
Sol’s words are the end. With a metal rumbling, the in-situ destroyer suddenly disappeared, and the blue lazy sound came-
"Hey Saul, it’s not like a god of war should have a posture!"
"Thirteen-year-old Bug" will be rewarded with 5 starting coins.
Chapter 229′ elder’ by (two more comments)
"Hey Saul, it’s not like a god of war should have a posture!"
Looking down the sound, wrapped in a blue holy garment, Zhang Lan caught the most eye, or the bright red light on his right arm didn’t shine until the metal was about to be heated to the melting point.
The melting point of mixed metal of Zhenjin and Edelman alloy can be described as the highest in the earth. Without 5 degrees Celsius, it is simply a delusion, and now the destroyer has reached it with a [hand gun destruction ray].
This is obviously bad news for Zhang Lan.
You know, it’s still a battle to reach the melting point of the holy garments after the energy rebound of vibrating gold and the double weakening of the energy swallowing characteristics of the holy garments!
"Blue, are you okay?" From Solkhin
"Do you look all right?" Zhang Lan stretched his right arm to Saul. "Look at this thing! Do you want to touch it? You’re going to die anyway, aren’t you? Is this the old Asgard God of War? "
Sol was forced to open his mouth by some stupidity, and finally he couldn’t say anything. After all, he had no reason to refute and chose to shut up.
Saul wanted to shut up, but Zhang Lan didn’t shut up. You know, sometimes swearing is an art, and after cursing, you can make the other person thank you. Do you believe it?
Now is the time for Zhang Lan to brush Saul’s goodwill.
To the destroyer?
There are 100 shadow members playing with it. Although it is impossible to knock it down, it is almost impossible to get close to it. As soon as it approaches, it will be burned into white smoke by high temperature. However, it can still hold it back by transporting sand to help some other ninjas.
There are three areas on the scene-
The first battlefield is the battlefield of shadow doppelgangers and destroyers. From time to time, a shadow doppelganger will be turned into white smoke by the destroyer for various reasons, but the remaining shadow doppelgangers will be crowded without hurting the enemy. Just to hold you back, you will be given a sand flow burial. You will come to the sky with a small "sand flow explosion" and "earth dun and heavy rock art" to crush you alive. What if you destroy the ray? Come on, if you can’t hide from sharingan again, you won’t be blind for nothing. Is this the strongest pupil of Huo Ying?
The second is that people who don’t eat melons in the kitchen fight with Jane, Eric, Daisy and Fairy Palace. They can’t help the other area-well, they just say that they will watch.
The third area is Zhang Lanti and Sol, but both of them are Zhang Lanti talking to us. Have you ever seen a pupil being taught by a teacher?
"Saul, you have to consider your father Odin since not dead so what is Loki to do the king of god? Have you thought about it? "
"And how will your mother frigga react when she hears of your death?"
"There will be Scarlett, you trust so let Loki in charge? Can he shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the nine major countries? "
"You haven’t solved the problem of Youtongheimen Mountain. Laufey is famous for provoking war. Do you really believe Loki’s peace agreement?"
"And Jane, you like it so much. Mm-hmm!"
Speaking of Jane, I have been thinking about life. Saul suddenly put his hand over Zhang Lan’s mouth to make it easier to attract feelings. He put away his holy clothes and facial protection.
For the five big three thick Sol Zhang Lan, it is definitely not interested, but it is very disgusting. I dumped Sol’s hand and handed a bunch of disgusting eyes. I took out a wet towel from the system and wiped my mouth with a full dislike.
The smell of disgust is so strong that people can feel it clearly through the screen even before the live broadcast.
Sol couldn’t do anything about it except smile embarrassedly-being treated as a lesson for primary school students. Although there is no such thing as a master in their country, it still means that his gratitude for Zhang Lan is greater than some of his senses.
If Yu Zhanglan knows so much, Saul really hasn’t thought about it. After all, he has more muscles in his brain.
I’m happy here. After painting Saul’s goodwill, Zhang Lan is officially thinking about the destroyer. Now that the plot has been changed by him, I can solve this iron knot on my own.
"How can Sol, an iron pimple, kill him?" Zhang Lan directly asked the official second generation around him.
"I could have killed it with a hammer before, but now I’m short of a hammer." Sol’s answer was also very neat
Sure enough, it’s a veritable brain full of muscles!
Presented Sol with a disdainful supercilious look. Zhang Lan looked at the four warriors in Asgard and immediately shook his head-the destroyer, the guardian of Asgard, and the king didn’t know its weakness. It is even more impossible for these ministers to know.
"So really can give that a try! But try to warm up first! "
Secretly determined that Zhang Lan was ready to rush to the side. Saul suddenly asked a question, but he paused a little.
"Blue what do you want to protect me? We’ve never known each other before, and you know that I was such a jerk before. You can ignore it and it will be much easier. "
It’s obvious that Saul’s heart has been overstocked for some time. According to his arrogant character, he naturally won’t ask such questions and say the word "protect me" and "bastard". Now he has said that he has faced up to his mistake.
Zhang Lan’s answer to Saul’s question is simple: "Saul doesn’t want to save you. I am entrusted by an’ elder’ and hope you can turn over a new leaf."

Elder Wang Ji is also a little unhappy, although he knows that Lord Xuanbaoge has given in.

"no! This level of prescription should at least give 70% resources! "
"Don’t go too far!" The owner of Xuanbaoge finally got a little angry. "It’s already given you 70% resources to sign the contract. Don’t even think about it."
The table was shot by Xuanbaoge. "Bang!" loud
"good! Five percent is five percent, but I demand seventy percent. "Jiang Feng suddenly said at this time.
He has confidence in his prescription.
The resources will naturally go up when Dan Fang sells a lot.
"Seventy percent! ? Whatever! "
If the owner of Xuanbaoge comes, he won’t trust to divide it into 70%, then it will be divided into 70%. Once the sales are lost, it will naturally be asked by Xuanbaoge.
Elder Wang Ji is anxious to say something.
But Jiang Feng waved directly to stop Wang Ji’s elders from secretly suffering. Even if this Dan medicine is more than ten percent, it is definitely a huge sum.
Master Xuanbaoge was so hasty.
"That’s all! That’s all! Five percent is five percent! " Elder Wang Ji took back the elder’s order and was unwilling to look at the Lord of Xuanbao Pavilion. "You will regret it, Lord!"
Xuanbaoge Lord didn’t speak.
At this time, everyone was in uproar.
I can’t believe that Jiang Feng actually signed the contract, which surprised everyone, even if it was because Jiang Feng entered through the back door.
Damn it!
Damn it!
The atmosphere in many people’s hearts can be resisted, but the other party is backed by Elder Wang Ji.
Of course, whether Jiang Feng backed Elder Wang Ji or Elder Wang Ji backed Jiang Feng is clear in their own hearts.
"Hey hey!" The former betting youth was excited from ear to ear. "Ten thousand fairy stones! You are not allowed to go back on your word! "
Han beside him was dumbfounded for a while and didn’t know what to say.
"tricky! It’s just opportunism If you don’t have Elder Wang Ji’s affirmation to sign the contract! " Han was saddened.
Young men really don’t care about these "ten thousand fairy stones, I hope you won’t go back on your word"
Han gave young people a bold stare, dismissive "had been at ease! I’ve been walking in the Jianghu for so many years and I haven’t broken my appointment. "
Han took out a bag directly.
The young man’s face is hazy after the inspection.
Although I didn’t get the favor of Xuanbaoge this time, I got 10 thousand fairy fine stones, which is definitely not a small sum.
"Wait a minute!" Han Shi was unwilling and turned to the young man and said, "I’ll make another bet with you!" "
"I’ll bet ten thousand fairy stones that these three prescriptions will be framed within half a month."
"I don’t think so." It must make sense that young people are not stupid and can be guaranteed by Elder Wang Ji.
And he has seen Jiang Feng’s true story.
"I bet with you that I also bet on ten thousand fairy fine stones." The young man waved it before he just got the fairy fine stone.
I was so angry that Han gnashed her teeth but could endure it.
The conference will soon be over.
All the alchemists dispersed separately and Jiang Feng had a stretch. Although the situation was unexpected, he finally signed the contract.
Feeling behind being photographed, a girl appeared before Jiang Feng.
It was the woman Xiaomei who accosted him in the front seat.
"I didn’t think! You actually signed a contract with Xuanbaoge! " Xiaomei is incredible and Jiang Feng is happy at the same time.
"I didn’t expect your master Wang Ji to be so deep!" Xiaomei obviously also recognizes that Jiang Feng can sign the contract by relying on it.
Claiming to be Xiaomei’s sister and daughter also came together.
Twisted graceful posture constantly toward Jiang Feng ogling at his side man has been ignored by him.
"The little friend really all that glitters is not gold. I don’t know if you are qualified to invite you to lunch together. I was rude before! ?”
Jiang Feng took a look at the woman and ignored her.
This kind of woman won’t be at ease when he sees more roots. "If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to Xuanbaoge to find Elder Wang Ji and he will help you with small things."
"ah! ?” Xiaomei is curious about Jiang Feng.
I didn’t expect Jiang Feng to give him this gift, Elder Wang Ji. That’s everyone’s fear.

Jiang Feng paused and waved his hand. "If you’re not interested, I’ll just watch, or you and I will lack that practice resource."

Jiang Feng said that the stands in the distance just found a place to sit.
His move attracted many people to watch, especially the virgin’s brow wrinkled slightly.
"Really think of yourself as the elders! ?” The virgin’s voice is not loud but clear into Jiang Feng’s ear.
Chapter 115 Competition
Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to nothing.
The saint didn’t mean to drive Jiang Feng away. She wanted to see how far he could cultivate softness in just a few days.
It’s not that she’s bad for softness.
I don’t believe Jiang Feng.
As time goes by, the game is official
The first is the puppet.
The wooden puppets are all burned with the law, and the general cousins are roughly the same, but they are not underestimated.
But everyone already has experience.
Three or four people gathered together and rushed towards a puppet.
Many people take the lead, because in the end, no one can face a large number of puppets alone.
But even so, it is difficult to pass.
Many people were directly beaten out by puppets.
Yu Rourou is squeezed into a human cake. At the end, he can’t get in if he wants to rush, and he can watch others sprint forward.
"Can’t this silly Ni be a little bit car-scrapping, maybe she can cross the first place?" The saint looked at the back and stamped her feet repeatedly with anger.
However, to no avail.
However, Jiang Fengyin came slowly. "If a person can’t even do this little thing well, what qualifications are there to be my apprentice?"
Hear Jiang Feng’s remarks.
Saint cold hum a root without rest assured.
To be gentle, don’t say that even a group of puppets can beat her to vomiting blood.
Heart is not more disgusted with Jiang Feng.
This is not a pose to hurt Rourou.
As time goes by, most people have gone to the second place, and they are soft and nervous behind them.
After all, it cast a shadow on the puppet.
"Soft! Why are you still there! " There are too many people in the distance, even if Park wants to take care of Rourou, it is impossible.
"I … Sister Park, I’ll come to you!"
Rourou got up the courage and strode forward. Park got a fright, but there were dozens of puppets in front of him.
Isn’t it suicidal to walk in softly?
But for a moment, everyone was shocked.
Because I watched the puppet attack softly, I even drank a "bang!" Followed by a slap on the puppet.
Original arrogant puppet
Actually lying motionless directly.
Soft and a little nervous, but when she saw the puppet fall to the ground, she didn’t rest assured that many arms waved continuously and continued to beat the puppet.
A palm and a palm are equally unbearable.
This scene caught everyone’s eyes and everyone felt incredible.
"Look at her!" Someone consternation rebuked way
At this time, all talents found that Rourou Xiu was already holding Yuan Jing’s top ten.
"How is this possible …" Almost everyone felt incredible.
The former Rourou Xiu has always been a ten-fold theory of the pulse condition, such as not embracing the yuan condition.
In just a few days.
Xiu has made such a high-level breakthrough.
Bao yuan Jing Shi zhong
Won’t it be long before you become a spiritual sea fighter? !
In this way, Rourou can directly enter the door, and when he enters the spiritual sea, he can also mix an elder Dangdang.
This speed … Not too surprising.
How can they think that Jiang Feng’s practice department is the top thing in heaven for Rourou?
If the science of uniting the speed up quickly.
Then it’s really hopeless
Even a fool can fix him abruptly.
"You …" The virgin looked at Jiang Feng again and her eyes were full of incredible. It’s impossible to fix it. How could it rise so fast?
"Don’t you encourage the tender body potential! ?”
Saint mouth asked.
Jiang Feng turned to look at the virgin and yawned and said, "What can I do without you? A little girl says more and you are still worried about yourself!"! Since you are my apprentice, you should also let go of this virgin. "
Jiang Feng slowly said
Hearing this, the saint frowned.
She doesn’t care if she can inherit the virgin if she is gentle, she doesn’t mind giving way.
But the former Jiang Feng identity caused her great doubt.

When the meal arrived, students came in groups of three and five, and the restaurant soon became lively, and they almost finished eating.

"You wait here for me to get to the car first" because it is not convenient to park, the car is a little far away.
"I’ll come with you!" Ye Lingshan got up from his position.
"Are you sure your feet can still walk?" JiNaRui glanced at Ye Lingshan high heels.
Ye Lingshan embarrassed smile or took JiNanRui arm "then I’ll wait for you at the door"
Although it’s autumn, it’s still quite hot. Plus, it will be the highest temperature at noon. Ye Lingshan squints and looks a little lazy.
Xing Sisi saw the door at a glance. Ye Lingshan was held by her friend arm in arm and walked on without responding.
Xing Sisi’s other two roommates don’t know Ye Lingshan, but she and He Zhenmei do.
As we get closer, we can’t avoid He Zhenmei, and we also see Ye Lingshan.
He Zhenmei now saw Ye Lingshan’s face change and touched Xing Sisi’s arm. Xing Sisi was calm now. "I saw it!"
He Zhenmei doesn’t like Ye Lingshan either, but Ji Nanrui’s words scared her that day, so she didn’t dare to expect anything. After all, they are married now.
Ling Ye Shan doesn’t want to trouble Xing Sisi. Both of them can’t solve their personal grievances in this life, but there will be too many personal grievances outside, so there is no need to disturb everyone’s silence.
Xing Sisi saw that Ling Ye Shan didn’t mean to talk to her, and she was also a bit heavy to walk in.
When she crossed Ye Lingshan and walked into the restaurant, she really stopped. "You order first and I’ll be right there."
Xing Sisi’s eyes fell on He Zhen’s beautiful body. He Zhen’s beautiful eyes flashed "Sisi, don’t go."
Xing Sisi’s eyes flashed with a surprise and she smiled quickly. "I’ll be right back."
Things have come to this. Is there anything worse than this?
Even if she knew Ji Nanrui before her, even if she liked Ji Nanrui first, what does it matter? If Ji Nanrui likes to marry her, it’s just that she is obsessed with her.
She hung down and shook hands, then went out and walked beside Ye Lingshan. "I have something to say to you."
Ye Lingshan looked at her with a partial head and nodded "OK, what do you want to talk about?"
It seems to be menacing, but now even my sister doesn’t want to scream.
Xing Sisi looked up at Ye Lingshan. She was shorter than Ye Lingshan and wore sneakers, so she was more than ten centimeters lower than Ye Lingshan. She had to hold her head up when she spoke.
"You know what I want to talk about." Xing Sisi’s eyes were aggressive.
Chapter 562 You be gentle!
Ye Lingshan rubbed his brow and sighed, "Miss Xing, I think you are being ridiculous."
She came here specially to talk to her and said that she knew it. Please, she’s not a worm in her stomach. How can she know what she wants to talk about?
Xingsisi sneer at "I make fun of it? Who is the troublemaker? "
Ye Lingshan didn’t look at her eyes and looked at the traffic in the distance. The expression was somewhat absent-minded. "Xing Sisi, if you are not so fake and lofty, you may not be so annoying. Since you don’t want to talk, get out of here and don’t bother me with this stepmother face."
"Ye Lingshan, don’t go too far!" Xing Sisi bit his lip and looked at Ye Lingshan angrily.
Ye Lingshan sneered, "How can you blame me too much?"
Is it her who is looking for trouble?
Xing Sisi looked at Ye Lingshan with a cold expression, but his expression was contemptuous, just like he was a Tianshan Snow Lotus.
Xing Sisi really looks good. This ice muscle, jade bone’s good skin and everyday people are as pale as chrysanthemums. It is really pleasing, especially men.
Isn’t Ji Nanrui attracted by her temperament at first?
If this sister of hers is really fighting so hard, she may not hate her so much. It’s a pity …
A bitch is a bitch!
Xing Sisi saw Ye Lingshan’s naked contempt in his eyes, and his chest became more and more depressed. "There is nothing wrong with you striving for your own happiness, but why do you want to harm Ji Nanrui? Is he going to marry you just because you like him?"
"I am evil?" Ye Lingshan was angry and smiled. "You are ridiculous. Xing Sisi, when will you change this problem?"
"It’s not you he likes!" When Xing Sisi said this, his confidence became more and more contemptuous than his eyes.
Her meaning and expression tell her that the person Ji Nanrui likes is her Xing Sisi, not her Ye Lingshan.
Ye Lingshan was angered by her. "Xing Sisi, I really don’t know where you come from to say this confidently. Ji Nanrui doesn’t like me, a beautiful young lady who loves him. Do you like you to be petty and unlucky?"
Xing Sisi was choked by Ye Lingshan for a long time and couldn’t speak. It took a long time to hate and hate. "You just got what he was proud of."
Ye Lingshan bowed her head and glanced at her gently. "If you think like this, it will make you feel better and feel free!"
Xing Sisi’s face flushed. Obviously Ye Lingshan said this to her heart.
"Now that I’ve finished, leave before I want to embarrass you!" Ye Lingshan has been looking at Ji Nanrui’s parking direction just now. Why hasn’t it come for so long?
"Do you think it will be held fast to get people by hook or by crook?" Xing Sisi’s words are really vicious.
Ye Lingshan was angered by her and reached out and slapped her. "I don’t keep it well. This is my business, but with me Ye Lingshan, you won’t have a chance."
"What is it that you dare to say such a thing to me? You look and eat, including that you can talk to me here. Ye Jia gave me Ye Jia for so many years, but he raised an unfamiliar baiwenhang. What makes you think you can take Ji Nanrui away from me? Is it because your face is bigger than mine? But what if your face is bigger than mine? "
Xing Sisi was ridiculed by Ye Lingshan, blushing and trembling. "Ye Lingshan, you are too bullying."
"Bullying people? I just bully you. What can you do with me? Before, you still had self-esteem and were different from those coquettish bitches outside, but now I find that you are really different because you are not coquettish and a bitch! "
Just like her mother who hooked up with her father, she is a bitch in her bones.
She didn’t know that she had a mind to seduce JiNanRui.
It’s not that she suspects that JiNanRui will have anything with her, but that she is afraid of disgusting herself.
"Ye Lingshan …" Xing Sisi stretched out his hand to slap Ye Lingshan when he was about to fall, but his hand was caught.
Ye Lingshan looked up at the person in front of him. Who is it?
She just scolded Xing Sisi and really didn’t notice when he came over.
When Xing Sisi saw that it was Ji Nanrui, her eyes turned red and she bit her lip and started to cry.
She broke away from JiNanRui’s arm and turned her back on him without saying a word, waiting for someone to coax her.
Ye Lingshan is the so-called stretched out his hand and grabbed JiNanRui arm "how come it took so long? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time."
Ji Nanrui didn’t say anything. Ye Lingshan noticed a bag in his hand. "What is this?"
"For what?"
"The foot doesn’t hurt?" JiNaRui didn’t good the spirit gave her a look.
Ye Lingshan has packed a box with a pair of shoes, white sneakers, which are not pretty but not ugly.
"You bought it for me?" Ye Lingshan holding the box and smiling at JiNaRui.
"Change it!" Ji Nan Rui Dan said that her feet must be worn out after walking in high heels for so long. It would be easier to wear a new pair of shoes.
Ye Lingshan looked at Xing Sisi with his back to them and shook his arm. "I can’t bend over to change my skirt."
Ji Nanrui looked at Ye Lingshan’s skirt and missed the knee. It’s really inconvenient to bend over.
Take the shoes from her hand and squat down in front of her, let her sit on one leg with her hand on her shoulder.
When I took off my shoes, I saw that her foot was broken at the back and was about to bleed.
Ji Nanrui took out a band-aid from his pocket, put up her wound and then deal with it.

What’s more, some colleagues from the same county magistrate actually urged Wen-xuan li and Wei Zheng to fall into a trap.

"Two adults this king county magistrate is really too much, so don’t give two adults face officer advice horse king county magistrate dismissed for investigation and see if the king county magistrate is really poor …"
"That’s right. The horse will be dismissed from the county magistrate for investigation …"
The first feeling when I saw Wei Zheng here was that this embarrassing king magistrate was not superior to others, and it was probably a very rare official in a big dynasty.
When Wei Zheng showed interest in this county magistrate, he also looked embarrassed and embarrassed. Li Wenxuan had to ask Wei Zheng, "My Lord, what do you think we should do …"
Wang Peng, a county magistrate, will never make a rash decision without really knowing it.
Wei Zheng, who is aiming at Li Wenxuan’s question, just replied with a flat face, "I am a military commander, not a civilian. Besides, this is your magistrate’s office, so you can handle it yourself. I won’t have any opinions …"
Li Wenxuan nodded thoughtfully and decided in front of his eyes, "Since all the adults have this idea, let’s dismiss Wang Daren first … I will report this matter to the court for a resolution …"
Wei Zheng returned to Company commanders mansion with a full harvest after the banquet.
However, what puzzled Kelly Y Zhou and others was that the first thing Wei Zhengkou did was not ask about the harvest tonight, but that the banquet was attacked by a group of colleagues and Wang Peng was dismissed.
"Strategist, what do you think of this Wang Peng king magistrate …"
"Wang Peng king county magistrate …" Zhou Yuanmeng one leng before Bai Weizheng asked what it was?
Wei Zheng stared at a thoughtful face and replied, "General Wang Peng gave me the first impression that he is an honest official … and he is also a talented and honest official. Because we have such talents in big officialdom, we will be squeezed out by our colleagues more than falling into the well …"
Weizheng nodded and turned to Zhang Wu and asked, "Lieutenant Zhang, the longest time you stayed in Datong, you must have heard about this king county magistrate. How do you recognize it?"
Since Wei Zheng gave the generals of Datong Prefecture a bad breath and bowed their heads to the magistrate’s adult, Zhang Wu has recognized this company commander from the bottom of his heart. Not only that, but when he saw the excellent equipment of the Tiger and Leopard Army, he was jealous and he had an impulse to join the Tiger and Leopard Army directly. So far, he has not met a good opportunity.
Zhang Wu didn’t hesitate and conceal the Wei Zheng problem. He replied very readily, "Your Excellency General Zhou said that Wang Daren’s county magistrate is the best among all county magistrates."
"As far as I know, this king magistrate still lives in the county government kitchens, unlike his magistrate who bought a house in his own jurisdiction just a few months ago …"
Wei Zheng nodded his head and affirmed that "the eyes of the people are discerning. If this king magistrate is a good official, it will prove that this king magistrate is indeed a capable and good official."
"For such a good magistrate yamen, if he doesn’t crowd him out, it will just leave us Company commanders mansion."
Speaking of which, Wei Zheng directly asked Wei Zheng, "Strategist, do you think about whether there is any good position for this Wang Peng in Company commanders mansion? Since he has been transferred to the county magistrate’s position, I will pull him to our Tiger and Leopard Army in the name of Datong Company commanders and ask the court to give him a level that is better and more suitable for his official position. We will work."
After counting all the official positions of Company commanders mansion, a deputy official position of his own slowly appeared in Kelly Y Zhou’s mind
Wei Zheng was ordered by the court to be the general commander of Datong Prefecture. It is time for the Tiger and Leopard Army to send troops to Wei Zheng as soon as possible. Thousands of soldiers were also appointed by the court. Zhou Yuan, the strategist of Tiger and Leopard Army, was ordered by the court to assist Wei Zheng in commanding the Tiger and Leopard Army …
In the face of Xuanfu envoy, there is also a fellow Xuanfu envoy who assists Xuanfu envoy in supervising the military inspection of wages …
Therefore, this Xuanfu envoy’s tongzhi position appeared in Kelly Y Zhou’s mind. Not only that, Wei Zheng just gave himself one when he entered Datong House, and it also came to Kelly Y Zhou’s mind.
Wei Zheng gazed tentatively and asked, "How about the general’s five propaganda envoys knowing each other … Isn’t it necessary for our tiger and leopard army to resettle the refugees in Datong House after entering Datong House … There is absolutely no problem for the king magistrate to manage a county to resettle tens of thousands of refugees in Datong House and let them go to wasteland?"
"My idea is to ask the court for a XuanFuZhi tongzhi position to give the king magistrate a sign to be in charge of the resettlement and reclamation of refugees in Datong. In addition, since the king magistrate is a valuable official, all the expenses of our butch army can also be handed over to him to manage, so that the king magistrate is willing to join our butch army …"
Wei Zheng’s eyes lit up and he affirmed, "Let him manage refugees and wasteland first. If he really has the ability, I will drag him into the Tiger and Leopard Army because there are too few scholars in our Tiger and Leopard Army."
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four XuanFu TongZhi
The backyard of Shanyin county in Datong has just been removed from the post of magistrate. Wang Pengzheng is sitting in the backyard of the yamen and sulking.
Although he has been back for several days, the news that he was transferred to the county magistrate has been reported to the county government and the whole Shanyin County, but Wang Peng’s heart is filled with all the unpopular ideas
As time goes by, this idea becomes stronger and stronger …
"What you want to be a good officer …"
"Why is it so difficult for Dachao to be a good official …"
"Don’t we really have a great court decayed to the point where we can’t even be a good official …"
Wang Peng’s face has changed with various ideas, and the gray-haired old housekeeper quickly walked into the kitchens. After looking at Wang Peng with a face of heartache, she quickly said, "Someone outside the master’s government is looking for you …"
"Looking for me …" Wang Peng’s face directly showed a look full of surprise.
Because since the news that he was dismissed from his post, Shanyin County is the so-called "people go for tea", and no one has come to visit him again.
Now I suddenly heard that someone would visit me at this time. Wang Peng’s unpredictable face flashed a smile and ordered the old housekeeper with a face of excitement. "The trotters invite people in …"
Soon the old housekeeper led Wei Zheng, Kelly Y Zhou and Zhang Wu to appear in the government kitchens.
A few days ago, Wang Peng met Wei Zheng and Kelly Y Zhou at dinner, but he didn’t see them clearly. At first, Wang Peng didn’t recognize Wei Zheng, the Datong company commander, and he didn’t see his direct company in the future, that is, Kelly Y Zhou, the messenger of Datong.
However, because Lieutenant Zhang of Zhang Wu has been in Datong Mansion for almost two years, the county magistrate of Wang Peng is still very familiar with Zhang Wu.
After seeing Zhang Wu among the three people, Wang Peng quickly got up from his seat and said respectfully, "Officer … No, it’s no longer a county magistrate. Right people have seen General Zhang. I don’t know what General Zhang is doing here …"
Glared at the front without expression of eyes, Wang Peng said with a face of dissatisfaction, "Didn’t Wang Daren have long eyes? Not only did I come to our Datong Sobee adults and Xuanfu envoy Zhou Daren, but I haven’t come to see Wei Zongbing …"
"Company commanders’ adult …" Wang Peng suddenly one leng didn’t respond at the moment.
It was not until Wei Zheng sat down in the back hall with a smile that Wang Pengcai suddenly woke up and hurried to the front of Wei Zheng with a respectful face and said, "The right man didn’t know that the company commanders’ adult came to my humble place and neglected the company commanders’ adult. Please forgive the company commanders’ adult …"
Wei Zheng waved and said, "All right, sit down. I’m not here today to bother you."
Then Wang Peng directly stared at Kelly Y Zhou with a pair of puzzled eyes and ordered, "Zhou Daren, you first announce to Wang Daren that Company commanders mansion has just sent a message …"

"Click, click, click!"

The same nine-shot sound represents the nine-shot combo of Ba Tian Huang Wei, but the sound should be crisp. Many ships are suddenly broken, and then a miraculous scene appears, like a fragile eggshell, which is broken by nine cannon shots, and then the cannon shots fragment is derived on a large scale. The last place is not cannon shots.
This blow is so overbearing? This blow is so strong? It is no wonder that Harley will call the smashing-level artillery attack stunt full of disbelief in the eyes of Li Haitao, a wise man who has always been proud, but this blow is left to Pu Yunxian and Yuan Hongbo, but he is extremely obsessed.
It’s worthy that Harley, the chief artillery officer of the Tianzhu fleet, pushed the artillery attack skills to a great extent, and even overwhelmed 200 odd-class star cruise ships to attack the magnificent Tianwei, which is the strongest in the world.
Tens of millions of monty worms nearby were pierced by artillery attack stunts without moaning, but the battle did not end there, on the contrary, it became more bloody.
Volume 22 The devil takes the hindmost! The Great War Chapter 1276 Burning
Harley killed more than 50 million monty bugs with an earth-shattering blow, which is one tenth of the whole swarm. However, such casualties did not scare off crazy bugs, but they became more bloodthirsty.
"Ow ow …"
Dull roar pierced the depths of the heart, and the battlefield burst into violent fluctuations. Ten thousand monty worms burned a dark blue flame, and then all blue light was interwoven into a sea of light.
"Boom …"
"ah! No, the energy shield defense number is dropping rapidly. Damn it, what kind of attack is this? How so powerful? " The crew are a little scared, and the defense force of the Tenchu fleet is already ridiculously high, but blue light can still cause a severe impact on the fleet. If these ten thousand monty worms are strong, they will suffer greatly.
Just as the ship’s shadow was about to be submerged by blue light, the bow of Phantom of the Opera suddenly showed an avalanche, and the negative energy actually condensed into the blue light ocean around the entity and collided with each other maliciously.
The lack of energy in the wave and light is eliminating the crisis, and the head of the crisis is shattered. The species Duo Duo finally made a move. The negative energy accumulated for many years pressed the other side, effectively preventing the defense number of each ship from falling.
The top-class shattered species can achieve far more than these dark black spears. The incredible pattern disappears, and thousands of monty worms have a hard shell on their heads, and then many crazy insects come to an abrupt end.
There was a strange scene on the battlefield, and ten thousand monty worms suddenly stopped charging. They floated like a machine suddenly shut down, and all the breath disappeared.
It seems to vent the pain of being trapped for thousands of years, and it seems to announce to the Zerg that the majestic golden-winged Dapeng bird in the bow of the Phantom of the Great Power has come alive and raised its head to make a long sound of implementing the spiritual level.
It was very original and overbearing, and the spiritual storm swept away. Ten thousand monty worms felt threatened and rushed forward, but the zerg would not be afraid of his situation. Life worms rushed forward and backward.
After Harley’s bombardment, the momentum of ten thousand monty worms was slightly frustrated. It was precisely because of this fleeting opportunity that the Phantom of the Opera’s ten insect turrets popped up in the fleet, and the insect turrets of other ships had also hovered near the hull, followed by the strongest firepower explosion, which belonged to the Tianzhu fleet.
"come on! Let the worm see that we are so powerful that the out-of-bounds galaxy will always remember this moment. "Lin momo nodded at the screen and said forcefully.
Previously, the worm turret also attacked, but it was not the power of the Ministry and it was not pushed to the extreme. Now, it is not Aotian Long’s sinking blade, Daqing Mountain, Dongmei Mountain, Daqing Mountain, Xiada Mountain, Qingshan Spring, and five peerless masters poured the source power.
Nearly 100 top experts in the fleet, nearly 1,000 top experts, Qi Xin Xieli Worm Turret, have actually produced various attribute forces, and those gunners who specialize in artillery attack technology have been influenced by Harley to come up with the strongest strength.
Around the Tianzhu fleet, a strong color cannon light suddenly emitted, which eclipsed the whole universe. Brothers like Athena and Cletina, who are rich, relied on their powerful weapons to bless them, and were slightly inferior to the peerless masters. They were assigned to the wise man Li Haitao of Obsidian, who closed his eyes and listened intently, and muttered something to himself, which actually simulated Harley’s cannon attack stunt.
"Boom …"
The zerg is fierce, but the attack of the Tenchu fleet is even more fierce. Even if the defense ability of ten thousand monty worms is amazing, there is always a limit to bear. After the peerless master and the peak master pour the source power, the destructive power of the cannon light is extremely abnormal.
Ten thousand monty worms roared, and some insect shells were melted red by terrible heat energy, and some insect shells were damaged by terrible decomposition, and the situation expanded several levels.
Whenever matter is beyond the scope of energy scrubbing, the gunners of the Tianzhu fleet can destroy hundreds of thousands of monty bugs in an instant even if they only achieve 1% lethality of Harley’s artillery skills.
Lin momo’s heart is excited, and the number of casualties of ten thousand monty worms is soaring. This is the ideal hindmost. Even in the face of the strongest zerg in the universe, everyone is not afraid and can win perfectly.
From now on, the performance of the Tianzhu fleet is perfect. More than half of the deaths and injuries of monty worms have dropped from 50 thousand to 20 thousand, but the cannon light has not stopped and still maintained the maximum firepower output.
Tenchu fleet tried its best. Lin momo tried his best. The crew also tried their best. Occasionally, a bug shadow rushed to the crowd and was quickly blown away by the cannon light. The body was kept intact.
In the distance, Connor and Damon joined forces to fight, and the discoverer fleet suppressed the light screen to represent the zerg’s life emblem. The blue spots are disappearing in batches, and the record is still quite brilliant. It is impossible for these zergs to turn over the battlefield situation.
After more than ten minutes of shopping, the number of ten thousand monty bugs has dropped to thousands, but Lin momo frowned. At present, the fleet is really strong, but it is equally unusual to rank third in the list of strange bugs. Unfortunately, the information on the list of strange bugs in ten thousand monty bugs is not very detailed, because this zerg has not been seen for two thousand years, and it has been forgotten.
"The closer you get to success, the more you need to be careful to hit this level. You still can’t make a move and let everyone get close to the formation. I have a bad feeling." Lin momo looked dignified and watched the battlefield with a deep and remote eye.
"Momo you also perceive? There is something wrong with these ten thousand monty worm strength seems to rank some discrepancy unless they have other means "destruction blade to connect to the master control room at the same time.
"Yes, I have noticed that according to the data in the database, the adventure guild sent a crusade against the fleet two thousand years ago, but the final result didn’t say the battle scene. For example, several fleets returned home in triumph. Maybe the captain who participated in the operation was hiding something. Maybe the light Federation didn’t want to set up a difficult enemy. They wanted people to see a glimmer of hope. Today, all kinds of possibilities may be able to make a concrete assessment of the situation in that year. Anyway, we are now in the wind and these ten thousand monty worms are very suitable for building heavy insect turrets." Lin momo smiled leisurely.
At this moment, Lin momo is not so nervous and powerful, which comes from confidence and combat power. If the Tianzhu fleet can’t even cope with ten thousand monty worms, then why talk about interstellar space? What about controlling the adventure guild?
This ten thousand cases of monty bug Lin momo’s eyes are a little cute because they are dazzling.
The cannon light becomes denser and denser, the number of insect shadows decreases sharply, and the number of attack targets decreases gradually. It is difficult to think of firepower, and the fleet moves slowly from standstill, which can minimize the risk and kill insects more quickly.
"Boom …"
It is no longer possible to bombard the fleet to take the hindmost offensive. Every cannon light is sharp and abnormal, which makes ten thousand monty worms unable to stand it. Soon Lin momo will know what will upset him.
The ultra-low temperature environment of those ten thousand cases of monty worm corpses is not frozen, but a very subtle fluctuation, which is connected with each other. Then a dozen odd-grade star cruise ships on the edge of the battlefield appear bloodshot, and then these ships flash out the signs of broken silicon crystal cover energy shield.
At this time, millions of remaining monty worms shook their heads, and they actually broke free from the hard shell and gave away their miserable green soft bodies, which directly exposed the battlefield in the universe, and one after another lotus flower gathered and went away. Just a few breaths created nearly a hundred huge things.
It’s bloody and cruel. It’s obvious that some ten thousand monty worms’ blood energy transformation is so gorgeous and self-exploding, but they insist on ten thousand monty worms’ breath. They don’t reach the level of zerg overlord, and their size is even far beyond that of zerg overlord, which devours worm blood and makes their cells swell to the point of multiplication.
"Damn, these big guys are very unstable. The root is bombs." Lin momo scolded 1 and shouted at the wave frequency. "Lilith forced Purgatory Violet to limit them and couldn’t let them succeed."
"Okay, leave it to me!" Lilith simply responded that her voice did not fall and she set off a surging flame. Thirty-six star cruises were separated from the Tianzhu fleet. The first odd star cruise ship was like a red-violet.
Purgatory violet war is a trump card in Lin momo’s hand, and the whole fleet is escorted by the super incineration power of black lotus to deal with ten thousand monty bug mutants at all times.
Thirty-six ships rushed very fast. Before Lin momo and the sinking blade were suspicious, Lilith had already prepared that no matter how difficult the ten thousand monty worms were, they would burn them thoroughly before they dared.
The black lotus comes from Taikoo granary, where the accumulated fire energy of hundreds of millions of years is unusually fierce, and the battle of Purgatory Violet has reached the level of comprehensive ship warfare. This is the light that rises from the mighty universe and shines in all directions.
"Thirty-six ships in the Heavenly Infernal Purgatory Violet War" Lilith exclaims that one or thirty-six ship shadows are quickly superimposed together, and the fire energy is also superimposed together.
"Purgatory purgatory purgatory …"
"Violet violet violet violet …"
"Kill kill kill …"
Cruel and extremely murderous intention sweeps the dark blue, and the fluctuation is like the dragon’s fluctuation, which comes out in vain. The non-burning place in the center of violet is not the blue rainbow.
Across the street, ten thousand monty worms are ugly after expansion. They are covered with one tumor after another. When their huge bodies rush in, they encounter burning power and decompose these giants with blazing light.
"Boom ….." Terrible explosion. This is the terrible place of ten thousand monty worms. The shock wave spreads wildly, enveloping the whole battlefield.
Volume 22 The devil takes the hindmost! The epic war Chapter 1277 Looting
A few hours later, those huge insect corpses are still burning in the battlefield, and the power of purgatory violet is double. Ten thousand monty insect mutants will be incinerated when they are about to explode. There are not many insects that can cross the war blockade. The abnormal cannon light of Phantom of the Opera forms the second blockade, and the blasting power has reached its lowest point.
Despite the double insurance, there are still more than a dozen star cruise ships with broken energy shields. Lin momo’s face is uncertain. If you really meet ten thousand monty worms and the adult tide wants to win, it is too difficult.
After Purgatory Violet bloomed, Lin Sisuo led his team to sneak into the gas planet and met tens of millions of monty worms.
Tens of millions of monty bugs are just a trouble, which is not enough to make the Tianzhu fleet timid. However, they rely on the favorable terrain in the troposphere to stick to it before they hit the strategic granary road.
To be honest, the combat power consumed by playing this granary is beyond Lin momo’s expectation, and it will be quite easy for the fleet to take the hindmost action. As a result, Harley’s artillery attack stunts will be gorgeous, and the species will be shattered. Even the Purgatory Violet War will be put to use, and the ordinary fleet will definitely lose its reputation.
In the end, it won’t be a bloody battle, but it was a bit thrilling because of the appearance of ten thousand monty bugs, that’s all.
Cleaning the battlefield has always been Connor and Louis’ favorite thing, while the granary of the gaseous planet is condensed by countless low-level insect corpses
When the Phantom of the Opera entered the granary, the shocking scene even froze for a long time. There were two meteorites suspended in this strategic granary, which fell into the atmosphere and left potholes, and each meteorite was huge, with a diameter of several kilometers and dozens of star cruises connected end to end to encircle it.
If you only see meteorites, you don’t have to be so excited. The key is that these two meteorites are very special. The smaller meteorite on the left is light green, just like a large piece of jade, but it is not real jade, but a lower-level refined raw ore. According to the calculation of energy series based on the is, even if it is pure, I am afraid the consumption is equivalent to 670 million units of refined crystal. What’s more, the large meteorite on the right is more valuable.
The meteorite on the right emits a faint golden light from time to time. This is the rarest ore in the universe, which can make Brother Wu’s bones and muscles lighter and stronger, and make the skeleton of the Star Cruise Department stronger and stronger. It has a very arrogant name called Destiny Dragon Emperor Mine.
That is to say, whoever gets this kind of ore seems to get destiny, and it can be called emperor ancestor in the field of star cruises, although the statement is exaggerated, but the value is really high

"whose shoe are these?" Say that finish Henaan big eyes full of aura wobbled at him.

"I’ll tell you if we’ve reached the mountain after this?" Huangfu Zhantian didn’t want to entangle this topic more, but changed the subject.
Henaan shrugged his shoulders when he saw that Huangfu Zhantian didn’t want to say anything and didn’t ask much, and then skipped to the front to look at her worries. Huangfu Zhantian couldn’t help but think that like a little girl, she couldn’t understand what she was older than herself. She should be younger than herself.
Soon the two men came to the foot of the mountain, and Huangfu Zhantian was really a little reluctant to meet my little sister before long, but no matter how reluctant they were, they had to be separated. Since they had to be separated anyway, it would be better to be free and easy to think of this Huangfu Zhantian with a smile. "Come on, Henaan, just send me here. Go home quickly, or your family will worry about you."
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, Henaan’s face piled up a flattering smile and didn’t answer. Before hugging Huangfu Zhantian, his right arm shook, while Henaan’s towering strength rubbed his arm from time to time, which made Huangfu Zhantian cry too much, but he was unwilling to let her go. Henaan’s plump mouth pouted a pathetic look, which made Huangfu Zhantian burst. Section 418: One move 1.
See Henaan that kind of suspection.i Zhantian resist heart will hand out of her arms without trace a little faint loss way "Henaan elder sister I have to go, you take care, rest assured that I will come to see you".
"Xiaotian, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m the only one in the family. There was a grandmother before, but now even she can’t. I’m left alone. I don’t know where to go." Say that finish, Henaan’s watery eyes were covered with a layer of fog and then she looked at Huangfu Zhantian pitifully.
HuangFuZhanTian a look at this posture directly overwhelmed the wry smile way: "Don’t cry first, there’s no one at home. Why didn’t you say so earlier? It’s really disturbing for you that a girl lives in this deep Shan Ye forest. Well, I’ll help you find a place to live in the city. Well, I really don’t understand whether you are older or older than me and can cry."
"I’m younger than you, but you insist on calling my sister, and I really don’t know where I’m going at home. Besides, I don’t know anyone who knows you, and you have the heart to lose someone." Then I began to cry again.
Any suspection.i Zhantian stroking his forehead nai way "my aunt what do you want to do? It’s inconvenient for me to take you to a far place. "[
As soon as Henaan heard that things had turned around, he immediately stepped up his offensive. "I’ll call your brother after this, so you can always take me away, and I promise I won’t delay you or drag you back. Is that all?" Say that finish a face of delicate and charming expression to see that if suspection.i Zhantian don’t promise, this sister-in-law appointed to cry.
"Well, I promise you, there’s nothing you can do." I added, "Then I’ll rent you a carriage, or we won’t know if we’re going this way."
"No, I can fly!" Henaan waiting for two big eyes way
"What can you fly? How is that possible? Are you blade master? Impossible: How can you be so small that you are blade master? Absolutely impossible. "After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian was taken aback, but on second thought, how is this possible? Henaan can’t be blade master, where can there be such a young blade master? And look at her. Although she is bigger than herself, it is estimated that it is not much bigger.
"blade master? I don’t understand, but I’m telling the truth. You don’t believe me. Why don’t we have a competition? I will never drag you down "Henaan nifty blinked her eyes. After that, Henaan seemed to want to prove himself. In the eyes of Huangfu Zhantian, he was shocked and his body was gently flying."
"This … this is definitely not a flying skill, Henaan. Are you really blade master?" Huangfu Zhantian’s glassy-eyed way to himself is abnormal enough, but when he saw Henaan, he found that compared with her, he was dwarfed and not worth a blow.
"I don’t know what you mean by blade master, but you can’t beat me." Henaan said another sentence that made Huangfu Zhantian collapse. Section 419: One move.
After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian really has a little faith. After all, the facts are in front of her, and then she can still be calm and calm before her own murderous look. There are also her barefoot walking on the mountain road and her bizarre appearance. All these show that Henaan is unusual. This elm head has only now been discovered, but Henaan said that she can defeat herself, which makes Huangfu Zhantian almost sneer at her own cultivation techniques. No opponent has been found in her peers or peers.
"Henaan, don’t be ridiculous. You said that you can fly. I believe it now, but I don’t believe it when you say that you can beat me. I can beat you with one hand." Huangfu Zhantian looked at her fragile bones and said with a smile.
"Hey, hey, let’s make a bet. If I win, then you have to promise to let me follow you. If you win, how about I cook for you?" Henaan cunningly laughed
"I’m afraid of you. Come on." Say that finish. Behind Huangfu Zhantian, Raytheon’s wings are on display. "Sou!" A flying smallpox feather is far away.
"Brother Xiaotian, I’m coming. Be careful." Henaan chuckled and said that her whole person disappeared from the sight of Huangfu Zhantian [
See Henaan disappear suspection.i Zhantian pupil suddenly shrink back suddenly and violently. On the way back, suspection.i Zhantian will spread Raytheon’s true qi all over the body and then Lei Guang will be protected. Just after finishing these suspection.i Zhantian, I found that Henaan appeared in the place where Henaan disappeared just now, and it seems that she didn’t move. This made suspection.i Zhantian can’t help but rub his eyes and dazzle himself. But suspection.i Zhantian is sure that Henaan has disappeared. Is this because it is too fast?
"Brother Xiaotian, you have to honor what you just promised Henaan. Oh, you have to take me with you." Then Henaan patted his hands and smiled.
"But you haven’t beaten me yet." Huangfu Zhantian also said with a smile.
"No? You see if there is a white mark on your chest. "Henaan laughed while covering her mouth.
After listening to Henaan’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s face changed and he looked down at his chest. When Huangfu Zhantian saw that very dazzling white mark, Huangfu Zhantian’s face was like ashes, and he was defeated and defeated so thoroughly. He saw Henaan’s figure disappear and then appeared, but he didn’t see her. I don’t know how she didn’t realize the situation and printed this white mark on her chest.
But it’s a good thing that this person is Henaan. If he is a malicious person, he will probably become a corpse at this time. Thinking of this Huangfu Zhantian wry smile, "Smelly girl seems to be that I despise you. I don’t know how you cultivate my genius. If those who praise me see you, what will you praise?"
"Brother Xiaotian, don’t lose heart. If it’s true, I’m not as good as you. What’s the reason? I’ll tell you when the time is right." Henaan bit her lip and said that she was afraid of hitting Huangfu Zhantian and losing confidence. Then it’s troublesome. Section 4: Strange Town 1.
"It’s too shocking, Henaan. Now I finally know that this is the gap." Any suspection.i Zhantian was devastated!
"Ha ha, I won’t joke with you. Let’s go now, but you should cover your face before we go." Huangfu Zhantian said seriously, although both of them are a pervert, after all, the trouble Huangfu Zhantian doesn’t like the most is the trouble. Of course, it’s not disgusting to bother Huangfu Zhantian like this little beauty.
"What?" Henaan blinking big eyes naive asked.
"Don’t tell me you’ve never been out," asked HuangFuZhanTian, looking at her seriously.

Four more small shopkeepers are in charge of patrolling the shops by Li Si and Wang Wu respectively, and two more offices are also in two places.

In addition to hiring a small number of people who are particularly familiar with the capital and are particularly flexible and clever, the big boys and small boys buy their own people.
Pastry even fangzhou decided that the female waiter looks cleaner and more friendly, which can attract customers. Roast duck is a male waiter here.
Will require detailed said it again a few middleman also promised to go.
Make an appointment to come at noon in four days, and two people will come at noon to save them time.
Arrange all this, even Fangzhou was in a good mood and plunged into the kitchen again.
Soon, the kitchen was full of strong fragrance, which was mouth-watering.
Chunxing and Bitao tasted it when they were in Dafang Village, and they hooked up their greedy worms. They couldn’t help sucking their noses greedily. "But this fragrance is this fragrance!"
After it was done, even Fangzhou asked everyone to taste it and took a lot out for Luo Guang and others to taste.
Everyone said it was good, especially the egg tart and honey cake.
Even Fang Zhou smiled and secretly had a bottom in his heart.
In this way, raw materials have to be purchased. Let’s do it herself for the time being! As soon as the shop arrives, Li Si and Wang Wu have to take care of the decoration there and squeeze out to train new guys …
This is busy again. Chapter 71 Making money
Even Fangzhou didn’t detain Li Si and Wang Wu these days, gave them money, told them to go out and play in the streets, and told them to be generous and make more friends!
Li Si and Wang Wu know that their master must be trying to make a big difference in Beijing, and they are very aware of everything in Beijing on weekdays.
After this, it will be fruitful for nearly a month.
Now, if you do things again, you will have a lot of answers and be handy.
Li Fu was so busy in the yamen today that he didn’t come back until the evening. Even Fang Zhou saw him enter the door and immediately crossed himself. He went to the kitchen and made some egg tarts and fried some pumpkin cakes and honey cakes to show him.
Li Fu eyes a bright smile "niang do this at home today? But I have the luck to eat! "
Even Fang Zhou smiled and pinched a hot, crisp and tender egg tart and fed it to him with a smile. "This is a special addition of good polysaccharide!" Very sweet! "
Li Fu smiled and opened his mouth to eat. He was very intoxicated and laughed. "It’s the previous taste. I just want this taste this time! I am afraid that you are tired and you are not embarrassed to say it! "
Provoked even fangzhou happy and distressed and kissed him a few laughs. "I’m your mother!" Isn’t it natural for this hand-washing soup to serve your husband? Just let me know what you want to eat in the future! "
Said they both laughed.
Seeing that he tasted some of the three, he ate two egg tarts, and even Fang Zhou asked quickly, "I will make something better!" Do you think it will be good to sell in Beijing? "
Li Fu nodded and smiled "will! Niang craft is not worse than the imperial pastry chef in the palace. "
"Then I’m relieved!" Even fangzhou beamed with relief.
Although everyone tasted it and said yes with a smile, even Fangzhou didn’t believe them very much, but she knew that her husband wouldn’t lie to herself. If he said yes, it would be good.
Li Fu added, "But didn’t you say that buying is a modest shop? How many things are you going to sell? Will it be a bit insufficient? "
Even Fang Zhou laughed. "You don’t know this! When the time comes, there will naturally be a master and a second time! It is not enough to introduce one or two new species from time to time to ensure that there are eleven or two samples at the same time! Some of them are in season, so that counts! There are many doorways here! "
Li Fu listened to her serious talk and smiled, "I don’t understand these things, but I wish you had an idea!" "
Lian Fangzhou has already prepared three kinds of cakes: egg tart, honey cake and cloud cake. Each of them can make several flavors, and the others will rotate nine kinds at a time.
Of course, new species will continue to emerge.
She is already considering whether to send someone to Xinjiang to learn how to cut cakes.
"By the way," Li Fu added, "my colleague has a farm in the suburbs of Beijing that wants to sell paddy fields. There are 30 or 40 acres of dry land, but there are 200 or 300 acres of samples. Ask me if I want it. I want to ask you first. If you say yes, we will!"
Before Li Fu finished, Fang Zhou nodded and laughed. "Of course you want it! It’s not easy to buy some land in the suburbs of Beijing! Especially Zhuang! Can you not send the door? "
Li Fu smiled and said, "I’ll call him back now!" The price is not much to say, just give it as he says! We’re not bad at all! "
Even fangzhou really can’t agree with such an idea. "That’s not what I said! It’s not that I’m stingy, it’s another thing. If you start this business, will someone sell land to our family? What if there is a treachery? This kind of person is not necessarily the owner, but mostly the official. I’ll ask Li Si and Wang Wu to follow and have a look! "
He laughed again. "Speaking of which, we should have a housekeeper, but there has been no suitable candidate!"
Li Fu listened to her and laughed. "Let it be arranged at your will! I really don’t understand these things, not to save trouble. "
Even Fang Zhou smiled and promised not to.
What’s not clear about her about his nature? Isn’t it the same in Dafang Village? All farm work or business matters are decided by her, and he cares nothing about the rest.
Even Fang Zhou secretly thought it was no wonder that the house was reluctant to let him leave. How much benefit he lost this time! Well, he actually knows how to hide some private wives and hide them so well. It’s really-it’s not easy …
The man is an asshole! Everything can be ignored, and it will not be ignored if it is broken!
The husband and wife talked for a while and got bored for a while, then it was dinner time.
Neither Zhou nor Miss Qin came to dinner tonight.

Then came a naked woman and a naked man …

Ziyun ao’s nervous eyes suddenly became more shocked than her breath suddenly stagnated and she felt something strangely transpiration because of her body!
The side face of the man lying in bed is so beautiful that it blooms like a lotus, and it is crisp to the extreme, like a poppy with a deadly toxin, which naturally connects two completely different temperament.
That’s Yi!
It’s him and a strange naked woman!
Junya didn’t expect Ziyun proud to be angry and generate wind, so it’s a little guilty to bump the door. Now he wants to block her sight and blindfold her, but now where can he stop it?
"What did you do …" Ziyun proudly trembled as if she still couldn’t believe what she saw.
Bender was shocked to see this scene! Oh, my God, who is that woman? How can she lie naked beside me? But I hate it when people touch him. She looks at Ziyun proudly. No, she is sad. If her lover is with another woman, she will be very sad. But the imperial doctor knows what just stopped her. Did he do everything? ?
Bender looked at Junya in amazement.
I’m afraid you’re not the only one who wants to know the answer at the moment!
Junya lowered her eyes and tried to stay calm, hoping that she wouldn’t collapse because of this. "The last drug introduction was the first night of my lover … I don’t choose."
"You know not to know that you do this is a great harm to him and me! !” Ziyun proudly growled and pushed Junya Junya, but she bowed her hands vigorously.
Yao Qianmei pressed Ziyun’s proud shoulder to signal her to calm down, but her eyes were so cold that he felt inexplicable. Is that man really that important to her? Worth her being so mad? But he didn’t ask anything, but he let go of her and rushed towards the room. There were some things he didn’t want her to face, but there were some things she could face by herself.
Ziyun ao broke into the room more and more slowly, and the scene in front of her almost made her unable to breathe.
At the moment, the phantom is lying next to Huang Junyi, and the lip corner is eating a satisfied smile.
Ziyun ao forced herself to walk in, but she felt that her heart was about to be pumped.
Huang Junyi hasn’t woken up at the moment, and she can’t imagine what it would be like if he woke up.
If he knows, he will collapse, just as she is about to collapse now.
How can …
How can this …
I wish she had come earlier. Almost … Almost …
Yao Qian’s charm has reached the bed first. He is cold on the bed, and the naked woman simply says, "She is dead."
Ziyun Ao still feels that she can’t breathe. Even if that woman dies, she can repair the cracks in her heart. Her game already belongs to someone else …
How will they face it later! ! Seeing Junya dodging her eyes, Ziyun Ao’s doubts are getting heavier and heavier. Can he stop her there? He forgot that she can control her anger!
She suddenly became angry with her mind! A huge wind rushed to the door behind Junya, and the door hit! It’s too late for the demon to stop her.
Bang bang—
The door slammed to the ground!
Then came a naked woman and a naked man …
Ziyun ao’s nervous eyes suddenly became more shocked than her breath suddenly stagnated and she felt something strangely transpiration because of her body!
The side face of the man lying in bed is so beautiful that it blooms like a lotus, and it is crisp to the extreme, like a poppy with a deadly toxin, which naturally connects two completely different temperament.
That’s Yi!
It’s him and a strange naked woman!
Junya didn’t expect Ziyun proud to be angry and generate wind, so it’s a little guilty to bump the door. Now he wants to block her sight and blindfold her, but now where can he stop it?
"What did you do …" Ziyun proudly trembled as if she still couldn’t believe what she saw.
Bender was shocked to see this scene! Oh, my God, who is that woman? How can she lie naked beside me? But I hate it when people touch him. She looks at Ziyun proudly. No, she is sad. If her lover is with another woman, she will be very sad. But the imperial doctor knows what just stopped her. Did he do everything? ?
Bender looked at Junya in amazement.
I’m afraid you’re not the only one who wants to know the answer at the moment!
Junya lowered her eyes and tried to stay calm, hoping that she wouldn’t collapse because of this. "The last drug introduction was the first night of my lover … I don’t choose."
"You know not to know that you do this is a great harm to him and me! !” Ziyun proudly growled and pushed Junya Junya, but she bowed her hands vigorously.
Yao Qianmei pressed Ziyun’s proud shoulder to signal her to calm down, but her eyes were so cold that he felt inexplicable. Is that man really that important to her? Worth her being so mad? But he didn’t ask anything, but he let go of her and rushed towards the room. There were some things he didn’t want her to face, but there were some things she could face by herself.
Ziyun ao broke into the room more and more slowly, and the scene in front of her almost made her unable to breathe.
At the moment, the phantom is lying next to Huang Junyi, and the lip corner is eating a satisfied smile.
Ziyun ao forced herself to walk in, but she felt that her heart was about to be pumped.

Zhang Lao six woke up from a coma and seemed to be scattered all over. "Hey? I’m not dead! " The old man couldn’t believe himself, but he was aching all over and woke up. He wasn’t dreaming.

He groped his way up, and now he has fallen off Xiunv Peak. A valley at the bottom of the peak is full of fallen leaves for many years. He is falling off this pile of fallen leaves, otherwise he would have died from that height.
Zhang Laoliu looked at the rejuvenation grass in his hand and lit it up again in his heart, hoping to find a way to go out and save his son.
But when I looked up, it was surrounded by Hei Junjun, and the mountain Tianma was about to get dark, and the rain still didn’t stop.
Touching the steep cliff next to him, he tried, but there was no way to climb the cliff like a knife, almost at a 90-degree angle.
What should we do? How to go out?
Zhang Laoliu fumbled around and looked around. Now there is a small cave over there. I wonder if I can go out from there?
He thought about slowly holding the mountain wall and walking to the cave. He took a look at the mouth of the cave. It seemed that there was a little light in it. Zhang Laoliu was eager to save his heart, and he went in no matter what danger was inside.
The cave has just been very narrow, and after walking for a while, it has gradually become wider, and even the vision has become wider. Zhang Laoliu feels that the cave has a mysterious atmosphere, but he can’t say what it is.
The cave is getting wider and wider. It’s a hole in the sky. The air here is fresh and not as dirty as expected. The temperature is a little cold. Although the temperature is already low in late autumn, the temperature in the cave seems to have been soaked in deep winter. The more Zhang Laohan feels cold and shivering.
He curled up his neck and groped for the hole in the ground. The number of frost flowers has formed. Whether the wall or the ground is white, there is a cold light. What is the mouth of the cave that saw a glimmer of light? It is probably these frost flowers that reflect the light.
Soon at the bottom of the cave, old man Zhang was disappointed that there was no so-called exit. It seems that there is no way to get through here, and he wants to go back the same way.
But all of a sudden, the ground in front of us is risking light steam.
Zhang Laohan went forward curiously and took a closer look. He was surprised that there was a hot spring in such a cold environment.
Zhang Laohan looked into the hot spring. A figure appeared in the clear spring. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully. It was good that there was a man lying in the hot spring. He looked like a young man in his twenties. His face was angular and full of masculine muscles. He was full of strength and fitness like a sun god. His head and eyebrows were lux red, as if a fire were burning. He just curled up quietly and held his legs, lying there motionless as if asleep.
A grotesque dagger was inserted in his heart, which penetrated deeply into the young man’s left chest like a snake, revealing that the handle of the dagger was inlaid with a sparkling red gem.
Is this man dead? What is lying in this hot spring?
Lao Zhang almost forgot the cold. He looked around the hot spring. No, he had to find a way to get out quickly. Xiaorong is still waiting for this life-saving grass! Zhang Laohan wanted to walk out of the cave by the original road.
But just after a few steps, I thought that the handle of the dagger inserted in the young man’s body was inlaid with such a big red gem, which looked very valuable and could probably change a lot of silver and food! I can get a better doctor for my son and improve my family life. Zhang Laoliu decided to pull the dagger out and take it away.
I’ve made up my mind. Zhang Lao Liu jumped into the hot spring and pulled to the young man’s side. He put his hands into the water and turned the young man over. How heavy!
The young man was lying on his back in the water with a handsome red knife-shaped eyebrows and a slightly ruffled face. The lines were as tough as stones.
Zhang Laoliu clenched his teeth and touched the handle Bi. He held the handle and pulled it out with a jerk. The young man’s chest was pulled out because of too much force. Zhang Laoliu even fell into the hot spring with the Bi. It is strange that this Bi actually "sou" went up in smoke. The old man looked at the swinging hand and couldn’t help but freeze.
Fortunately, it didn’t hurt to fall in the water, but the rejuvenation grass also fell into the water and floated not far from Zhang Laoliu. Zhang Laoliu quickly reached out and touched the rejuvenation grass, but before his palm could reach the fairy grass, he grabbed the grass first.
Zhang Laohan was shocked and looked intently at the water. The young man actually reached out and grabbed the life-saving grass of the old man. Slowly, he sat up from the water. He turned his messy lux head and hand to his head and revealed his face. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and a pair of the same lux demon pupils were radiant, which was very strange and terrible.
When did Zhang Laohan live to this age and see this situation? The body in the original soaking water has actually come back to life, and there are a pair of eyes that are not human lux.
The young man just sat in the water and looked at Zhang Laohan with a strange smile. He slowly opened his mouth and four fangs appeared in front of Zhang Laohan’s eyes, and his head slowly grew a sharp corner.
"Ghosts!" Zhang Laohan quickly climbed out of the water and ran frantically to the mouth of the cave, but he didn’t run more than a dozen paces. He felt a chill in his back. Looking back, he actually shot a column of blood from his back and the other end reached the mouth of the young man in the water. He actually sucked out his own blood.
Zhang Laohan "plopped" and fell down. He felt that he had vented his anger and didn’t get into the air. His eyes protruded as if they had been drained.
He tried to open his eyes and hold his breath as he watched the young man get up from the water.
The young man walked slowly to Zhang Laohan with a strange smile on his mouth. His voice was also very secretive and arrogant. "Thank you for understanding my seal. This’ broken magic sword’ has sealed me for three thousand years. I have to sleep in this hot spring all my life! I didn’t expect you, the old man, to untie the seal for me. It’s an act of god! To thank you, I give you eternal life and a young body? How about it? "
He gently crouched down to his fangs and bit his fingers, dripping his blood into the wound on Zhang Laohan’s back. Zhang Laohan was breathing hard with his mouth open, and he was rolling painfully. Slowly, his old body was slowly restored to youth, and his face became black like a young man. His mouth gradually grew fangs. He got up, his eyes turned bright red, and he bowed respectfully to the young man. "See The Hunger Temple! Please command! "