development direction of the dynasty. If Klinsmann and Tuhuanxing Enterprise Group become bigger, then a little share is extremely important.

Compared with the overbearing emperor, God’s handling of political means may be milder and more of a dark side than breaking everything.

Wing Jun secretly wiped his forehead with cold sweat. He was brave enough to tell the truth, but it seems that Su Da didn’t seem very angry.
Is there any way for me to live? Yes, I’m still young. How could I die so early? God will help me!
Wing Jun’s eyes rose with an inexplicable brilliance, and he saw hope for life.
However, Su Yu plunged him into the bottom of the abyss of despair.
"No matter how kind I gave you, you betrayed me."
Su Yu put fragrant teas lightly and said, "Tell me what kind of death you want to see. I can promise to give you a decent death."
This is Su Yu’s last respect for the Yi royal family. I regard you as my opponents, but you are too weak to let me down.
Su Yu has a bit of regret at the bottom of his eyes. With his contact with more and more things, people who used to be his enemies are no longer qualified to stand in his way.
"ah? !”
Wing Jun’s face turned pale and his chair collapsed. He fantasized about several ways and means that he might die, but he never thought it was Su Yu’s death. He was too confident. He was still the first emperor in the East China. He was too obsessed with his gestures to see the general trend.
The general trend of blocking the body is different from that of a gladiator. When you are driving, you will be crushed to pieces!
Wing jun’s silence has obviously completely given up hope
On the contrary, Wing Jizu was surprised and immediately proffering flaming and shouting "Emperor! Emperor! If you want to kill me, it’s me. Bring him in! I have always been your humblest servant! "
Wing Ji-zu was in tears as if she were loyal to Su Yu.
"That’s true"
Lyu3 bu4 nodded. "I don’t know which one was wrong. I bet Wing Jun found the Western Expedition Army and surrendered."
Su Yu smiled noncommittally.
"You used to be my loyal servant, but not anymore."
Su Yu glanced at Yi Jizu’s indifferent tone.
"Emperor, I don’t understand what you mean!"
Wing Jizu’s forehead is sweaty, his eyes are erratic and he stutters.
"If I guess right, the Pope must have personally erased your soul demon contract. From that moment on, you are no longer my loyal servant."
Su Yu is indifferent.
If Wing Jizu hadn’t been erased from the demon contract, how could he not have tried his best to contact Su Yu for information? Wait until the Western Expedition Army has finalized the general situation of the Western Expedition before he takes his father from the beginning?
It’s not like the Yizu royal family played a bitter plan to continue to maintain the illusion of the demon servant of the Yizu ancestor and continue this only Yizu royal blood.
Unfortunately, the devil’s contract and Su Yu’s binding are deeply rooted in the fact that the soul binding has been lifted, and Su Yu naturally feels something.
"Me, me"
Wing Jizu’s face was gray. He opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. He was decadent and knelt down.
It’s all over now. The emperor knows everything! Nothing can be hidden from the emperor!
"I hurt you, son."
Wing Jun sighed deeply, and his eyes were full of tears. He turned to look at Wing Jizu’s eyes with love. "If Dad hadn’t found out that you had something different and didn’t ask the Pope for treatment, you might still be alive today."
It’s a pity that there are not so many in this world. If the law has already happened, it will be repeated.
Wing Ji-zu buried his head deeply in his arm and roared with grief, which made people feel sorry for him, but it was like this, and there was no extra sympathy.
There is a decision for traitor Su Yu.
"It’s just that since you can’t choose me to choose a good way to die for you."
Su Yu got up and walked to the outside of the house. "The royal family of the former Dongda Continental Wing gave poisoned wine and was buried in the western continent."
Chapter 594, Chapter 594, Expropriating the Western Continent!
"Sue the great! ! !”
Already sobbing, Jun suddenly turned back and burst into tears. He kept kowtowing at Su Yu’s back. He cried, "Su the Great! It’s my fault! You are killing my family and destroying my royal family! I will never say anything! But please ask Su Da to spare hundreds of millions of people in the East China! They are embarrassed! "
It’s said that people are dying, and Yi Jun knows that he can’t hide this time. He hopes that Su Yu can be kind to the original people of the Yi family. Don’t let these poor people pay a few blood and lives to teach them a lesson because they have an emperor by mistake. br >
Su Yu paused, saying nothing and making no promises, and left the room so straight.
"I have this wish! Ask Su Da to promise me! I regret even if I die! ! !”
The shrill cry is still chased from behind as if it were full of stubbornness as if it were haunted by resentment and spectre.
"The emperor has already forgiven the pterodactyl crime and deliberately lifted the restriction on racial intercourse between the pterodactyl race and other people. This is a gift."
It was not until Lyu3 bu4 whispered a few words in his ear that Wing Jun suddenly stopped shouting that her long hair looked like an evil ghost and gave a piercing smile "Jie Jie! If I had known today would have happened! Wing clan! Wing clan! Actually buried in my hand! "
Say that finish wing jun suddenly grabbed the waiter’s hand and drank the poisoned wine.
Wing jun doesn’t know that this so-called gift from emperor jun is actually to completely eradicate the race of wing clan! Is there a pure blood wing family after a hundred years of blood mottling?
The answer is denial.
Su Yu wants two distinct classes to appear in the Yanhuang Empire: a pure-blooded Terran (noble) and a mixed race (poor+hard labor)!
This is convenient for governance.
It is impossible for forces to be absolutely equal. In this case, Su Yu is more inclined to let your class release the core circle of Terran, and the core of ethnic interests firmly control and manipulate other races!
The room is full of wings, but the wing-step-ancestor is afraid of a lot. Without the status of demon servant, he seems to have lost the courage to face death
That cup of poisoned wine was forced to be fed by Lu Bu.
"Make up a few tracks, then throw them to the official instrument for a body scan and hide some of the most powerful miniature bombs."
Lu Bu waved his hand and said indifferently, "Clean this place up. If he is caught, the royal family will be dealt with according to law!"
Lyu3 bu4 doesn’t like to leave opportunities for the enemy as much as the official ceremonies. Even if you are dead, I will stab you several times, and I will arrange my own successors to cut off all possible chances for your comeback!
Bing Wolf riders have surrendered respectfully to handle affairs.
The appearance of Yi Jizu and Yi Jun, Su Yu’s life is like an insignificant little spray, but this capture of the spray also makes Su Yu realize that the imperial department of Shihuang is also relatively single-minded
However, there are too many loopholes in the binding nature of the devil’s contract. It is absolutely indispensable for a force to develop and mature its educational and social bodies for a long time.
Moreover, the security benefits are too great. Su Yu had an idea to disperse some security benefits.
He needs to make the Yanhuang Empire a monster-level force, not a completely paralyzed thing from Su Yu!
Su Yu came to spend these days with Mulan, who was pregnant, and paid Su Mier enough public grain. She also thought about what to do after returning to China and handled a state affairs before.
Yanhuang Research Institute strongly supports the Western Expeditionary Army in the East and West. After the end of the war, a large number of new ports, waterways and roads have been built in major cities in two continents.
If you want to get rich, build roads first
Su Yu’s meaning is very clear. Now that the western continent has called, the two continents will be completely integrated, so that they can communicate and build an important road hub, which is not only beneficial to people’s livelihood and economy, but also convenient for dispatching troops.
After half a month, Su Yu finally waited for the news that the official attacked the last anti-racial city.
Su Yu came to express his condolences to the generals and the Western Expeditionary Army, and even didn’t rush back to the East China with two women when they met with the monarchs who surrendered to the West China.
Yu Suyu, why don’t you want to see the western continent submit to the emperor?
Su Yu is really too lazy to be polite to this group of people. Come as usual! Now that you’ve surrendered, I’ll keep you alive, but you’ll never join the army in your life, including your descendants!
All the personnel departments went to the satellite city of Yanhuang Imperial City to live under Su Yu’s eyelids as usual.
The western expedition has been going on for more than two months, and the western mainland announced that the Ministry was captured by the Chinese Empire! Incorporate into the map of the Chinese Empire! The speed made him two continents, the southern continent and the northern continent, and the racial and higher forces did not react.
After Su Yu led the army back to China, he didn’t meet his daughter. After the Western Expedition, he non-stop recruited the first meeting to summon martial officials and the latest talents of the Yanhuang Empire who pulled out and joined Su Yu’s generals of all worlds.


Sol’s words are the end. With a metal rumbling, the in-situ destroyer suddenly disappeared, and the blue lazy sound came-
"Hey Saul, it’s not like a god of war should have a posture!"
"Thirteen-year-old Bug" will be rewarded with 5 starting coins.
Chapter 229′ elder’ by (two more comments)
"Hey Saul, it’s not like a god of war should have a posture!"
Looking down the sound, wrapped in a blue holy garment, Zhang Lan caught the most eye, or the bright red light on his right arm didn’t shine until the metal was about to be heated to the melting point.
The melting point of mixed metal of Zhenjin and Edelman alloy can be described as the highest in the earth. Without 5 degrees Celsius, it is simply a delusion, and now the destroyer has reached it with a [hand gun destruction ray].
This is obviously bad news for Zhang Lan.
You know, it’s still a battle to reach the melting point of the holy garments after the energy rebound of vibrating gold and the double weakening of the energy swallowing characteristics of the holy garments!
"Blue, are you okay?" From Solkhin
"Do you look all right?" Zhang Lan stretched his right arm to Saul. "Look at this thing! Do you want to touch it? You’re going to die anyway, aren’t you? Is this the old Asgard God of War? "
Sol was forced to open his mouth by some stupidity, and finally he couldn’t say anything. After all, he had no reason to refute and chose to shut up.
Saul wanted to shut up, but Zhang Lan didn’t shut up. You know, sometimes swearing is an art, and after cursing, you can make the other person thank you. Do you believe it?
Now is the time for Zhang Lan to brush Saul’s goodwill.
To the destroyer?
There are 100 shadow members playing with it. Although it is impossible to knock it down, it is almost impossible to get close to it. As soon as it approaches, it will be burned into white smoke by high temperature. However, it can still hold it back by transporting sand to help some other ninjas.
There are three areas on the scene-
The first battlefield is the battlefield of shadow doppelgangers and destroyers. From time to time, a shadow doppelganger will be turned into white smoke by the destroyer for various reasons, but the remaining shadow doppelgangers will be crowded without hurting the enemy. Just to hold you back, you will be given a sand flow burial. You will come to the sky with a small "sand flow explosion" and "earth dun and heavy rock art" to crush you alive. What if you destroy the ray? Come on, if you can’t hide from sharingan again, you won’t be blind for nothing. Is this the strongest pupil of Huo Ying?
The second is that people who don’t eat melons in the kitchen fight with Jane, Eric, Daisy and Fairy Palace. They can’t help the other area-well, they just say that they will watch.
The third area is Zhang Lanti and Sol, but both of them are Zhang Lanti talking to us. Have you ever seen a pupil being taught by a teacher?
"Saul, you have to consider your father Odin since not dead so what is Loki to do the king of god? Have you thought about it? "
"And how will your mother frigga react when she hears of your death?"
"There will be Scarlett, you trust so let Loki in charge? Can he shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the nine major countries? "
"You haven’t solved the problem of Youtongheimen Mountain. Laufey is famous for provoking war. Do you really believe Loki’s peace agreement?"
"And Jane, you like it so much. Mm-hmm!"
Speaking of Jane, I have been thinking about life. Saul suddenly put his hand over Zhang Lan’s mouth to make it easier to attract feelings. He put away his holy clothes and facial protection.
For the five big three thick Sol Zhang Lan, it is definitely not interested, but it is very disgusting. I dumped Sol’s hand and handed a bunch of disgusting eyes. I took out a wet towel from the system and wiped my mouth with a full dislike.
The smell of disgust is so strong that people can feel it clearly through the screen even before the live broadcast.
Sol couldn’t do anything about it except smile embarrassedly-being treated as a lesson for primary school students. Although there is no such thing as a master in their country, it still means that his gratitude for Zhang Lan is greater than some of his senses.
If Yu Zhanglan knows so much, Saul really hasn’t thought about it. After all, he has more muscles in his brain.
I’m happy here. After painting Saul’s goodwill, Zhang Lan is officially thinking about the destroyer. Now that the plot has been changed by him, I can solve this iron knot on my own.
"How can Sol, an iron pimple, kill him?" Zhang Lan directly asked the official second generation around him.
"I could have killed it with a hammer before, but now I’m short of a hammer." Sol’s answer was also very neat
Sure enough, it’s a veritable brain full of muscles!
Presented Sol with a disdainful supercilious look. Zhang Lan looked at the four warriors in Asgard and immediately shook his head-the destroyer, the guardian of Asgard, and the king didn’t know its weakness. It is even more impossible for these ministers to know.
"So really can give that a try! But try to warm up first! "
Secretly determined that Zhang Lan was ready to rush to the side. Saul suddenly asked a question, but he paused a little.
"Blue what do you want to protect me? We’ve never known each other before, and you know that I was such a jerk before. You can ignore it and it will be much easier. "
It’s obvious that Saul’s heart has been overstocked for some time. According to his arrogant character, he naturally won’t ask such questions and say the word "protect me" and "bastard". Now he has said that he has faced up to his mistake.
Zhang Lan’s answer to Saul’s question is simple: "Saul doesn’t want to save you. I am entrusted by an’ elder’ and hope you can turn over a new leaf."

The trunk of this plum tree is criss-crossed with cracked stripes, which means that it has gone through all the vicissitudes of life.

The old brown branches bend like heads held high to the sky, and most of them stand in the sky. This ice and snow cliff top looks very proud.
After the seal is released, the plum blossom tree has a strong vitality, and the branches and bones are about to bloom.
Xiao Xun seems to have come for this plum tree because there is nothing else at this peak except this old tree.
Sure enough, Xiao Xun hopped all the way to this plum tree and pointed his paw at the old tree.
It seems that this vigorous plum blossom tree in the eyes is the extraordinary treasure of this celestial world.
"This tree should be a good treasure. School sister also felt it." Zhao-yang Xia also nodded seriously.
Lopunny’s little brother didn’t seem to have much reaction when he found him. He immediately jumped to the root of the tree and dug up two little paws.
Baiyun Tower looks a little funny. The fat rabbit is enough. Delicious Lingguo seems to have no bottom line.
I don’t know how deep the roots of such a big fairy tree are, but I don’t know how long it will take to dig with this fat rabbit’s ability
Besides, it is enough to forge a magic weapon and break two branches.
"Brother Yi, this plum tree …" Ziyan seemed to find something and suddenly said.
And ZiYan mind figured it out, and the white boss also sensed that it was wrong, and ShenJiao immediately urged him to look at the plum tree.
The plum blossom tree seems to breathe gently around the body, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster.
Chapter six hundred and forty-seven Mei Laoxian Weng
Tree demon? Or a tree fairy?
With a wave of his hand, the big sleeve of Baiyun Tower pulls back the fat rabbit who is crazy about digging roots.
Planing people and feet …
If the tree fairy really wakes up and sees the bad behavior of the fat rabbit, it is estimated that the rabbit will be melted in an instant.
Although I didn’t feel evil thoughts, Baiyun Tower was ready.
Hiding behind him, the nine-handle spirit weapon method sword reveals a heavy cloth, and the sword domain Rijinlun has made a faint shield to block the three people.
It has been frozen for more than 3,000 years, and there are still creatures in Kunlun Fairyland. Even the senior teacher and sister have deceived them. It is really a fairy means.
Just now, although I don’t have a good eye, I feel that this plum tree is really an ordinary fairy tree.
The fluctuation of the fairy tree became more and more violent.
The eye of the sky is speckled with fragments like crystal snowflakes floating out of the snow in Fiona Fang for more than ten miles
Soul fragments!
The smell of Baiyun Tower is very familiar, but before it was awakened by the fluctuation of plum trees, these fragments were no different from ordinary snowflakes. No wonder the elder sister Qingchi didn’t even notice it.
These snowflake fragments did not directly sink into the plum blossom tree, but all merged into the Kunlun order in the palm of Ziyan’s hand.
Ziyan raised my hand and gently threw Kunlun to make it hang in the air, absorbing these glittering and translucent snowflake-like pieces.
As the last snowflake disappeared into Kunlun, a bright white awn bloomed.
A dazzling crystal appeared in the order of jade and ice clearing Kunlun
It’s not like a wave, but it’s a bit like Kunlun Chengzhong to Xianjia.
Just a moment’s hesitation, Ziyan stretched out her fingers and pointed to Kunlun to make a little bit of the true spirit suddenly emerge into a white streamer and escape into the plum tree not far away.
Just now, the Kunlun order has changed its appearance, which is not only clear for a few minutes, but also gives a colorful fairy light.
When the three were amazed, the plum blossom tree seemed to have spirituality, and the branches of the tree trembled.
A cloud rose in the’ Teng’ land, and the huge plum tree dissipated, showing an old man with a fairy wind and a strong spirit.
Plum blossom trees have emerged!
The old man wore a brown fairy robe with a small piece of plum blossom branches inserted obliquely in his hair bun.
The waist and back are slightly bent, and holding a plum blossom stick is full of extraordinary momentum.
This just a taxiing breath stunningly Baiyun Tower felt a strong sense of oppression, but the sense of oppression disappeared with a flash of fairy light in front of him.
It turned out that Xia Chaoyang’s protective fairy light was directly covered by the imposing manner and spread by itself.
However, the old man’s breath was put away immediately, and he was not in a hurry to look at the three men first.
It seems to be an eyesore to look at the snow, ice and fairy soil that have been planed in a mess.
The old man frowned slightly and gave the plum blossom staff a gentle meal. The fairy soil and the ice and snow returned to their respective places and returned to a neat snow surface, which was satisfactory and nodded.
"Laozhang …" It seems that I’ve been used to miraculous things recently, and Xia Chaoyang, next to the teacher elder sister Qingchi, salutes directly with confidence.
"Little old son ….." The old man who spoke the plum tree taxiing looked up and couldn’t help but blink and almost kneel.
However, after careful identification, I realized that I was dazzled and worried, and I quickly returned the gift with my staff.
Before the three of them could react, the taxiing old man had already recited "Visit the Little Master" and stood still and made a gift.
However, Ziyan’s flicker was not worshipped by the tree fairy.
It seems that it’s one of our own again. The Baiyun Tower was carefully induced and then sword domain’s nine-handled spirit sword was hidden again.
"Laozhang needs to pay attention … the younger generation is the master of the Kunlun outer gate, but it is not the master of the Kunlun celestial world." Ziyan replied indifferently.
When the old man got up, he didn’t insist on saluting, but said, "The young master used to be the master of the outer gate, but now he has become the master of this Kunlun celestial world."
Seeing Ziyan’s puzzled face, the old man went on to say, "If you don’t believe me, you can find out the Kunlun Order in one hand."
Ziyan smell speech looked at the palm of the Kunlun Mountain, which was full of five-color glow, and made it feel like a spirit. Find out the massive information and get into the mind.

Emperor Su Yonglin personally came forward to talk with local and foreign businessmen, and talked cordially about big business policies, which had a very important influence on businessmen in this area.

Su Yonglin’s doing this is also a long-term consideration for Fujian
As the saying goes, Fujian mountainous areas are sparsely populated, and the potential of grain agriculture is limited.
At present, when the population is limited, it can still maintain a fairly stable agricultural situation. However, with the increase of population, the contradiction between small population and large population in Fujian will inevitably emerge in the next two or three decades.
People have more land, but there is not enough land to support so many people. By then, they can accommodate a large number of employed people. Overseas trade is a panacea to absorb this surplus agricultural population.
It is Su Yonglin’s habit to look at three steps one step at a time, especially when Su Yonglin has given his eyes to the future, he will also add the future situation development, so that he can draw a quite good conclusion.
Sometimes Su Yonglin will lament that if he doesn’t know the future development of the world situation and the direction of some well-known world, how can he take every step in the face of the big situation?
However, I don’t know how to carefully lead this country and a large group of people to take every step without making mistakes before the historical development.
It is estimated that there are immortals who can do it.
But there are no immortals in the world
No one can make mistakes, and no one can go all the way with the country and the nation without any setbacks.
Strictly speaking, Su Yonglin belongs to an absolute special case among human beings. He is now where he is-taking the country all the way forward without making any mistakes, and other countries have accumulated prestige comparable to God.
He has repeatedly stressed that there is no god and there is no such thing as heaven, but no matter how he says he is willing to believe others, he will believe him eventually, no matter how he denies the fact.
He doesn’t want to exercise such a simple and thorough force, but he can do it if he wants to.
This state of affairs is necessary when the situation arises. Su Yonglin needs a hand when the country is still unable to move around well.
However, this state is not normal. Su Yonglin believes that he must leave this country with a functioning law, which is comparable to the problem of carrying out the revolution to the end.
Su Yonglin can sigh that some people devote themselves to the pursuit of personality cult, but some people don’t want personality cult, but it goes hand in hand and runs through.
But the road has reached this point, and he has no way out and is unwilling to have any way out.
He must take the country on the established track, create new production, break the shackles of productivity development, and keep the country from retreating into the abyss of invulnerability.
If people are willing to regard him as a god, look after him as a god. It is better to believe him than to believe those bloodthirsty and greedy monsters.
He won’t ask for anything from other people, and he won’t intimidate him. If people don’t believe him, they want rolling in the deep.
Su Yonglin’s victory in Fujian Road, while Zhao Yucheng and Zhang Yuejing also galloped forward.
They are resolutely fighting against the exhibition of local centrifugal forces, the official power of the Song Dynasty, on Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road
Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road belong to Lingnan area in a broad sense. After the Lingnan area is further divided, Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road are divided.
This land belonged to the real meaning for a long time before Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was finally recognized by the Central Plains Dynasty as an important and indispensable land after many wars and population migration.
During the Song Dynasty, the Golden Guards collapsed in the south of the Yangtze River, and the turbulent Lingnan area became a refuge for a large number of people from the Central Plains and the south of the Yangtze River because the society was relatively stable and stable because of the five ridges.
This wave of population migration to Lingnan has brought advanced production technology and cultural knowledge.
It is also funny to say that every literary leap in Lingnan area in ancient times seems to be due to the war in the Central Plains, and the literati in the Central Plains fled to Lingnan to escape the war, thus making Lingnan develop passively.
Few emperors in peacetime are willing to invest resources in Lingnan.
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lingnan area has already experienced a series of infrastructure projects, such as water conservancy projects, and it is still quite large. Lingnan area is more than self-sufficient in grain and can be sold to Fujian and Vietnam.
For hundreds of years, if Su Yonglin wanted to take Lingnan, it would be a real subsidy of 10 billion yuan. Su Duoduo needed various financial transfer payments to develop and build Lingnan.
However, nowadays, conquering Lingnan area is not a tens of billions of subsidies for China, but a lot of good things can be gained from Lingnan area.
In particular, it is the same for Lingnan to forge ahead as the logistics base in Southeast Asia and the southern part of Sichuan and Sichuan. In Su Yonglin’s strategic plan, these are all places where logistics bases can be attacked from all sides after development.
In quality, this is no different from the immigration strategy of the Han Dynasty. It is a policy to make the border area a logistics base for the army to attack.
But this era of great powers has become different because of the emergence of different ideas.
It’s a pity that Su Changsheng has worked hard, but it hasn’t come to a great destruction. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, the Fuxing Association was extended to Guangdong and Guangxi. At present, the Fuxing Association was transferred and developed after Guangzhou was ceded.
But the strength of military physics is not something that can be stopped casually.
In June of Hongwu, Zhang Yuejing and Zhao Yucheng took the thunderous action and quickly entered Lingnan area by mastering the Wuling Passage respectively.
Zhang Yuejing led the elite main force of the first corps to break through Yan from Zhounan and enter jing jiang Prefecture, and then swept Guangnan West Road in three ways from Jingjiang Prefecture.
On the other hand, Zhao Yucheng led the reorganization and completed the elite main force of the Seventh Corps from Nan ‘an Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, to Nanxiong Prefecture, then attacked Shaozhou, and then divided the troops into two ways to carry out a sweeping and fierce strategy on Guangnan East Road.
In September, the elite of the first corps of Zhang Yuejing has captured jing jiang Prefecture, Rongzhou, Yizhou, Zhaozhou, Liuzhou, Xiangzhou, Xunzhou and other state capitals, and captured nearly half of Guangnan East Road in lightning speed, destroying the local Song official forces.
Local Song officials resisted to a certain extent, but the intensity of resistance was relatively low, and the local cities and military facilities were generally dilapidated and short, and the defense was seriously insufficient. They were defeated in the face of the strong attack of the army
However, due to the vast area of Guangnan West Road, Zhang Yuejing did not move so fast.
Compared with Zhao Yucheng’s seventh corps, the action is very gratifying.
With the help of the Marine Corps of Nanhai Navy stationed in Guangzhou, Zhao Yucheng led the main force to break through Shaozhou, and then easily broke through Yingde House, which easily ate 2,000 Song Jun, and then got through to Guangzhou, and got the Nanhai Navy to transport goods from the water to meet the needs, and got more abundant material support.
At the end of October, the South China Sea Navy helped the Seventh Corps to win Guangnan East Road almost by sweeping, and finally it only encountered stubborn resistance from the local Song Jun and the landlord armed group along the state.
Then he was bombarded into slag by a fire of the Seventh Corps to assist in the war.
Song Jun was defeated like a mountain, and the front of the army was sharp and sweeping.
In November, the ten-day army killed Chaozhou Su Yonglin and personally led the main corps, a victory meeting of Chaozhou Sanhekou Salt Field.
After a bitter struggle, Su Yonglin launched support to Guangnan East Road at the end of November and entered Chaozhou.
Chapter 1346 I miss Uncle Yuting, too
Su Yonglin ended his inspection in Quanzhou in mid-December and then led the main force of the army to South Chaozhou.
Su Yonglin soon led his army through Chaozhou and Huizhou, and finally arrived in Guangzhou, the southernmost city of this big country.

Li shopkeeper couldn’t get up and said, "Miss Xuan Xue, in your heart, you will always be the master of Xuan Xue."

Think of Li Mengyao and Tianbaoge complex and their father-daughter dispute. The shopkeeper Li is also entangled. This big family is just thinking more about this and that!
Li Mengyao’s eyes flashed a trace of relief to help Li shopkeeper. "Li shopkeeper, please remember your friendship and dream Yao forever."
Li, the shopkeeper, sat on Li Mengyao’s head and looked complicated. "I’ve already heard from Tianbaoge’s helm that you suddenly disappeared. Now the whole Dagan country is looking for you. It turns out that you went to Yunfu Sect. I remember that you didn’t like to fix the truth. To be honest, the whole Li family is optimistic about your talent. It’s a pity that you didn’t go to practice. I didn’t expect you to go this way!"
Li Mengyao was silent for a moment and said, "I was also forced. The place where I wanted to find someone never appeared again. But it’s such a big day. Where is the best place for me? I came to Yunfu Sect, so I entered Wuyiren Gate. The master was very kind to me. You see, I am now on the seventh floor of the gas refining period."
Boss Li nodded. "I can see that you can repair the seventh floor of the gas refining period in less than one year. What is your skill?"
"It’s the waterinfo tactic", "Li Mengyao said.
Li shopkeeper surprised, "This waterinfo tactic is the best achievement method for Yunfu women’s practice. It seems that Wu Yiren also values you very much, so I’m relieved to tell my master."
"Li shopkeeper!" Li Mengyao interrupted the shopkeeper Li, and his face sank like water. "Please keep a secret. I don’t want people to know my whereabouts. Just pretend you didn’t see me. Do you hear me?"
"What?" The shopkeeper Li was puzzled. "My Lord is very worried about you and the Li family. Are you worried about you doing this?"
Li Mengyao coldly a smiling face is disdainful expression "Lee family worry is me or worry about their interests in Tianbao Pavilion? I’m not that cheap to exchange me for the position of the Li family’s Tianbao Pavilion. My fate is in my own hands and no one can control me! "
It seems that I remembered the Li family’s complexity, and the shopkeeper Li was silent for a long time before saying, "Miss Li, you should know that your fate was doomed from the moment you were born. Isn’t your elder sister and second sister taking this road?"
Li shopkeeper said that the road is marriage, and a family lives by selling women. How much has the family fallen to? Li Mengyao dark sigh but face is more cold "li shopkeeper you don’t want to my elder sister second sister don’t they lesson is not profound? Do you know what kind of life they lead? A man doll, a family dedication tool! "
Li shopkeeper silently said that everything Li Mengyao said was true, and the weak side could compromise on the strength. Although everyone knows the scenery of Li Tianbao Pavilion, who is the largest shareholder, the second shareholder and the third shareholder?
Tianbao Pavilion was jointly founded by four big families, namely, Qiansun Zhao and Li. The control power of each family is also uneven. The money family occupies half of the shares, and the Li family in Sun Jiahe occupies the last part. In order to protect their own interests, the Li family has to win over marriage and kiss each other in many ways. This is Li Mengyao’s escape from marriage. The Li family wants to dedicate Li Mengyao to the Zhao family. Zhao Jian Li Mengyao naturally disappeared when he didn’t discuss the marriage with Zhao and Li, and Li Xuanxue, the branch of Tianbao Pavilion Xuanwu City, also knows these news. It is not clear that the shopkeeper Li will go further.
"Miss Li Tianbao Pavilion, it’s not that you don’t know the situation. Leaving the Li family at this time is equivalent to pushing the Li family into the fire and water!" Li shopkeeper still don’t give up YouZi persuade way
Li Mengyao said, "I want to fix the truth and make me a strong man. Who can look down on the Li family casually and hope to come again?"
"It turned out that the big lady played this idea." Li shopkeeper finally went to Yunfu Sect in vain. "But it is impossible to be a strong man without a hundred years of practice. These times make the vicissitudes of the whole day worse. How can a small Yunfu Sect set off a storm in Tianbao Pavilion!"
It’s no wonder that shopkeeper Li said that Tianbao Pavilion was so powerful that Li Xuanxue knew it was the tip of the iceberg, but it was this corner that was enough to destroy Yunfu Sect. This is also the reason why Tianbao Pavilion established a trade store in Zhongzhou and was prosperous and unbeaten. Only then can shopkeeper Li control a branch store, and the whole Zhongzhou like Xuanwu City is even more unknown.
Li Mengyao looked misty and said, "Who can say what will happen in the future, but I know that I am doing well now."
See the shopkeeper li also want to persuade Li Mengyao added, "well, shopkeeper li, you are deeply indebted to me. Li Jiahao is kind to me. Watching me grow up hurts me. I know this, but you also know that I haven’t received too much favor from Li Jiatai since I was a child, and I didn’t have the most basic share of the Li family. I am alone now, and I don’t want to be controlled in the future."
Boss Li sighed. He naturally knew that Miss Da was a maverick and was not intimidated by others, so he would no longer say what nodded to show that he knew.
Look at the shopkeeper Li like this. Li Mengyao’s heart is also uncomfortable. After all, blood is thicker than water. Seeing that his family is going to suffer great disasters, but his own ability, Li Mengyao, has a heart-wrenching pain. However, it is unacceptable for you to talk about it yourself if you want to exchange your happiness for family happiness. This lesson should not be profound!
Li Mengyao thought that almost all his younger brothers in his family were intoxicated or coquettish. Even a few middle-aged elders in the family department looked at their eyes strangely. This is the last thing Li Mengyao can’t bear to make progress by relying on Yu Yin, and Weifu is a waste! Scum!
What’s more, they are not as good as Lin Luo, the ogling and clumsy guy. That guy is few and honest, does not hide his own nature, and is diligent in spiritual practice and has his own opinions. Li Mengyao suddenly shook his head. How can he think of this? It’s really cranky.
"Well, boss Li, I won’t say much. I hope you can keep it a secret." Li Mengyao got up and said.
Li shopkeeper’s face changed several times before he finally nodded. "Okay, but you should be careful outside!" "
Li Mengyao should say with smile, "This place is much safer than Tianbaoshan in Zhongzhou. At least I don’t worry that someone will sell me. Don’t worry, shopkeeper Li, I’m very safe."
"Oh, by the way, what is that Lin Luo and you?" Li shopkeeper suddenly remind of the look dignified and asked
Li Mengyao one leng yes what is this Lin Luo and yourself? Cousin? Cousin? Brother and sister? Or … Li Mengyao shook his head and whispered, "Friends!" Say that finish pushed the door and left.
Looking at Li Mengyao’s gentle and graceful figure, shopkeeper Li chewed the word’ friend’ repeatedly and then his face showed a meaningful smile.
Chapter 2 It’s all women who cause trouble
When Li Mengyao went to the lobby on the first floor, Lin Luo was haggling with the man, and the angry expression made some shadows in the original heart. Li Mengyao suddenly became clear as if all the grievances in his heart had vanished.
"What? This condensate Dan only needs a lingshi, but you don’t send two condensate Dan. Isn’t it too overbearing for you to do business like this? " Lin Luo rightfully way
That guy almost didn’t fall down with a black line. It was really hard. Dude has never seen such a hard bargain to cut to the death. This is!
"Distinguished guests, we don’t bargain here. It’s just a preferential treatment for large energy."
Lin Luo turned his eyes and wanted to continue bargaining. At this moment, Li Mengyao came over and said to Lin Luo, "This is not a bargaining place. When did you see that it was cheap here? Let’s go. Don’t make a fool of yourself!"
Lin Luode went out of Tianbao Pavilion with a big stack of yellow paper and bought a condensate Dan. But he didn’t ask Li Mengyao Tower what to do. This made Li Mengyao appreciate it. Unlike some petty people, he felt that he had to tell the whole story behind his back. Suddenly, a magnetic baritone came behind him. "What does this young lady want to buy?" I will buy it for you. "
Lin Luo and Li Mengyao looked back together and saw a white man with a folding fan coming from the stairs. He looked at Li Mengyao with a fair smile in his eyes and made no secret of his love. The white man was a monk in the construction period. He looked energetic and young, but his expression looked a little fake.
Fan is really a good ornament when killing people, but it can be used as a weapon in front of women. When it is hot, you can look at the elegant fan with a cool breeze. Lin Luo is also considering whether to buy one with you. After all, it is also a must-have for walking around the Jianghu to kill people and steal goods!
Li Mengyao glanced at the man coldly and then turned his head and walked away.
Fan Zheng and then a trace of shame and anger flashed in his eyes, even if you gave him a dirty look and gave him a cold sentence. Nothing hurt him more than seeing him. Fan Gong took two steps forward, and his belt jingled a little. This sound made Lin Luo’s ears move. He remembered that he had heard this sound on the second floor before, and Lin Luo was sure that this was the man in white. Lin Luo’s eyes were shining, but he did not stop Fan Gong’s footsteps.

【 Attribute Dark and Dragon 】

"Grade Platinum Six Stars"
[Vulpix Silver Fox]
【 Attribute Wind, Light, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire 】
"Grade Platinum Four Stars"
I lost it! Two white gold beasts!
Liu Yuan was shocked after seeing the information of the Black Dragon and the Kyubi no Youko Silver Fox.
This is the first time he has seen a platinum pet beast, let alone two platinum beasts.
Compared with these two people, Qi Ling … What a rotten fish and shrimp!
But what surprised Liu Yuan was that the two men had not moved since they appeared.
That seems to be very mindful of Hao Renhe and Uncle Li around Liu Yuan.
Hao Ren patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Lu, you are really unlucky enough to be stared at by them and I don’t know what to say."
Liu Yuan showed an ugly smile than crying.
Dean Hao, can you stop …
I’m an honest man. Do you and I want to be stared at by these crazy people? I was forced!
Look at yourself and pass by. Finally, Dean Hao Ren in front of you.
I don’t know that Liu Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of security.
Dean Hao Ren combed his sparse hair and suddenly asked, "Xiao Lu, have you ever heard of Yongjiang?"
"Yongjiang said?"
Liu Yuan is puzzled. Hao Ren suddenly wants to ask this question.
And ….. What did Suijiang say that I didn’t know?
Looking at Liu Yuan’s puzzled expression, Hao Ren suddenly looked up to the sky.
See the original sunny Wan Li days suddenly become overcast.
A large number of dark clouds completely enveloped the entire orphanage.
With a huge thunder and heavy rain falling from it.
Liu Yuan looked at the sudden change of weather and seemed to feel something shocked. He looked in the direction of dark clouds.
At the same time, Hao Ren chuckled again.
"Xiao Lu, Ji Jiang … there are not nine rivers from the beginning. At that time, there was a river here."
With the sigh tone of Hao Ren, the clouds above the orphanage suddenly swelled up.
"roar! ! !”
With the roar of the sky, a white slender dragon suddenly appeared from the dark clouds and circled directly to the top of Hao Ren’s head.
Hao Ren looked at the 20-meter-long white slender dragon above his head and said with a smile, "Long time no see, old chap."
White dragon looked at Hao Ren with a light in his huge eyes.
In a second, the white dragon roared again.
The river next to the orphanage immediately swelled up, and a large number of fierce beasts from the river appeared in the Lijiang River.
But what shocked Liu Yuan was that these fierce beasts did not rush in the direction of the Yangtze River after landing, but rushed directly in the direction outside the Yangtze River.
Because there is a huge tide of fierce beasts rushing in the direction of the orphanage
Hao Ren looked at a dull face and looked at Bailong Luyuan. He smiled and said, "Olivia, it is alive and said … the Dragon King of Jiujiang."
"Is your dean I pet beast … and old chap"
But it’s just that you’ve been doing it for a long time. This moment is paving the way
You just say that you are Yongjiang, so just say it! Laugh to death!

The evolution of Imperial Heaven has accelerated. In a blink of an eye, the years have passed, and the wives have been bred one by one, including the former world and the world’s new Cai Feng Wangshu’s natural demon dragon spirit (crystal diamond dragon) …

Yutian’s eyes narrowed slightly. "If you can, then leave!"
People have also woken up, and they are all avenues.
The 360 billion legion has also awakened, all of which are mixed with 12 yuan.
At this moment, Yu Tiandao is "detached when it is broken!"
① ⑤ [Outside] The Sage of Confucianism and Taoism (Fang Yun)+Panlong (Lin Lei)+The Record of Immortality (Lingtian)+Fighting through the Sky (Xiao Yan)+Wu Dong Gan Kun (Lin Dong)+Stars Change (Qin Yu)+Douluo Mainland (Tang San)+ )+Ascending to the Nine Heavens (Chu Yang)+Perfect World (Shi Hao)+Dionysus (Ji Dong)+Different Immortals (Jun Mo Xie)+Seven Boundaries Theory (Lu Yun)+Beautiful Wu Shen (Lin Feng)+Ordinary People Cultivate Immortals (Han Li)+Saint.
Chapter 156 Foreign countries
Out of town!
"Really coming?"
Shocking words with a touch of disbelief only to see this big fellow face with a wry smile.
A man came out and said, "Here we are … It seems that we are the ones who know. Imperial Heaven turned out to be the creator of this great Tao, who was once the top outside the country."
The two men felt that it was Pangu and God’s rebellion.
Pangu smiled bitterly. "The will of the circle is controlled by me, but now it seems that the circle has a master all the time, and that is the Imperial Heaven!"
"Yes … this circle should be the vision he created over the years, not all of which indicate that the ultimate strong man has been resurrected and then reincarnated and rebuilt the Imperial Heaven. It should be to create the reincarnation of the circle and then re-cultivate into the field!" God inverse said slowly
When two people talk, the energy of terror appears.
Shaking outside the domain, the whole domain shakes outside the domain. How big is an ordinary lake outside the domain? There are several chaotic sizes.
Now the whole field is shaking, and the whole field is shocked.
In an island practice, Lingtian rushed out of Yongsheng Avenue to accompany him.
Ling Tiandao "What’s the matter?"
The reincarnation Taoist appeared in a hurry and said, "Dear, this island is expanding as if it were going to evolve, and the Panlong world, we note that Lin Lei has been born!"
Ling Tian heard the words, his eyes burst and the sun and the moon fell to a small town on the island. The population of this town is not large, only a few million people, but only one child was born.
The purple gas spread faintly filled the coercion, but the coercion was fleeting, and then the purple gas merged into the island, and then the island rose faintly.
Ling Tiandao: "It turns out that the birth of Lin Lei means that this Panlong continent, HarmonyOS Avenue, has also given birth to this Panlong continent, which will eventually become a domain with the growth of Lin Lei!"
Lingtian muttered to herself, but the sky shook in the distance and the purple and golden light came.
Terrible emperor people sway and oppress heaven.
The reincarnation Taoist exclaimed in horror, "What is this smell? How can the emperor’s coercion be so powerful!"
Ling day eyes filled with xing xi way "imperial day? Emperor Avenue? Ha ha … "
Lingtian soared into the sky and rushed into the distance.
There is an island here, which is the size of chaos. It burns here and is full of strong fire avenue. It is a paradise for practicing fire avenue, but now the sky is here.
Imperial Heaven came here alone to send out terror.
Imperial heaven "ha ha ….. foreign emperor is coming …"
Imperial Heaven laughs at heaven, this familiar breath, this familiar environment, this familiar energy … This is the foreign land, and this is the foreign land that Imperial Heaven used to be.
Terror energy burst accompanied by the roar of the heavenly laughter.
The clouds in the sky are constantly shaking.
I think it’s a little shocking to want to come to the foreign land. It used to be great that Yutian is now reappearing in the foreign land, especially the memory of Yutian has not been blocked, and there is no way to block it because Yutian is reincarnated and rebuilt into the foreign land.
Extraterritorial will also don’t know, if you choose to just drop purple and golden light to lead the royal sky.
This is a reward for the detached person to enter the foreign country, and it is also a reward for the foreign country.
The horror energy falls and transforms the celestial body, which is like baptism.
The length and strength of this baptism represent a person’s qualifications and accumulation, as well as the strength of the road to understanding.
Ling Tian entered the foreign baptism and let him enter the avenue from the third day of the avenue to the tenth day by himself.
Now this baptism falls, the Imperial Heaven laughs and wantonly devours this horrible energy. The Imperial Heaven naturally knows what it is, and the purple and gold energy is swallowed up by the Imperial Heaven and accumulated in circles.
"Roar …"
The heavenly roar, the flesh, the gods and the gods both broke through the avenue, the quadruple heaven avenue, the quintuple heaven avenue and the sixfold heaven …
If the extra-territorial consciousness has emotions, it is estimated that you want to scold your mother now, and the Imperial Heaven is simply several times stronger than others.
This is also a law outside the country! Entering a foreign country to get a foreign baptism is based on one’s accumulation and the strength of the road.
For example, if a circle is detached only because of the aging of the circle, then this person will be baptized and die, that is, from the triple day of the avenue to the quadruple day of the avenue, that is, the increase of one day.
If you accumulate some strong energy and rely on your own energy to escape from the base, you can enter the avenue five days, and if you are stronger, you will enter the avenue six days!
It’s normal for a strong person who understands the extreme road to accumulate a lot of money and then be baptized by the will outside the country and directly enter the nine heavens of the road. Of course, the more extreme roads there are, the more the increase will not be. For example, Ling Tian understands two extreme roads and enters the road. Only baptize according to one person’s strongest extreme road. If your extreme road is super strong, you may be able to enter the road by yourself through baptism. Of course, this foundation all means!
Compared with these imperial days, I have experienced a baptism, knowing that if I devour these energies, especially the imperial days, I will realize that it is a great way to the emperor’s road and the road to the dead!
I once understood that the Great Tao experienced a baptism, and the Great Tao was deduced by the Imperial Heaven to the height of 99 days. This kind of extraterritorial will of the earth avenue was baptized according to the most powerful Tao, but now the extraterritorial will doesn’t know how to choose baptism. The Great Road is the ninety-nine heavy road. Although it is now sealed against celestial bodies, the extraterritorial will can feel the ninety-nine heavy earth of the road.
Nai, this kind of baptism continues, and it seems that the extraterritorial will has not encountered this situation.
Imperial heaven devours baptism energy, which is the gentlest and most powerful energy. Earth energy impacts Imperial heaven and enters the avenue for ten days without stopping, and instantly rushes into the avenue for eleven times.
At this time, the foot island is full of changes, and the eyes of the Imperial Heaven are slightly narrowed. "Fighting the mainland … Burning Heaven Avenue Xiao Yan didn’t expect you to be born just now!"
Chapter 157 Talking to Ling Tian
Extraterritorial extreme variation
Heaven came to attract poor baptism.
Purple and golden energy has been swallowed up, and the sky has entered the avenue.
After entering the tenth fold, the baptism energy finally dissipated.
Extraterritorial will chooses silence, the most powerful Tao law chooses baptism intensity, but the strongest in Imperial Heaven is the greatest Tao. After all, Imperial Heaven once cultivated the greatest Tao to the 99th avenue, so how can the extraterritorial will choose to raise Imperial Heaven to the 99th avenue?
Imperial day eyes slightly narrowed way "avenue ten heavy? This baptism is really good, especially with his two extreme ways. The emperor has already grasped the opportunity in this field. "
Words fell to the ground, raging on the road of terror and fire, then faintly burned his 3 thousand road, and then fell to the ground and turned into strange flames
Imperial heaven eyes shining way "is this a different fire or three thousand different fires? Is this the evolution of the mainland as Fang Yun said? Is this the land of ZSZSZSZ?"
Imperial heaven said to himself, his eyes fell on this island.
Now this island is fused with an extreme fire energy, and it is clear to Heaven that this is the extreme avenue of burning heaven.
Yu Tian’s eyes fell on a small town, and a young cry came from this town, "Whoa … whoa …"
This crying word is to remember Xiao Yan.
Imperial day chuckle "Xiao Yan turned out to be Xiao Yan! Haha ….. The emperor came to a foreign country and met a big chance. This foreign country will once seal the memory of the extreme strong, and then reincarnate it. It is to shape the world that they have experienced and let them reincarnate. Now the emperor is Xiao Yan who has experienced the fight against mainland Xiao Yan resources … "
I have to say that I am really lucky. I have heard Fang Yun tell myself about the changes outside the country, but I just came to ZSZSZSZ to break the mainland.
Who was Xiao Yan who once created the extreme power of burning heaven avenue? Yutian and Xiao Yan are not bad, but when Lin Lei calculated himself, this guy also made moves. Xiao Yan wanted to turn Yutian Avenue into his own extreme inflammation. After all, Xiao Yan was able to burn 3,000 avenues into burning heaven avenue, and naturally turned to burning extreme avenue into his own extreme flame.
Although I don’t know how Xiao Yan died later, now Xiao Yan wants to kill him and get rid of his enemy in the future.
The idea of killing the sky sounded, but I felt a touch of vicissitudes in my mind. "You have drilled but you have also experienced hardships. Your memory has never sealed these extreme strong people, and you can’t sacrifice them. You can rob them of their resources but you can’t hurt their lives."
The vicissitudes of life words sway in the sky, and the eyes shine. This anger has raised its right arm and has already shone on the Emperor’s Avenue.
However, the words fell on the right arm of the Imperial Heaven and the energy was dissipated.
Imperial heaven "extraterritorial will … Don’t you have emotions? I know that your breath is the will of the outside world! "
"No … I’m a foreign will but I’m not in the mood, but the extreme strong can die and wait until they recover their memory. They can’t die until they recover their memory. They can’t wait forever for the general trend of 3,000 extreme strong to gather together to evolve 3,000 large domains and 3,000 strong to fight the ultimate road, so you can’t kill them now. If you want to kill them, wait for the future!" Extraterritorial will swing
The imperial heaven is annoyed, but the horrible energy of heaven makes the imperial heaven know that he is not an opponent of the extraterritorial will, and even if he used to be a ninety-nine-heavy avenue, he can’t hurt the extraterritorial will.

Elder Wang Ji is also a little unhappy, although he knows that Lord Xuanbaoge has given in.

"no! This level of prescription should at least give 70% resources! "
"Don’t go too far!" The owner of Xuanbaoge finally got a little angry. "It’s already given you 70% resources to sign the contract. Don’t even think about it."
The table was shot by Xuanbaoge. "Bang!" loud
"good! Five percent is five percent, but I demand seventy percent. "Jiang Feng suddenly said at this time.
He has confidence in his prescription.
The resources will naturally go up when Dan Fang sells a lot.
"Seventy percent! ? Whatever! "
If the owner of Xuanbaoge comes, he won’t trust to divide it into 70%, then it will be divided into 70%. Once the sales are lost, it will naturally be asked by Xuanbaoge.
Elder Wang Ji is anxious to say something.
But Jiang Feng waved directly to stop Wang Ji’s elders from secretly suffering. Even if this Dan medicine is more than ten percent, it is definitely a huge sum.
Master Xuanbaoge was so hasty.
"That’s all! That’s all! Five percent is five percent! " Elder Wang Ji took back the elder’s order and was unwilling to look at the Lord of Xuanbao Pavilion. "You will regret it, Lord!"
Xuanbaoge Lord didn’t speak.
At this time, everyone was in uproar.
I can’t believe that Jiang Feng actually signed the contract, which surprised everyone, even if it was because Jiang Feng entered through the back door.
Damn it!
Damn it!
The atmosphere in many people’s hearts can be resisted, but the other party is backed by Elder Wang Ji.
Of course, whether Jiang Feng backed Elder Wang Ji or Elder Wang Ji backed Jiang Feng is clear in their own hearts.
"Hey hey!" The former betting youth was excited from ear to ear. "Ten thousand fairy stones! You are not allowed to go back on your word! "
Han beside him was dumbfounded for a while and didn’t know what to say.
"tricky! It’s just opportunism If you don’t have Elder Wang Ji’s affirmation to sign the contract! " Han was saddened.
Young men really don’t care about these "ten thousand fairy stones, I hope you won’t go back on your word"
Han gave young people a bold stare, dismissive "had been at ease! I’ve been walking in the Jianghu for so many years and I haven’t broken my appointment. "
Han took out a bag directly.
The young man’s face is hazy after the inspection.
Although I didn’t get the favor of Xuanbaoge this time, I got 10 thousand fairy fine stones, which is definitely not a small sum.
"Wait a minute!" Han Shi was unwilling and turned to the young man and said, "I’ll make another bet with you!" "
"I’ll bet ten thousand fairy stones that these three prescriptions will be framed within half a month."
"I don’t think so." It must make sense that young people are not stupid and can be guaranteed by Elder Wang Ji.
And he has seen Jiang Feng’s true story.
"I bet with you that I also bet on ten thousand fairy fine stones." The young man waved it before he just got the fairy fine stone.
I was so angry that Han gnashed her teeth but could endure it.
The conference will soon be over.
All the alchemists dispersed separately and Jiang Feng had a stretch. Although the situation was unexpected, he finally signed the contract.
Feeling behind being photographed, a girl appeared before Jiang Feng.
It was the woman Xiaomei who accosted him in the front seat.
"I didn’t think! You actually signed a contract with Xuanbaoge! " Xiaomei is incredible and Jiang Feng is happy at the same time.
"I didn’t expect your master Wang Ji to be so deep!" Xiaomei obviously also recognizes that Jiang Feng can sign the contract by relying on it.
Claiming to be Xiaomei’s sister and daughter also came together.
Twisted graceful posture constantly toward Jiang Feng ogling at his side man has been ignored by him.
"The little friend really all that glitters is not gold. I don’t know if you are qualified to invite you to lunch together. I was rude before! ?”
Jiang Feng took a look at the woman and ignored her.
This kind of woman won’t be at ease when he sees more roots. "If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to Xuanbaoge to find Elder Wang Ji and he will help you with small things."
"ah! ?” Xiaomei is curious about Jiang Feng.
I didn’t expect Jiang Feng to give him this gift, Elder Wang Ji. That’s everyone’s fear.

Thought of here Han Tianhao can no longer sit still.

Although he has achieved the same success as lk Dream, the game they are in contact with is a dream after all.
Lk is the king of command in the dream.
Four kings and one king!
In all this, there is really nothing wrong with what Mike just said
Although Han Tianhao believes that in a few months or half a year, he will certainly be able to break through to the highest level of the fantasy Westward Journey command. After all, he still can’t lk this command, and Han Tianhao is also sincere.
Everyone stunned eyes, he said to lk
"Ge should be the elder lk commander of the oldest urk group from China?"
This words from Han Tianhao mouth say everyone around froze.
These people come from different countries, but they are all fantasy westward journey players. It is naturally clearer for a team like the old urk, because that is the last goal that everyone pursues together!
Although everyone is now aiming at the country, I can’t help but raise my respect when I hear that lk turned out to be the strange conductor of the old urk.
It is the respect that rises, and at the same time, everyone has an idea.
Lk, what will be Mike’s team leader? Isn’t he a country!
Perhaps also guessed everyone’s idea lk turned his head and said lightly
"yeah, I’m lk"
"This time, I came here in my personal capacity to help Mike and old urk, and I am also in China."
This remark sounded that all people, including Han Tianhao, completely overturned their doubts. For some reason, he lk didn’t need to lie to them.
"Then this time, I will trouble lk predecessors."
Han Tianhao bent over lk and said that this time he gave a big gift.
And lk also put away his frame but mouth or light way
"Well, it’s okay. Mike and I came here because we are friends, but I will also help Mike once, that is, when we finally compete with the dreamer team."
When I heard lk, everyone in the room frowned. Many people thought of what if lk was released in the most critical battle. And if it’s really Shenwei’s level, the hardware Mike team is not as good as the old urk!
Ignore what you think lk light said
"This time, both the elite and the brave should have no ability to gank the dreamer team, including Han Tianhao, and your Piao Ni Ma team. You should not deny this, right?"
Hear lk so hit the nail on the head to say these words Han Tianhao is nai nodded his head.
Indeed, when facing the team living in a brothel, he can win naturally because they are better than their opponents in hardware and command, but when facing the dreamer team, he dare not say so. The reason is that Han Tianhao himself knows that their Piao Ni Ma team is not a bit different from the dreamer team in hardware or command.
Also Han Tianhao point after the head lk continued
"And the world of truth and power is the same."
"After all, these devices abroad are very short, although the official side has made some preferential treatment, but after all, they are also limited, and now the dreamer team commander in the country thinks that although the strength has not yet returned to its peak, it is not Han Tianhao that you can deal with."
"The new urk and lazy family in Shenwei are not the only ones you can deal with, but the third team in Shenwei."
"Of course, I also want to say before here that even if I command Mike’s team, I don’t necessarily dare to say that I can defeat the dreamer’s team. After all, since this discussion came out from them, they must have some strategies to deal with the enemy, even saying that they may have already made sufficient preparations."
"But although I can’t guarantee to win, I will try my best."
Lk reviewed a week or so after saying these words and then light way
Of course, you can choose not to believe me, but you can’t help it. I’m Mike. Please come here. I’m also responsible for Mike.
Lk voice down the whole room fell into silence.
And Han Tianhao also took a deep breath and said
"lk predecessors, we believe in you"
Chapter four hundred and fifty-two Guard dignity
LK nodded faintly and then got up from his seat and said to Mike
"Call me back before the game, and I’ll go around Korea first."
Mike nodded his head, and he was really flattered that LK could come this time. After all, it’s not for everyone to be invited by the old Murk.
And LK walked to the door is like thinking of what turned to Han Tianhao a line of people said.
"But this competition is a great test, and you don’t feel at ease. After all, the dream of our country is already perfect, and it’s not long before you have your own talents. You don’t feel at ease. You still have to face the dream 3S championship that is comparable to the S-class competition six months later."
LK finished this sentence and left of cutting.
And Han Tianhao and others are also a thoughtful expression on their faces.