On the surface, there is nothing wrong with letting two star cruise ships join the Tianzhu fleet, but the battlefield confrontation is full of variables. It is believed that it will not be a problem to renovate the still-fighting ships in these three days.

"I knew that Director Lin would say that many directors don’t want outsiders to get involved. This idea is very normal, but the third round of the competition is very important. The family really doesn’t want to make any mistakes. I wonder if Director Lin wants to participate in the team competition or the individual competition?" Hawkins said, listing the information of those promoted fleets.
"Team competition? Is there a scuffle in the third round? This seems to have previously stipulated some discrepancy "Lin momo slightly zheng quickly asked.
"aha! What is the theme of the Star Challenge? It’s not the final round? That is to say, 40 star cruises with the strongest strength are selected from each family. If one party is so unlucky and poor in strength, the final number of star cruises will be deviated. For example, 30 star cruises will not say much about the results of 50 star cruises, while the third round of events is obviously uneven. If the number of the top four fleets is determined, it is quite particular that both families have to make a series of compromises with each other. The so-called third round of team competition is the product of compromise. "Hawkins took out a cup of hot tea from the ring and tasted it, but he was silent here.
"I’m sorry that the ship’s robots and crew were heavy, but they neglected the guests." Lin momo flashed for a moment and took some snacks from the kitchen and put them on the table for Hawkins to taste.
Lin momo’s ability to move the source is commendable, so that Hawkins can open his mouth to face this increasingly familiar captain Lin and dare not neglect him again.
"The thing is, if you want to decide on sixteen fleets in the third round, it will be produced in these sixteen fleets, but it’s easy to say that twenty fleets over there will participate in quenching birds, and twenty-three fleets over here will appear as competitions to solve this problem. After two high-level consultations, it was decided to adopt the elimination mechanism of the team race, and it had been agreed in advance that each family had two fleet races to advance. The remaining fleet was divided into six mixed race challenge areas, and there were still six separate challenge areas. After such screening, it was said that the first fleet in the family was also hospitable to the Qing fleet, and those star cruises with outstanding strength were always screened out. "Hawkins was flattered and stuffed into his mouth. This snack was soft and delicious after Sasha’s special cooking.
"So that’s it. This mechanism seems unfair. It can go to the end. What ship is weak? In the final analysis, both families want to win, but they are not afraid of suppressing things. Is it after the game, such as calculating contributions? My goal is to get good results in the finals and let the quenching bird executives promise me three requests, which I will get myself in the process of refining crystal and benefiting from the competition. "Lin momo smiled and showdown."
If there is no target, Lin momo is too lazy to rub his teeth with Hawkins! The first battle was to warm up and let Roderick try to command the fleet battle. The second battle was to destroy the Helhounds, so as to fulfill their long-cherished wish for many years, and it was worthwhile for them to meet.
If the quenching bird family agrees to Lin momo’s three requests, then there is nothing wrong with the third round of the tournament, the Tianzhu fleet and the Li Yi fleet settling grievances, which is not bad for the finals. Lin momo has no interest.
"Three requests? Lin and can you speak more carefully? "Hawkins immediately became cautious. It is equally difficult for the quenching bird family to know that the strength method of the Tenchu fleet is completed.
Lin momo narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to reveal his worries at this time. It is obvious that there have been some changes in the third round of the star competition. If Li Yi can give the promotion opportunity to the quenching bird in the melee, his strength will be preserved. This is not necessarily a good solution to the status quo.
If the three ships, the Black Rose, the Blade and the Langqi, were not badly damaged, Lin Sisuo really wanted the hero to be higher, but the fleet lost more than expected, which was not what he wanted to see, and it was only natural that the result would change with the change of the race.
"Let’s put it straight. The first request is the same as the second request. The first request is that the quenching bird family must lend me 50 B-class star cruises. It is said that the second galaxy and the third galaxy of the red storm have been founded one after another, and the first galaxy also has a lot of territory. My purpose is to make the red storm do something to them and destroy my hometown. The second request is that the quenching bird family will go out for a huge amount of crystal refining in the official name of the adventure guild to organize a crusade if the red wind. I got something from the nest. I took 10% of my head and gave it to the quenching bird. Of course, the former quenching bird won this competition. I believe that the status of your family’s adventure guild will rise with the tide. Hawkins Pavilion, tell me that these two requirements are not too much? " Lin momo said the fundus appeared a cold.
The force of the red storm is getting stronger and stronger. Lin Sisuo always feels that he should do something. After several explorations, the quenching bird and the red storm should not be considered again and again by the charm, and then he decided to take advantage of it.
Hawkins’ fat body shivered with a red storm, and the three major galaxies were very fierce. I didn’t expect this Lin momo to be a red storm.
"So the third requirement? I dare not make the decision on these two requirements, but I must respond to the face-to-face people. "Hawkins’ big head can’t help but gather together. He really wants to hear what Lin Sisuo’s third requirement is."
Volume 12 War! Star rolling Chapter 77 War
Hawkins was late from Phantom of the Opera, and he took the lead in reporting the situation to the top of Quenching Bird. Lin momo’s request was submitted smoothly, and Lin momo was good at being a disguised person and giving this big fat some benefits.
Fortunately, Hawkins quenching bird family has deep connections, and all the characters he finds are very well-managed. Maybe it is possible to send 50 elite star cruises, but it is not difficult to send 50 B-class star cruises.
Lin momo made three requirements after careful consideration, and he considered from many aspects that it would not be too difficult or too simple for the quenched bird family to bear the influence of the quenched bird family adventure guild.
In fact, the top management of Quenching Bird didn’t want the Tenchu fleet to participate in the final. Lin momo’s proposal just met the wishes of these high-ranking people. After all, it is important to show the highest strength in the final and a fleet should cooperate.
Imagine how many ships can the Tianzhu fleet leave when it gets there? And Lin momo doesn’t want to let other star cruises participate. It will be really difficult to compete in many ways, and every step should be extra cautious.
After all, quenching birds to raise those wise men is not to decorate the fleet to kill the hell fleet. If the spirit of Li Yi’s fleet is wiped out again, then these two victories will turn into valuable advantages, and quenching birds will surely win.
Hawkins’ report was just finished, and the wise man estimated that Lin Sisuo’s two requirements were to release 50 B-class star cruise ships to the guest fleet, which was easy to complete and a "good thing" to crusade against the red storm. After that, it was risky for the guild to have good luck and make it cheaper.
What is a family? That is, it is not too difficult to do things in front of a family like Lin momo. It is just that the power is strong enough for the world to imagine.
Potential is a wonderful thing, and Lin momo has carefully built his own power, but it is far from the red storm since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Today, it is impossible to grow by the red storm.
What is the purpose of Tianzhu? That’s it. Lin momo, the red storm, is still weak, but the First Galaxy of the Quenched Bird Family Adventure Association has a certain influence, and the star is a rare opportunity
On how powerful the family is, if it weren’t for the super family like Mujia and the first galactic chaebol, they would still have to fight for profits and put them into force to ensure that the family could flow away for tens of thousands of years.
Mujia human history has a perpetual history, and it will continue to go to those aristocratic families for a long time. It is not impossible that the example of Mujia has a long history with the continuous expansion of human rule.
Besides, Hawkins asked Lin momo what the third requirement was, and Lin momo didn’t hide it. The third requirement was that the fourth floor of the Phantom of the Opera record list should strive for more benefits from the adventure guild. The quenching bird family is an expert in this field, and the incarnate son got feedback. The reward method of this record list seems to be very particular
Hawkins naturally agreed to this. You know, a star cruise ship with a record list on the fourth floor is a great event and good luck. Not only Lin momo can benefit from it, but the quenching bird family can also increase the influence of the adventure guild. This is beneficial to both sides, and it makes no sense to push it out.
Nowadays, although the adventure guild still has various laws and regulations to restrict the chaebol and families from joining, with the gradual expansion of human rule, the adventure guild can’t do everything, and some requirements have been relaxed. Many small and medium-sized families can become agents of the adventure guild, but those big families and chaebols can’t see this interest
It is the quenching bird family and the adventure association that have this kind of agent-style joint Lin momo to find them and lend a boat to demand that everything is to curb the development momentum of the red storm, which is very important
You know, the federal government’s crusade against the red storm is just to make a mess and find out the bottom line of the federal bosses, so that they can grow bigger and bigger, and how many ships that take over the adventure guild have real strength? Lin momo is probably the highest achievement among the teenagers poisoned by the red storm. Even so, he doesn’t have much chance of winning, so he must carefully arrange to mediate.
Before Hawkins left the Phantom of the Opera, Lin momo stopped him. Another important thing is that Anthony holds the Ares magnetic card.
Holding this ares card can clear the coercion released by the odd star cruise ship. If Lin momo is indifferent, it is false, but the message from the incarnate son is that the magnetic card authentication procedure is complicated and abnormal.
That is to say, Lin momo didn’t have a chance to make this ares card. If it is destroyed, it is a pity. It is better to ask Hawkins if the quenching bird family has any idea to buy or blackmail the ghost bird family.
Hawkins was holding the Ares magnetic card in his palm. He didn’t know what to think. When Lin Sisuo was impatient, he suddenly gave an unexpected answer. Hawkins bought this magnetic card and was willing to pay 350,000 units for crystal refining.
Lin momo Anthony got 500,000 units of crystal refining for a B-class star cruise ship, which made the books of the Tianzhu fleet advance by leaps and bounds, while others made millions of units of crystal refining.
Don’t refine crystals. It’s worthless. This thing is interstellar hard currency. It’s a life-threatening spell for the fleet to show up at home. It’s really a surprise for Lin momo that Hawkins, a little errand boy, should take out so many refined crystals.
Hawkins was embarrassed to explain, "Hey, brother, I don’t think so. At least our quenched bird family has been mixed for generations. Some savings are normal, and this magnetic card is very important to me. You can’t hear that it is very important. Do you know the origin of this Mars magnetic card? That’s the king’s egg given to Anthony by someone in charge of Shuijia. We quench the bird’s fear that this magnetic card of Shuijia must be returned, so we must consider it carefully. "
Lin momo nodded his head. Even if he doesn’t take out this magnetic card now, he believes that the top of Quenched Bird will find it through Hawkins. It’s really hard to say whether it can bring so many benefits to 350,000 units of refined crystal.
It’s a chicken rib to leave the Ares magnetic card in your hand and give it to Hawkins. Obviously, Hawkins wants to gain some benefits from it. But now that the top management of Quenching Bird has not asked about it, it’s very convenient to make a time difference. It seems that the aristocratic family is simple. This Hawkins has a unique essence.
"Well, I sold the Ares magnetic card with 350,000 units of crystal refining, and brother Hawkins can raise funds slowly. I wonder if three days will be enough?" Lin momo smiled. He was helping Hawkins.
"Ha-ha, momo, bro, it was my brother who brought you this great favor. Since the Tianzhu fleet wants to go around the First Galaxy, I can help you." Hawkins was very happy when he heard Lin momo’s words.
Although Hawkins can raise 350,000 units of refined crystal at this key moment in the Star Challenge, he has to owe a lot of gratitude. It will be different for Lin momo to give him three days. After that, he can talk to the quenched bird family with the banner and the price will be easy for him to grasp the bottom line and earn 100,000 units of refined crystal.
Hawkins said excitedly, "To tell you the truth, Sisso, brother, there are still some small businesses in the First Galaxy. In addition, in recent years, the interstellar situation is not good, and some military supplies have been accumulated in the hands of the local authorities and some quartermaster. If you want to buy smuggled goods or military supplies after the arrival of the fleet in the First Galaxy, just ask your brother."
Lin Sisuo and Hawkins had a good talk, and everyone can get a lot of benefits from it. Can’t they be happy? It was very late when Hawkins left the Phantom of the Opera, but the Phantom of the Opera and several other star cruise ships were still undergoing renovation.
After the three-day renovation period, the three-star cruise ship is ready to go to war. I don’t know what the quenching bird family has done. Anyway, Li Yi’s fleet is also on the team competition list, and its position is opposite to the Tianzhu fleet.
Hawkins’ efficiency is quite high. On the evening of the third day, he sent 350,000 units of refined crystal to see Big Fat. I’m glad I should get some benefits from it. Lin Sisuo didn’t ask everyone to get what they needed according to their own circumstances.
As soon as the 350,000 units of refined crystal arrived at the account, how comfortable it was for Momo Lin to stay in Xiao’s heart. I haven’t gone to find the Tianzhu fleet yet. This family business is enough for rapid development in the next three years.
Lin momo is thinking about whether to invest some refined crystals in the third galaxy and the second galaxy. Although Klinsmann Group and Tuhuanxing Enterprise Group are not within his control, there are many shares in them.
In the interstellar era, all enterprises are behemoths, and mastering the planet and star field at will will also affect the development direction of the dynasty. If Klinsmann and Tuhuanxing Enterprise Group become bigger, then a little share is extremely important.

Li shopkeeper couldn’t get up and said, "Miss Xuan Xue, in your heart, you will always be the master of Xuan Xue."

Think of Li Mengyao and Tianbaoge complex and their father-daughter dispute. The shopkeeper Li is also entangled. This big family is just thinking more about this and that!
Li Mengyao’s eyes flashed a trace of relief to help Li shopkeeper. "Li shopkeeper, please remember your friendship and dream Yao forever."
Li, the shopkeeper, sat on Li Mengyao’s head and looked complicated. "I’ve already heard from Tianbaoge’s helm that you suddenly disappeared. Now the whole Dagan country is looking for you. It turns out that you went to Yunfu Sect. I remember that you didn’t like to fix the truth. To be honest, the whole Li family is optimistic about your talent. It’s a pity that you didn’t go to practice. I didn’t expect you to go this way!"
Li Mengyao was silent for a moment and said, "I was also forced. The place where I wanted to find someone never appeared again. But it’s such a big day. Where is the best place for me? I came to Yunfu Sect, so I entered Wuyiren Gate. The master was very kind to me. You see, I am now on the seventh floor of the gas refining period."
Boss Li nodded. "I can see that you can repair the seventh floor of the gas refining period in less than one year. What is your skill?"
"It’s the waterinfo tactic", "Li Mengyao said.
Li shopkeeper surprised, "This waterinfo tactic is the best achievement method for Yunfu women’s practice. It seems that Wu Yiren also values you very much, so I’m relieved to tell my master."
"Li shopkeeper!" Li Mengyao interrupted the shopkeeper Li, and his face sank like water. "Please keep a secret. I don’t want people to know my whereabouts. Just pretend you didn’t see me. Do you hear me?"
"What?" The shopkeeper Li was puzzled. "My Lord is very worried about you and the Li family. Are you worried about you doing this?"
Li Mengyao coldly a smiling face is disdainful expression "Lee family worry is me or worry about their interests in Tianbao Pavilion? I’m not that cheap to exchange me for the position of the Li family’s Tianbao Pavilion. My fate is in my own hands and no one can control me! "
It seems that I remembered the Li family’s complexity, and the shopkeeper Li was silent for a long time before saying, "Miss Li, you should know that your fate was doomed from the moment you were born. Isn’t your elder sister and second sister taking this road?"
Li shopkeeper said that the road is marriage, and a family lives by selling women. How much has the family fallen to? Li Mengyao dark sigh but face is more cold "li shopkeeper you don’t want to my elder sister second sister don’t they lesson is not profound? Do you know what kind of life they lead? A man doll, a family dedication tool! "
Li shopkeeper silently said that everything Li Mengyao said was true, and the weak side could compromise on the strength. Although everyone knows the scenery of Li Tianbao Pavilion, who is the largest shareholder, the second shareholder and the third shareholder?
Tianbao Pavilion was jointly founded by four big families, namely, Qiansun Zhao and Li. The control power of each family is also uneven. The money family occupies half of the shares, and the Li family in Sun Jiahe occupies the last part. In order to protect their own interests, the Li family has to win over marriage and kiss each other in many ways. This is Li Mengyao’s escape from marriage. The Li family wants to dedicate Li Mengyao to the Zhao family. Zhao Jian Li Mengyao naturally disappeared when he didn’t discuss the marriage with Zhao and Li, and Li Xuanxue, the branch of Tianbao Pavilion Xuanwu City, also knows these news. It is not clear that the shopkeeper Li will go further.
"Miss Li Tianbao Pavilion, it’s not that you don’t know the situation. Leaving the Li family at this time is equivalent to pushing the Li family into the fire and water!" Li shopkeeper still don’t give up YouZi persuade way
Li Mengyao said, "I want to fix the truth and make me a strong man. Who can look down on the Li family casually and hope to come again?"
"It turned out that the big lady played this idea." Li shopkeeper finally went to Yunfu Sect in vain. "But it is impossible to be a strong man without a hundred years of practice. These times make the vicissitudes of the whole day worse. How can a small Yunfu Sect set off a storm in Tianbao Pavilion!"
It’s no wonder that shopkeeper Li said that Tianbao Pavilion was so powerful that Li Xuanxue knew it was the tip of the iceberg, but it was this corner that was enough to destroy Yunfu Sect. This is also the reason why Tianbao Pavilion established a trade store in Zhongzhou and was prosperous and unbeaten. Only then can shopkeeper Li control a branch store, and the whole Zhongzhou like Xuanwu City is even more unknown.
Li Mengyao looked misty and said, "Who can say what will happen in the future, but I know that I am doing well now."
See the shopkeeper li also want to persuade Li Mengyao added, "well, shopkeeper li, you are deeply indebted to me. Li Jiahao is kind to me. Watching me grow up hurts me. I know this, but you also know that I haven’t received too much favor from Li Jiatai since I was a child, and I didn’t have the most basic share of the Li family. I am alone now, and I don’t want to be controlled in the future."
Boss Li sighed. He naturally knew that Miss Da was a maverick and was not intimidated by others, so he would no longer say what nodded to show that he knew.
Look at the shopkeeper Li like this. Li Mengyao’s heart is also uncomfortable. After all, blood is thicker than water. Seeing that his family is going to suffer great disasters, but his own ability, Li Mengyao, has a heart-wrenching pain. However, it is unacceptable for you to talk about it yourself if you want to exchange your happiness for family happiness. This lesson should not be profound!
Li Mengyao thought that almost all his younger brothers in his family were intoxicated or coquettish. Even a few middle-aged elders in the family department looked at their eyes strangely. This is the last thing Li Mengyao can’t bear to make progress by relying on Yu Yin, and Weifu is a waste! Scum!
What’s more, they are not as good as Lin Luo, the ogling and clumsy guy. That guy is few and honest, does not hide his own nature, and is diligent in spiritual practice and has his own opinions. Li Mengyao suddenly shook his head. How can he think of this? It’s really cranky.
"Well, boss Li, I won’t say much. I hope you can keep it a secret." Li Mengyao got up and said.
Li shopkeeper’s face changed several times before he finally nodded. "Okay, but you should be careful outside!" "
Li Mengyao should say with smile, "This place is much safer than Tianbaoshan in Zhongzhou. At least I don’t worry that someone will sell me. Don’t worry, shopkeeper Li, I’m very safe."
"Oh, by the way, what is that Lin Luo and you?" Li shopkeeper suddenly remind of the look dignified and asked
Li Mengyao one leng yes what is this Lin Luo and yourself? Cousin? Cousin? Brother and sister? Or … Li Mengyao shook his head and whispered, "Friends!" Say that finish pushed the door and left.
Looking at Li Mengyao’s gentle and graceful figure, shopkeeper Li chewed the word’ friend’ repeatedly and then his face showed a meaningful smile.
Chapter 2 It’s all women who cause trouble
When Li Mengyao went to the lobby on the first floor, Lin Luo was haggling with the man, and the angry expression made some shadows in the original heart. Li Mengyao suddenly became clear as if all the grievances in his heart had vanished.
"What? This condensate Dan only needs a lingshi, but you don’t send two condensate Dan. Isn’t it too overbearing for you to do business like this? " Lin Luo rightfully way
That guy almost didn’t fall down with a black line. It was really hard. Dude has never seen such a hard bargain to cut to the death. This is!
"Distinguished guests, we don’t bargain here. It’s just a preferential treatment for large energy."
Lin Luo turned his eyes and wanted to continue bargaining. At this moment, Li Mengyao came over and said to Lin Luo, "This is not a bargaining place. When did you see that it was cheap here? Let’s go. Don’t make a fool of yourself!"
Lin Luode went out of Tianbao Pavilion with a big stack of yellow paper and bought a condensate Dan. But he didn’t ask Li Mengyao Tower what to do. This made Li Mengyao appreciate it. Unlike some petty people, he felt that he had to tell the whole story behind his back. Suddenly, a magnetic baritone came behind him. "What does this young lady want to buy?" I will buy it for you. "
Lin Luo and Li Mengyao looked back together and saw a white man with a folding fan coming from the stairs. He looked at Li Mengyao with a fair smile in his eyes and made no secret of his love. The white man was a monk in the construction period. He looked energetic and young, but his expression looked a little fake.
Fan is really a good ornament when killing people, but it can be used as a weapon in front of women. When it is hot, you can look at the elegant fan with a cool breeze. Lin Luo is also considering whether to buy one with you. After all, it is also a must-have for walking around the Jianghu to kill people and steal goods!
Li Mengyao glanced at the man coldly and then turned his head and walked away.
Fan Zheng and then a trace of shame and anger flashed in his eyes, even if you gave him a dirty look and gave him a cold sentence. Nothing hurt him more than seeing him. Fan Gong took two steps forward, and his belt jingled a little. This sound made Lin Luo’s ears move. He remembered that he had heard this sound on the second floor before, and Lin Luo was sure that this was the man in white. Lin Luo’s eyes were shining, but he did not stop Fan Gong’s footsteps.

Chapter 532 Phantom is killing me!

Thanos blows Zhang Lan away with one punch, which is very disdainful and mocking.
"Dare to show your back in the face of the enemy? It’s really a low-level law. The host’s fighting consciousness is poor!"
See Thanos swing strength is just a blow-it is precisely because there is no Xu Li that he can hit the nail on the head to guard against Zhang Lan.
Otherwise, let Zhang Lan feel the power to gather in Thanos, but Zhang Lan can’t be beaten.
Even the sneak attack on Zhang Lan Thanos did not benefit.
See Zhang Lan’s figure shot straight through a planet flying rocks. He had a perfect cover for a moment. He just suddenly leaned out of his arm half a meter behind Thanos and punched Thanos’s lower back hard.
If this punch is hit by a strong SSS, I’m afraid I won’t have sex after that.
However, it is strange that Zhang Lan, who carries Thanos’s attack potential, blasted Thanos with one punch. The other party turned out to be motionless. Zhang Lan felt like bombarding a stacked wall (multi-dimensional). The fists wrapped in black gold garments were all dull pain.
Thanos turned to the slightly surprised Zhang Lan, who fought back with one punch. Zhang Lan came and walked without making a force. Seeing that he was going to be bombarded by Thanos again, Zhang Lan suddenly disappeared from Thanos’s attack range.
Thanos, this blow will bring Zhang Lan back behind closed doors!
Thanos this is turned around and looked at Zhang Lan.
"But I look down on you. You have mastered the laws and the laws of time. It’s a pity that you are not a face person after all. There is no way to fully understand the laws of Marvel Comics’s plane without the plane mark."
This a blue face is quite unnatural.
It was half a year ago that he had mastered the three laws of reality, time and law, but there was a layer of unspeakable obstacles that prevented him from mastering these laws completely.
Zhang Lan has a faint guess of his own. Thanos answered him today.
To put it simply, it is orthodox to divide the office, and the office will never be faced up to.
Zhang Lanxian is completely accepted by the Marvel Universe, while Thanos is the successor of the Marvel Comics World Recognition Law.
Even Tony, Katie and others have the same opportunities as Thanos.
Unfortunately, Zhang Lan can’t.
Because his soul and body don’t belong to this cosmic plane, he is just a long-term visitor to Marvel Universe.
Just like a yellow man who wants to cross the ocean, the United States has settled down and has the legitimate civil rights of the United States, but he will never become the president of the United States
Because the yellow race belongs to outsiders, they don’t even have the benefit of voting.
This is a second-class citizen.
Zhang Lan is a second-class citizen of Marvel Universe at this time, mastering the laws but not owning them.
Even if he swallowed all the laws, he could not have them all.
On the other hand, if Thanos’s roots don’t merge and devour, it is necessary to set the power gem in gloves, which means that he can completely recover the power gem elsewhere.
It’s not irritating.
Don’t see Zhang Lan. At this time, Thanos’s mastery of the law is a little poor, and there are three laws to make up for it, which can be better than Thanos’s having a law of strength.
Actually, it’s just a delusion
A trace is a valley!
"So Thanos, why did you intercept me?" Zhang Lan’s exploratory inquiry
From then on, the two men fought to see who could not stand anyone.
Zhang Lan’s temporary attack method breaks through Thanos, but it can make the time limit to trap Thanos in the middle of the time.
Thanos’s attack can bomb Zhang Lanshen’s black and gold garments even at random, but his attack is too slow and he needs close attack. Unless Zhang Lanshen lets him attack, he won’t touch Zhang Lanshen at all.
Pause, shuttle Thanos root nai Zhang Lan.
It was when I first contacted Zhang Lan that I tried to get some information.
It is unexpected that Thanos really answered him, "because your body law is the law of birth."
"The law of birth?" Zhang Lan doubts
"Your rule should be to choose the host for the first time?" Thanos is not in a hurry to guide.
"What about that?" Zhang Lan doesn’t hide that Thanos now seems to know more than he does.
"It is because of this that you may not understand that a hidden rule has been born in the digital plane. It is too much trouble to explain it to you. You are still" Thanos’s words are a little high.
"Do you mean the candidate of the Lord God?" Zhang Lan’s look flashed and tentatively threw a topic.
"hmm?" Thanos to interest with a little bit nervous "how do you know? What does your law tell you? "
Zhang Lan carefully examined the hidden deep tension in Thanos’s face and didn’t explain, "So I know about the birth of the law and the candidate of the Lord God. I also know that the plane law predator has come to the question. Can you explain it?"
Thanos smell speech face look change hesitated for a long time is to continue to say "there is nothing to hide because I used to be a god candidate".
Said the Thanos is very miss touch to power gem see Zhang Lan didn’t take the woman is to continue to leave the way.
"I’m not as lucky as you. I just got the plane law, and soon I met a plane predator who plundered his plane resources, laws, and even laws to host the candidates of the Lord God to obtain resources and expand myself." Zhang Landao
"But I met that plane predator from a lower level plane. Even if I just got the plane law, I can compete with him. It’s a pity that he gave his own law to a higher level opponent before he died. The attack almost killed me, and even shattered my plane law into six big pieces and several small pieces."

"Or let off steam and make slaves"

Several women snickered, and Xia Zhu felt that her heart had fallen into the dust, and Liu Yao couldn’t listen to it. She was about to pull her back in the past.
"Nothing" Xia Zhu took Liu Yao to one side with a wry smile.
"Xia Zhu, I can see that your husband is very kind to you. It’s not what they say." Liu Yao was angry
"It’s all urgent people who are angry with them, and they don’t know whether they are happy or not." Xia Zhu replied.
"So what are you happy? Heart? " Liu Yao is worried
"I am very happy and heart-warming." If Xia Zhu continues to laugh, it will make people feel more distressed for her.
Liu Yao sighed, although Bai Yinting said that all aspects of the conditions were very good, but it was too cold. Compared with reality, she hoped that Xia Zhu could be with Qu Lu, but it was a pity that some people missed it.
"Xia Zhu, why do you hurry up here? One is you."
Someone came over and told her Xia Zhu to go over and get ready for the stage. No, that person should do her own performance and get her due reward.
Because Xia Zhu is a sand painting performance place, mainly a large-screen projection place, her position is actually a side platform, which means that the audience can’t see her easily
This can also make everyone pay more attention to her sitting face. Bai Yinting will come today because she is not at ease with Xia Zhu.
Besides, of course he’s coming to join his wife’s performance. Who doesn’t know that he and Xia Zhu are in school?
However, seeing that Xia Zhu’s interpretation is an imperfect love story, Bai Yinting is somewhat unhappy. Is this a hint?
After the performance, Bai Yinting quietly left and went backstage to find Xia Zhu. He didn’t ask too much about the sand painting performance before.
For Bai Yinting, it doesn’t matter what Xia Zhu can perform. He doesn’t need an excellent woman, but a woman who can make him feel comfortable.
But this sad love story made Bai Yinting feel uncomfortable. He must see Xia Zhu now or his heart will go crazy.
When I came backstage, female students took the initiative to come over and say hello to him. Bai Yinting ignored them. His indifference made those girls feel the pressure and it would really suffocate with such a man.
A few minutes later, Bai Yinting finally saw that Xia Zhu had four more programs to show at the finale, but it happened that at this juncture, her female model in the couple costume suddenly vomited and had a stomachache, so she couldn’t attend.
I can’t find a suitable candidate to replace Xia Zhuhao and volunteer "or I’ll do it"
Former Yan Ningxuan asked her to sell her instead of a female model, and now it seems that everything is destiny takes a hand.
"Wait a minute" Bai Yinting walked past.
Xia Zhu looked back and saw that he was a little surprised. "Why are you here?"
"Are you going to wear a pair of clothes with him?" Bai yinting dissatisfaction, pointing to one side of the male model.
The male model suddenly sweated, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, moved back a small step, and dared not come out.
"It’s no way out. Besides, it’s to show that you don’t think too much." Xia Zhu couldn’t come when she pouted.
Bai yinting grabbed the male model who had changed his clothes, and almost said, "take off your clothes for me."
Chapter 51 Love is a generation
Xia Zhu’s eyes widened when he heard Bai Yinting’s words. Looking at him strangely, he didn’t want to go on the catwalk with her, did he?
"Bai yinting, what are you doing?" Xia Zhu thinks this is inappropriate.
"Hurry to change clothes, didn’t you say you were nervous?" Bai yinting didn’t care if she took the male model and went to change clothes.
Xia Zhu’s eyebrows are twisted into a knot in one’s heart, but Liu Yao is envious. "Xia Zhu, your husband is jealous and handsome."
Ah, Xia Zhunai sighed, and Liu Yao helped her to make up her makeup, do her hair and get everything ready, just to show them.
To tell the truth, Xia Zhu was particularly concerned when she saw Bai Yinting’s dress. She used to hold Bai Yinting’s arm. "Are you sure you want to come with me?"
"What else am I dressed like this?" Bai yinting is more used to putting his hand on Xia Zhu’s shoulder.
"But isn’t it a bit fall in price for you to do so?" Xia Zhu took him to Houtai District.
"Yes, but I can’t accept you cuddling with other men." Bai Yinting is really a jealous altar.
"Uh," Xia Zhu rolled his eyes. "There is no cuddling at all. It’s just a show."
"You’ll have" Bai Yinting bad smile.
Before Xia Zhu could react, she was brought to the stage by Bai Yinting. Her heart was beating wildly. That sentence and his meaningful smile made her feel guilty.
Because I don’t usually wear high-heeled shoes, today I wear them temporarily. The former female model prepared high-heeled shoes, and Xia Zhu walked unsteadily. It was ugly to watch her swing from side to side.
When they appeared, everyone in the venue was amazed. Soon, many people took out their mobile phones. This is the first show of the president and his wife of Shengrui Group!

Smell speech Yu Yilie is staring at the strange tree in front, but it gives him a conscious illusion.

As if a tree demon stood quietly waiting for its prey hook.
"Do you think that big demon is this big tree?" Yu Yilie inexplicably guessed and said
"It’s impossible for a tree to become a demon. Without a thousand roots, even consciousness has not formed. Don’t worry, I’ll find out first!" DiYang tone certainly explained immediately soul body light to the tree.
Seeing this, Yu Yilie no longer said anything, but looked dignified and stared at every move ahead. If something happened, he must have run away for the first time.
I can easily find Yin Lingmu, but I don’t want to go deep into the lair of the big demon in the purple mansion. Anyway, Diyang is a Yin Lingmu, and there is no problem that he didn’t want to escape from his roots.
While Yu Yilie didn’t notice a strange twisted tree beside him.
But I saw a humanoid monster covered with black and green cuticle coming out from a little bit, with a big mouth and faintly visible dense green mucus, and at the same time, my thick arms held his breath to him and approached him a little bit.
Unconsciously, the danger is quietly coming to Yilie Youzi, watching Diyang approach the thick and abnormal trunk.
When DiYang got into the tree hole, he realized that something was wrong behind him.
He has been running his magic to protect himself, and he didn’t feel cold all the way, but at this time he actually felt a little hair on his vest and stood upright. I don’t know if he was cold or alert
Consciousness looks back, but behind it, there is a breeze.
"Strange how always feel something behind him? Why is it suddenly windy for no reason? " Yu Yilie wondered to himself that the bottom of my heart was inexplicable and tight.
Have they been discovered by the big demon? ! Are you hiding in the dark and preparing to give them a fatal blow?
Or what small animals are not afraid of hiding in the dark and peeking at them?
After all, if they were found by the big demon, they might have been chased all over the place. Where would they hide in the dark and sneak attack?
"Pavilion Master ~ Come in quickly ~" Diyang’s figure floated out of the tree hole and waved to him while calling him in a slow tone.
Yu Yilie couldn’t help but look at his expression when he saw this. There should be no danger in it, and Diyang also found something.
When he moved, he swept forward lightly and followed Diyang straight into the tree hole.
At this time, a pair of miserable white eyes in the tree where Yu Yilie was previously located once again stared at these two guys and got into his lair. It actually showed a trace of pride.
Fortunately, I didn’t eat that food before, which will definitely scare away another food, and the other one should be more beneficial and delicious to it.
Once again, it emerged from the trunk, grinning and walking quietly to its lair.
If Yu Yilie shows up, he will surely see a rather funny scene.
I saw a monster nearly a man’s height, black and green, covered with layers of horny things.
Hands and feet are longer than the head, but the eyes are square, the nose is two holes, the face is set, and the mouth is still dripping with a drop of green liquid.
At this point, this guy actually found the hiding kitten like a hide-and-seek, and quietly went to catch them step by step.
Chapter sixty-four Mandrill
Spacious tree hole Yu Yilie is intoxicated and bathed in two green lights, unaware that the crisis is coming little by little.
And Diyang is exaggerating that a mass of green light greedily devours the light emitted by green light.
I don’t know how many years this tree heart has been bred, but there are two groups of bathed green spots in Yilie, and I can feel a strong vitality, alcohol and aura into his body a little bit.
But judging from the rough wooden bed here, there should be something living here.
Thought of here Yu Yilie couldn’t help but suddenly be surprised. Is this the purple mansion’s big demon nest?
"DiYang! Stop dawdling! This must be the monster’s lair! Get rid of the tree heart before it comes back! " Yu Yilie hurriedly mouth press a way
DiYang smell speech is also return to absolute being, hurriedly put his soul body covered in a struggling to pull.
But at this time, Yu Yilie suddenly felt that there was an extra shadow. I couldn’t help but jump and look back.
"Hahuo ~ Huo ~ Ow ~ Woo ~!"
I saw a burly figure standing at the mouth of a tree hole, and my hands kept pounding my chest, and my mouth gave a strange and vague roar.
Just there will be two people to the mouth of the tall tree to block most of it, and its plan has finally succeeded!
Now let’s see where these two prey can go! This is called the way to heaven, but not the way to hell.
"ah? ! This is over! Diyang, what kind of monster is this? !” At the sight of things behind him, Yu Yilie couldn’t help but immediately retreat in horror.
And Diyang tried his best to break the green smell speech and couldn’t help looking into the hole of the tree.
This look at him is not the same in shock hurriedly huddled up to escape behind Yu Yilie.
"The cabinet master seems to be a mandrill who likes to eat the essence of creatures and prefers to devour their souls to grow stronger. What should I do if I look at this spiritual wisdom and fear that it has been cultivated to the foundation period?" DiYang some fear his ear and said
"What should I do? ! The strength of the enemy and me is very different. I won’t move if the enemy doesn’t move! " Yu Yilie quickly took the moon blade out of the front of her body and said in a low tone at the same time
Foundation period? I don’t know how powerful it is. Can he compete with one or two by practicing four layers in the middle of his birth?
Even if he can’t get the phantom cloud posture, can he walk away?
He won’t worry if he can escape from the tree hole and stay away from this strange forest.
"Ow ~ ho ~ ho ~"
The tall mandrill was too scared to move when he saw two prey. He couldn’t help but roar with excitement and wanted to have a full meal two strides ago.
Feeling the slight tremor on the ground, a little closer to the monster, Yu Yilie couldn’t help but jump wildly in his heart, and a layer of fine sweat came out from his forehead due to nervousness.
"Come! One step and two steps are now! " Yu Yilie’s heart secretly calculated the sudden body movement when he was close to a ten-foot range from Mandrill.
When he stayed where he was and dissipated a little bit, a cold light suddenly appeared behind him!
"Hey ~!" A strange crack sounded.
See mandrill back was immediately scratched a foot xu long gouges where whole pieces were missing a green liquid suddenly emerged.
"ouch!" Mandrill immediately roar a pain.
But when it angrily turned around and waved to catch it, it only caught a ghosting image.
"It seems that this big demon is so much!" Yu Yilie corners of the mouth with a chuckle.
After a test, Yu Yilie suddenly felt confident in his heart. He wanted to leave immediately after a blow, but now he seems to want to take something away!
The figure flashed in Yilie and went straight to the edge of the tree hole and stepped on the tree wall several times.
Then he jumped up and went straight to the heart of the tree!
Look at the half-figure mandrill again silly and white. This flexible food can’t help but roar and run to the tree heart.
Yu Yilie is secretly feeling that this guy is more stupid than that. He ran to the heart of the tree and his arms stretched strangely and quickly to catch him!
"Shit!" His heart suddenly a clot mouth low shout a.
"drink! Give me a break! " Yu Yilie, the feeling be nasty, hurriedly threw the moon blade into a low drink in the export.
Is his body to plunge at the same time will be in the hands of the blade to throw an arc angle to avoid mandrill hands to cut off a tree heart.
"poof ~" a light ring tree heart suddenly fell.
"DiYang! Go quickly! " Yu Yilie fall to the ground at the same time see successful not immediately critical drink a way.
"ah! Ow! Hey! " When mandrill saw this, he couldn’t help roaring.
At this time, it really wants to crush the hateful monkey, but the tree heart is cut off and tangled, or it reaches out to catch the tree heart. This is its baby!
At this time, a dark gray light mass unexpectedly wrapped the tree heart and ran to one side before it.
Seeing this, it couldn’t help blushing and roaring, but instead opened its mouth and made a strange and long low noise.
But I saw that Diyang was about to return to his body shape and immediately stopped uncontrolled, and the direction was backward. It was the big mouth of the mandrill!

"No problem. I’ll try to stall them. You just have to do nothing to tear down the tower."

When heshy was sent to the road, King Ning of the spring was also resurrected. He rushed to Dalongkeng at the first time, hoping to make amends.
A Shui Long Hang put a real eye into the pit and then quietly watched ES fight Tai Long. At this time, the female gun trick has turned for the better, and he didn’t mean to release it.
However, when ES found out that the Knight Ranger appeared in their highland again, everyone in ES immediately became very anxious, especially in Longkeng, where there was a water eyeing up.
ES is not afraid of being robbed of dragons. They play wild and skate shoes and pull spears. If they can all be robbed of dragons in this way, ES should really lose. They are afraid that Lucian is stealing from home, but there are super soldiers.
Chapter 54 Unwilling
"IG chose to steal the house again. This step is very good. Is there a chance to steal it this time?" Remember to be puzzled.
"That’s really not certain. It depends on whether ES can knock out Dalong. If we can take Dalong and strengthen the effect of returning to the city, we may have a chance to catch Lucian before tearing down the base."
Guan Zeyuan frowned and his tone became ambiguous. At this critical moment, he did not make a prediction, but kept his eyes on the blood volume of Dalong.
"ES didn’t hit the dragon as fast as expected, but it didn’t hurt to have three front rows to carry it."
"But now ES has to race against the time. If you slow down, their family may be gone, which is very stressful for the players."
Guan Zeyuan looked at the ES players with pity in his eyes, but he played so humbled when he occupied such a big advantage. Who can argue with this?
But when Dalong had 3,000 blood left, heshy had pushed down a front tooth tower in ES, and the pressure on ES was even greater.
Just resurrected from the spring, Ning Wang and others rushed to Dalongkeng, and the situation became unfavorable to ES. Looking at Dalong with less than 2,000 blood, Ning Wang couldn’t catch up with it. He made a big move at Dalongkeng.
Xiong Xiong was startled, and when his hand shook, he pressed the punishment. In an instant, Xiong Xiong’s heart suddenly cooled and he felt that it might be bad.
"Two thousand blood! Ning Wang is big! Tai lung is dead! Who is Dalong! " I remember shouting at the commentary desk, but I soon found out that Dalong belonged.
Ok, LkeN also shook his hand with Xiongxiong, pulled out his spear and punished him. Two high-level injuries killed the dragon with little blood volume and finally took the dragon.
However, how to retreat is a problem. It is reasonable to say that ES located in the blue side should be easy to retreat, and it is easy to return to your home through the wild passage.
But time waits for no one, and there is a god of death at home.
Heshy has demolished the last incisor tower at this time, and there is not much time left for ES.
Therefore, they have to go back to the city and defend their homes quickly with the help of the bIG dragon BUFF, but the ig people behind them will not give them a chance
Ah Shui took one look at the progress of heshy’s tower demolition and immediately felt confident. "Stop them and heshy will soon be demolished."
"Brother Shy’s batch of cattle in the trough really stopped these grandchildren quickly and never let them go back."
Ning Wang also glanced at the progress of heshy’s demolition when he heard Ah Shui’s words, and immediately saw the dawn of victory, so he angrily rushed to the fleeing ES people.
"Rush! Victory is just around the corner! " Sapphire also shouted. At this time, he didn’t line up in the back, but rushed to find the trace of ES people.
At this time, I was driven away by IG, and ES was in a hurry. If it wasn’t for an extra tower-tearing death at home, ES taught IG to be a man in minutes.
IG, these four people are not ES five opponents. If it were him, maybe an ES center field and a charge IG four-person formation would be broken up.
But now it’s not the same. ES waits for no one. Everyone is in a hurry.
In the end, 369 and Xiongxiong decided to stay behind and stop chasing IG four people to create opportunities for the remaining three teammates to return to the city.
Calista and Lux hid in the blue BUFF grass and returned to the city, while their left hands were more anxious. He flashed directly from toad over the wall to avoid the sight of IG and others.
In the end, Cong left his hand and went back to the city. The double team of Blue BUFF was easily interrupted by a big move by Ah Shui, and by the way, it was smashed by a big move by Nutan.
The battle in ES semi-wild area is very fierce, but the camera has turned to ES Highland, where fighting is the key to winning or losing the game.
When his left hand returned to the spring, heshy had torn down the last front tooth tower of ES, and the holy gun ranger kept shooting at the base crystal with two guns.
The left hand is very distressed. This shot is not to hit the base crystal, but to hit his heart. Looking at the blood volume, the left hand of the base crystal is dripping blood.
Dao Mei stepped on hot wheels and hurried out of the spring to save the endangered base, but after seeing Dao Mei, heshy chose very wisely.
It’s like the king of Qin circling the column. It’s happened many times in this game that the holy gun ranger circumvents the base crystal to avoid Dao Mei.
It was a one-to-one victory before the third peak matchup between the Ranger and Dao Mei, but now Dao Mei has to bear the cost of failure in this contest.
In the end, the Holy Gun Ranger and Dao Mei Imperial PK did not win or lose, but the ES base crystal exploded in front of Dao Mei.
Dao Mei didn’t lose in the 1V1 one-on-one hit, but Dao Mei lost the whole game. At the moment when the base crystal exploded, his left hand was white and bloodless, and his eyes seemed to lose a light.
When the game was finally fixed, Dao Mei’s record was 935, and the reward was as high as 500 yuan. If it was a one-on-one left hand, he was confident that he could kill heshy alone this time, but the final result was that he lost.
"heshy shot the ES base crystal with two shots, so let’s congratulate IG on their unexpected victory in the game again by stealing the house!" Remember to yell with passion
"The two games ended so dramatically. This two-game match is really something. If you miss the audience, I strongly recommend watching it again. Okay."
At the end of the game, Guan Zeyuan’s expression was a little subtle, especially when IG stole the house again and won. However, compared with the commentary on the stage, ES players were even more sad. They could not accept the ending of being stolen twice in a row.
His left hand just looked at the screen, and even when the IG people came to shake hands, he didn’t respond until Xiong shouted his left hand and got up silently.
The left hand is very unwilling. It’s not that it’s stolen, and it’s also very unwilling to lose, but the final result is that it’s beaten by ES.
Competition is a winning and losing arena. Here, the outcome is discussed.
The left hand looked bitter and walked to him. heshy looked at his face and smiled. The left hand was even more bitter. Ning Wang patted his left shoulder and told him not to be sad.
Looking at the stage and bowing to the audience, IG everyone shook their heads with their left hands, and their eyes became more determined. He has not tasted the champion yet, and it is not yet time to be depressed. Sooner or later, he will also get the highest honor for professional players on the podium.
Chapter 55 Falling equipment in a row
IG lounge is so quiet that you can’t see the excitement after the victory. If you don’t know, this is ES lounge.
Yun Ge sat in the corner of the lounge with his chest in his hands, and coach Mafa sat not far from him, and then he didn’t play in koi fish for half a year.
193 Sitting beside Su Xiaolou, the two people got better as soon as they didn’t know what they talked about after the week. Maybe there should be Yun Ge’s credit in it.
When the players walked into the lounge talking and laughing, they felt this strange atmosphere again, and even they were not at all concerned about these things. heshy felt something was wrong in her heart.
Ah Shui feels even more obvious. First, he looks at the expression manager Su Xiaoluo and coach 193, and then he looks at the coach calmly and leisurely, as if nothing had happened.
So Ah Shui obediently returned to his seat and didn’t say much. Banana Wolf and Baolan learned to find a place to sit honestly.
A group of players have Ning Wang, who seems to be reckless. He walks up to Yun Ge and smiles very much. "Brother Yun’s game today is really exciting."
"heshy finished stealing the house in both games, otherwise it would be really hard to win." Ning Wang touched his head and seemed wanting more. He actually felt that the game was over too soon, so he didn’t enjoy himself.
Yun Ge looked at Ning Wang grumpily, pressed Ning Wang’s shoulder and let him sit in the chair, then prepared to say a few words to the players.
Suddenly, a series of messages flashed in front of Yun Ge’s eyes. Before BP was over, Genting suddenly appeared in the background.
[The team won three consecutive victories and won the winning streak award (one out of three)]

And Su Moxiao strode to Anshun Day, patted him on the shoulder and smiled at him for a long time. "Brother, I admire you."

Par518 brothers and sisters are deeply in love.
There is Su Moxiao, who is fairly calm. Xia Mu pities Jin Ba Xing Linsheng along three people who have long been shocked and speechless.
"Owl, I want to talk to you alone!" Anshun day sincerely looked at Su Moxiao.
Su Moxiao didn’t reply but agreed to nod his head.
Two people went out of the kv private room in tandem. Before leaving, Anshun Tian told him, "Xiaoxiao, you should go to the shopping mall next to Mu Lian first!"
"Well, good!" Lin Zixiao nodded his head.
Then she went to the shopping mall next to Xia Mu Flow, dragging and still shocked.
"Owl!" Anshun took Su Moxiao to the rooftop. He leaned against the railing and stared at the distance and said, "I know you like Lin Zixiao."
"Well," Su Moxiao decisively nodded his head.
Anshun Tian stretched out his hands to block the dazzling sunshine and sighed, "You haven’t said a word to me since Lin Zixiao and I officially got together last year."
"I’m sorry, I’m not reconciled." Su Moxiao’s eyes became dark and his voice was hoarse than a mouthful.
"You don’t have to apologize," Anshun Tian said with a smile. "I know you think I deserve it!"
"Well, the reason is that you and I both misunderstood what she gave me. He didn’t choose me. I don’t think anything, but she chose you who once hurt her the most!" Su Moxiao nodded his head in a gloomy tone.
There seems to be anger in everything you say.
Hearing his words, Anshun Tian dropped his eyes a little sad and wanted to speak again. Su Moxiao changed his attitude and said with a gentle smile, "But today, I don’t think you hesitate to kneel down and your face hasn’t been wronged. I know that Lin Zixiao’s choice is right. If it were me, I’m afraid I can’t let go of my arrogance!"
Anshun took a deep breath and half-narrowed his eyes for a long time before he asked, "Are we still brothers?"
"Brother?" Su Moxiao laughed a few times.
Then Yizheng said, "It has never changed!"
Over there, Lin Zixiao and Xia Mu Lian are shopping in full swing. They are crazy about trying to be the most popular clothes and some new styles.
Lin Zixiao simply sent a text message to Anshun Tian saying, "God, Mu Lian and I are shopping for clothes. Go home first. Anyway, I’ve sung enough. I’m going shopping with Mu Lian. Go home first and don’t wait for me! !”
Anshun replied with a smile when he read the text message one day. "Come back soon when you know that my home is waiting for you!"
Lin Zixiao went back to Anshun the next day and tried on the clothes with Xia Mu’s family.
What she asked Anshun to go back first was that she didn’t want him to wait too long. After all, boys don’t like shopping very much!
And Anshun day nature is also white. Lin Zixiao’s mind did not refute but tried to cooperate.
The tacit understanding between two people is getting deeper and deeper …
[Text Ending] Let happiness go on

Djinn or Liu Yuekou said, "You and Jacques go to save Frank first, and I have to do something at the gate later." The voice was hoarse and metallic.

Collins nodded silently and took Jacques with him. After this period, they also formed a certain tacit understanding. If they don’t meet Roger, they really don’t pay attention to ordinary people.
Liu Yue looked up and looked around. The prisoners who were shot by his eyes were not confined by themselves. The noise dropped a lot. Listen to him and say, "Do you want to get out of here alive?"
The sound is not loud, but it is clearly sent to everyone’s ears. These prisoners are thinking about leaving this hellhole day and night, but it is a bit difficult to decide one by one if they really have such an opportunity.
"What reward do you want for helping us?" A sharp sound also resonates with most people.
"reward?" Liu Yue laughed in a low voice. "Good. I like talking to Cong people. I want it to be simple. I just want you to be willing to sign your real names and swear allegiance to me."
"You are dreaming."
"Fuck you, asshole."
The prisoners have made a hullabaloo about, and some unruly people have denounced them.
"Shut up, all of you." The owner of the shrill voice seemed to be very prestigious. Soon the noise stopped, and the surrounding area was calm. You could faintly hear the screams of fighting from the floor. Obviously Collins and his guards had handed over.
"Loyalty to you seems to have a big appetite, but how can you promise not to regard us as sacrifices?" This sentence also asks the vast majority of people’s hearts. No one can underestimate the accumulated power of Li Dian for so many years.
Liu Yue sneer at a way "guarantee? Haha, haven’t you idiots figured out the situation yet? You have two choices. First, stay in this cold and humid place and wait for the day when you are abused and die or burned at the stake. Second, swear allegiance to me and bet your luck. Frankly speaking, I’m not interested in you garbage. If you don’t trust me, forget it. Anyway, you live and die. "
"We can repay you in other ways, such as treasures or …" The shrill owner also tried to bargain.
Liu Yue said impatiently, "Enough nonsense is enough. I’ll count to ten. If you can’t make a choice, I’ll leave. I don’t have that much time. You are one, two, three …" The facts are indeed as he said. The prisoners here may be vicious monsters for ordinary people, but in his eyes, they are just ants, living or dead, and they are just thinking about things. How can there be any bargaining room?
As he counted the prisoners, one by one, they showed signs of struggle and hesitation. Finally, someone couldn’t help it. "I want to be loyal, I want to be loyal, I want to go out."
With the first leader, I couldn’t hold back immediately, and I rushed to shout for fear that I was one step behind.
"Don’t make any noise, everyone read after me …" The sharp-voiced master sighed and seemed to have made up his mind. "My ancient contract god swore allegiance to …"
"Totem master" Liu Yue added
After a messy oath, several points of light flew out from Liu Yueshen and quickly disappeared into these human bodies. The sharp-voiced master exclaimed, "Are you …" He was alert and shut up and expelled some dangerous thoughts from his mind.
Collins suddenly fell from the sky in front of Liu Yue and said, "Teacher, we have searched everywhere and I don’t know why I can’t find Uncle Frank."
Liu Yue shook his head and said, "It seems that your experience is still insufficient, but it is good not to hone one more." Looking up at heaven, his voice did not fall and suddenly shot two red lights.
Seeing a twist, a huge semi-transparent ball emerged. Collins looked intently and shouted, "It’s Frank. Oh, my God, I finally found him."
Liu Yueyue half stretched out his finger and pointed to the ball. The ball was broken like a soap bubble. It looked like Frank was in a coma and fell into Collins’ arms.
Then Liu Yue casually waved his mouth and said, "Goddess scattered flowers and silver lotus break the law!"
A few palm-sized silver lotus flowers flew out of his palm. Those dark creatures felt lighter and were sealed by the church, which instantly disintegrated. Those impatience could not wait to break out, and the scene was chaotic to the extreme.
"All right," Liu Yuekou said after they vented, "We haven’t noticed the change here for a long time outside, but they will react soon. Now, everyone line up at the top gate. Who dares to run around and watch his ass?"
By the time Liu Yue and the others came to the front of the magnificent Jingjin Palace, the prisoners had lined up. Looking at it, it was dark, and the appearance was getting worse and worse. Looking at it, the number of human beings in the thousand-person team was probably less than one tenth.
At this time, a huge and strange creature came out of the prisoners. The prisoners seemed to be very afraid of him, and they automatically let him know that his body was a handsome drow elf with long silver hair hanging down his waist. Compared with those skinny elves, his body looked much bigger, but his body was an ugly giant spider.
"Spider elf?" Liu Yue was surprised and said, "It’s strange that you smell like purgatory."
This spider-like elf bowed down respectfully and uttered a shrill voice, "Great Totem Master, I am Aslo, your most loyal servant. As you can see, I am indeed a spider-like elf, but those wastes are different from me and are a hunting spider."
It turned out that he was not a natural product, but a demon alchemist. The hunting spider was originally created by Tare inferno to construct life, but this crazy six-armed snake demon unexpectedly combined it with a drow elf. Those elves who were turned into spiders by Rose because of the test of Dharma were different. This warlock named Aslo drow gained extraordinary power. Although he was able to escape from the abyss to the main material world, it was mostly due to luck, but it also had great strength with his earth.
"You damn heretics, I will personally send your department to the stake." A huge roar came in from the outside and there was a "rolling door". Obviously, Andro and others have discovered the abnormality of Shenwei Prison. Those prisoners suddenly had some riots. Even after the former power was restored, Andro still left a huge shadow in their hearts, which made them unconsciously afraid.
Liu Yue stretched out his hand and pointed forward that the gate was slowly rising and immediately fell down and made a loud noise. There was a noise outside and then a "rumbling" hit the door.
Glancing at the team behind him, Liu Yue calmly said, "Let’s go out."
Chapter 45 Dark Sacrifice
Archbishop Steve is almost ready to cry when he looks at the mess all over the place. Although Andro is furious on the surface, there is a little secretly pleased at the bottom of his heart. What Liu Yue did was exactly what he wanted to do for many years but didn’t dare to do. Of course, he will never let those prisoners out.
According to statistics, 42 judges have died in the hands of prisoners, which can be said to be the most serious crime in the past hundred years. Steve immediately let people block all the news, and rarely threatened in a stern tone, "Whoever dares to leak anything about this will be burned at the stake!"
Careful scrutiny of Liu Yue’s action has too much luck. If Andro didn’t leave or the deputy warden didn’t "happen" to be drunk, of course, this guy’s ability is quite good except for drinking a few drinks every day, but because of this, the effect of abstinence from alcohol in Shenwei prison cell will be very remarkable, right?
If it weren’t for these factors, Liu Yue would never have been so relaxed. Most of the powerful defense bases in Shenwei prison didn’t work, and nothing was activated.
"Big trouble, big trouble." Archbishop Steve was worried and walked around the spacious conference hall. One after another, the disappearance made this weather-beaten old man lose his hands and feet, and the most strange thing was that all these events had one thing in common, that is, there was no trace. Those people seemed to suddenly evaporate.

The other is Yi, the perfect lover in her heart.

Holding a sword hand for a long time did not move.
Huang Jun’s game sound is still so gentle as if every word is full of spoil. "Since you can’t stop, go to bed early. Aoer will forget everything when he falls asleep."
When I heard this sentence, Ziyun Ao suddenly felt heavy eyelids.
Will you forget all the unpleasant things when you fall asleep?
Will you also think of things you forgot?
Ziyun proud eyes light suddenly a ling.
There must be something wrong. 64 Chapter 64 Snow City 6
What? She suddenly wants to fall asleep! ?
The sword in Ziyun’s proud hand was cold and cut into the bed, and suddenly it was filled with smoke.
The bed was hacked by Xuanbing Sword.
She will never allow herself to fall into hypnosis.
Due to the broken bed, Huang Junyi suddenly fell to the ground. He supported his body and frowned faintly. He looked at Ziyun’s proud eyes without impatience, but there was nai, "What’s wrong with you, my proud son?"
Her eyes were cold. "Your roots are not games-"
"you’re just a phantom in my imagination-"
Each other leng leng inexplicably looked at ziyun proud "proud son, do you have a fever? Let me feel your pulse quickly. "
Ziyun proudly ignored the emperor’s indulgence and gentleness.
She can’t indulge herself!
"You are my imaginary illusion that you are a puppet … you are not real! How can yi tie the chicken’s hands? It’s because my heart is hurting me that you can’t display my skills, and even I can’t avoid falling to the ground. "
Huang Junyi still looked at her in confusion. "The proud son, what’s the matter with you? Why do you always say something puzzling? "
Ziyun proudly ignored his tender feelings, holding the Xuanbing sword with increasing strength. "It’s a natural disaster, but it’s been so long, but you have no reaction. The only explanation is that you are Byakki Smoker, and the reality should be to completely reverse the world and destroy it, so you can leave here!"
"Aoer, since you want to leave me so much, I have already said it. Come on, I want you to cut my throat and I will be hurt by you." Huang Junyi closed his eyes and pushed the choice to her.
What a heartbreaking scene it is for the teenager to close his eyes quietly and wait for her sword to pierce his throat.
Ziyun proudly fingered Ling Ling, even though he knew that the other party was fake, but he had the same face and the same sound as Yi, how could she easily get it!
"If you can’t, just stay with me and don’t go anywhere. Just sleep well and all your troubles will disappear." Huang Junyi sighed lightly. It seems that it is so difficult for her to understand what is wrong with herself.
If you want to leave him, kill him with a sword. If you want to stay, put the sword to sleep. How simple it is!
Ziyun ao, don’t be bewitched by his voice!
He is the spirit in the mirror. If you stay here and close your eyes, you won’t be able to tell the difference between reality and good dreams when you wake up. You will stay in the mirror forever until the end of your life.
And Byakki Smoker will come out and experience your life instead of you.
Are you willing to let others enjoy the game, give you warmth and enjoy your family and friendship, enjoy your life and your glory? With this false illusion! ?
No …
Can’t stay here!
Can’t indulge!
Ziyun’s proud eyes suddenly shone like a flame in generate.
At the same time, the flame arrow sends out a bright light and is ready to move with hot power
It was the flame spirit who told her it was time for her to do it!

Huangfuyi interrupted him, "Impossible!"

It’s ridiculous to ask him to marry Princess Ling Yue!
Looking at the beautiful and elegant face of Jiao Jiao Yue Hua Huangfuyi, a mocking smile crossed her face.
The night wind blew his blue shirt, and the coldness in his star eyes showed.
"Xiao Jiu, I have intended to arrange for you to be happy for many years; I even thought that the secret that pressed my heart would always be kept from you. "The deep and quiet voice overflowed from Huangfuqing’s mouth. He looked slightly painful." But according to the current situation, if I keep it from you again, it will cause you to be trapped in a painful way and even endanger your life and the life of Dingguo! "
Huangfuyi suddenly said coldly, "What are you hiding from me?"
"I didn’t mean to deceive you." You sighed and Huangfuqing was very sad. "It was my father who asked me to swear before he left. If I want to protect you, I can’t confide in you for weeks." He didn’t feel a bad feeling for a long time, but he didn’t ask but waited for Huangfuqing to continue to say.
"Love between men and women in the world is a common thing, but you can’t directly cause you and your lover to get hurt because you are emotional. The final result is that you will be out of control and want to kill your lover yourself like a madman. Your heartache will gradually increase from slight tingling."
"The way to relieve heartache is to drink blood and drink fresh blood, but it can stop your pain for a while, and madness will still breed in your heart, because the more you like your lover, the more you love her, and the craziness will become stronger and stronger. It will stimulate you to lose your mind and make a lifelong regret."
"I’ll believe you if you make up this lie?" Huangfuyi’s words have no ups and downs, but her heart has been ups and downs like stormy waves.
The more I like him, the more I love him, the more painful my heart will be. The madman will kill her himself!
What logic is this?
He didn’t believe it, and he didn’t want to believe it, but …
"Xiao Jiu in addition to this matter for so many years, brother cheated you again!" HuangFuQing voice more and more appear low "I asked my father at that time? Father is shaking his head to swear to protect you for a week. "
"Because of this, you have been sending women to my backyard for years, so that I can’t talk about being emotional when I’m exhausted in Qian Fan." Huangfuyi didn’t ask, but especially affirmed.
Huangfuqing didn’t deny it. "That’s right. I don’t want to see you in pain. I don’t want to see you kill your lover yourself one day …"
"… I won’t be heartbroken if I kill her, right?" Huangfuyi moved the eyes light to the long moonlight and asked slowly
"Yes and no!" Huangfuqing closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. "The root cause of your pain will be dispersed because of the death of your lover, but you will fall into another kind of pain. Do you think your heart will be calm at that time?" Huangfuyi didn’t say anything for a long time. Huangfuqing’s lips moved and continued, "Once your temperament is emotional, it’s that your lover is killed by you. Will you still live alone in the world?"
Quiet silence around a copy is like gas also stagnate.
Yue Hua spilled but disappeared for a moment.
The night was as dark as the ink gallery, and the lights suddenly started to shake in the strong wind, and neither of them spoke again.
Looking at the rain curtain in front of the porch, Huangfuyi lost his hands behind him and clenched them again.
"I was tricked when I was young?" He muttered, but shook his head a moment later. "No, if someone really poisoned me, I should have solved it after eating ice fruit. So what about my symptoms?" Lip angle set off a strong wry smile.
He is white, and the stabbing pain in his heart is getting worse.
It turned out that it was because he was moved.
Yes, every time I think of her, I think of liking her and loving her, and the tingling will come.
A slight quiver HuangFuYi handsome peerless face emerge with a pale.
"Xiao Jiu, you are not in the method of" suspection.i qing painful voice "but blood curse! You have been cursed with blood! Over the years, I have consulted many ancient books to find a good way to break this blood curse. Nai Nai found only one way in the end! "
Huangfuyi said, "Did that man curse the blood?"
"Should he take off?" Huangfuqing said.
"Who is he? It’s because of the ambition to seek the great Zhou Jiangshan, but what is the reason for cursing my blood? " Take back your eyes and move to Huangfuqing Huangfuyi and quietly look at "Father didn’t tell you anything?"
Huangfuqing shook his head. "No father makes me swear to protect you all my life. Zhou Wan can’t make you emotional!"
"He should know the identity of the man and know that he gave me a blood curse!" Huangfuyi lip lick way
"Maybe." Huangfuqing’s eyes were dim and faint. "I can’t figure out what my father thought when he was killed in a frenzy. He must have known some reasons but told me when he didn’t leave."
"Father ….." HuangFuYi star eyes flashing lip Angle raised a little if there is a smile "blood curse? I don’t believe that evil! " Liancheng … I don’t believe that evil. I said I would love you, love you, protect you and spoil you all my life. I will never break my word! Liancheng, even if that blood curse is true, it can’t influence me to decide that I won’t hurt you, even if I hurt myself, I won’t hurt you!
"Xiao Jiu, you are bitter!" Huangfu Qingyu said sadly, "I forbid you to take risks!"
Huangfuyi didn’t say anything. Huangfuqing added, "Lingyue is very mysterious. I heard that there are people who can do witchcraft there. Maybe if you marry Princess Lingyue, you can solve the blood curse by another method!"
"I like her and love her. No one can replace her!" Huangfuyi word for word
HuangFuQing smell words more painful "you will hurt her hurt yourself! There are many good girls who have married Princess Ling Yue. If it doesn’t matter if you can solve your blood curse and settle the country, I will let you marry her as a princess. "
"Are you asking me to betray her feelings?" A cold smile HuangFuYi way "do you think she will be willing to? Will she be willing to her character? "
"If she doesn’t want to, then give up on her," said Huangfu Qingshen, and paused. His tone softened and urged, "What kind of girl is so big in heaven and earth that I am not the prince of Zhou Yi with your appearance and charm …" Cut off his words. Huangfu Yi’s robe sleeve swung out of a pavilion not far from the gallery and was instantly razed after a loud bang.
The strength spread. Even if Huangfuqing reacted quickly, he was still not caught by the wave. He staggered back a few steps. His mouth overflowed with blood and his eyes hurt. "Xiao Jiu!" But for a moment, he saw Huangfuyi waved one mouthful blood from his mouth, and suddenly it gushed out. He was so scared that Liushen acted quickly to help this young brother who had grown up loving him since childhood.
HuangFuYi push his eyes color firm voice cold sink a way "I don’t want you to tube! No matter how many women there are, she is the price. She is Liancheng and I am Liancheng. I want her to be my princess and marry her! "
He slowly sat down to the ground, his hands knotted, his chest slender knife-shaped eyebrows locked, his lips lost color, and his lips almost folded into a straight line as if he were trying to restrain some kind of pain! The pain spread from his heart, and he missed her. He liked her and just got angry. The damn pain came to him like a flood!
Wu Liang’s long hair hung freely over his shoulders, and his blue body was raised and dropped by the night wind, and then raised and fell again …
A light, soft, blue light concealed him, and he just sat there.
Huangfuqing looked at him quietly. After a long time, he looked up and forced back his eyes, and the wet meaning gradually poured out!
Xiao Jiu!’ Stay calm a little bit. He crouched beside Huangfuyi and said, "Hello, brother, whatever you do and say."
Huangfuyi slowly opened his eyes to disperse the blue light around him. "I don’t need you to be so kind to me," he said, and his micro-running qi shocked Huangfuqing just touching his arms and hands.