Compared with the overbearing emperor, God’s handling of political means may be milder and more of a dark side than breaking everything.

Wing Jun secretly wiped his forehead with cold sweat. He was brave enough to tell the truth, but it seems that Su Da didn’t seem very angry.
Is there any way for me to live? Yes, I’m still young. How could I die so early? God will help me!
Wing Jun’s eyes rose with an inexplicable brilliance, and he saw hope for life.
However, Su Yu plunged him into the bottom of the abyss of despair.
"No matter how kind I gave you, you betrayed me."
Su Yu put fragrant teas lightly and said, "Tell me what kind of death you want to see. I can promise to give you a decent death."
This is Su Yu’s last respect for the Yi royal family. I regard you as my opponents, but you are too weak to let me down.
Su Yu has a bit of regret at the bottom of his eyes. With his contact with more and more things, people who used to be his enemies are no longer qualified to stand in his way.
"ah? !”
Wing Jun’s face turned pale and his chair collapsed. He fantasized about several ways and means that he might die, but he never thought it was Su Yu’s death. He was too confident. He was still the first emperor in the East China. He was too obsessed with his gestures to see the general trend.
The general trend of blocking the body is different from that of a gladiator. When you are driving, you will be crushed to pieces!
Wing jun’s silence has obviously completely given up hope
On the contrary, Wing Jizu was surprised and immediately proffering flaming and shouting "Emperor! Emperor! If you want to kill me, it’s me. Bring him in! I have always been your humblest servant! "
Wing Ji-zu was in tears as if she were loyal to Su Yu.
"That’s true"
Lyu3 bu4 nodded. "I don’t know which one was wrong. I bet Wing Jun found the Western Expedition Army and surrendered."
Su Yu smiled noncommittally.
"You used to be my loyal servant, but not anymore."
Su Yu glanced at Yi Jizu’s indifferent tone.
"Emperor, I don’t understand what you mean!"
Wing Jizu’s forehead is sweaty, his eyes are erratic and he stutters.
"If I guess right, the Pope must have personally erased your soul demon contract. From that moment on, you are no longer my loyal servant."
Su Yu is indifferent.
If Wing Jizu hadn’t been erased from the demon contract, how could he not have tried his best to contact Su Yu for information? Wait until the Western Expedition Army has finalized the general situation of the Western Expedition before he takes his father from the beginning?
It’s not like the Yizu royal family played a bitter plan to continue to maintain the illusion of the demon servant of the Yizu ancestor and continue this only Yizu royal blood.
Unfortunately, the devil’s contract and Su Yu’s binding are deeply rooted in the fact that the soul binding has been lifted, and Su Yu naturally feels something.
"Me, me"
Wing Jizu’s face was gray. He opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. He was decadent and knelt down.
It’s all over now. The emperor knows everything! Nothing can be hidden from the emperor!
"I hurt you, son."
Wing Jun sighed deeply, and his eyes were full of tears. He turned to look at Wing Jizu’s eyes with love. "If Dad hadn’t found out that you had something different and didn’t ask the Pope for treatment, you might still be alive today."
It’s a pity that there are not so many in this world. If the law has already happened, it will be repeated.
Wing Ji-zu buried his head deeply in his arm and roared with grief, which made people feel sorry for him, but it was like this, and there was no extra sympathy.
There is a decision for traitor Su Yu.
"It’s just that since you can’t choose me to choose a good way to die for you."
Su Yu got up and walked to the outside of the house. "The royal family of the former Dongda Continental Wing gave poisoned wine and was buried in the western continent."
Chapter 594, Chapter 594, Expropriating the Western Continent!
"Sue the great! ! !”
Already sobbing, Jun suddenly turned back and burst into tears. He kept kowtowing at Su Yu’s back. He cried, "Su the Great! It’s my fault! You are killing my family and destroying my royal family! I will never say anything! But please ask Su Da to spare hundreds of millions of people in the East China! They are embarrassed! "
It’s said that people are dying, and Yi Jun knows that he can’t hide this time. He hopes that Su Yu can be kind to the original people of the Yi family. Don’t let these poor people pay a few blood and lives to teach them a lesson because they have an emperor by mistake. br >
Su Yu paused, saying nothing and making no promises, and left the room so straight.
"I have this wish! Ask Su Da to promise me! I regret even if I die! ! !”
The shrill cry is still chased from behind as if it were full of stubbornness as if it were haunted by resentment and spectre.
"The emperor has already forgiven the pterodactyl crime and deliberately lifted the restriction on racial intercourse between the pterodactyl race and other people. This is a gift."
It was not until Lyu3 bu4 whispered a few words in his ear that Wing Jun suddenly stopped shouting that her long hair looked like an evil ghost and gave a piercing smile "Jie Jie! If I had known today would have happened! Wing clan! Wing clan! Actually buried in my hand! "
Say that finish wing jun suddenly grabbed the waiter’s hand and drank the poisoned wine.
Wing jun doesn’t know that this so-called gift from emperor jun is actually to completely eradicate the race of wing clan! Is there a pure blood wing family after a hundred years of blood mottling?
The answer is denial.
Su Yu wants two distinct classes to appear in the Yanhuang Empire: a pure-blooded Terran (noble) and a mixed race (poor+hard labor)!
This is convenient for governance.
It is impossible for forces to be absolutely equal. In this case, Su Yu is more inclined to let your class release the core circle of Terran, and the core of ethnic interests firmly control and manipulate other races!
The room is full of wings, but the wing-step-ancestor is afraid of a lot. Without the status of demon servant, he seems to have lost the courage to face death
That cup of poisoned wine was forced to be fed by Lu Bu.
"Make up a few tracks, then throw them to the official instrument for a body scan and hide some of the most powerful miniature bombs."
Lu Bu waved his hand and said indifferently, "Clean this place up. If he is caught, the royal family will be dealt with according to law!"
Lyu3 bu4 doesn’t like to leave opportunities for the enemy as much as the official ceremonies. Even if you are dead, I will stab you several times, and I will arrange my own successors to cut off all possible chances for your comeback!
Bing Wolf riders have surrendered respectfully to handle affairs.
The appearance of Yi Jizu and Yi Jun, Su Yu’s life is like an insignificant little spray, but this capture of the spray also makes Su Yu realize that the imperial department of Shihuang is also relatively single-minded
However, there are too many loopholes in the binding nature of the devil’s contract. It is absolutely indispensable for a force to develop and mature its educational and social bodies for a long time.
Moreover, the security benefits are too great. Su Yu had an idea to disperse some security benefits.
He needs to make the Yanhuang Empire a monster-level force, not a completely paralyzed thing from Su Yu!
Su Yu came to spend these days with Mulan, who was pregnant, and paid Su Mier enough public grain. She also thought about what to do after returning to China and handled a state affairs before.
Yanhuang Research Institute strongly supports the Western Expeditionary Army in the East and West. After the end of the war, a large number of new ports, waterways and roads have been built in major cities in two continents.
If you want to get rich, build roads first
Su Yu’s meaning is very clear. Now that the western continent has called, the two continents will be completely integrated, so that they can communicate and build an important road hub, which is not only beneficial to people’s livelihood and economy, but also convenient for dispatching troops.
After half a month, Su Yu finally waited for the news that the official attacked the last anti-racial city.
Su Yu came to express his condolences to the generals and the Western Expeditionary Army, and even didn’t rush back to the East China with two women when they met with the monarchs who surrendered to the West China.
Yu Suyu, why don’t you want to see the western continent submit to the emperor?
Su Yu is really too lazy to be polite to this group of people. Come as usual! Now that you’ve surrendered, I’ll keep you alive, but you’ll never join the army in your life, including your descendants!
All the personnel departments went to the satellite city of Yanhuang Imperial City to live under Su Yu’s eyelids as usual.
The western expedition has been going on for more than two months, and the western mainland announced that the Ministry was captured by the Chinese Empire! Incorporate into the map of the Chinese Empire! The speed made him two continents, the southern continent and the northern continent, and the racial and higher forces did not react.
After Su Yu led the army back to China, he didn’t meet his daughter. After the Western Expedition, he non-stop recruited the first meeting to summon martial officials and the latest talents of the Yanhuang Empire who pulled out and joined Su Yu’s generals of all worlds.

Thought of here Han Tianhao can no longer sit still.

Although he has achieved the same success as lk Dream, the game they are in contact with is a dream after all.
Lk is the king of command in the dream.
Four kings and one king!
In all this, there is really nothing wrong with what Mike just said
Although Han Tianhao believes that in a few months or half a year, he will certainly be able to break through to the highest level of the fantasy Westward Journey command. After all, he still can’t lk this command, and Han Tianhao is also sincere.
Everyone stunned eyes, he said to lk
"Ge should be the elder lk commander of the oldest urk group from China?"
This words from Han Tianhao mouth say everyone around froze.
These people come from different countries, but they are all fantasy westward journey players. It is naturally clearer for a team like the old urk, because that is the last goal that everyone pursues together!
Although everyone is now aiming at the country, I can’t help but raise my respect when I hear that lk turned out to be the strange conductor of the old urk.
It is the respect that rises, and at the same time, everyone has an idea.
Lk, what will be Mike’s team leader? Isn’t he a country!
Perhaps also guessed everyone’s idea lk turned his head and said lightly
"yeah, I’m lk"
"This time, I came here in my personal capacity to help Mike and old urk, and I am also in China."
This remark sounded that all people, including Han Tianhao, completely overturned their doubts. For some reason, he lk didn’t need to lie to them.
"Then this time, I will trouble lk predecessors."
Han Tianhao bent over lk and said that this time he gave a big gift.
And lk also put away his frame but mouth or light way
"Well, it’s okay. Mike and I came here because we are friends, but I will also help Mike once, that is, when we finally compete with the dreamer team."
When I heard lk, everyone in the room frowned. Many people thought of what if lk was released in the most critical battle. And if it’s really Shenwei’s level, the hardware Mike team is not as good as the old urk!
Ignore what you think lk light said
"This time, both the elite and the brave should have no ability to gank the dreamer team, including Han Tianhao, and your Piao Ni Ma team. You should not deny this, right?"
Hear lk so hit the nail on the head to say these words Han Tianhao is nai nodded his head.
Indeed, when facing the team living in a brothel, he can win naturally because they are better than their opponents in hardware and command, but when facing the dreamer team, he dare not say so. The reason is that Han Tianhao himself knows that their Piao Ni Ma team is not a bit different from the dreamer team in hardware or command.
Also Han Tianhao point after the head lk continued
"And the world of truth and power is the same."
"After all, these devices abroad are very short, although the official side has made some preferential treatment, but after all, they are also limited, and now the dreamer team commander in the country thinks that although the strength has not yet returned to its peak, it is not Han Tianhao that you can deal with."
"The new urk and lazy family in Shenwei are not the only ones you can deal with, but the third team in Shenwei."
"Of course, I also want to say before here that even if I command Mike’s team, I don’t necessarily dare to say that I can defeat the dreamer’s team. After all, since this discussion came out from them, they must have some strategies to deal with the enemy, even saying that they may have already made sufficient preparations."
"But although I can’t guarantee to win, I will try my best."
Lk reviewed a week or so after saying these words and then light way
Of course, you can choose not to believe me, but you can’t help it. I’m Mike. Please come here. I’m also responsible for Mike.
Lk voice down the whole room fell into silence.
And Han Tianhao also took a deep breath and said
"lk predecessors, we believe in you"
Chapter four hundred and fifty-two Guard dignity
LK nodded faintly and then got up from his seat and said to Mike
"Call me back before the game, and I’ll go around Korea first."
Mike nodded his head, and he was really flattered that LK could come this time. After all, it’s not for everyone to be invited by the old Murk.
And LK walked to the door is like thinking of what turned to Han Tianhao a line of people said.
"But this competition is a great test, and you don’t feel at ease. After all, the dream of our country is already perfect, and it’s not long before you have your own talents. You don’t feel at ease. You still have to face the dream 3S championship that is comparable to the S-class competition six months later."
LK finished this sentence and left of cutting.
And Han Tianhao and others are also a thoughtful expression on their faces.

A series of explosions suddenly rang out in the forest. Because the three of them attacked and broke, the leaves fell down and flew like a tree. The posture of Maomao was broadcast by the dark part of Muye, which was particularly surprising. It was a group hiding across from Maomao!

Two rebellious people have recognized their identity. The strangest thing is that their clothes are equally extremely sensitive. Siying immediately knew that they were members of the same organization.
"Shu Mao’s strength is really good. A spiral pill can be so effective elsewhere. I think Watergate can laugh when he knows it!" Lei Ying is the only ninja who has ever played against Watergate. Naturally, he knows that the spiral pill of Watergate ranks first in the list. The spiral pill of Ninjutsu can be said to be an indispensable ninja for forging the great achievements of Watergate. Although the limelight is covered by his other ninja, people who know Watergate a little know that the spiral pill is Watergate talent, and Fei Raytheon is strictly speaking, he inherited it from the second generation, which is not exclusive to Watergate.
"Earth Dun Earthquake Core!"
Jiao Du finally put up with the flying debris-he was just a scorpion with a broken tail, but slowly he found that Shu Mao’s other hand actually attracted the flying debris in the air, and these debris were blown out again, directly forming an attack cycle, while his left hand was damaged by a spiral pill, causing debris, while an unknown ninja pulled these debris closer to him, while Shu Mao’s mouth blew out some wind and directly used those flying debris as an attack method!
This endurance rhythm directly stunned Siying, and it was the first time they saw such a coherent attack!
"He’s really a master just because of the wind!" The shadow of the earth praised him. He figured out that this tree is really a enchanting figure. Unfortunately, it was found a little late. Now there are not many people who can clean up! If I had found out earlier, Tuying would have killed him anyway.
"Did you find out? Each of his escape doesn’t look like a mature ninja, but it’s no less powerful than those mature ninjas. This is the most incredible place! "
"No, the most incredible thing about him is that he controls you. See? The debris around him never touched himself-even the blown debris was just blown out without external force! This is really quite a terrible control. I have never seen such control. "Shui Ying, a woman can always find things that others can’t find.
And the wind shadow was completely silent. At this moment, he was thinking about what Shu Mao said to Tuanzang. At this moment, he was confused by these words!
"Do you have such means? Let’s stop wasting time and make a move directly! "
Tuan Zang can’t stand the attack of Shu Mao. Although he is immortal, it’s really annoying. Ah, the head of the regiment directly channeled the dream.
After Meng Kuang appeared, his big mouth directly sucked the debris around him into his mouth. When Shu Mao saw Meng Kuang coming out, he knew what kind of moves he wanted. He immediately stepped aside and left the front of Meng Kuang’s mouth.
The horns and scorpions also hurriedly walked away, and the debris in the air disappeared directly and disappeared at the same time, as well as the frivolous dust of the broken trees. In a short time, the forest was sucked out of a barren land by Meng Xiao.
Tuanzang saw that Meng Xiao didn’t remember anything and sent him back. At this time, both Scorpion and Horn entered a state of fighting.
Scorpion summoned three generations of wind shadows on the big screen. The three generations of wind shadows were seen by all the audience. Those people were crazy at this moment. They couldn’t find the three generations of wind shadows and were made into puppets!
And his audience is full of interest. Obviously, they don’t mind watching the enemy like this for revenge.
The audience in the arena all saw a few shadows before they dispersed, and there were some programs late, but they didn’t expect it to be like this. Now the arena is boiling completely, and those who heard the cheers or were notified came out from the stalls from the downtown area and went straight to the arena. Soon the high platforms around the arena were full, even the roof was full!
Corner is played to complain directly into the disgusting tentacle mode, and four hiding masks are behind corner separately.
Jiaodu took the lead in launching an attack, and the wind-escaping mask blew with the fire-escaping mask, and then the wind and the fire merged together to form a huge fire wave to attack Shumao!
"Feng Shui evasion Feng Shui gun!"
Shu Mao sent out Feng Shui Ninjutsu for the first time. At this moment, he finally bloomed with great light. The spiral water gun directly looked at the large-scale fire escape, chopped a waterway directly from the fire waves, swallowed the surrounding flames directly with rotating momentum, and an unstoppable posture directly thought about the two masks at the corner.
"The corner flash is a powerful endurance that your two fragile masks can’t resist!" Similarly, the most immortal scorpion still knows something about the method of immortality in Jiaodu.
The horns heard his words and went straight away, and the two masks stopped their evasive attack and jumped up directly!
"Sand and iron attack!" The sand iron spit out from the mouth of the three generations of wind shadows directly turned into a huge shield-like object and came to the front of the water gun, trying to block the water gun!
Who knows that at this moment, a huge water gun burst from it, and a lux gun-shaped fire dun directly hit the sand iron. The ultra-high temperature directly melted the sand iron into liquid, and the castration did not decrease, and it directly ran away from the three generations of wind shadows behind the shield!
Scorpion saw that the situation was wrong and immediately contracted the chakra line in his hand to directly measure the three generations of wind shadows and pulled it to his side. The musket directly hit the ground. Even though the arena was far away from their fighting place, everyone could hear the dull explosion!
At this moment, everyone was attracted by such gorgeous but powerful gun ninja and forgot to breathe the silence in the arena! The silence is not only the scorpion and the horn in the arena, but also the skunk and the shark in that corner!
"Shu Maojun, so you are already so powerful?" He knows what the ferret is thinking. He still remembers that he gave Shu Mao a kaleidoscope! If the tree is in a kaleidoscope, does it mean that the battle will be over soon?
"It’s really amazing. Who would have thought that such a huge water gun department could hide a powerful fire escape gun?"
"I’m afraid it’s not that he hid in it, but that he used the force to play. Those fires absorbed by the spiral water gun formed the musket we saw just now!"
At the same time to make such a guess and Shui Ying!
"What do you mean?"
"Otherwise, this kid will be able to master the boiling dun. You know, the boiling dun quality is water dun plus fire dun, but you see if those waters are boiling just now! So this is because he absorbed those fire escape effects! Instead of him releasing fire! "
"So that’s it!"
When Tuanzang reappeared, it had become extremely embarrassed!
And scorpion now found that his three generations of wind shadow puppets could not control those sand and iron samples! Scorpion instantly thought that the fire escape just now may have affected the sand iron! (Thermal demagnetization effect! )
And Jiao Du looked at Shu Mao very seriously, and he was a little angry at the same time. What? Because just now, when he dodged the attack of Shu Mao, his lightning mask was directly chopped up by Shura behind Shu Mao!
That’s right. Shura actually kicked the ball and hid it. With those strengths, he flew directly to the Leidun mask, and gathered chakra to suffer and cut off the Leidun mask directly, so that the angle would lose a life! to be continued
Chapter 7 Second Selection War (2)
Jiao was angry and thought that if the scorpion hadn’t saved him just now or the scorpion puppet didn’t have that huge shield to block something, he might be burned to ashes now! All corners can now be said to be surprised or angry, and of course there are some fears! At this moment, this person who has lived for nearly five generations has truly felt the death threat!
The atmosphere at the scene was particularly dignified, and the depressed feeling made the ninja who participated in the assessment of forbearance dare not get close to it, and those ninjas could observe the situation at the top of the tree. A kind ninja actually raised the platform and looked at the contest from a commanding height.
"Carouhy, you said I can still have hope? Seeing him attack, I feel that he and I are two people from the world! " Lifting the platform soil layer is naturally black soil.
"I don’t know, even if I’ve never seen such a burst attack on Uncle Lei Ying than the teacher, maybe it can reach such a level, but it’s far less self-possessed!"
Women are just surprised that they were noisy to death just now, but now they have become a good sister!
"Hey, I really don’t know when it will be the end, brother. He is really amazing!" Naruto hands holding the back of the head of the earth to protest.
"Say yes! Brother Shu Mao’s attack made me know that my fire escape was really like Mars. No wonder he didn’t teach me to fire escape. It turned out that I didn’t even have the qualification to study! Maybe that’s why he wants to help me find a teacher!
I must learn that Shu Maoge is on fire! "Sasuke decided at this moment that he would arrange for Shu Mao to complete his study. The first thing to do when he came back was to learn Ninjutsu from Shu Mao.
"Shu Maoge’s medical endurance is also quite powerful. I don’t know if it will!" This is KINOMOTO SAKURA’s idea.
"It’s a good thing that we didn’t talk to Shura, or if those things floated out a little, we would be turned to ashes!" Ino summoned the lovely gills to help the deer pill and said
"I didn’t expect him to meet Brother Shumao and fight with others. It’s not easy for those people to take a complete blow from Brother Shumao!"
"Well, anyway, I just want to eat. I want to catch Brother Shumao!" Ding Ji, this is to eliminate food as a tree!
Another direction

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife is not a mistake. The woodcutter thinks about it. Su Yonglin decided to turn around and go to Dongguang County to make some supplements and adjustments.

Before he sent someone to Dongguang county, he asked them to prepare hot water and ginger soup for the soldiers, and then prepared some horse feed for the war horses, and then went to Dongguang county with the army
Dong Heguang, the commander of Dongguang, is Xiao Guojun’s practice. After receiving the order, he acted with the instructor item and soon got everything ready for Su Yonglin.
After Su Yonglin arrived in Dongguang County in the shortest time, Dong Heguang arranged everything properly.
They prepared hot food for the soldiers to eat, and then handed the cooked ginger soup and dry clothes to the soldiers, and prepared some hot water for the soldiers to wipe their bodies and change clothes.
While the soldiers were resting, Dong Heguang and Xiang arranged for the defenders to take their horses to rest and eat to supplement the horses with concentrated feed so that they could have a good rest.
In addition, they made the illness worse and the fever worse. More than 100 soldiers stayed in Dongguang County to rest, and arranged reliable doctors to treat the soldiers and put everything in order.
During the break, Su Yonglin pursued Xin Qiji with him, and Geng Xingwen, deputy commander of the samurai camp, and a group of officers discussed the movement of 8 Jin J.
The map Su Yonglin marked the known route of Jin Jun and found that Jin Jun took the north-east route.
"This route passes through Jingzhou and Cangzhou, and then through Qingzhou dialect, it reaches Daxing House, that is, Yanyun can be said to be the safest route to return to the north at present. There is no garrison of our army here, and Jin Junnan did not go here."
Su Yonglin pointed to the map of Qingchi County, saying, "We have stationed troops in Qingchi County and Nanpi County in Cangzhou, and the vast areas are in a state of clearing the field, except for a few docks and castles."
This situation is very suitable for the gold thief to flee north. They probably chose this road. If we want to chase them, we have no choice but to speed up and we can’t expect him to be intercepted by our army. "
Geng Xingwen frowned and asked, "So he can certainly be intercepted and destroyed?"
"Not necessarily, but compared with our pursuit of this road, he is two ways less. If he continues north, he is likely to hit our people head-on."
Su Yonglin said, "I’m not sure what will happen then. I hope they can stop those desperate thieves."
Xin Qiji kept looking at the map when Su Yonglin spoke. When Su Yonglin finished talking, Xin Qiji pointed to the map.
"Su Shuai, I, let’s chase the gold thieves all the way. It’s easy to know where there are garrisons and where there are no garrisons. Obviously, they will avoid Nanpi and Qingchi. It’s very likely that they have been to Yanshan Mountain. journey to the south is almost unblocked. It takes enough horsepower to reach Yanyun in a few days."
Su Yonglin looked at the map and nodded his head.
"That’s true, but I think this is the ideal state. We still have some things to consider."
Xin Qiji looked at Su Yonglin.
"You mean cavalry status?"
"pair state"
Su Yonglin said, "Even if there is enough food for one person and two horses, we still feel difficult in this rainy day when it rains and travels. There are also soldiers who fall and break this sick horse. In my case, there will be more gold thieves.
This is a gold thief. Is there enough grain there? When we attacked, we found the gold thief eating. What does this say? It is said that they may not be fully prepared when they escape, and they will slow down their escape because of various problems. "
Everyone thinks Su Yonglin is right.
"So I’m afraid it won’t be very difficult for them to go to the North Yanyun in March or February, but it should still be there for us to take a night off to keep our spirits up."
Su Yonglin went on to say, "As far as the eyes are concerned, it is not impossible for us to stop them before they enter Qingzhou. Although Yanyun may have been turned upside down now, I really don’t want to let Yan Hongliang go."
Everyone knows that Su Yonglin hates Yan Hongliang.
So Xin Qiji made a suggestion
"In that case, it’s better to speed up the March by alternating ways."
"You said"
Su Yonglin looked at Xin Qiji.
Xin Qiji nodded slowly. "Generally speaking, cavalry mainly relies on horsepower to rush for a while, wait for the horse to run out of physical strength, rest for an hour or two, and then rush for gold again. It should be faster if the thief has two horses."
Our army doesn’t have two horses, but we can make up for the normal speed by manpower. When the horses are tired and slow down, we will stop riding the military horses. At the normal speed, we will lead the horses to walk forward and slowly recover their strength while moving forward. So Su Shuai is like this? "
Su Yonglin considered a moment and nodded his head.
"At present, there is no other way to do this. Of course, if necessary, even if the horse is killed, don’t pity that we have captured about 100,000 war horses. Are we very rich and white now?"
Su Yonglin said this sentence, and all the officers around him were full of laughter.
It is indeed foreseeable that the Guangfu army will be able to fight in the future. They never dared to imagine a rich war.
After a night’s rest, the Guangfu army kept up its spirits. After breakfast the next morning, it took a break to replenish dry food, horse supplies and rain gear, and then officially set off.
The target is directed at Yanshan County.
Chapter 46 Kill a thief! !
Along the way, Su Yonglin led the chasing troops, sometimes with horsepower and sometimes with manpower, and the horseshoe and iron footboard increased the endurance and rush time.
Then he took advantage of the advantages of garrisoning the city along the way. Nanpi and Qingchi counties asked the city garrison to give him food and some supplies to supplement.
With the troops ready to pursue, they can eat hot food and drink hot water immediately after arriving in Nanpi and Qingchi, and they can also change dry clothes, shoes and socks.
The garrison troops in the two cities are also very intimate in pursuing the troops and preparing a lot of ginger soup to drive away the cold.
During the pursuit, the injured and sick soldiers were replaced equally by the defenders of the two cities, and the injured and sick soldiers were left in the city to recuperate. The elite soldiers in the city were transferred to the pursuit troops to participate in the pursuit.
With this constant supply, Su Yonglin ensured the nutrition and health of the soldiers and horses in the pursuit force to the maximum extent.
So the chasing troops went to Yanshan County to prepare for the final battle at the fastest speed and in the best condition
God helps those who help him. On the evening of his arrival in Yanshan County, the news came that the trace of 8 Jin Army was found in Yanshan County, and the scale of 8 Jin Army was not small.
Su Yonglin was overjoyed when he heard it, and then forced himself to calm down to calm his pounding heart, and made a comparison between the strength of both sides.
The size of 8 jin j is absolutely 2,000 cavalry, but it seems that morale is low. Some nomads from 8 jin j are resting in Yanshan county, while others are camping outside the city.
Boy, don’t forget to echo inside and outside?
Su Yonglin seems that this is probably Yan Hongliang’s arrangement.
He must live in the city, and he can keep out the cold and shelter from the rain. He must also arrange some soldiers to guard outside the city to meet and prevent the Guangfu Army from raiding.
So it’s really difficult to eat 8 jin j in one breath.
However, this state of 8 jin j must be scary. They have so many cavalry that they are afraid to rush over, which is probably a great deterrent for 8 jin j. Maybe they didn’t fight 8 jin j and collapsed themselves.
It’s not the first time that Su Yonglin has encountered an elite army without good discipline and organization. Once frightened, how can it collapse into a sheep?
So Su Yonglin called Xin Qiji to his side and decided to split up with him.
"You lead troops to attack from south to north, let the gold thief pursue us from south to north, and urge the gold thief to flee to the north. I lead troops to ambush the north of the city, and when the Jin army escapes to the north, it will be killed, so that he can’t escape!"
Xin Qiji was very excited that he had a chance to capture the Emperor Jin Guo alive with Su Yonglin.
Anyway, the other party is the emperor of Xu Jin Guo.
Before the state of Jin, it was indeed a shame that the overlord of East Asia was all-powerful, and the Zhao regime in the south was all other ministers in name.
It is a milestone achievement for the Guangfu Army to capture such a hegemonic emperor alive.
From then on, the Guangfu Army will soar for nine days, and no one or force can stop the Guangfu Army from turning around beautifully.
The Central Plains will recover all the troops, and they will certainly build a glorious country and let this glory shine as brilliantly as the whole day!
Xin Qiji’s ideal can also be implemented and realized. He has been fighting for nothing!
So he accepted this life with excitement, and Su Yonglin split his forces while the night was dark and windy.
He led 1,000 cavalry to fly around the south and prepare to launch an attack from south to north.
At the same time, Su Yonglin also took people to the north of the city to prepare, ready to intercept and escape, and Jin Jun gave them a wave of secondary injuries.
The action is scheduled for early morning and dawn.
Yan hong yiying didn’t realize that he felt very tired and miserable, and he probably thought the soldiers were equally tired and miserable.
In rainy days, the camping cold wind is rustling and the humid air is directly cold, which is super double. Although the rain has almost stopped at this moment, a few drops of stars are still unwilling to fall, but the cold air is still cold.
I stayed up all night, and when Yan Hong Yiying woke up and was ready to lead the team to continue to set off, I found that many soldiers could not afford the high fever and had no way to move on.
"What’s going on? How did this happen? "
Seeing that many soldiers were lying down with high fever and couldn’t get up, Yan Hong Yiying was a little anxious and quickly asked a few army doctors.
"In recent days, the weather has been very cold and rainy, and many soldiers have been caught in the rain, wet and cold, and there is not enough cold protection, which has caused a large number of soldiers to fall ill."

Qing Liu perfunctory said.

"By the way, is there an Audi A6?"
Huang Xigang hesitated for a while and said with some embarrassment, "Brother, I’m not him because Yoko’s parents said that this wedding car must be Audi A6 at the last time."
"What do you mean my parents said?" Yoko gave him a white look and said, "It’s because when my second aunt’s sister got married, the man took over the Audi A6 float and Mercedes-Benz. My mother didn’t ask you to say that I married you. Did my mother ask for anything from beginning to end?" Not just this one request? "
"Okay, I’m wrong, okay?"
Huang Xigang hurriedly reckon with.
"Ha ha you can rest assured that Audi A6 must have"
Qing Liu smiled gently.
"Thanks, brother."
Huang Xigang raised his glass and gave him a deep look. He said, "Let’s not talk more about this glass of wine." He raised a bottle of beer and gulped it down.
Three people to chat while drinking beer Yoko can’t drink, accompanied by a cup of tea.
Qing Liu noticed that Huang Xigang and Yoko seemed to be in a relaxed mood, and he decided in his heart that since he promised to help, he would do it beautifully.
After sitting for more than an hour, Qing Liu got up and left. No matter how Qing Liu refused, Huang Xigang and Yoko insisted on sending him upstairs, and then they climbed upstairs and went home.
In order not to delay Huang Xigang’s two things, the next day, Qing Liu guessed that two people should give them a call and lied that they had arrived at the train. As soon as Huang Xigang heard it, he was in a hurry, saying that Qing Liu was not interesting enough and didn’t even say hello before leaving, so that he could wait for the train and his horse would ask for leave to come and see Qing Liu off.
Qing Liu hurriedly made up a lie, saying that it was a temporary emergency and had already checked in. Huang Xigang couldn’t come when he heard it, but he didn’t come over but scolded Liu Qing.
Before anyone from Bombardier spoke, Liu Si called first.
"Liu, you told me to do things before. You can just send the information about the private jet you want to buy back to my mailbox."
Liu Si walked over and said that this is finally a debt to Qing Liu.
"Dr. Liu did it so quickly?"
Qing Liu had some accidents. It took only one day to call Liu Si, and it was actually done with the most troublesome approval and filing.
"That’s natural. I dare to neglect the things entrusted by General Manager Liu?"
Liu Si said half-jokingly, half-seriously, but he knew very well that Qing Liu and Sue’s master Li Lao were very good for Qing Liu, and Qing Liu was still Li Lao’s "savior" in a certain name, but this identity was very unusual.
"Ha ha, Dr. Liu came to tease me again, so thank you. I’ll buy you a drink if you come to Yulong Village."
Qing Liu hey hey smile.
"Liu is right. I also have a thing here."
Liu Si coughed a few times when he heard drinking.
Liu Qingyuan intends to hang up and hear Liu Si’s words. Naturally, he can’t hang up. He can’t kick down the ladder. "What did you say about Dr. Liu?"
"Can you get me some dragon wine?" Liu Si hey hey say with smile "I don’t drink mainly for others".
"Isn’t there a Dragon Wine Direct Store in Kyoto?"
Qing Liu asked, "Can’t you buy it?"
No, it’s a good topic. Liu Si is full of complaints and says, "Liu, have you never been to a direct store in Beijing? Tell me about yourself. You can also afford a private jet. Can’t you have more stores in Kyoto? "
"Kyoto city has tens of millions of people, but you have a shop. Do you think you can buy it? Let me tell you, although your direct store is open every day, whenever you go, it is always the word’ out of stock’. Don’t you think this is funny? "
I heard Liu Si grumbling and complaining that Qing Liu had a few quick laughs and said, "I really didn’t know this. I knew that all the drinks sold there were reserved. Can’t you book them?"
Liu Si a sneer said "reservation? I have been there several times. The first time, the clerk said that it had been booked for three months. The second time, it was even more exaggerated. He told me that Dragon Wine Zun had been booked by all departments this year. Jinlong Wine is still slightly better, but it will take two months to get the goods. Do you think I should make a reservation or not? "
"Do you know that your direct store in Kyoto has been called’ the most awesome store’, not to mention ordinary people, even ministerial-level people used to have no goods in Kyoto, so there is no one to speculate on antiques and stocks. Everyone has speculated on a bottle of dragon wine, and now it has been fired to more than a thousand dollars, and a bottle is still valuable. If someone says it is sold, someone will buy it immediately!"
Qing Liu listened to a big sweat. "So exaggerated?"
"exaggerated? It’s no exaggeration. I’m telling the truth. "
Liu Si complained, "Otherwise, a few bottles of wine that you and I specialize in are worth talking to you?" As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "Besides, Liu, you also know that people in Kyoto love one side. It’s not a problem for me to ask you for wine. It’s worthwhile to drink a few pieces of wine for personal feelings!"
"Ahem, I know."
Qing Liu coughed a few times and thought for a moment and said, "Dr. Liu, how about this? When you deliver the goods to Kyoto this month, I will say hello to Zhang Yifan and send you ten pieces of dragon wine specially. Will you let him keep this head office for you?"
"Only ten pieces?"
Liu Si secretly pleased words in my heart is filled with some abandon "too little? Well, how about a hundred pieces like this? "
Qing Liu said directly, "Then you might as well kill me!"
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Rob business
Dragon wine is not like Jinlong wine and Julong wine, which can be sold directly by filling.
Longjing wine is the highest-end wine in John Lone. Every time the grain is fermented to produce wine, the most essence contains the most powerful power of the earth. If you can fill ten pieces of Dragon wine and five pieces of Jinlong wine at a time, it will be good if you can produce half a piece of Dragon wine, that is, three bottles of wine.
Moreover, after filling, it should be put into the wine cellar to let it ferment naturally and slowly for a year before the taste and taste can reach its peak.
The dragon wine in Qing Liu’s hand was actually in the wine cellar last year. When the dragon wine was advertised by CCTV, it was praised by Su Guoqiang as "national brand" and "high-end liquor" in the previous paragraph. The scarce production and high price made the dragon wine be sought after by those expensive people.
It is reasonable that the "one wine is hard to find" in Kyoto is so exaggerated that even this year’s quota has been booked.
After more than half a year’s sales of dragon wine in the wine cellar, there are actually not many goods. Liu Si will need one hundred pieces in one bite, which is simply to kill Qing Liu-even the land god can’t change so many dragon wines for him!
"Ha ha, Liu, don’t pretend."
Hear Qing Liu so simply neat words Liu Si hey hey say with smile "I know your hand must be in stock … well, that’s too much for one hundred pieces, then ten pieces? How about this request is not too much? "
"You said too much?"
Qing Liu snorted the same sentence "You might as well kill me."
"Seventy pieces?"
"Sixty pieces can’t be less!" Liu Si has a toothache.
"… fifteen pieces!" Qing Liu sighed and said, "Dr. Liu, don’t bargain. There really isn’t that much. Otherwise, would I be reluctant to rely on you and me for a few drinks?"
"All right, fifteen pieces, fifteen pieces."
Liu Si’s heart is full of joy and flowers. Don’t mention a dozen pieces of dragon wine. Even if you can get one, it’s absolutely eye-catching!
Actually, Liu Si was content to get three or five pieces in his heart. As a result, Qing Liu finally gave fifteen pieces, which made him laugh.
"Liu, you have to understand me."
Liu Si (turn smilingly said, "this wine is coming, and it’s not for me to drink. Isn’t it for you? Are you really that easy? It doesn’t mean anything, does it? "
"Forget it."

It won’t be long before you become a high-aged spirit.

Thought of here Jiang Feng smiled a.
I didn’t count dozens of them in one breath. Anyway, 50 pieces are enough to exceed the part, and Jiang Feng didn’t care.
When I received a paragraph,
There is no problem in ripening spiritual objects.
Aside, Pang Er is also stunned. This small one is really dead, and it is still a big death.
Chapter 141 The day before
Time passes quickly. Book Network ()
There is still the last day before the assessment day at the beginning of the month.
Jiang Fenggang has just come out from the Apocalypse Pearl, and all the spiritual objects have been ripened. It will be delivered almost today, so everything will be perfect.
Thought of here Jiang Feng face with a complacent color.
At this time, the door was suddenly seen by a young fighter breaking into the room.
Look like a human being
"Tian Shan’s adult asked you to go there immediately before the examination this month," said a young man commanding.
Fat two heard the words and retorted, "Isn’t there supposed to be another day before?"
The young fighter was dismissive.
Directly said, "Don’t some things need Tian Shan’s adult to report to you personally?"
"If you don’t go, then when the performance processing results are as your own choice," said the young fighter, striding away here.
Jiang Feng had a stretch.
Waved at Fat Two and said, "Let’s go! Come with me and have a look. "
Fat two leng one face some hesitation, but finally a cruel decided to look with Jiang Feng.
Soon they arrived at a room.
There is a long table with many fighters sitting on all sides, and Jiang Feng, the most square person, is no stranger.
He is the first elder who has had conflicts.
Not only is he alone, but three or four people are sitting next to the first elder, all of whom are high-ranking elders in heaven.
The atmosphere became very dignified at the moment.
Tian Shan saw Jiang Feng’s bad tone and immediately waved and said, "Now that I’m here, sit down quickly and personally inspect the chief elder today. If anything goes wrong, I’ll quit."
At Tian Shan Jiang Feng.
Did not refute the last position to sit.
The owner of the Magic Hunting Hall gently coughed, "In recent months, your turnover has decreased a lot, which is a great loss for our Heaven and our Magic Hunting Hall."
The Lord of the demon hunting temple said that he looked at Tian Shan here.
After all, he is the second in command here and the second in charge of the demon hunting temple.
Tian Shan is responsible for everything in the Hall of Hunting Demons.
Tian Shan cleared his voice.
Eyes of great significance to the chief elder nodded his head.
"Recently, the number of our magic hunting halls has slipped. In the final analysis, it is because of the twelfth squad."
The chief elder was puzzled and asked, "What does this mean? ?”
The other side didn’t hide it and said bluntly, "The 12 th team took a lot in name but couldn’t finish it, which caused some teams to miss it."
"oh! ?” Chief elders said "there is such a thing! ?”
The chief elder’s sharp eyes fell on Jiang Feng without anger and self-respect.
Tian Shanqian has made a good investigation.
Until today, none of Jiangfeng Column has been completed.
See how this little guy can hide.
Jiang Feng didn’t panic, she pursed her lips and said directly, "Our twelfth team was only established a few days ago, and it can’t be said that the completion in recent months is less than our head."
"If someone deliberately makes trouble, then our twelfth team is definitely not for nothing." Jiang Feng said bluntly.
"Hum!" Tian Shan cold hum a directly.
"Don’t quibble that it’s not your fault, but you also account for most of it."
Tian Shan said that he paused here with a grimace of a grin. "Let’s see if this month’s performance can be clear. If even the most basic performance can’t be guaranteed, then I think the twelfth team will be dissolved!"
Chief elders smell speech nodded his head.
"Then report it!"
First of all, an old man with white hair and vicissitudes of life got up and said slowly, "This month, our first team completed dozens of pieces and completed the highest guarantee."
I heard that many people nodded.
Fifty pieces are indeed the highest guarantee
Say that finish, the old man sat back to his position.
The chief elder was satisfied and said, "Good! Work hard in the future. I will never treat you badly in heaven. "
Hear the praise of the chief elder
Many people around you are envious.
Soon someone got up and reported the number of times they finished this time.

Bai Ling’s face flushed slightly because of excitement, but the excitement was different from that of the dark night, not the kind of excitement that was about to come, but full of confidence in the future.

For a long time, the apocalyptic disaster seemed to weigh on her heart like a heavy stone. No one had ever seen what it was, and no one knew how powerful it was. Although Bai Ling’s present practice has been able to call the wind and rain, every time she thought of it, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of help.
After all, 10,000 years ago, before the disaster, the whole two families of ghosts and gods were wiped out, and there were still many gods who were higher than their present state.
Therefore, it is said that the power of the altar is so strong that her heart is always a little hesitant.
At the moment, these tornadoes are just a little escape from the altar power, but they can feel scared. It is natural to imagine that such a powerful force is still difficult to fight against disaster.
Compared with Bai Ling’s excitement, Yanglingtian has a calm face.
He is different from the dark night, which is created by the two families of gods and demons praying for the gods. The savior has great power since his life.
And he came step by step from an ordinary mortal.
Looking back, Zhu Kang, who was just in the realm of Tianwu, felt different from this tornado at that time, just like the fighters in the realm of Tianwu today, and there is no difference between him and ants.
Quietly looking at the yellow sand in front of him, the young man in white also frowned gently-he actually faintly felt the breath of strength in this altar, and he seemed familiar with it.
And this power seems to be divided into two strands, one of which is grand and comparable. Although it makes him feel familiar, he can’t remember where he has seen this power.
While the other one is very weak and negligible, but he can be sure that the breath of strength is exactly the same as that of an acquaintance-the breath of being covered with body.
Meng also has something here?
Yanglingtian frowned.
Suddenly, the wind and sand in front stopped abruptly.
Then around the gas hum but a light sound a purple light impressively straight at chapter 17 shrines secular.
The dazzling purple light soars into the sky, blinding people. The sky seems to be pierced by light beams, and the flowing clouds form a huge whirlpool, like a hungry little animal sucking the purple brilliance crazily.
"Is the altar coming?" Looking at the situation, Bai Ling even trembled when he spoke.
However, no one answered her question. It is the first time to enter here whether it is sunny or dark, and I have never seen what the altar looks like. They are quietly.
Time passed slowly, and finally the purple light seemed to fail to resist swallowing and getting thinner, and finally disappeared and the sky was full, and the clouds seemed to boil, and the ancient desolate atmosphere kept rolling, filling the world, and a huge white city slowly fell from it.
At the moment when the city appeared, Wan Li was sleeping peacefully outside, but it was good to be asleep, but suddenly he woke up and his face changed greatly, and he quickly rose and flew to the desert where Yanglingtian and others lived.
At the same time, the holy and transparent sky in Kunwu Mountain, an overseas archipelago, suddenly changed
Stretching over the Wan Li Mountains, the original mottled sky became colorful and kept shaking as if it would break immediately.
"What’s the matter! ! !”
"What happened? ? ? ?”
"Is Kunwu Mountain going to collapse?"
"Did it come before the disaster?"
Several demons flew out of the ground and looked around with fear.
Although it is only a trace of resentment, after all, there is still consciousness, and when they face death, they still panic involuntarily.
The illusory figures of the Destiny King and Bai Ze appeared at the same time and looked at the surrounding changes with a dignified look.
"Finally ~ ~ ~ Finally ~ ~" The King of Destiny couldn’t help shivering, but it wasn’t that kind of fear but excitement.
What hatred spirit, his face turned red.
"What’s coming?"
Fang covered the earth with doubts.
If the present situation really indicates that the King of God will never look like this on the day before the end of the apocalypse, does this horrible situation also indicate any good signs?
"I’m sorry, I’m a little excited." Destiny God King also realized that he was rude and stretched out his hand and touched the same excitement. Bai Ze’s face was instantly restored to the state that God King Gujing did not wave.
"Don’t be nervous. This situation is a sign that Kunwu Mountain will be gone."
"What? Will Kunwu Mountain be gone? Then what shall we do? "

Although knowing that such a "secret" trip would definitely put the world at risk, Dong Yuling was worried that Dong Er-di would refuse in real terms.

Sitting in a carriage, Dong Yuling took the initiative to ask, "When did you say the medicinal materials would be delivered a few days ago?" I owe you too much, and I can try my best to pay it back.
"I’m ready to send someone to send it to the girl when the case has the result." If Zi said that her voice was a little low but unusually gentle, it was like a spring breeze.
"Mm-hmm!" Dong Ling nodded.
When the carriage arrives at the destination, Dong Yuling has a little idea of unfair trial, but it is not the yamen court, but the Royal Guards headquarters.
Moreover, the trial office chose a small courtyard instead of the Royal Guards to handle the case in court.
If purple quietly brought into the next wing, although you can’t see the scene of the trial, you can clearly hear the sound.
Beside the hall, Lian Yan Jing, Lotte Club and Shendu are already present.
In addition, Prime Minister Su Jiumen supervised punishments, and so on.
The place is a little worse, but the scene is still a regular trial scene, even the recording staff and so on, so there should be a lot of configuration
A guest official of Royal Guards brought Feng Ze and all his staff in.
It’s been half a month since the dark room, which has brought people a bit of a trance, but Dong Hanxuan is not affected at all.
However, as soon as Dong Er’s brother Cong came out of the room and saw other people’s situation, he immediately pretended a similar situation, which made it difficult to see the abnormality.
People who have entered the prison can’t be glamorous. They are brought with a group of students. Their clothes are tight and their faces are messy. They have lost their cleanliness and temperament in the past. One by one, they are either too decadent or their spirits are not right. A group of officials sit next to each other and frown.
If the officials of Shenglian, who were selected by imperial examination, were so unlucky, the dynasty would be in danger!
However, after half a month, the spirit collapsed somewhat, and it was too weak. Isn’t it easy for officials to be led astray if their minds are not strong?
In addition to Lian Yan Jing and Lotte, there is also the official who commanded him by the Royal Guards. Although he knew that the prison grinds people, he did not know the hidden power of the small black room. Youzi lamented that the readers in the prosperous times were really worse than the generations.
However, Lian Yan Jing, three people, although they knew the meaning of the cell, still have this sigh. In those days, the prison was full of felons during the period of the Saint-Zu, but it was really invisible that the spirit was so bad after half a month.
Melancholy looked at a Dong Hanxuan Lian Yan Jiing’s sharp eyes and found that the little thief’s fine clothes were messy, but it was just a trance, and it was not so conspicuous in a group of suspects.
Heart relieved Lian Yan jiing chuckled a mouthful of white water in the tea lamp. You Zi thought that Dong Er-di was as clever as his sister, and he was an official.
Just as you adults are crying and lamenting that the future of the dynasty is worrying, Feng Ze, the advanced door, immediately went to his knees and cried out in front of Lian Yan Jiing. "Adults and Wang were wronged. I really didn’t know that was when the scientific research questions got the test paper. Wang was also very surprised …"
Listen, Feng Ze, let’s go, let’s go, let’s cry. All the adults have eyebrows and eyebrows. Okay, they’re wrong. There’s a vicious person here. That vicious person is really not afraid that his knee will be broken directly.
Besides, seeing Feng Ze crying in a coherent way, you can’t see any trance-like collapse emotions. That mind is quite firm, but it’s a pity that this person has been crooked, otherwise the dynasty will have another pillar!
Lian Yan Jing didn’t speak, and others didn’t interrupt casually, watching Feng Ze’s performance while drinking tea, waiting for him to "cry".
Dong Hanxuan didn’t have any special reaction. He looked at Feng Ze and saw that he was a mess in appearance, but there was no problem, so he knew that he was wrong. This man is still a talent!
At least the average person dares to copy a yuan from the imperial examination? He doesn’t say that it’s natural to be timid, and the dark room in the prison won’t have much influence on him for a short time
Listening to Feng Ze’s aria, Dong Yuling took a sip and was surprised to find that it was milk tea. It’s … It’s so modern all of a sudden. She’s easily shocked, okay?
"This ….." Dong Yuling helped her forehead. Can she say that she tastes strawberry?
If purple smiles, "this is milk tea. It was only available in the palace when the holy father drank it. At present, there are five flavors of strawberry, orange, lemon and apple chocolate in the handmaiden’s hand. I wonder which flavor the girl likes? These are all given to the world by the emperor and given to the princess by the imperial concubine. "
"Chocolate?" It’s rare for Dong Yuling to pitch a point, mainly because I haven’t been so surprised for a long time and I’m a little out of control.
This kind of disorderly into the feeling is too messy in the wind. Chapter 98 can’t wronged a good man.

Although there was little talk, the tiger didn’t relax, but he gave way and remained very alert and looked at the two men.

"Master Hu, we are willing to be loyal to you. Claw fish ancestors swear that if the two of us disobey, we will die a natural death!" The two strength to achieve the true god condition high-order strong knees a kneeling directly to the paste swear.
"Ha ha, this twenty strong yuan Dan will be rewarded to you. I hope you can make a great contribution to me! Of course, these twenty pieces are not normal rewards! " O paste after seeing the two men move, they laughed. Forty strong Yuan Dan suddenly appeared in their hands and then gave it to the two of them.
"Thank you, young master. Thank you, young master!" The two men didn’t expect that Lord Ah Shao would give them 20 strong Yuan Dan each, which was a pleasant surprise.
And his strong men couldn’t wait to slap themselves after seeing this situation. Why can’t they be so fast? If they were so fast, I’m afraid they would be treated like this, but soon they reacted. When more than 100 strong men knelt down and swore allegiance to Ah Hu.
"Haha, I’m very happy today, but you have a normal reward. You don’t have the twenty strong yuan Dan rewards, but you can rest assured that it’s up to you to make contributions and make strong yuan Dan worthwhile!" O paste. "
"Swear to be loyal to the young master!" More than 100 strong men shouted that the momentum was so powerful that the whole Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Cla
After sending these people away, O paste fell to the ground with a face of excitement. Of course, he could not get carried away. He knew that what he had was given to him by Huangfu Zhantian, but now he was passionate about Huangfu Zhantian.
The day after tomorrow, Huangfu Zhantian and others were all in Ah Paste Palace, but Ah Paste was once in the palace by Wang Zhao. Since then, there have been countless visitors in Ah Paste Palace, which made Ah Paste bored. Finally, Naihao refused to accept the disease and closed the door.
I don’t know how many pieces of this strong yuan Dan have been refined by the paste of Huangfu Zhantian. Anyway, all the strong yuan Dan elixirs in the whole Claw Claw Fish clan have been searched clean, and talents such as Huangfu Zhantian finally stopped refining these Dan medicines, but they gained a lot. He could actually refine 3,000 pieces of strong yuan Dan at one time, and the quality was very good. This is also due to the fact that the three thousand pieces are also the limit of Huangfu Zhantian. After seeing the performance of Huangfu Zhantian, there were three of them, Jiang Ruyi.
Although I don’t know how many strong Yuan Dan I have refined, I know that these strong Yuan Dan are probably enough for Ah Paste to dominate the whole Claw Fish clan for more than a thousand years, which is simply too much. Anyway, when Ah Paste saw these strong Yuan Dan, the whole person was going crazy.
After three days in the harem, it was finally decided that the sole heir of the Claw Claw Fish clan was to be appointed, but the eldest brother and the second brother of the Claw Fish clan were deprived of all the benefits and became idle aristocratic brothers, while the subordinate forces of the eldest brother and the second brother all took refuge in the Claw Fish clan, which made the Claw Fish clan more powerful than his father. His father Naihao gave the Claw Fish clan heir to the Claw Fish clan [
After Ah Hu became the heir, they all moved to a palace next to the main palace to live in.
"O paste can help us introduce a your father? I have something to ask him! " Any suspection.i Zhantian o paste asked
"This, of course, is no problem. I’ll take you to the palace now. You can also visit our Claw Fish Palace." Ah Hu was very firm when he heard the words of Huangfu Zhantian.
"yeah!" Any suspection.i Zhantian nods
Then they followed Ah Paste to fly to the palace, and now the guards in the whole main palace all know that Ah Paste is less powerful and generous, which makes the palace guards want to take refuge in Ah Paste, but they are Wang Gengen, so it is impossible to take refuge in Ah Paste unless Ah Paste can ascend to the throne.
"Now I’m going to take my friends to the palace to meet my father. Please lead the way quickly!" O paste directly to the guard mouth way
"Ah Hu Shao, that’s not a slave holding you. The main reason is that there are too many people in this palace. There are too many of you!" The guard some difficult way
"What? You say again that they are my friends, and you say you can’t go in …! " O paste immediately after hearing the words of the guard a burst of anger but was interrupted by any suspection.i Zhantian.
"Ah Hu, there are a little more of us now, so I’ll follow you in to see the king and everyone else will go home!" Any suspection.i war day is really too difficult to know this immediately directly mouth way
"Hum, you’re lucky, or you’ll die. Don’t thank Gong quickly!" O paste after hearing any suspection.i war days although still some angry, but there is no way.
"Thank you, thank you!" The guard mercilessly wiped his forehead sweat and then thanked HuangFuZhanTian way
"Let’s go, let’s go in!" Any suspection.i Zhantian nodded his head, and then he entered the palace with the paste, while others returned by the original road. They were not afraid that someone would be against any suspection.i Zhantian here.
"wow! It’s so big here! " After seeing this palace, Huangfu Zhantian was amazed, because everything here is very huge, and of course, some buildings are small, but everything is very tall. I think they are afraid that they will suddenly turn into claw fish and the palace will be broken, but they usually live by themselves, because people are the most powerful and convenient form, whether in combat or in life.
"That is?" When Huangfu Zhantian saw a blue pearl at the top of the palace, it was suddenly shocked because he felt that they would have to rely on this blue pearl if they wanted to go out again.
"Oh, that’s a treasure of our Claw Fish clan. It is said that this is a Dan of our Claw Fish clan ancestors, but there is no energy in this thing, that is, it is a decorative thing. There is nothing big about it!" O paste is not enough.
"well! How many such beads are there? " After hearing the words o paste, suspection.i Zen mind moved and then asked o paste
"There are nine but he is not our claw fish family but his family? Brother, are you interested in this bead? Why don’t I ask my father to help you come later? " O paste saw the interesting sample of Huangfu Zhantian and immediately said that Huangfu Zhantian had helped him so much. He always wanted to find a chance to repay Huangfu Zhantian, but Huangfu Zhantian had nothing to do. Finally, he gave some precious elixirs to Huangfu Zhantian, but he still felt that he owed Huangfu Zhantian too much.
"No, I’ll ask your king myself!" Huangfu Zhantian suddenly felt touched when he heard the words of Ah Paste, but he knew that this blue pearl seemed to be nothing big, but it could not be as general decoration as Ah Paste said, and it should have his meaning, and it could not be given to strangers at will.

"Ha-ha, Senior Brother Six, this is the gift you gave to Junior Brother Nine. Hum, but don’t be indecent. You can also take a trick from Junior Brother!" Surprise is surprise, but suspection.i Zhantian has no good impression on this old six. It is enough to say that this old six has great ambition and his malicious strength, and then he will greet himself with his fist. How can he eat this yabakui like this? When he is full of qi, he will be blasted directly with one punch.

Old six roots didn’t think that Huangfu Zhantian could block his attack. After a while, he saw that Huangfu Zhantian had actually fought back. His eyes suddenly showed a funny look. When he showed no weakness, he directly crashed to meet his fists like steel. But the more he hit him, the more surprised he was. There were more than a dozen moves because of the comings and goings, but the other party didn’t have anything. Instead, his fists were numb. This made him not surprised.
Their strength is equal to their strength. In the battle between them, anyone or anything close to their distance of 2 thousand meters was ground to pieces, but there was nothing wrong with that big palace and it was obviously an extraordinary treasure.
Huangfu Zhantian, of course, has nothing to do with these people’s lives, and Lao Liu has nothing to do with it. Because these people are none other than him, he killed those principals of Wan Jian League to facilitate his own actions, and there would be no killing all these people. He can’t be at ease if they live or die.
"What are you? Come and sit here! " Old six saw that he couldn’t pick up anything cheap, so he stopped fighting with Huangfu Zhantian and then drifted back directly after a spell.
"What am I? I’m sure the Sixth Senior Brother already knows what to do. You must ask me again. Yes, I’m the master. His old man’s house accepts the ninth student, but whether you are my Sixth Senior Brother or not depends on what you think and do! " Any suspection.i war day light said
"Hum, how can I accept you as a student when he is dead? You tried to cheat me, but you didn’t tell me your name and origin quickly, otherwise don’t blame me!" After listening to the words of Huangfu Zhantian, Lao Liu didn’t believe it all over his face, especially the sentence of Huangfu Zhantian, saying that whether he is a senior six depends on what he thinks and does. He even has no good face. Section 45: Huangfu Zhantian is angry.
"Ah, six senior brothers, you betrayed the master. There is an opportunity for you to return to his legacy. I don’t know if you can grasp the three senior brothers. The two of them have already joined me. You should know that you betrayed your legacy because of the property. Now the property doesn’t know what to do. But if you can give up your previous thoughts, then I can take you back to your legacy instead of the master. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. I am a master. I have this benefit! Think about it! " Any suspection.i war days for old six reaction is not a bit unexpected immediately said
"Hum, master Zun has been dead for such a long time, how can he make you a person? You don’t even know how to find a better reason to lie!" Old six root don’t believe when he retorted
"Hey, look at this and you will know!" Any suspection.i war days when there is no more nonsense, directly push the chaotic jade seal out of its own body and then hold it high.
To be very dismissive of suspection.i Zhantian, Lao Liu saw the chaotic jade seal in the hands of suspection.i Zhantian, and all of them were stupid. They stared at the chaotic jade seal in the hands of suspection.i Zhantian and became short of breath.
"How can you have a master his old man’s house chaotic jade seal? It’s impossible that the master likes it best. Even the third child doesn’t get the chaotic jade seal of the master’s old man. How can you get it? It’s absolutely impossible! " Old Six stared at the chaotic jade seal in the hands of suspection.i Zhantian and shouted crazily that when suspection.i Zhantian took out the chaotic jade seal, Old Six already knew that this was really a master, that is, his nine younger brothers, but as far as he was concerned, he didn’t believe that the master would give such an important thing to this ugly little one, and even worse, the master had already died [
"Hum, you should believe this!" Any suspection.i war day said coldly
"What are you that dare to peek at the master’s treasure and bring it to me!" Old six suddenly woke up after hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, and then his eyes were greedy. He knew what secret was hidden in this chaotic jade seal and wanted to get it himself, so …
Thought of here, the old six body flash directly came to the suspection.i Zhantian’s hands and went into captivity in the hands of suspection.i Zhantian.
"Hum, I knew you were upset and kind. Since you are stubborn, I’ll teach him a lesson on his behalf, you Di Xiao!" Huangfu Zhantian has long been on guard against him. When he saw that he actually made moves, he did not hesitate to blow directly. At this time, Huangfu Zhantian, as in the past, had long been angry, regardless of the lives of mainlanders, and now he tried to seize the chaotic jade seal in his own hands. If this can make him not angry?
When the two men rumbled and fought, their strength was very strong. The strength of Huangfu Zhantian reached the middle level of the Great Avatar, but the strength of the old six was much stronger than that of Huangfu Zhantian, which had reached the high level of the Great Avatar. However, the strength of Huangfu Zhantian was not ordinary, and the strength of Huangfu Zhantian had already surpassed that of the ordinary Great Avatar. Even the physical strength of the old six was not as strong as that of Huangfu Zhantian, and the thor hammer and chaotic jade seal in Huangfu Zhantian’s hands were also handy to follow him from the beginning. Moreover, Huangfu Zhantian’s celestial qi was already handy
The battle between two people in Huangfu Zhantian can be said to be earth-shattering. All the strong men in Wanjian League who are close to Huangfu Zhantian have been smashed into powder roots by the aftermath of their two battles. There is no breath of life. When the situation is not good, the rest of them go crazy toward the outside. This Wanjian League is not an independent place with the outside, but the people they want to run out are not hurt.
The old six was more surprised in his heart. He didn’t expect that Huangfu Zhantian’s strength was so strong. Although his physical strength was high-order, his former strength reached the peak of the Great Avatar’s territory, but he was sealed by the chaotic honour person for such a long time. Of course, his strength has regressed a lot, but he has recovered a lot with the help of the insectivorous insect. Although his strength has not returned to his peak, his realm is lying there. It is actually being beaten by Huangfu Zhantian, which makes him not angry.
"You are no match for me. Stop it. If you are stubborn again, don’t blame me!" Any suspection.i war horizon while angry grunted that he really didn’t have the strength to make moves because he still had this fantasy. I hope this old six can turn around. I’m afraid he can’t support himself alone because of fighting against the old five.
"Hum, it’s impossible for you to ask me to stop. Unless you give me the chaotic jade seal, you won’t want to leave today!" Old six is in a state of madness at this time. He has been completely angered by Huangfu Zhantian. A strong man could not clean up a middle-ranking little guy with great magical powers thousands of years ago, which makes him not angry.
"This is your choice? Well, since you have chosen this way, I will be merciless! " Any suspection.i war days after hearing the old six words, the last trace of disillusionment in my heart was shattered. This old six is already possessed with drugs that can be saved.
"Master, I hope your old man’s spirit will not blame your brother!" HuangFuZhanTian face upwards long way as his words fell on his body momentum suddenly broke out, this momentum is like a hidden monster suddenly woke up, like a strong breath will be crashing around to smash the number of cracks from his whole body to break the strong suction and severely absorb HuangFuZhanTian but can’t stand HuangFuZhanTian fraction.
Old six didn’t expect any suspection.i Zhantian to come like this. When he was cold, he just hit a similar one with himself, and now his strength seems to have increased. Isn’t it dangerous for him to escape?
Thought of here, Lao Liugen was torn by Lao Liugen with a wave of his hands without hesitation, and then he was going to drill the 46th section: Capture.
"You can run away!" Just as his horse was about to get in, a cold voice came into his ear, which made him tremble all over and he did not hesitate to get into this gap.
But when Lao Liu got into this crack, Huangfu Zhantian followed him in time.
Old six didn’t think that Huangfu Zhantian was like a tarsal maggot, and he kept talking behind him. After all, there was no way to get rid of Huangfu Zhantian’s tracking if he worked hard.
Nai Lao Liu also showed his fierce nature, so he stopped fleeing and then turned around and stared at Huangfu Zhantian intensely.
"What do you want? I don’t want that thing. Since you’re the ninth younger brother, why bother? " Old six eyes looked at suspection.i war heaven at this time in the face of suspection.i war days he has a feeling of strength, although suspection.i war days strength realm is not as strong as he is, but really fight yourself is not his opponent [
"Hum nine teacher younger brother? I thought you didn’t admit me. Well, let’s not talk about this question. Anyway, you are my sixth brother, and I won’t go too far. Now, you give me the remaining three herbivores and come with me to meet someone! I’ll let you go or I’ll catch you if you chase me to the ends of the earth! Don’t doubt whether I have that strength! " Any suspection.i war day light way
Hear suspection.i war days old six face suddenly became very ugly.
"It was you who turned out to be you! I can’t believe you ruined all those herbivores I put in, you bastard! " Old six is really trying desperately to rush towards Huangfu Zhantian at this time. Those insectivorous insects are all his treasures. I thought that I would raise these insectivorous insects quietly. Who knows that I was discovered by Huangfu Zhantian now, and he sounded as if there were three left, which made him angry!
"I bastard? I think you’re the real jerk. Look what you’ve done. How did you teach you the whole mainlander before you trained the insectivorous food teacher? No wonder you dared to kill your ancestors. I think you would have done such a thing even if you didn’t have a fifth brother to instigate you! " Any suspection.i zhantian an irreverent way
"You shut up, I don’t need to do anything. I told you that I didn’t instigate the fifth, but I instigated the fifth, and the old seven and the old three. Haha, I didn’t expect it. I told you that you didn’t expect things to ruin me. You deserve to die. Now I should let you taste my power. If you don’t want me, I will make you wish you were dead. Haha, wait until I understand the chaos. The secret in the jade seal is not just you. Even if the old seven and the fifth are here, you can die!" Old six if crazy. "
Any suspection.i war-hum 1 He has lost patience with the old six now. When his figure flashed, he directly grabbed the old six’s attack sword with one hand and then gave a good ten percent to connect his sword with his hand and broke it.
"Ah …!" Old six screamed and left his arm alone. Anyway, if their reality was not destroyed, they could all be reborn again.
"Ha ha, you are dead!" Just when the suspection.i war was preparing to pursue, I saw that my broken arm and sword dissipated, and then many bugs emerged from the inside and rushed towards the suspection.i war.
"Damn it!" After feeling this change, Huangfu Zhantian’s face suddenly changed, and then Huangfu Zhantian’s celestial qi suddenly surged to destroy these bugs. However, Huangfu Zhantian’s face turned pale because these bugs were not afraid of their own qi and their own qi was eaten by them as nourishment. After these bugs swallowed their own qi, their size did not increase, but their body color changed and they acted more quickly.
"Haha, just enjoy my treasures. They will devour all your flesh and blood. Of course, I will receive your huge energy one by one. I will absorb your energy, so I can’t stand me even if I don’t mess with the jade seal!" Old six arm at this time is restored to look at any suspection.i Zhantian that mess, he suddenly laughed, eyes are full of excitement, because his eating insects were destroyed, and he became bad, and his mood suddenly got better.