Emperor Su Yonglin personally came forward to talk with local and foreign businessmen, and talked cordially about big business policies, which had a very important influence on businessmen in this area.

Su Yonglin’s doing this is also a long-term consideration for Fujian
As the saying goes, Fujian mountainous areas are sparsely populated, and the potential of grain agriculture is limited.
At present, when the population is limited, it can still maintain a fairly stable agricultural situation. However, with the increase of population, the contradiction between small population and large population in Fujian will inevitably emerge in the next two or three decades.
People have more land, but there is not enough land to support so many people. By then, they can accommodate a large number of employed people. Overseas trade is a panacea to absorb this surplus agricultural population.
It is Su Yonglin’s habit to look at three steps one step at a time, especially when Su Yonglin has given his eyes to the future, he will also add the future situation development, so that he can draw a quite good conclusion.
Sometimes Su Yonglin will lament that if he doesn’t know the future development of the world situation and the direction of some well-known world, how can he take every step in the face of the big situation?
However, I don’t know how to carefully lead this country and a large group of people to take every step without making mistakes before the historical development.
It is estimated that there are immortals who can do it.
But there are no immortals in the world
No one can make mistakes, and no one can go all the way with the country and the nation without any setbacks.
Strictly speaking, Su Yonglin belongs to an absolute special case among human beings. He is now where he is-taking the country all the way forward without making any mistakes, and other countries have accumulated prestige comparable to God.
He has repeatedly stressed that there is no god and there is no such thing as heaven, but no matter how he says he is willing to believe others, he will believe him eventually, no matter how he denies the fact.
He doesn’t want to exercise such a simple and thorough force, but he can do it if he wants to.
This state of affairs is necessary when the situation arises. Su Yonglin needs a hand when the country is still unable to move around well.
However, this state is not normal. Su Yonglin believes that he must leave this country with a functioning law, which is comparable to the problem of carrying out the revolution to the end.
Su Yonglin can sigh that some people devote themselves to the pursuit of personality cult, but some people don’t want personality cult, but it goes hand in hand and runs through.
But the road has reached this point, and he has no way out and is unwilling to have any way out.
He must take the country on the established track, create new production, break the shackles of productivity development, and keep the country from retreating into the abyss of invulnerability.
If people are willing to regard him as a god, look after him as a god. It is better to believe him than to believe those bloodthirsty and greedy monsters.
He won’t ask for anything from other people, and he won’t intimidate him. If people don’t believe him, they want rolling in the deep.
Su Yonglin’s victory in Fujian Road, while Zhao Yucheng and Zhang Yuejing also galloped forward.
They are resolutely fighting against the exhibition of local centrifugal forces, the official power of the Song Dynasty, on Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road
Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road belong to Lingnan area in a broad sense. After the Lingnan area is further divided, Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road are divided.
This land belonged to the real meaning for a long time before Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was finally recognized by the Central Plains Dynasty as an important and indispensable land after many wars and population migration.
During the Song Dynasty, the Golden Guards collapsed in the south of the Yangtze River, and the turbulent Lingnan area became a refuge for a large number of people from the Central Plains and the south of the Yangtze River because the society was relatively stable and stable because of the five ridges.
This wave of population migration to Lingnan has brought advanced production technology and cultural knowledge.
It is also funny to say that every literary leap in Lingnan area in ancient times seems to be due to the war in the Central Plains, and the literati in the Central Plains fled to Lingnan to escape the war, thus making Lingnan develop passively.
Few emperors in peacetime are willing to invest resources in Lingnan.
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lingnan area has already experienced a series of infrastructure projects, such as water conservancy projects, and it is still quite large. Lingnan area is more than self-sufficient in grain and can be sold to Fujian and Vietnam.
For hundreds of years, if Su Yonglin wanted to take Lingnan, it would be a real subsidy of 10 billion yuan. Su Duoduo needed various financial transfer payments to develop and build Lingnan.
However, nowadays, conquering Lingnan area is not a tens of billions of subsidies for China, but a lot of good things can be gained from Lingnan area.
In particular, it is the same for Lingnan to forge ahead as the logistics base in Southeast Asia and the southern part of Sichuan and Sichuan. In Su Yonglin’s strategic plan, these are all places where logistics bases can be attacked from all sides after development.
In quality, this is no different from the immigration strategy of the Han Dynasty. It is a policy to make the border area a logistics base for the army to attack.
But this era of great powers has become different because of the emergence of different ideas.
It’s a pity that Su Changsheng has worked hard, but it hasn’t come to a great destruction. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, the Fuxing Association was extended to Guangdong and Guangxi. At present, the Fuxing Association was transferred and developed after Guangzhou was ceded.
But the strength of military physics is not something that can be stopped casually.
In June of Hongwu, Zhang Yuejing and Zhao Yucheng took the thunderous action and quickly entered Lingnan area by mastering the Wuling Passage respectively.
Zhang Yuejing led the elite main force of the first corps to break through Yan from Zhounan and enter jing jiang Prefecture, and then swept Guangnan West Road in three ways from Jingjiang Prefecture.
On the other hand, Zhao Yucheng led the reorganization and completed the elite main force of the Seventh Corps from Nan ‘an Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, to Nanxiong Prefecture, then attacked Shaozhou, and then divided the troops into two ways to carry out a sweeping and fierce strategy on Guangnan East Road.
In September, the elite of the first corps of Zhang Yuejing has captured jing jiang Prefecture, Rongzhou, Yizhou, Zhaozhou, Liuzhou, Xiangzhou, Xunzhou and other state capitals, and captured nearly half of Guangnan East Road in lightning speed, destroying the local Song official forces.
Local Song officials resisted to a certain extent, but the intensity of resistance was relatively low, and the local cities and military facilities were generally dilapidated and short, and the defense was seriously insufficient. They were defeated in the face of the strong attack of the army
However, due to the vast area of Guangnan West Road, Zhang Yuejing did not move so fast.
Compared with Zhao Yucheng’s seventh corps, the action is very gratifying.
With the help of the Marine Corps of Nanhai Navy stationed in Guangzhou, Zhao Yucheng led the main force to break through Shaozhou, and then easily broke through Yingde House, which easily ate 2,000 Song Jun, and then got through to Guangzhou, and got the Nanhai Navy to transport goods from the water to meet the needs, and got more abundant material support.
At the end of October, the South China Sea Navy helped the Seventh Corps to win Guangnan East Road almost by sweeping, and finally it only encountered stubborn resistance from the local Song Jun and the landlord armed group along the state.
Then he was bombarded into slag by a fire of the Seventh Corps to assist in the war.
Song Jun was defeated like a mountain, and the front of the army was sharp and sweeping.
In November, the ten-day army killed Chaozhou Su Yonglin and personally led the main corps, a victory meeting of Chaozhou Sanhekou Salt Field.
After a bitter struggle, Su Yonglin launched support to Guangnan East Road at the end of November and entered Chaozhou.
Chapter 1346 I miss Uncle Yuting, too
Su Yonglin ended his inspection in Quanzhou in mid-December and then led the main force of the army to South Chaozhou.
Su Yonglin soon led his army through Chaozhou and Huizhou, and finally arrived in Guangzhou, the southernmost city of this big country.

The evolution of Imperial Heaven has accelerated. In a blink of an eye, the years have passed, and the wives have been bred one by one, including the former world and the world’s new Cai Feng Wangshu’s natural demon dragon spirit (crystal diamond dragon) …

Yutian’s eyes narrowed slightly. "If you can, then leave!"
People have also woken up, and they are all avenues.
The 360 billion legion has also awakened, all of which are mixed with 12 yuan.
At this moment, Yu Tiandao is "detached when it is broken!"
① ⑤ [Outside] The Sage of Confucianism and Taoism (Fang Yun)+Panlong (Lin Lei)+The Record of Immortality (Lingtian)+Fighting through the Sky (Xiao Yan)+Wu Dong Gan Kun (Lin Dong)+Stars Change (Qin Yu)+Douluo Mainland (Tang San)+ )+Ascending to the Nine Heavens (Chu Yang)+Perfect World (Shi Hao)+Dionysus (Ji Dong)+Different Immortals (Jun Mo Xie)+Seven Boundaries Theory (Lu Yun)+Beautiful Wu Shen (Lin Feng)+Ordinary People Cultivate Immortals (Han Li)+Saint.
Chapter 156 Foreign countries
Out of town!
"Really coming?"
Shocking words with a touch of disbelief only to see this big fellow face with a wry smile.
A man came out and said, "Here we are … It seems that we are the ones who know. Imperial Heaven turned out to be the creator of this great Tao, who was once the top outside the country."
The two men felt that it was Pangu and God’s rebellion.
Pangu smiled bitterly. "The will of the circle is controlled by me, but now it seems that the circle has a master all the time, and that is the Imperial Heaven!"
"Yes … this circle should be the vision he created over the years, not all of which indicate that the ultimate strong man has been resurrected and then reincarnated and rebuilt the Imperial Heaven. It should be to create the reincarnation of the circle and then re-cultivate into the field!" God inverse said slowly
When two people talk, the energy of terror appears.
Shaking outside the domain, the whole domain shakes outside the domain. How big is an ordinary lake outside the domain? There are several chaotic sizes.
Now the whole field is shaking, and the whole field is shocked.
In an island practice, Lingtian rushed out of Yongsheng Avenue to accompany him.
Ling Tiandao "What’s the matter?"
The reincarnation Taoist appeared in a hurry and said, "Dear, this island is expanding as if it were going to evolve, and the Panlong world, we note that Lin Lei has been born!"
Ling Tian heard the words, his eyes burst and the sun and the moon fell to a small town on the island. The population of this town is not large, only a few million people, but only one child was born.
The purple gas spread faintly filled the coercion, but the coercion was fleeting, and then the purple gas merged into the island, and then the island rose faintly.
Ling Tiandao: "It turns out that the birth of Lin Lei means that this Panlong continent, HarmonyOS Avenue, has also given birth to this Panlong continent, which will eventually become a domain with the growth of Lin Lei!"
Lingtian muttered to herself, but the sky shook in the distance and the purple and golden light came.
Terrible emperor people sway and oppress heaven.
The reincarnation Taoist exclaimed in horror, "What is this smell? How can the emperor’s coercion be so powerful!"
Ling day eyes filled with xing xi way "imperial day? Emperor Avenue? Ha ha … "
Lingtian soared into the sky and rushed into the distance.
There is an island here, which is the size of chaos. It burns here and is full of strong fire avenue. It is a paradise for practicing fire avenue, but now the sky is here.
Imperial Heaven came here alone to send out terror.
Imperial heaven "ha ha ….. foreign emperor is coming …"
Imperial Heaven laughs at heaven, this familiar breath, this familiar environment, this familiar energy … This is the foreign land, and this is the foreign land that Imperial Heaven used to be.
Terror energy burst accompanied by the roar of the heavenly laughter.
The clouds in the sky are constantly shaking.
I think it’s a little shocking to want to come to the foreign land. It used to be great that Yutian is now reappearing in the foreign land, especially the memory of Yutian has not been blocked, and there is no way to block it because Yutian is reincarnated and rebuilt into the foreign land.
Extraterritorial will also don’t know, if you choose to just drop purple and golden light to lead the royal sky.
This is a reward for the detached person to enter the foreign country, and it is also a reward for the foreign country.
The horror energy falls and transforms the celestial body, which is like baptism.
The length and strength of this baptism represent a person’s qualifications and accumulation, as well as the strength of the road to understanding.
Ling Tian entered the foreign baptism and let him enter the avenue from the third day of the avenue to the tenth day by himself.
Now this baptism falls, the Imperial Heaven laughs and wantonly devours this horrible energy. The Imperial Heaven naturally knows what it is, and the purple and gold energy is swallowed up by the Imperial Heaven and accumulated in circles.
"Roar …"
The heavenly roar, the flesh, the gods and the gods both broke through the avenue, the quadruple heaven avenue, the quintuple heaven avenue and the sixfold heaven …
If the extra-territorial consciousness has emotions, it is estimated that you want to scold your mother now, and the Imperial Heaven is simply several times stronger than others.
This is also a law outside the country! Entering a foreign country to get a foreign baptism is based on one’s accumulation and the strength of the road.
For example, if a circle is detached only because of the aging of the circle, then this person will be baptized and die, that is, from the triple day of the avenue to the quadruple day of the avenue, that is, the increase of one day.
If you accumulate some strong energy and rely on your own energy to escape from the base, you can enter the avenue five days, and if you are stronger, you will enter the avenue six days!
It’s normal for a strong person who understands the extreme road to accumulate a lot of money and then be baptized by the will outside the country and directly enter the nine heavens of the road. Of course, the more extreme roads there are, the more the increase will not be. For example, Ling Tian understands two extreme roads and enters the road. Only baptize according to one person’s strongest extreme road. If your extreme road is super strong, you may be able to enter the road by yourself through baptism. Of course, this foundation all means!
Compared with these imperial days, I have experienced a baptism, knowing that if I devour these energies, especially the imperial days, I will realize that it is a great way to the emperor’s road and the road to the dead!
I once understood that the Great Tao experienced a baptism, and the Great Tao was deduced by the Imperial Heaven to the height of 99 days. This kind of extraterritorial will of the earth avenue was baptized according to the most powerful Tao, but now the extraterritorial will doesn’t know how to choose baptism. The Great Road is the ninety-nine heavy road. Although it is now sealed against celestial bodies, the extraterritorial will can feel the ninety-nine heavy earth of the road.
Nai, this kind of baptism continues, and it seems that the extraterritorial will has not encountered this situation.
Imperial heaven devours baptism energy, which is the gentlest and most powerful energy. Earth energy impacts Imperial heaven and enters the avenue for ten days without stopping, and instantly rushes into the avenue for eleven times.
At this time, the foot island is full of changes, and the eyes of the Imperial Heaven are slightly narrowed. "Fighting the mainland … Burning Heaven Avenue Xiao Yan didn’t expect you to be born just now!"
Chapter 157 Talking to Ling Tian
Extraterritorial extreme variation
Heaven came to attract poor baptism.
Purple and golden energy has been swallowed up, and the sky has entered the avenue.
After entering the tenth fold, the baptism energy finally dissipated.
Extraterritorial will chooses silence, the most powerful Tao law chooses baptism intensity, but the strongest in Imperial Heaven is the greatest Tao. After all, Imperial Heaven once cultivated the greatest Tao to the 99th avenue, so how can the extraterritorial will choose to raise Imperial Heaven to the 99th avenue?
Imperial day eyes slightly narrowed way "avenue ten heavy? This baptism is really good, especially with his two extreme ways. The emperor has already grasped the opportunity in this field. "
Words fell to the ground, raging on the road of terror and fire, then faintly burned his 3 thousand road, and then fell to the ground and turned into strange flames
Imperial heaven eyes shining way "is this a different fire or three thousand different fires? Is this the evolution of the mainland as Fang Yun said? Is this the land of ZSZSZSZ?"
Imperial heaven said to himself, his eyes fell on this island.
Now this island is fused with an extreme fire energy, and it is clear to Heaven that this is the extreme avenue of burning heaven.
Yu Tian’s eyes fell on a small town, and a young cry came from this town, "Whoa … whoa …"
This crying word is to remember Xiao Yan.
Imperial day chuckle "Xiao Yan turned out to be Xiao Yan! Haha ….. The emperor came to a foreign country and met a big chance. This foreign country will once seal the memory of the extreme strong, and then reincarnate it. It is to shape the world that they have experienced and let them reincarnate. Now the emperor is Xiao Yan who has experienced the fight against mainland Xiao Yan resources … "
I have to say that I am really lucky. I have heard Fang Yun tell myself about the changes outside the country, but I just came to ZSZSZSZ to break the mainland.
Who was Xiao Yan who once created the extreme power of burning heaven avenue? Yutian and Xiao Yan are not bad, but when Lin Lei calculated himself, this guy also made moves. Xiao Yan wanted to turn Yutian Avenue into his own extreme inflammation. After all, Xiao Yan was able to burn 3,000 avenues into burning heaven avenue, and naturally turned to burning extreme avenue into his own extreme flame.
Although I don’t know how Xiao Yan died later, now Xiao Yan wants to kill him and get rid of his enemy in the future.
The idea of killing the sky sounded, but I felt a touch of vicissitudes in my mind. "You have drilled but you have also experienced hardships. Your memory has never sealed these extreme strong people, and you can’t sacrifice them. You can rob them of their resources but you can’t hurt their lives."
The vicissitudes of life words sway in the sky, and the eyes shine. This anger has raised its right arm and has already shone on the Emperor’s Avenue.
However, the words fell on the right arm of the Imperial Heaven and the energy was dissipated.
Imperial heaven "extraterritorial will … Don’t you have emotions? I know that your breath is the will of the outside world! "
"No … I’m a foreign will but I’m not in the mood, but the extreme strong can die and wait until they recover their memory. They can’t die until they recover their memory. They can’t wait forever for the general trend of 3,000 extreme strong to gather together to evolve 3,000 large domains and 3,000 strong to fight the ultimate road, so you can’t kill them now. If you want to kill them, wait for the future!" Extraterritorial will swing
The imperial heaven is annoyed, but the horrible energy of heaven makes the imperial heaven know that he is not an opponent of the extraterritorial will, and even if he used to be a ninety-nine-heavy avenue, he can’t hurt the extraterritorial will.

After all, they are all practitioners. Give them a hand if you can.

"We can’t take care of ourselves, and we still have the heart to take care of others. Once one of us can’t hold on, the other one will die!" Many people hesitate to refute Jiang Feng.
People continued to fly, and the ancient inscription never looked back and kept flying to the front.
With so many whipping boys in the way behind him, his journey is obviously very smooth.
"Everyone is fighters help each other but go further. If you don’t help yourself, how long can your body energy last! ?”
Pang Zeyin also shouted "Bang!" Blow a skyfire snake to save a pale fighter.
Otherwise, many people hesitate.
Now there is not much time to think about it. After all, their reasoning is consistent with each other, which really improves a lot of efficiency.
All the way, many people struggled to resist.
A good distance from the exit is not too far. After some efforts, I finally saw the dawn and ran towards hope with my last strength.
"swish! Hey! Hey! "
Many people rushed out of the ancient road and gasped.
The head-on breeze refreshed them a lot.
Inside, the skyfire snake is unwilling to shoot outward, scaring people to hide again and again.
A good skyfire snake can be born in flame. Once it leaves the flame, it is like carp dehydration without attack.
"Damn … I let you kill … let you kill!" A fighter heart gas but blunt before motionless skyfire snake severely stepped on a few feet.
It was not until I stepped on my head that I was willing.
"all right! Is everyone okay? ?” Gu Ming didn’t know where he came from. "I didn’t expect this to happen. I have some Dan medicine here. Let’s take it to restore the immortal energy!"
He took a porcelain vase out of his arms.
At this time, all the injured people are grateful to DeDehua Longgu Dan medicine, but it is very rare.
They have no idea
They wouldn’t have died so badly if Gu Ming hadn’t given them fruit trees and flowers.
"Wu Yun just now is you save! I still flatter the ancient inscription! " Pangze walked to come over from the side.
He’s covered in blood. Obviously, he’s just been through a big war.
"Everyone can see that you came up with an idea to save them, but you don’t know that human feelings are nothing before interests!"
"Then why don’t you get Dan medicine! ?” Jiang Feng looked at Pang Ze curiously.
Pang Ze shook his head and showed disdain. "I still have to stick to my own bottom line in some things. I can see that you are a friend compared with that hypocritical ancient inscription!"
If they choose Jiang Feng, it doesn’t mean human nature.
If you want to leave Hualong Valley by yourself, then they won’t have it.
Gu Ming soon came to Jiang Feng and handed Pang Ze one of the two Dan medicines in his hand.
"Thank you!" Pangze hard stuffy brain nodded.
Although he doesn’t like the ancient inscription, he doesn’t want to offend him in person.
"I didn’t expect you to get here …" Gu Ming stared at Jiang Feng face vaguely bad.
Especially the thought of Jiang Feng emitting purple fire.
But also let his heart like a cat scratch.
"This is your Dan medicine …" Gu Ming took out a Dan medicine from his arms, but his hands slipped and fell to the ground on purpose.
"Sorry to get dirty … please pick it up!"
At this time, everyone looked at this side and knew that the ancient inscription was ugly for Jiang Feng.
"Are you? ?”
Jiang Feng looked down and took a step directly to Dan medicine, which was directly mixed into the soil.
"I appreciate your kindness …" Jiang Feng raised his foot and was dismayed. "I’m sorry … Dan medicine is dirty for you. Please take it back!"
Jiang Feng directly turned and walked to a tree to repose.
Gu Ming was livid and looked at Dan medicine. He didn’t pick it up or his fists were clenched by him. "Hey! Squeak "
"How can this Dan medicine be so precious?" Wu Yun immediately to pick up Dan medicine sleeves wiped.
Is to ease the embarrassing scene at this time.
But everyone can see that Gu Ming’s eyes on Jiang Feng are getting colder and colder.
After a long time, the human spirit has recovered a little.
Wu Yun, who was previously saved by Jiang Feng, leaned in toward Jiang Feng and looked at Jiang Fengzheng’s eye closure.
A silver needle suddenly appeared in his hand and plunged into his neck.
The cold light sparkled, and everyone didn’t react. I didn’t expect Wu Yun to suddenly start work
Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared in a flash.
Wu Yun frightened to disgrace andao a bad it’s a pity that it’s too late to hold the silver needle arm directly by Jiang Feng firmly.
"Hey!" Directly by him should break off.
"Ah …" Miserable roar shocked everyone.
In Wu Yun, the whole person feels that the neck has a strong force, as if being caught by iron tongs and abruptly being Jiang Fengqi.
Root has no resistance strength.
He came here to get the ancient name of the fruit, although he was slightly higher than Jiang Feng, and he mastered the fairy energy root method.
Not Jiang Feng opponent nature is taken for granted.
"What do you want! ?” Jiang Feng cold voice from the ear to frighten Wu Yunshen tremble.
Chapter 766 samaritans
One side is resting, Ponze also opens his eyes, and the scene just happened is naturally perceived by him.
"Don’t you forget who saved you before! ?”
There are fighters aren’t said

If you kill them, it will certainly include those high-ranking bureaucrats. If you kill them, wouldn’t the impact be terrible? When the time comes, the court will investigate it …

Ah, the imperial court … is gone, isn’t it?
Until now, many people didn’t realize that the imperial court, which kept pressing their heads to behave, was gone, and it was wiped out by the Guangfu Army.
In fact, this piece of land left in the Big Jin Guo can still maintain its rule. Doesn’t that mean … they are the imperial court?
"Daikin capital didn’t which come of senior dignitaries! Do not kill from the commander! !”
ACTS ChanHeXi roar loud to solve the army finally bound.
He probably all military personnel realize that although the current situation is at stake, there is no doubt that they are the real days, they are the real rulers, and those old nobles are nothing.
So in this case, those original unscrupulous people in Chang ‘an who wanted to leave your city were killed by the army.
When the army is bound, it can seem a little weak. They can’t fight back, scold or talk back. It’s not terrible, and they don’t see any threat.
But don’t make the army really weak and deceivable. The army is a completely violent machine, which directly reflects the will of the ruling class. The command of the ruling class will lead to extremely terrible destructive power.
However, this is not the most terrible army. The most terrible army is the ruling class itself, and the original ruling class is smashed into a terrible military and political situation.
In this way, the army is absolutely terrible, and all the imperial courts have tried to contain the army in the five dynasties and ten countries.
At first, ACTS Chanhexi planned to associate with Chang ‘an people in the normal rule mode, but in return it was chaos and order.
In that case, he’s not pretending, he’s showing his cards, and he’s going to be the only ruler
Although it is a little late to make this decision.
At this moment, those who are attacking the Jin army to set up the city gate defense line still know nothing about it. They don’t know that the feelings of being single and happy have changed greatly.
Wang You, a wealthy Han businessman, is one of them.
He is taking three wagons with his own nurses to prepare to rush out of Chang ‘an and take refuge in his hometown.
One of the three carriages is a family member, and the other two are valuables stored at home.
A few days ago, it was said that the terror recovery army had conquered Tongtong and was coming to Chang’ an. He packed up his family property and wanted to go back to his hometown to take shelter from the victims of the military disaster.
However, like him, many people crowded into the street to leave Chang’ an, but a street was blocked, and it was so full that it was impossible to move.
Moreover, the government in the city also ordered that it is not allowed to leave Chang’ an without authorization during the war, and it must be allowed by the government to leave.
However, there are too many people who apply for permission, and many people can’t get permission at all, and the pace of recovering the army is getting closer and closer.
Earlier, it was reported that people were constantly breaking through the city gate and had successfully escaped. This news stimulated people to March forward and attack the blockade line.
But the team is still so bloated and slow.
Wang You was sweating profusely, but there was nothing he could do to get dinking to continue to protect the team outside and get into his family’s car.
In the car are his wife and a pair of young children.
At the sight of him coming in, his wife, Li, was in a hurry and asked, "What happened? How far is it from the city gate? "
"I saw the gate early in the morning, and I kept moving forward. I haven’t got to the front yet, but there is no end in sight."
Wang You took his wife and handed him a towel to wipe his face. Looking at his sleeping wife and legs, a pair of children sighed. "It’s bitter for you to run with me. I should have known that I shouldn’t have brought you back to my hometown. It’s better than now."
Lee shook his head.
"You’re busy, and I won’t rest assured if I don’t take care of you with you. It’s not your problem."
Wang You shook his wife’s hand and nodded slowly.
"Always stay in the car and don’t come outside. It’s hard to say that there are many people and messy eyes in the car."
"Yeah, I see."
Lee looked at Wang You tired and looked distressed. "Let’s take a break. It’s not like we can leave for a while."
"Forget it, I’d better keep an eye on it outside, or I won’t be at ease leaving the city gate. Maybe I’ll give those soldiers a little something, or they won’t let people go. I’ll take care of these things. Don’t worry."
Wang You patted Lee’s hand and turned the car.
Lee can also sigh and silently watch Wang You leave the car and then gently stroke a pair of children who have fallen asleep, somewhat sighing.
They gave birth to people who were not really lucky in such a chaotic era.
Although the family is rich, there is no shortage of money, and flowers have never been hungry or cold since childhood. It is natural to meet the prosperous times.
But it happened that it was in troubled times.
In the troubled times, the dynasty collapsed, the soldiers and horses were in chaos, and everyone was in danger, so it was very difficult to protect themselves. What should be done to get through all this safely?
What should the children do if they can’t get through a terrible thing in troubled times?
Lee thought like this and gradually felt sleepy. As soon as he closed his eyes and leaned back, he just fell asleep.
I don’t know how long it took before a scream woke her up.
Listening to the screams of men and women in her ears, Li was very frightened. She shook her hands and lifted the corner of the car curtain, so she glanced at the outside and many people fled in the opposite direction.
Before she could react, the door was beaten forward and Wang You got in.
"go! Let’s go Come with me! ! Don’t stay in the car! "
He pulled it up and before he woke up, his daughter held her in her arms and ran outside the car.
Lee was afraid, so she took her daughter and followed Wang You to the outside of the car. She didn’t see that the situation outside was simply chaos.
Many people ran back in horror and screaming instead of running in the direction of the gate, as if something terrible was chasing them at the gate.
"Let’s go! !”
Wang You held his daughter in his hands and let Lee follow him with the stream of people before he could react.
"Where are we going?"
As Li ran, he asked, "What happened?"
"Kill people! Killed someone! The soldiers in the city killed people! Run! Go home! !”
Wang You can’t say more. He keeps urging Lee to run home together. He wants nothing but a pair of children.
It is God’s mercy that a family of four ran back to the city home smoothly, patting the door and staying at home. The old servant was surprised to knock on the door and let the family of four in.
When the house was in shock, the husband and wife took a breath and sat down.

"He said that these old people who followed the chairman from Jiangnan to the north have a circle that they can connect with each other and try not to miss anyone."

Tian Jue narrowed his eyes and sneered, "But what’s interesting is that I didn’t know about this circle from beginning to end, and outsiders rarely knew that it had never happened around me, but it was true."
Kong Maojie leng leng.
"Is there such a thing?"
"You don’t know. It’s understandable that I came here with the chairman from Jiangnan. As a result, I don’t know that I am also excluded. Besides, I want to know whether the founding fathers in the army know this thing.
If it involves administrative and judicial groups, it’s better to deal with it without so much concern, but if there are also military personnel involved in the army and there are also interference, then the army and the Privy Council will be involved and things will really be made big. "
Tian Jue said Kong Maojie immediately swallowed.
"So something really will happen."
"Yeah, something big will happen."
Tian Jue sighed and said slowly, "After all, this thing is actually what happened in all dynasties, and it won’t make people feel strange, but it is different because it happened in all dynasties. The nature of this thing is even more serious.
This is not a group of old bureaucrats, that is, it was first worked out with a group of people from Chairman Bei. Now I don’t know how big the scope is, but anyway, this time it will definitely kill people. "
Chapter 139 Let’s fight.
Kong Maojie seriously wanted to think that if things really get to that point, I’m afraid it’s another big cleaning.
"I’m afraid it’s not as simple as the dead. I have a hunch that this time the movement will not be smaller than the previous two rectifications and the cleaning of the court. If we know that something so big has happened, it’s not just those who did something wrong … we’re afraid we’ll have to bear some responsibility."
"Isn’t this inevitable?"
Tian Jue wry smile way "we tube DouChaYuan DouChaYuan is stem what? Show the first thing is DouChaYuan "
"mainly blame me"
Kong Maojie said gloomily, "You have been in charge of this project in the Yellow River all the year round, and I am mainly responsible for showing it. I didn’t know these things. Obviously, someone blindfolded me and blocked my ears, but I didn’t know it."
"It’s no wonder that what you really are is too sharp-edged and high status. How dare they do these things if they don’t cover your eyes and plug your ears? If it is necessary to contact the feelings of old comrades in circles, it will be a big problem if this circle is for them to communicate with each other. "
Tian Xuan walked slowly behind his hands. "It’s not that I haven’t noticed over the years that I didn’t think the problem so seriously, and I didn’t expect Qiao Feng to do such a thing, and there were people around him who did more than he did."
It seems that this is not what one person thinks, but rather what an interest group does. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the chairman told me that there were four major factions, namely Shandong, Yanyun, foreigners and Yuan Cong, which were in chaos.
After two purges, we succeeded in disintegrating the chaotic situation of the four major factions together with the old bureaucratic era, but only now have I discovered that maybe the situation is not as simple as we thought, maybe our success is a factional struggle.
This circle of Qiao Feng’s is not the one that included all our comrades in those years. Yuan Cong only sent a small group of people from Jiangnan to the North following the chairman. If they say it, they really mean Yuan Cong … including me.
From their point of view, it is obvious that judging which circle a person belongs to is based on the depth of seniority. According to this classification, it can really divide everyone into a correct position to facilitate them to divide the enemy and the enemy. "
Kong Maojie thought for a sneer at.
"If according to their division can be divided into more pie, from Jiangnan Beiyuan to calculate a victory after the recovery army and before the recovery army can calculate a pie after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
One, two, three, four yuan, winning the victory, winning the army, recovering the army and the newcomers after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. What’s the difference between this and the former Yanyun foreigners in Shandong? "
Tian Jue follow sneer at.
"Of course, there is a difference. There is a fifth school, that is, we who are squeezed out and unappreciative, and the stones in the toilet are smelly and hard. This is a good thing."
Kong Maojie smell speech first leng leng then revealed a wry smile.
"I don’t think it’s a good thing and a bad thing. It’s a bloody affair …"
"It’s a good revolution, and it’s not a dinner party. Some people don’t want to live in peace and stability, but they want to pursue something they shouldn’t pursue. Then don’t blame us for doing something they don’t want to see."
Tian Jue took a deep breath and raised his hands and slowly clenched them into fists. "What if they isolate me and crowd me out?" I never thought that I would go to the revolution with them to reform myself. How can such a person be regarded as my comrade if he is shameless and complacent? "
"Enemies. They’re enemies."
Kong Maojie nodded his head and smiled. "I heard the chairman say that we should be brave in fighting against the enemy instead of giving in step by step."
"Then fight, no matter who he was before, he will be my enemy from now on!"
Tian Jue strengthened his belief and together with Kong Maojie started their own war.
At this initial moment of struggle, the first thing they need is to sort out their own departments and find ghosts.
If people don’t know, they will never believe that Douchayuan didn’t know anything during the whole incident.
If the whole Douchayuan people are being kept secret, then Qiao Feng and others are not very strong in political skills.
Ghosts must be ghosts.
Both the official department of the imperial court and the organization department of the Renaissance Association have very real personnel, but this kind of power is definitely not a restriction.
Not only does Duchayuan have the duty of supervision over the official department of the imperial court, but it also has the duty of direct supervision over the organization department. The Ministry of Supervision of Fuxing Society should also conduct a wave of inspections.
There must be ghosts in Douchayuan and the Ministry of Supervision, otherwise these two lines of defense cannot react in the face of such an obvious exchange of interests.
Qiao Feng’s arrogance and some people’s anxiety just prove that there must be their collaborators in these two departments.
Tian Jue is busy with the Yellow River Project, and Kong Maojie is unable to support himself alone. One or some people in these two departments have completed their identity and position change.
And when and how did this change come about? It is worth discussing that both sides cooperated with each other and compiled an information cocoon room for Kong Maojie.
There is still no response from Qiao Feng. No further answer was given to Tian Jue’s interrogation. He was silent and defeated.
Fan Jiang was arrested and imprisoned, and his family was put under house arrest together, which was equivalent to an alternative protection, but his knowledge was limited.
Qiao Feng doesn’t believe in taking the initiative to find a door to Fan Jiang, although he boasted a lot of things, such as someone who spent a lot of money to ask me to put his brother in a key position.
However, these boasting ambiguities have no specific direction, and they cannot be investigated as evidence.
The lack of a breakthrough is very depressing. Tian Jue doesn’t know what happened and suddenly thought of a key point.
"I remember Qiao Feng got married while working for the Su family. I went to his wedding and had a daughter. His daughter was several years old in the north. Isn’t it time to get married after all these years?"
Also feel very depressed Kong Maojie blinked and suddenly realized what Tian Jue meant.
"You mean … his in-laws?"
Tian Jue nodded his head.
"I’ll go to the civil affairs department’s file room and check his marriage. Maybe I can find out something."
Chapter 1391 Learn from past mistakes and save lives
Tian Jue himself is the master of the ordinary department.
At that time, the biggest duty of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was to make a clear statistics on the family and marriage of the members and record the case in detail without any omission.
In those days, Su Yonglin started a rectification movement, introduced the monogamy of the Renaissance Ministry, and gradually "kidnapped" non-Renaissance officials by exporting this rule to the officialdom, and then further influenced the people.
However, to put it bluntly, most people are actually not qualified for concubinage, and they have never experienced the feeling of concubinage. It doesn’t make much difference to them.
It will not be long before the scholar-officials and old customs are gradually eliminated and criticized, and it will be logical to abolish the concubinage system forever. One thing is a convention and then it will be confirmed by law that it will not cause waves.
Moreover, the group that wants to adhere to this system is highly coincident with Su Yonglin’s enemy group.
this is interesting
No matter what marriage they talk about and what position their in-laws hold, it is absolutely the best way to embody the nature of a revolutionary.
Tian Jue followed his intuition and went to the Civil Affairs Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to find out the marriage information of some renaissance members in Zhongdu.
At that time, the simple and concise audit rules have now become the iron law of the whole Fuxing Ministry
After the big cleaning, Su Yonglin strongly urged the members of Sports Renaissance to report their marriage before and after, and only after they got the real approval documents can they get married or maintain their marriage.
So Tian Jue easily found the Qiao Feng family marriage documents.
From it, he found Qiao Feng and his wife’s marriage registration documents and approval documents, as well as Qiao Feng’s daughter Qiao Jiajia’s marriage registration documents, which were examined and approved by the Ministry of Education.
Qiao Jiajia’s husband’s name is Lu Zhengqing. He is ten years old, and he is a trainee in the cadre training class of Zhongdu Renaissance Association. He will graduate in one year.
And Lu Zhengqing’s father’s name is Ludian-Zuo Yidu, the imperial court Douchayuan, is thirty-six years old.
Ludian was born in qingyuan prefecture, a land-lost poor peasant who wandered in his early years and later became a salt factory in Sujia.
Su Yonglin taught him to be the first group of awakened people to follow Su Yonglin’s revolution in the north and east of the mountain. He was the first group of instructors in the army with rich political work experience.
Although he was late in literacy, he was talented and learned things quickly. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he entered the cadre training class to study legal and other professional knowledge. After graduation, he was selected to be an official in DuchaYuan.
Four years ago, at the end of the great purge, I was promoted all the way because of my merits, and finally I was promoted to Zuo Wudu.
Judging from his resume, Ji is all due to the credit, but because of the credit, he is also a regular credit. The promotion where there is nothing bright is also a step-by-step promotion
The pattern of the Metropolitan Court is that the Metropolitan Court is led by Zuo Du Yu Shi, Zuo Fu Du Yu Shi and Zuo Shu Yu Shi, which is mainly aimed at officials from both capitals and the central government.

Because the new life is too comfortable, and the good day is too comfortable.

The members who arrived in the grassland revival used all the skills to tie up tribal leaders, and marched in the grass-roots herdsmen’s groups to call on everyone to throw all kinds of rotten and smelly things at them, scold them and pour anger at them.
Then hang them in public and let their bodies fly in the wind.
After being captured by the army for a short time, the herdsmen at the bottom of the two tribes did not feel that they were prisoners.
Together with the army, they criticized the greedy tribal leaders. Suddenly, they didn’t think the army was horrible, but they felt that the army had avenged them and had a little gratitude.
With this floor, mobilize them to help build grassland and pastoral areas, and things will be settled.
We need to tell them that they have been naturalized and become Chinese people, and they will enjoy the benefits of a country’s policies on grassland herders and really implement them, so in three to five years, the grassland will fly big flags everywhere.
They will sincerely recognize themselves as the country recognized by the Chinese people.
In the future, China will be able to train a wider grassland and a larger number of cavalry, increase the number of cavalry stationed in major corps in northern Xinjiang, increase the number of horses and make it easier to cultivate improved varieties of war horses.
Sometimes it may be necessary to grasp the core contradiction and stir it up a little.
Chapter 143 People are waiting for people wherever they go.
In two months, China successfully solved the present and future border problems.
The country’s northern Xinjiang is unprecedentedly stable, and it is foreseeable that there will be no large-scale military operations in the northern Xinjiang in the future.
And this is also after the east and west line soldiers created enough stability before.
On this basis, Su Yonglin will not affect the overall situation if he prepares to launch the Korean campaign after Hongwu has entered the spring for ten years.
Relying on the production and construction of strategic materials in Liaoyang and Heilongjiang provinces for several years, the crusade and annexation of Korea was completed.
Therefore, Su Yonglin didn’t make any elaborate plans to deal with Korea. He sent someone to send a letter to the capital of Korea to tell the military commanders who have mastered the force at present to let them give up their resistance and accept severe punishment from the country.
Now, if you give up resisting the severe punishment of the receiving country, you can still get some preferential treatment for the prisoners, but if you persist in resisting the big army’s crusade, they will be completely liquidated.
After usurping the throne and becoming the king of Korea, the supreme power of Korea was run by Zheng Zhongfu, Li Yifang and Li Gao, the three main initiators and organizers of the mutiny. All three of them discussed to maintain a superficial state of military, military and political harmony.
Because every one of us really wants to be the one who has the sole control of one thing or two, we can do whatever we want.
However, this kind of harmony can’t last long, because only in the first month of the three people’s co-governance, a contradiction that is difficult to reconcile has caused some minor disputes among the three people
Li Gao wants to kill Wang Xu and Wang Yun and make himself the king of Korea to make a complete coup.
His reason is that if we don’t completely solve the Korean Wang government, once the military administration is unstable in the future, it will be difficult for everyone to encounter cruelty. If people outside the country don’t obey them, they will fantasize about fighting under the banner of Qing Jun, which is definitely not what they want to see.
Why don’t you just do it all at once and get rid of Wang Yun and Wang Yi together, and replace the Wang family with their own people to be kings, so that no one will liquidate them.
Even if they want to liquidate, they can’t find any Wang family to continue to be the king of Korea. Without this banner of righteousness, how can they liquidate?
This is called solving problems from the source.
Li Gao was very happy and proud to tell Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu his plan.
Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu are opposed to such a big negative idea.
They actually feel that what they are doing now is a gross violation of the law. It is everyone’s last bottom line not to harm the royal family. If this bottom line is to be broken, everyone really has no way out.
Li Gao agreed on the surface, but secretly felt that Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu’s courage was inadequate, so he decided to leave them alone to complete this earth-shattering coup.
Then his plan was leaked.
Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu joined hands to make his national politics in Korea change from a three-legged system to a two-legged system.
When Su Yonglin’s letter was sent to the city, it was the time when Li Yifang and Zheng Zhongfu joined hands to govern the country. When they read Su Yonglin’s letter, the color turned white, and a feeling of "dying to death" surged in my heart for a long time.
The country is coming true, and the country really wants to play with them, and their plan to hide the sky from the sea has failed
If the country really comes true to them, these Korean professional military commanders have absolutely reason to believe that they can’t even support the army for a month, and they will definitely easily sweep through Korea and let them die.
But surrender …
Can we ensure their safety and family safety?
Can you ensure that they will not be settled by the country?
At present, they can’t come to this conclusion.
Zheng Zhongfu and Li Yifang called high-ranking military commanders to discuss this matter, and then came to the conclusion that the plan with the highest support rate was to abandon Korea and flee in the direction of Japan, so as to protect the family.
Because a few years ago, before the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, many dignitaries or wealthy businessmen in the Southern Song Dynasty were afraid of the liquidation policy of the country. It is said that life is not bad now by fleeing through Korea.
Some Japanese activists seem to appreciate that some of them have designated a place for them to live in, and some of them are officials to let them continue to live in Weifu.
It is said that cows and horses are always cows and horses, and people are waiting for people everywhere, even second-class citizens, and their lives are not what cows and horses can imagine.
It must be very happy for these people to continue their lives before they are asked to live their lives.
Li Yifang and others didn’t have any ideas at that time, but now they immediately thought of this road when faced with the brutal threat of the country.
"We can’t beat the powerful army, and there are many terrible firearms. We are not opponents in the field or defending the city. We are not opponents in forced confrontation. Maybe we will lose in less than a month, and we should plan ahead."
Cai Yuan, a meritorious soldier of the mutiny, has been afraid of the country for a long time, and has denied that Korea has a country to fight against. He may strongly advocate escape and call on everyone to flee to Japan to stay warm and stay away from Korea and the country.
It is impossible for overseas countries to pursue the past, so that everyone will be safe. When the time comes, they may be able to get along well and continue to thrive in Japan.
Zheng Zhongfu is too old to support Cai Yuan’s idea. He believes that there will be no good place to stay in Korea against the country. He thinks it is better to escape.
However, in the prime of his life, Li Yi still has a trace of anger in his heart, and he is greedy for power and does not want to give up his fantasy of resistance.
"If the army attacks Korea, it is not familiar with Korea’s climate and terrain, but we are familiar with Korea’s climate and terrain, and hundreds of troops can fight to give up so quickly? Since we took office, we have been humiliated and oppressed by civil servants. How long will it take for us to lose our family dog once we stand up and turn over? "
It’s hard to say, but that’s what it means.
We’ve been kings for half a generation, and it’s hard to turn over and make decisions. It hasn’t been a few months since Weifu, and the big boss in East Asia is coming, which is not too unbearable
"We have managed to dominate the political power of the DPRK, but now we have to surrender our power without resistance?"

Li Fu couldn’t help but sigh, "This damn weather is even more grinding than the northwest! I have never seen a lotus flower in this season! "

All the way through Shui Ze Hutang, whenever lotus roots are planted, the lotus leaves are still green and graceful, which can give Li Fu a rare time
Lian Fangzhou couldn’t help laughing. "My grandfather is in Nanhai County!"
Said Li Fu also smiled.
The two of them visited the most prosperous commercial street once, but they saw a wide variety of merchants, both with local characteristics and from the Central Plains, Jiangnan and other places.
Later, I had lunch in a family restaurant, sat in a teahouse for half a ring, listened to people talking, and went to an agricultural trading firm in the afternoon.
Nanhai County is near the sea. There are many kinds of seafood here, such as dried fish, dried shellfish, kelp and seaweed.
Even Fangzhou looked at the farmers’ market and saw that there were all kinds of rice and vegetables sold in it, and she knew it secretly.
I couldn’t help laughing at Li Fu. "This Lezheng family is generous to the rural people. I didn’t expect a remote southern town to be so prosperous and rich. No wonder that guy called their family a’ we are Lezheng Master’!"
Li Fu crooned softly, "In the past ten years, the imperial court has hardly collected taxes from Nanhai County. Instead, every year, the emperor will give these four families a lot of money. This is where the Le Zheng family roots are. Naturally, it is more generous. Even so, more than half of the city’s business is with the Le Zheng family. Even if it doesn’t belong to the Le Zheng family, it is inextricably linked with the Le Zheng family. Didn’t this money flow into the Le Zheng family pocket in the end?"
"That’s true!" Even Fang Zhou smiled and took Li Fu’s arm and laughed. "Know yourself and know yourself. There is no need to take it to heart early, husband!" Well, I haven’t seen what the wedding customs in Nanhai County are like! Let’s have a good look at a big excitement first! "
Li Fu couldn’t help laughing. "It’s up to you!"
After talking, they held her hand and went laughing.
If two people would never dare to be so intimate in Beijing, they would dare to hold hands with long and wide sleeves at night, but in Nanhai County, there is not so much attention to ten couples or nine lovers here. They are all so close. Chapter 1161 Make public the wedding.
Even Fangzhou is used to entering Nanhai County at the beginning of modern times, so he naturally followed suit and took Li Fu’s arm.
At first, Li Fu was really shocked, but at this end, he has a strong ability to accept and learn, and he is more familiar with it than she is.
In a blink of an eye, three days passed. During these three days, the two of them visited the Gongzhang City both inside and outside the city, and they all knew the situation.
The Lezheng family proved to be a local tyrant here, but its prestige in the official county government is just a decoration.
To say that today’s marriage is just the third principle of Lezheng’s parents’ room, it won’t be so ostentatious.
However, in the future, Lezheng’s family has a patriarch, the head of the clan, who is responsible for disciplining the clan and handling the clan’s things, so that no family business can be contaminated.
To put it simply, it is to manage this big family well, so that everyone can go to one place to make sure that the Lezheng family will continue to prosper.
In order to strengthen the clan leader Wei, although he can’t be contaminated with any family business, he can receive more lucrative returns than everyone else, and he has supervision over the family business. If someone reports that he is in charge of a place or a business, the clan will enrich themselves and damage the family interests, and the clan leader will send someone to investigate it thoroughly.
So the business base has nothing to do with the loyalty of Changle.
This generation of Lezheng’s parents, Fang Zile Lezheng Shanqi, encountered pirates on the way back to sea with Fujia’s seagoing ship a few years ago. In a fierce fight between the two sides, this Diji was stabbed in the chest. Although he saved his life, he remained in the soup for many years and his chest ached from time to time, so he naturally could not be the helm.
It’s just that my third son is very good at music and is very clever. He has been favored by my grandfather since I was a child. My father values years of experience. Although he has just turned 20, he is really sophisticated and reliable. If he is decided unexpectedly in the future, he will be the helm of all family businesses and the management of the grange shop. If this wedding can be held quietly?
Early in the morning, even Fangzhou took Li Fu out to watch.
It is said that the bride is the daughter of the Lin family, a landlord, and the Lin family’s daughter, virtuous Shu De, is famous in the local area. Both sides can be said to be right.
Even Fang Zhou and Li Fu didn’t think there were too many spectators!
The Le Zhengjia wedding procession passed by, and people were crowded on both sides of the road. People were all wearing new clothes and wearing gold and silver. Obviously, they had carefully dressed up their faces, laughing and talking about this sensational grand wedding. The big girls and kannika nimtragol were all envious of Miss Lin’s many lively Chinese New Year celebrations.
The wedding procession hasn’t come yet. Even Fangzhou and Li Fu can’t get near.
Li Fu is also afraid that even Fangzhou will be pushed and stepped on, and then she will be pulled back to avoid smiling. "Come on, what’s so good about this excitement?" Let’s go back to the inn! "
Le zhengjia? Sooner or later, you have to deal with their families and watch this excitement at this moment?
Besides, hearing these people’s reverence for Le Zhengjia and seeing Li Fu, a government official who kept order on both sides of the street, was very unhappy. Even the prince in Beijing didn’t dare to work when he got married. This Le Zhengjia is really hehe!
I don’t even know where Fangzhou saw the sedan chair. The sun rose so high that many people were crowded and noisy, and there were two points when they couldn’t stand it. They nodded to Li Fu and "hmm". He took his hand and walked outside the crowd.
Just at this time, I sighed, "Oh, it’s really not good to say this man doesn’t believe in life!" Miss Lin’s eldest daughter, Lezheng Sangong, is a childhood friend. Who doesn’t like them? Who knows that this young lady Linda went back to her family but fell into the water and died! This wonderful marriage is cheap for nothing! "
Lian Fangzhou immediately parted Li Fu’s hand and refused to go.
The fire of hexagrams is burning in my heart and I can’t help but listen carefully.
The young woman’s words provoked several women and girls to echo and sigh.
One person laughed. "Yeah! Miss Lin looks like that. It’s really unfortunate that people love her when they see her! "
"Otherwise, how do you say that Le Zhenggu is kind! I’d rather change my sister with the Lins without my sister! I don’t know how many people are envious! "
"Alas, Miss Linda is the only daughter in that room. This time, Fannie and Freddie got a great bargain in vain. Today, I watched my niece get married. Mrs. Linda doesn’t know what it’s like to be sad!"
"A few days ago, I saw Mrs. Lin go to Dalin Temple to worship incense, and her eyes narrowed into a line. It’s really more popular than people!"
"This is life!"
"Tell the truth!"
See phase words even fangzhou smile with Li Fu out of the crowd laughed "I didn’t know that there was such a love here! It’s really more lively than talking! "
Li Fu smiled and said, "It’s just that you like to listen to the length of the market!"
Li Fu always feels as if he is in Nanhai County, and his wife seems to have jumped off a lot of things and talked a little more, but he doesn’t mind.
However, I don’t know that even Fangzhou came here at first, which was originally suppressed in many environments compared with the capital’s loose freedom, and the modern sense of freedom was ready to move again, and it was inadvertently expressed.
Laughing and laughing, they went back to the inn. Li Fu frowned and said, "Let’s leave Gongzhang now without touching his family!"
Even Fang Zhou wants to imagine himself and Li Fu as "passers-by", even if he eats a flowing mat, he must be in the periphery. It is impossible to be with the serious guests invited to dinner by Le Zhenggu, so it is unlikely to be able to see anyone and find out what news, so he nodded with a smile.
It’s just a few clothes for two people to pack their bags. Just pack a bag and you can go.
That guy saw that the two of them were friendly and talked very well these days, chatting and getting familiar with each other a lot. He was surprised to see that they were leaving, and he was kind enough to persuade them not to leave in a hurry, so he might as well stay and eat the running water mat before leaving, otherwise it would be a big loss.
Even Fang Zhou listened funny and saw that he still talked about the trend of two people, and Li Fu was already impatient. Even Fang Zhou smiled and said that it was inconvenient to stay with that guy because of something urgent.
The two hired a carriage to go all the way to noon and passed a shady forest, so they stopped to have a rest and let the coachman unload his horse and go to drink and have a rest.
They found a shade to keep out the quiet place and snuggled up to sit on the grass and rest. Li Fu suddenly jumped his eyebrows and looked at the northeast of the deep forest. "How do I hear someone crying?" Like … Still a young woman. Chapter 116 A woman in the forest.
Even fangzhou’s first reaction was to look up at the sky, and through the branches and leaves to cover the gap, she could still see some light. Her heart was slightly relieved that there should be no ghosts during the day.
He asked quickly, "Are you sure? Listen again! "

It turns out that marble is really collected here

Sun Ningyan suddenly nodded with a dark shout and turned to ask, "But the rules of your fishing village are really a little strange. It’s okay to catch cuiyu once a month, even if you collect marble, why don’t you think it’s troublesome to walk around?"
"Not by the river?"
The fisherman looked at Miss Sun with a puzzled look, complaining all over his face, and suddenly smiled, "Hehe ~ ~ ~ This lady doesn’t know that Dongchuan River is here."
Here? ? ?
Sun Ning Yan rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, but it was still a piece of green grass
Even more clearly, she took a deep breath, and her body flew high, overlooking the Fiona Fang for several miles. Except for a hill full of exciting people, there was nothing else, not to mention the Dongchuan River, and there was not even a shadow of an ancient well.
Suddenly, when she landed on the ground, she immediately put her hands into her waist and said coldly, "Are you and I blind? Is there any river in Fiona Fang?"
"A little girl is too fierce to get married." It seems that the fisherman who likes Sun Ning’s straightforward personality is joking like an elder.
It was not until Miss Sun’s chest was high and her face was filled with anger that she was about to reach the critical point of explosion. He just smiled and reached out to the hill behind the village head of Shitang Village in the distance. A smile instantly converged. "The girl didn’t know that this Dongchuan River is really a dark river. You can see it from the cave on the hill."
Everyone turned around in order, and sure enough, there was a dark cave ten feet square behind the village head. When you look carefully, you can also see the dense water vapor floating in the darkness.
See the cave at the same time, and everyone is happy at the same time.
Jade feathers cover the sky and want to go east.
Cuiyu cuiyu
Cover the sky and hide the dark river.
Xiangdongchuan River
Every word of the first sentence seems to have been answered in this cave.
Excited to wait for a long time, finally a crowd of people cheered and rushed to submit marble into the cave.
Because there are too many fighters here, the entrance of Dongchuan River is spacious, but not so many people go into the world together. After paying marble, they can go into the cave to catch cuiyu in groups of five.
The original Sun Ningyan and others finally came to the queue, and they should finally enter at noon. However, the gray fisherman, the "local strongman", led the people to get some points, and even divided the people into the cave behind the villagers in the fishing village.
It’s cool to enter the cave, and immediately the Dongchuan River is like a long jade belt embedded in the dark, and the cave is charming and dizzy.
"Ha ha ~ ~ The people in Shitang fishing village are so stupid that they don’t send people to guard them. How do they know if others come in and catch a few?"
Look at the surrounding environment, Sun Ning’s smoke is not cold.
"Hehe ~ ~ ~ Little girls come here and people won’t catch more."
Sun Ningyan’s words just fell, and an old man with a fair hair and a shiny crutch came out of the shadows.
"Hum stingy is just a few fish and send someone to guard it."
Sun Ning snorted contemptuously, but forgot that he had just shouted "conspiracy" when he raised his head.
"Hehe ~ ~ ~" The old man smiled faintly. "The girl is wrong. I’m not here to monitor how many cuiyu you catch, but to wake you up not to destroy the Dongchuan River environment."
"Sleep letter stingy is stingy! !” Sun Ning smoke her hands rested on her hips and looked up to the sky with disdain.
"Really," the old man shook his head naively. "The girl didn’t know that this cuiyu is delicious, but it must be cooked immediately after it is killed. If the cuiyu is dead for half a quarter of an hour, it will not only taste very bad, but also be highly toxic. Even the five-level summit fighters in SHEN WOO may not be able to bear it. After it is caught, it must be taken out in a basin, which cannot be hidden."
"People don’t know how to put the birdbath in the bag." Sun Ning’s smoke disdains cold hum, but it seems as if he remembered something and stopped immediately-you can’t put the living creature into the bag and die for a moment.
Deep and remote black mountain cave instantly became quiet, and Sun Ning bowed his head in smoke and workplace.
"Alas ~ ~ ~"
For a long time, the old man looked a little dim and carefree and sighed, "Actually, it used to be outside to explain the rules to people. There is no one to guard this cave, but I don’t know how this time, I finally feel what will happen to Dongchuan River during the fishing festival this month. I generally have to move my old bones to come in and see Chapter 19 Fishing Village."
The dark wind blew from the mouth of the cave and rippled gently with the old man’s deep and distant voice.
"And when you came in, I felt that the bottom of Dongchuan River seemed to fluctuate-I had a hunch that the change was probably yours."
Sun Ningyan and others looked at each other, but they didn’t come here to catch what cuiyu came to find the entrance to the overseas islands. Now the first sentence has been finished, and the old man also said that changes are about to happen here, which may be related to himself and others. Is the entrance to the overseas islands really here?
No, the old guy said that there was movement at the bottom of the river as soon as we came in. Can the entrance still know that people are excited when they come to find it?
Thoughts flashed through Sun Ning’s eyes with a narrow smile and looked at the old man. "You don’t mean to say that we can’t catch cuiyu in view of this," she said, and she also held her hands in a bold and disdainful tunnel. "Hum! We made marble! ! !”
"Of course not," the old man smiled and shook his head. "Rules are always rules. Since you have made marble, it is natural for you to catch."
"Hum! This is almost the same. "
Sun Ningyan snorted with satisfaction, and at the same time, the old man’s face suddenly became solemn. He took a dignified look at the quietly flowing Dongchuan River and said, "But you should also follow the rules of Shitang Village. First, you are not allowed to hurt him when fishing. Second, you don’t need fish. Therefore, the river is led by villagers, and you can’t enter the river for pollution."
Sun Ningyan was slightly stunned. They came here to explore the entrance to the overseas islands. According to her idea, this entrance is likely to be at the bottom of the river, but people in Shitang Village will not allow them to cross the river. This should be like looking for it.
"Hey we don’t river that how to catch fish! ! !”

"I don’t know who shot him, but he died inexplicably anyway. His territory immediately fell apart and was divided up by several forces."

"Could it be that he deliberately released false news and gave up his territory to protect his high strength and then made a comeback after mastering the sword of hades?" Duanmuming guessed
"I thought so, too, but I soon dismissed the idea." Speaking of this, Han Wentian took a sip of tea and sold it. If Duanmu Ming asked him in a hurry, he would definitely sell Duanmu Ming and ignore him.
"The weather is good today!" Han Wentian looked out of the window in the dark and couldn’t see his fingers. He said to himself
Duan Muming said grumpily, "Where can we see the weather now? Don’t blame me if you don’t say it again! "
"Good" Han Wentian smiled and then the topic continued just now, "I saw the sword of hades in another person’s hand"
"What person?"
Han Wentian didn’t speak but rushed Duanmuming to reach out his hand.
"What do you mean?"
There was no response, but the finger moved.
"Afraid of you," Duanmuming threw two small boxes to Han Wentian. "Take two pills of Dan medicine inside and you and your wife will be cured."
"Ha ha, I wish it had been so early." Han Wentian looked down on Duanmu inscription, and his wife couldn’t look at it and pulled his sleeve. Han Wentian nodded and returned to seriousness.
Duanmuming and Ruer smiled at each other. "Now it’s time to talk."
Han Wentian nodded. "It’s not very strong to get the sword of hades, but it’s strange that he can master the sword of hades, even several monarchs are no match for him. But this man is deeply hidden, and the vampire king also blocked the news. The specific situation is not clear whether this man snatched the sword of hades from the hands of ethereal gods or not."
Duan Muming was silent for a moment and slowly asked, "With this man’s help, maybe the vampire king can rule the whole underworld?"
"Not before I left." Han Wentian gently picked up his wife’s hand and put it in his big hands. "But it’s not far from that day." Mrs. Han felt her husband’s affectionate heart moved regardless of shyness, and a warm current flowed with her husband holding his hands.
Ruer looked at Han Wentian and his wife Duanmuming with envy, but her eyes narrowed slightly and she stared at the living room outside. At that time, it was quiet.
It took Duan Muming a long time to breathe out a sigh of relief. "The general trend of the underworld has been decided. It is estimated that the underworld has unified. This time, it is very powerful to intervene!"
"Do you know this man?" Han Wentian also woke up from the warm atmosphere and asked
"Even if know? Ha ha "Duanmu Ming suddenly inexplicably laughed. Others looked blank and even Ruer didn’t know what he was laughing at.
"That man is a demon who has gone to the underworld. The nickname is Earl. This man is a vampire. If there is no accident, it will definitely control the vampire king and unify the underworld. But it is not so easy to base there …?"
"Since the underworld is unified, what can’t be controlled?" Han Wentian is not white.
"Don’t forget that there is another natural enemy in the inferno, and that natural enemy will not sit idly by."
"protoss?" Han Wentian eyes a turn "you mean the underworld also have protoss agent is it …"
"Yes, that’s him!" Duan Muming sneered and said, "This is still what you told me."
"Oh," Han Wentian suddenly realized, but he squinted at Duan Muming. "Don’t you feel a little uncomfortable? After all, he has some with you but secretly with you. "
Duanmuming shook his head. "It’s just a pole that can’t hit relatives. What’s so sad? Besides, it’s not the first time that I’ve been betrayed by relatives, and it’s nothing. "
Duan Muming was a little disappointed, and everyone knew it was hard to say. Ruer gently held his hand and comforted him silently. Actually, Duan Muming himself didn’t make them so disappointed as if he were sad.
"It seems that the day when the underworld attacks the underworld is not too far away, and the underworld has also appeared. If there is no accident, I am afraid it will fall into the hands of the underworld." Duanmuming seems to say that there is nothing with his roots
"You don’t sell? I’m afraid inferno won’t be so easy to conquer the demon world if you make moves. "
"Even if I don’t make moves, others will make moves." Duanmu Ming turned his ring face to Gherardini and looked away. "Don’t be cheated by the young master. The young master has sent many people to the demon world." He also took a white look at Duanmu Ming.
Duan Muming hey hey smiled. "This is not my nonsense. People I sent were protecting their castles and didn’t mean to fight."
"What if they enter your territory?" Han Wentian said with a smile
"Then you can’t blame me. Of course, you have to teach them a hard lesson." Duan Muming said with a sly smile that two people smiled at each other tacitly. Two bad guys thought of a place where Duan Muming had to keep his objective position out of his own identity, but secretly helping a weak person also hurt.
"Master, I’m afraid you don’t want to help this time." The voice sounded that Europe came up from another room with Xu Shui and Angry. Xu Shuier met something and Duanmuming said it again. Han Tianhe Ruer’s face has changed a little.
The remoulding people have never appeared and the world has never stopped, including Duan Muming, many of whom are remoulding people and even artificial people. But listening to Xu Shuier’s experience, this yin Confucianism has reached an extreme. If he is not contained, I am afraid that the whole world will go crazy because of him!
It’s scary to think that you can constantly devour others, absorb others and transform people!
Duanmu Ming was about to burst in from the outside. "Young Master, it’s not good. Something happened to the Xue sisters!"
"Something wrong?" DuanMuMing shout up frowned "how didn’t feel they have different shape? Besides, didn’t I give them an escape sign? "
This time Duanmu Ming was really anxious and never showed a strong breath. I firmly subdue the opposite Juan. If it wasn’t for his fit, I’m afraid he would have collapsed. In the same room, others also felt the soul-stirring spiritual storm. In addition to Duanmu Ming’s woman, there were Han Wentian and Xu Shuier, but Han Wentian took his wife’s hand and Xu Shui’s hand, and there was no gaffe.
Ruer didn’t get a frontal attack on her side, and she was also the strongest. When Ma pulled Duanmu Ming’s hand, Duanmu Ming immediately woke up from her rage and took back her breath.
Although the whole process lasted for a very short few seconds, several people have been shocked by the powerful power displayed by Duan Muming, especially Xu Shuier, for the first time, she had a desire to be a minister.
"I didn’t expect you to have reached this point." Han Wentian said with a wry smile that Duanmu Mingnai smiled with a wave. Now is not the time to discuss it.
"What’s the matter?" Duanmu Ming came forward to inform Juan and asked him about it. At the same time, his eyes showed a trace of apology. Although Juan was shocked by his powerful breath, it was also because of his love for his woman. Duanmu Ming would behave like this if he thought about it. Of course, Juan would not be angry with him.
"Master, because the Xue sisters are closely attached to you, we have been surrounded by the Xue sisters. Ten minutes ago, the Xue sisters’ dormitory seemed to be invaded by something, and then the early warning device inside lost contact with the outside. We wanted to rush in, but we met a strange barrier that could absorb power. After three minutes, we broke the barrier and went in, and there was already a trace of fighting in the whole dormitory."

Dong Yuling wowed. Is it possible that all the people in this world are rich except her? You can hit people with a silver ticket with one hand?

"It’s very kind of you to thank the general for me." Dong Yuling put away the silver ticket with a smile.
When the guard saw it, he was relieved. "It should be."
Mammy also breathed a sigh of relief. Is it a silver ticket or a letter?
Seeing this Dong Yuling, I knew that the thank-you gift for so many cars should be that Song Yun waved a stack of silver tickets more directly to General Le. How generous and generous!
Pretend to take out two ingots of twelve taels of silver from the cuff and give them to the guard and the nurse Dong Yuling. She smiled and said that she invited the two to drink tea and then took out some broken silver to let them drink for others.
The guards and Mammy were naturally happy to pinch and crush the silver, and their glances were surprised that one piece or two was just right for everyone to come today.
Does this girl know how many people are coming at a glance?
It’s hard to send the generals away. Dong Yulan saw the honoraria one by one and couldn’t help but sigh, "These officials or family members are rich, and it’s enough for ordinary people to live for generations with one hand."
Say that finish not see his kiddo answer Dong Wei orchid curious twist a head with black line looked at his sister is a face of avarice sample counting the silver ticket.
After counting, Dong Yuling looked up at Dong Yulan. "These things are Mao Mao rain for them, but they are family property for us. Hehe, take good care of your second brother’s small four dowry and your dowry will fall."
"That how line these words to say is also my sister’s dowry is earned back by my sister. It’s nothing with us." Dong Hanxuan took Dong Han Xiao into the door and just heard Dong Yuling’s words and immediately refuted them.
See two people come back with baskets. Dong Yuling’s eyes flash and say that the two younger brothers, Hugh Mu’s family, have disappeared. It turned out that they went to the National Temple to see Yun’s family. "Since it’s my stuff, it’s natural that I have the final say …"
Before the third hour continued to refute Dong Yuling, he diverted his attention, saying, "Come on, I brought a lot of good things back from Wangfu. Come on, take them out and taste them. It needs to be hot. I’ll tell you, the chef’s skill in Wangfu is really not worse than that of the royal chef."
"really?" Dong Wei Lan and Dong Han Xiao are children’s minds. They got excited as soon as they heard about eating, and immediately abandoned Dong Hanxuan and ran into the house.
Look at the younger brothers and sisters who just joined the same front and forget him in an instant. Dong Hanxuan can’t stand up to him, but he’s no match for kiddo, okay?
But on second thought, my sister must get married first, and then she will move the things in the warehouse. Who cares if her sister is going to do so? Dong Hanxuan corners of the mouth a hook is not depressed consciously thought of a good way.
It’s a pity that this child underestimated the "sex" of Dong Yong Ling. She doesn’t care what the rules are. Even if Dong Hanxuan moved the warehouse and made it her dowry, she would be as proud as her younger brother and sister. When she got married, she would pack it up and send it back to the east and west, and it would be hard to add another sum.
Besides, Dong Fengling has no intention of getting married at present.
The next day is a sunny day, and Dong Yuling ran home early to wait. Unfortunately, Dong Yulan has to learn or he will definitely follow.
Sunny came back early and entered the house before nine o’clock, which made Aunt Wu’s family laugh happily.
At this time, the custom is that the sooner the married daughter returns home for the first time, the better, which not only shows the importance of her husband’s family, but also looks forward to her future happiness.
Kuang Qing and her "xianggong" Yao Wang also brought back a lot of gifts, which have been given to the family to the greatest extent. Where is there any dissatisfaction with Aunt Wu?
At the beginning, Xuanfu made the Yao family do very well except that the dowry couldn’t catch up with the Liu family, which made Aunt Wu very glad that Dong Yong’s intervention didn’t confuse her to the end.
As soon as Sunny entered the door, Dong Yuling observed her face and saw that she was full of happiness except shyness. This was completely released. Chapter 146 is going to take the exam.
I know that happiness is not necessarily true when others look at it.
What’s the matter? Does Xuanfushi have a fine family and marry too many Dong Yuling or will she be worried about her specific situation?
There are many people in this family. Wu gave birth to five or two women. Except for Liu Langyun, he is a child care worker and has returned home today.
Look at the fine and carefully send gifts to everyone. Dong Yuling smiled and looked at Yao Wang.
Xuanfu is a military attache. Yao Wang doesn’t look as weak as usual. You can tell by his face that he is a healthy person with no special facial features, but he is very attractive. On the whole, he is also a good-looking talent.
No wonder Sunny didn’t like Liu Feng at the beginning, so love rat is deliberately dressed up and can’t compare with Yao Wanghan.
As if aware of Dong Ling’s eyes, Yao looked up and his eyes flashed politely and nodded at Dong Ling.
Dong Fengling smiled gently and secretly thought that he was a fine man.
Living with such men has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the means.
But married women are different. It’s only been a few days. Sunny is much more stable and has the demeanor of being a housewife.
Dong Yuling looked at all this with a smile and sighed a little. If the modern fifteen-year-old child only graduated from junior high school, this era is to support a family.
After distributing other people’s gifts, Sunny walked over to Dong Yuling and handed her a quaint box.
"Why do I have it?" Dong Yuling was a little surprised. Isn’t this kind of gift only available to her parents?