The trunk of this plum tree is criss-crossed with cracked stripes, which means that it has gone through all the vicissitudes of life.

The old brown branches bend like heads held high to the sky, and most of them stand in the sky. This ice and snow cliff top looks very proud.
After the seal is released, the plum blossom tree has a strong vitality, and the branches and bones are about to bloom.
Xiao Xun seems to have come for this plum tree because there is nothing else at this peak except this old tree.
Sure enough, Xiao Xun hopped all the way to this plum tree and pointed his paw at the old tree.
It seems that this vigorous plum blossom tree in the eyes is the extraordinary treasure of this celestial world.
"This tree should be a good treasure. School sister also felt it." Zhao-yang Xia also nodded seriously.
Lopunny’s little brother didn’t seem to have much reaction when he found him. He immediately jumped to the root of the tree and dug up two little paws.
Baiyun Tower looks a little funny. The fat rabbit is enough. Delicious Lingguo seems to have no bottom line.
I don’t know how deep the roots of such a big fairy tree are, but I don’t know how long it will take to dig with this fat rabbit’s ability
Besides, it is enough to forge a magic weapon and break two branches.
"Brother Yi, this plum tree …" Ziyan seemed to find something and suddenly said.
And ZiYan mind figured it out, and the white boss also sensed that it was wrong, and ShenJiao immediately urged him to look at the plum tree.
The plum blossom tree seems to breathe gently around the body, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster.
Chapter six hundred and forty-seven Mei Laoxian Weng
Tree demon? Or a tree fairy?
With a wave of his hand, the big sleeve of Baiyun Tower pulls back the fat rabbit who is crazy about digging roots.
Planing people and feet …
If the tree fairy really wakes up and sees the bad behavior of the fat rabbit, it is estimated that the rabbit will be melted in an instant.
Although I didn’t feel evil thoughts, Baiyun Tower was ready.
Hiding behind him, the nine-handle spirit weapon method sword reveals a heavy cloth, and the sword domain Rijinlun has made a faint shield to block the three people.
It has been frozen for more than 3,000 years, and there are still creatures in Kunlun Fairyland. Even the senior teacher and sister have deceived them. It is really a fairy means.
Just now, although I don’t have a good eye, I feel that this plum tree is really an ordinary fairy tree.
The fluctuation of the fairy tree became more and more violent.
The eye of the sky is speckled with fragments like crystal snowflakes floating out of the snow in Fiona Fang for more than ten miles
Soul fragments!
The smell of Baiyun Tower is very familiar, but before it was awakened by the fluctuation of plum trees, these fragments were no different from ordinary snowflakes. No wonder the elder sister Qingchi didn’t even notice it.
These snowflake fragments did not directly sink into the plum blossom tree, but all merged into the Kunlun order in the palm of Ziyan’s hand.
Ziyan raised my hand and gently threw Kunlun to make it hang in the air, absorbing these glittering and translucent snowflake-like pieces.
As the last snowflake disappeared into Kunlun, a bright white awn bloomed.
A dazzling crystal appeared in the order of jade and ice clearing Kunlun
It’s not like a wave, but it’s a bit like Kunlun Chengzhong to Xianjia.
Just a moment’s hesitation, Ziyan stretched out her fingers and pointed to Kunlun to make a little bit of the true spirit suddenly emerge into a white streamer and escape into the plum tree not far away.
Just now, the Kunlun order has changed its appearance, which is not only clear for a few minutes, but also gives a colorful fairy light.
When the three were amazed, the plum blossom tree seemed to have spirituality, and the branches of the tree trembled.
A cloud rose in the’ Teng’ land, and the huge plum tree dissipated, showing an old man with a fairy wind and a strong spirit.
Plum blossom trees have emerged!
The old man wore a brown fairy robe with a small piece of plum blossom branches inserted obliquely in his hair bun.
The waist and back are slightly bent, and holding a plum blossom stick is full of extraordinary momentum.
This just a taxiing breath stunningly Baiyun Tower felt a strong sense of oppression, but the sense of oppression disappeared with a flash of fairy light in front of him.
It turned out that Xia Chaoyang’s protective fairy light was directly covered by the imposing manner and spread by itself.
However, the old man’s breath was put away immediately, and he was not in a hurry to look at the three men first.
It seems to be an eyesore to look at the snow, ice and fairy soil that have been planed in a mess.
The old man frowned slightly and gave the plum blossom staff a gentle meal. The fairy soil and the ice and snow returned to their respective places and returned to a neat snow surface, which was satisfactory and nodded.
"Laozhang …" It seems that I’ve been used to miraculous things recently, and Xia Chaoyang, next to the teacher elder sister Qingchi, salutes directly with confidence.
"Little old son ….." The old man who spoke the plum tree taxiing looked up and couldn’t help but blink and almost kneel.
However, after careful identification, I realized that I was dazzled and worried, and I quickly returned the gift with my staff.
Before the three of them could react, the taxiing old man had already recited "Visit the Little Master" and stood still and made a gift.
However, Ziyan’s flicker was not worshipped by the tree fairy.
It seems that it’s one of our own again. The Baiyun Tower was carefully induced and then sword domain’s nine-handled spirit sword was hidden again.
"Laozhang needs to pay attention … the younger generation is the master of the Kunlun outer gate, but it is not the master of the Kunlun celestial world." Ziyan replied indifferently.
When the old man got up, he didn’t insist on saluting, but said, "The young master used to be the master of the outer gate, but now he has become the master of this Kunlun celestial world."
Seeing Ziyan’s puzzled face, the old man went on to say, "If you don’t believe me, you can find out the Kunlun Order in one hand."
Ziyan smell speech looked at the palm of the Kunlun Mountain, which was full of five-color glow, and made it feel like a spirit. Find out the massive information and get into the mind.

【 Attribute Dark and Dragon 】

"Grade Platinum Six Stars"
[Vulpix Silver Fox]
【 Attribute Wind, Light, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire 】
"Grade Platinum Four Stars"
I lost it! Two white gold beasts!
Liu Yuan was shocked after seeing the information of the Black Dragon and the Kyubi no Youko Silver Fox.
This is the first time he has seen a platinum pet beast, let alone two platinum beasts.
Compared with these two people, Qi Ling … What a rotten fish and shrimp!
But what surprised Liu Yuan was that the two men had not moved since they appeared.
That seems to be very mindful of Hao Renhe and Uncle Li around Liu Yuan.
Hao Ren patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Lu, you are really unlucky enough to be stared at by them and I don’t know what to say."
Liu Yuan showed an ugly smile than crying.
Dean Hao, can you stop …
I’m an honest man. Do you and I want to be stared at by these crazy people? I was forced!
Look at yourself and pass by. Finally, Dean Hao Ren in front of you.
I don’t know that Liu Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of security.
Dean Hao Ren combed his sparse hair and suddenly asked, "Xiao Lu, have you ever heard of Yongjiang?"
"Yongjiang said?"
Liu Yuan is puzzled. Hao Ren suddenly wants to ask this question.
And ….. What did Suijiang say that I didn’t know?
Looking at Liu Yuan’s puzzled expression, Hao Ren suddenly looked up to the sky.
See the original sunny Wan Li days suddenly become overcast.
A large number of dark clouds completely enveloped the entire orphanage.
With a huge thunder and heavy rain falling from it.
Liu Yuan looked at the sudden change of weather and seemed to feel something shocked. He looked in the direction of dark clouds.
At the same time, Hao Ren chuckled again.
"Xiao Lu, Ji Jiang … there are not nine rivers from the beginning. At that time, there was a river here."
With the sigh tone of Hao Ren, the clouds above the orphanage suddenly swelled up.
"roar! ! !”
With the roar of the sky, a white slender dragon suddenly appeared from the dark clouds and circled directly to the top of Hao Ren’s head.
Hao Ren looked at the 20-meter-long white slender dragon above his head and said with a smile, "Long time no see, old chap."
White dragon looked at Hao Ren with a light in his huge eyes.
In a second, the white dragon roared again.
The river next to the orphanage immediately swelled up, and a large number of fierce beasts from the river appeared in the Lijiang River.
But what shocked Liu Yuan was that these fierce beasts did not rush in the direction of the Yangtze River after landing, but rushed directly in the direction outside the Yangtze River.
Because there is a huge tide of fierce beasts rushing in the direction of the orphanage
Hao Ren looked at a dull face and looked at Bailong Luyuan. He smiled and said, "Olivia, it is alive and said … the Dragon King of Jiujiang."
"Is your dean I pet beast … and old chap"
But it’s just that you’ve been doing it for a long time. This moment is paving the way
You just say that you are Yongjiang, so just say it! Laugh to death!

"Well, this is Mr. Wen Sheng, a great painter, and also a creative person in the world." The host introduced the old man in the stands

The old man stood up and smiled at the audience.
"The last one is also a great man …" The host looked at the screen.
One minute and two minutes, another girl with black hair and a mask appeared on the screen.
"Hello, everyone, I’m Nangong Xiaoxiao. I didn’t expect to participate in the evaluation of the Moon Cup with Qiu Xue Ji, and I was scared to eat a cold noodle to calm down." The dark-haired girl turned around and ate it.
"…" Audience
"Ha ha ha Xiao Xiao is really interesting. Is that Qiuyi Building?" Autumn snow ji laughed.
"Mmm, it’s delicious." Nangong Xiaoxiao mumbled.
"Ahem, let’s introduce a theme. This time, the theme is Nangong Xiaoxiao’s teacher. Please look at the big screen." The host looked at the tablet in his hand and said.
All the audience and players looked at the big screen and two words appeared.
The future!
"This time the theme is two hours in the future!" Zhuzhiren boulevard
A group of contestants wore closed earmuffs so that they could be quiet and play their painting level well.
Yunxuan is the same.
All the contestants were quiet to draw.
Two hours to draw and associate can be said to be very hasty.
Qiu Xueji and Nangong Xiaoxiao are both live broadcasts, and you can clearly see the situation here, including the paintings of each player.
One minute passed, and an hour and a half later, Yun Xuan put on his painting tools.
Two hours later, everyone left the drawing board.
Grading and evaluating the painting from the first contestant.
The player’s interpretation of the painting directly affects the painting score.
Yun Xuan doesn’t have much opinion about other people’s paintings. He is number 15.
"The seven-point summer calendar player scored seven points, and the first one was over five points!"
"It’s another seven-point summer calendar player tied for the first place. A player from Beijing, Bai You, painted the earth."
"The third-ranked wild player draws a future life score of 6 points!"
A player came to Yunxuan more than an hour after his introduction.
Looking at the big screen hanging city and abandoned ground Wen Sheng three people some don’t understand.
"I’ve thought a lot about the future, but I think it should be the closest to the future. As we all know, resources are limited and the roots of environmental protection can’t be strict. Sooner or later, resources will be moved, and the ground of human life will become a problem in the future." Yun Xuan said seriously
"Environmental protection in the future? Interesting "Wen Sheng nodded his head.
"This player’s angle is very special but meaningful," Qiu Xueji commented in silence.
"Yunxuan, you really didn’t let me down" Nangong Xiaoxiao smiled.
The host of "Please give a rating" is a little confused.
Wen Sheng three people took it out at the same time and scored three 2 points.
"Yunxuan players draw a total score of 6 points in the future," the host was surprised.
Yun Xuan’s eyebrows are wrinkly, but then a smile appeared on his face. Is it a point?
All the players’ scores are ultimately the primary intelligence scores.
The host of "Please give a rating" looks at the big screen, and so does the audience.
The primary intelligence score plus the judges’ score is the real first.
"This is impossible!"
"Is there a problem with primary intelligence?"
"92 points. How is that possible …"
Even the three judges were shocked when the primary intelligence score came out.
Score the first Yunxuan player to draw "Future" with 92 points!
The second summer calendar player scored 72 points for painting "Tai"!
The third-ranked white player painted "Earth" with 72 points!
Unexpectedly, the six-point cloud Xuan instantly turned into 152 points.
The original tied for first place has become tied for second place with 142 points and one point difference!
"What is this?" Wen Sheng frowned and suspected that there was something wrong with primary intelligence.
"Yunxuan player" Future "drew the ground phenomenon through delicate techniques, and calculated the ground condition according to the primary intelligence, which is in line with the human high-tech era." The primary intelligent mechanical sound started.
"this is a painting that truly represent that future!"
The audience couldn’t believe it when the primary intelligent voice fell off the stage.
Predicting the future, drawing this … how is it possible?
Wen Sheng suddenly realized that this is based on the potential value judgment, which represents that the painting "Future" has definitely become a scene that may become a reality by primary intelligence.
"The latent value … is really fierce. It seems that this time we are mistaken." Nangong Xiaoxiao applauded.
"I also have a problem with my primary intelligence. I’m sorry, Yunxuan player, you are very good." Qiu Xueji said seriously.
"Old man, I’m so old. Yunxuan congratulates you on becoming a new generation champion of the Moon and Moon Cup." Wen Sheng wry smile way.
This is the case with the Xingyue Cup. There have been several times in the past, and this kind of counterattack has made the players become the first.
It is very reasonable for primary intelligence to explain the real future. Is this something that ordinary people can describe?
Its significance is to remind people to protect the environment, and secondly, the painting level is superb.
(PS: there is another recommended ticket at 7 o’clock in the afternoon) 1
Chapter 56 Lord’s adult name
"Congratulations to the host for winning the first prize of the Xingyue Cup and upgrading the random bronze skill level!"
"Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reaching the advanced level of hacking"
There are two sounds in Yunxuan’s ear. You need to go to a hidden place to get the reward.
"This time, the champion of the Xingyue Cup is from Yunxuan, Fangyu City, and his" Future "will become a representative." Host Avenue.
The audience gave a hand.
"Congratulations!" Wen Sheng came from the judging panel and gave Yunxuan the gold medal.
"Thank you" Yun Xuanwei bowed and admired the man who created the world.
"This Xingyue Cup is over, please leave in order." The host said with a smile after watching the award.
Xingyue Hotel in half an hour.
"Yunxuan, your" Future "is priced at millions by primary intelligence. I wonder if you have any intention to sell it?" Wen Sheng hesitated.
"if you want to buy it, 7 million is ok." Yunxuan smiled.
"It’s Akiyuki who asked me to buy her. She has a special identity." Wen Sheng shook his head.
"No problem, I have no interest in collecting what I have drawn." Yunxuan nodded his head.

Jiang Feng also watched them.

In some accidents, there was a girl who was very handsome, and the contrast between the five big and three thick men around her was too great.
They talked about it in succession, and the international rivers and rivers have already spoken.
"Since you are my hands, don’t talk to each other. I don’t want to see unpleasant things happen!"
See all suo suo head silent.
Jiang Liuchuan nodded with satisfaction and said bluntly, "Let’s go!"
A line of people rushed to the front.
After a while, a group of people came to the mining area, which is a magnificent mountain towering into the sky and threatening.
When they came, the mountains were already full of people.
With tools in their hands, they are diligent in digging mountains and mountains, and they are full of holes in their eyes.
"this is your tool!" Jiang Liuchuan gave Jiang Feng them a hoe.
A group of people dispersed on their own to find the right position to dig the ore.
Jiang Feng didn’t act immediately but looked at the mountains.
"Outside! Brother, do you want to dig with me? "See a young Han looking at Jiang Feng and grinning.
Jiang Feng thought for a moment and nodded at random "but! No problem! "
Hearing this, the young Han suddenly got excited and walked with Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng brothers, you really defeated the younger brothers! ?”
"Then it is said that my master can deal with them easily!" With a proud face, he has heavy dark circles in his eyes.
Obviously, I didn’t sleep well all night before.
"How can you have a woman here?" Jiang Feng doubt asked.
Young Han leng a look toward the nearby MuYuqing glanced at the little muttered, "Jiang Feng brothers, don’t hit her. Pay attention to her. She’s a sworn brother. It’s just experience to come here."
Jiang Fengwen suddenly realized.
So that’s the way it is. When he shook his head, he didn’t want to get into trouble at random.
"The Jiang Feng brothers are here!" The young man suddenly stopped and waved at Jiang Feng. It was a deep mine.
The young man has a proud face.
"It’s not that I said that my eyesight is very sharp. I dug up not ten pieces of ore from this mine. Brother Jiang Feng, you must dig a lot near you!"
Jiang Feng glanced at the mine and didn’t speak.
He doesn’t have the heart to hit young men. This mine is a virtual hole. It looks powerful and powerful, and the number is not much.
I’m afraid it will be difficult to dig up ore in the future.
"hey! ? What is this! ?” Jiang Feng suddenly found an abandoned mine with a puzzled face.
Looking down the eyes, the young man shook his head
"This is an abandoned hole. A fool said that something was dug in it for half a month and nothing was dug. As a result, he starved to death!"
Young Han said here can’t help but shook his head.
"At the beginning, I lent him four pieces of ore to save his life. The ore was dead and I didn’t get it back!"
"Then I’ll dig this!" Jiang Feng corners of the mouth slightly raised.
"ah! ?”
Young han froze a face of incredible "you want to dig this! ? You mustn’t … You can’t dig anything out of this abandoned hole. You can’t have anything if you look around with a weak spiritual force! ?”
Jiang Feng ignored his diameter.
See Jiang Feng determined to dig young han repeatedly shook his head! Since you want to dig, I won’t stop you.
"hey! It’s time for you to show! "
Jiang Feng unceremoniously threw the hoe directly to Kun.
"I! ?” Kun pointed to his dejected face. "I know. I’ll dig … I’ll dig …"
Jiang Feng is a butt sitting cross legs practice.
Mining in the central area is the first time to see someone so relaxed.
"You this practice! Old man, I walk around … "Bald cow Buddha yi tooth smiled for a moment and there was no figure.
Jiang Fenggen doesn’t care about bald cows. The Buddha continues to practice alone.
Just then, there was a sudden flurry of footsteps in the distance, and a line of seven absenteeism came screaming with hoes in their hands.
"Who is it? ? Who hurt my cousin! ?” A fine strong man came up in a threatening manner.
Many people have shown that they are practicing Jiang Feng.
"He is the little today! ?” Li Mu cold eyes looked at Jiang Feng.
Li Muyuan was also a younger brother and a younger brother.
Unfortunately, he was sent to the mining area for violating taboos, and his strength gradually became a leader here.

At the moment, several mid-congenital fighters look strange because it is hard for them to imagine what kind of idea Xu can come up with.

Can a young man in his twenties turn the tide at this time?
Although Xu has helped Hengshan Sword Sect turn the tide many times, the time is different.
This time is different from the past. Can we still turn the tide?
Or does he like to be the savior and feel like grandstanding?
Baihe Ali asked, "Can you tell me what your idea is?"
Xu shook his head and said, "Only when everyone completely trusts me can this method succeed. I need everyone to completely trust me!" "
Xu said it very seriously, so everyone has got serious.
Is there really a way to get everyone out?
Mr. Liu has come out and patted his chest. "If you can get everyone out, even if you are a junior, we all trust you!" "
Xu said, "Well, if you absolutely believe me, you must promise me two things. The first thing is whether it is the younger generation or the older generation. I hope that everyone, men, women and children, will listen to me. It must be completely obedient to me, and there must be no disobedience!"
Chapter seven hundred Two conditions
But it is hard to accept the first condition.
There is nothing wrong with Xu, who is indeed the head of Hengshan Sword Sect, but he is a fighter in the early stage of congenital, and Hengshan Sword Sect is only a small force, but there are many top forces, including six fighters in the middle stage of congenital, and I don’t know how many others are in secret.
If these people are at Xu’s disposal, that’s not true, but it’s not easy for them to respect the imperial edict in every word Xu says, even if it’s fart.
The stronger people are, the more arrogant they are. These people are obviously very arrogant.
How can they not follow Xu’s orders at all?
Cried the crowd broke into a noisy.
"Why can he break such an iron barrel-like cold iron array in the North Sea?"
"He’s just a fighter in the early days of birth."
"He was able to turn the tide of Hengshan Sword Sect because he came with such strength, but now he is just a weak person here."
"Six congenital mid-term fighters can’t do things he can do? A joke? "
"And why should we listen to you for everything?"
Six congenital mid-term fighters did not take the lead in refuting, but gathered together to look at Baihe Ali.
Shili Baihe can be said to be the most powerful of these forces. Although Baihe Ali has the same realm, there are still several others, but Baihe Ali is more representative.
The other five congenital mid-term fighters all hope that Baihe Ali will make this decision.
Baihe Ali narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu. "Are you really sure of your ability?"
Xu said, "Is it still a war when there is a 100% chance of winning? How can I be 100% sure that everyone has broken this simple and rude North Sea cold iron array? "
Baihe arreton paused. "But you have a plan, right?"
Xu Dao "Yes"
Baihe Ali said, "Can you tell me your way and listen to it?"
Xu shook his head and said, "This method is absurd. If you say it, no one will be willing to cooperate, and there will be no possibility of going out."
Baihe Ali paused again and then took a look at Baihe Ferry.
Baihe ferry nodded with sincerity in his eyes.
Baihe Ferry is very confident that it has just made friends, and now it seems that there is really no other way. If we wait for them, they will be better. Those half-step innate fighters will be starved to death and die of thirst. If they don’t let them die, they will really kill others and use other people’s flesh and blood to maintain their own lives.
Human nature is selfish, and no one can guarantee that tragedy will happen.
Baihe Ali suddenly looked at Xu seriously and said, "Your first condition is that I promise you on behalf of everyone. Whoever dares to resist is all right for us."
Even Li Baihe Baihe Ali is willing to listen to many words. What else can others say?
Now it seems that survival is the only thing to fight for.
Master Liu stepped forward. "Little brother, you just said that you have two conditions, but I don’t know what the second condition is?"
Xu hesitated for a while, but after all, he said, "The second condition is that someone in the place tells me where hidden weapons is."
Hearing this, the field immediately caused an uproar.
No one can believe that Xu should say such childish things.
Although this is the era of hot weapons, guns must be fired by hand, but hidden weapons is different.
Tangmen in the middle of Shu, also known as Tangjiabao Tangmen, is a family-style Jianghu sect, which enjoys a reputation in Wulin. hidden weapons’s family hidden weapons and Poison have lived in Shu for hundreds of years.
If you meet Tangmen, you will never know where their hidden weapons came from.
They hidden weapons sent out their hands, but they touched the machine spring, but their legs sent out, but their feet sent out, but their tongues sent out. There was once a strong man in the Tang Clan who was nicknamed "hunched and chased the soul and killed the arrow"
This hunched and soul-chasing arrow is not hunched at all, but it is handsome and imposing. All this nickname is because when he hunched over, it was the time when his enemy died. Because he hidden weapons was actually fired from the back, it was impossible to prevent.
No one knows how he launched this hidden weapons, but there is no doubt that this hidden weapons is very powerful.
It is precisely because no one knows so much about these hidden weapons secrets that hidden weapons people can always be hard to guard against.
Compared with hot weapons, Wulin people prefer to make hidden weapons and Wulin people think that firearms are too restrictive and really interesting.
For concealed weapon masters, the hidden position of hidden weapons’s launching mode is almost as important as their lives, but now it is possible to know the secrets of all concealed weapon masters. Isn’t this going to kill others?
A master of concealed weapons is a person who is unwilling to let people know his secret in hidden weapons.
This second condition will be so hesitant.
When the second condition is promised, the fryer will only be inside the Beihai Cold Iron Array.
"Does he really know what he said?"
"Is he a fool?"
"Does he know that hidden weapons is a life for a concealed weapon master?"
"Do you think anyone will understand him?"
"Isn’t this guy mentally ill?"
"He doesn’t know anything about Wulin? How did he become the head of Hengshan Sword Sect? "

The preparation is not complicated. Boss Zhang thanked him again and again, so Xia Xue Car and Zhou Xiaolong returned to the advertising company together.

When sitting on the stairs, Xia Xue also asked Zhou Xiaolong, "Hey, how sure are you that your cow blew?" !”
Zhou Xiaolong said impatiently, "Oh, don’t worry about the little things!"
Entering the door, Xia Xue saw a guest in the company. Xiaoya, an intern, was accompanying a couple.
But when Xia Xue saw the two men clearly, his eyebrows tightened immediately.
Zhou Xiaolong asked, "What’s wrong?"
Xia Xue explained that "that couple is the landlord who always comes to trouble me these days, mainly because they want high rent. In fact, they are all partners with the company next door and want to crush our company. This couple is very difficult."
Seeing that Xia Xue entered the door, the landlord and his wife immediately got up and the landlady said first, "I said that prices are going up every day in the summer, and the rent can’t be high. You can’t blame us."
Xia Xue retorted that "it was agreed that the lease term would be three years and the monthly rent would be three thousand yuan, but now it has not reached five thousand yuan in three years, which is completely against the rules."
The landlord said, "But we made a verbal agreement at the beginning, and manager Wu next door wants to rent this house, and the price is very high. You can’t help my husband and wife making money in summer!"
"Come on, Xiao Xia, you’re so young. If you think our rent is expensive, you can find another local company and don’t delay our husband and wife from making money."
Zhou Xiaolong quickly understood that it was probably the big advertising company next door that colluded with the landlord to squeeze out Xia Xue.
He said that the landlord came out from behind the chair. He was thin, but his abdomen was surprisingly large, like a pillow was stuffed inside, and his face was sallow.
Zhou Xiaolong, the younger brother of Xuanmen, was proficient in medical skills. He immediately judged that the landlord’s liver was diseased and it was very serious
"I said you’d better not be so grumpy, uncle. I advise you." Zhou Xiaolong said seriously, "You can eat whatever you want when you go home now, because I have seen that you are afraid that your life will not last long."
When the landlord heard Zhou Xiaolong, he dared to curse himself and immediately flew into a rage.
However, the landlady worried that her husband would be angry and hurt her health and put her husband back in the chair.
The landlady turned to Xia Xue and said, "I said, Xiao Xia, who is this child and how can he curse?"
Xia Xue is also embarrassed. She doesn’t want to move from Longteng Building.
Because it is very troublesome for the company to move, it not only costs a lot of money, but also takes a long time to operate in a new place without customers and resources to slow the company down.
The Xia Xue company can’t change the place now. She doesn’t have that much money. There is still one year left in the lease, and she has already given the money to the landlord.
At the moment, Xia Xue wants to persuade the couple to leave, do a few cases and earn some money before considering moving.
But I didn’t expect Zhou Xiaolong to say something like that to the landlord. Isn’t this sincere to intensify the contradiction between the two sides?
To avoid Zhou Xiaolong talkative Xia Xue ruthlessly stare at him low warned "little dragon, you stop talking nonsense! ! !”
Zhou Xiaolong still has a face or expression. He straightened his chest and said to the landlords, "I didn’t talk nonsense. When I spoke, they naturally knew that he was sick and very serious. I’m afraid he wouldn’t last for half a year without treatment."
Xia Xue more nasty want to cover Zhou Xiaolong mouth.
But the opposite male landlord came together to ask, "Do you know medical skills? !”
"Yes, are you a doctor?" The landlady also asked
"Don’t worry about whether I’m a doctor or not. I’ll ask you if I’m right if you have liver problems."
"Yes, yes, yes, you are right!" The landlord nodded quickly.
"If I can get you back to health, will you drive us away at high rent?"
The couple looked at each other and looked at the little boy in front of them. Although he was young, his hair on his head looked like a Taoist.
Since ancient times, heroes have been teenagers. Is it true that today I met an expert who can help them cure diseases?
"Brother, you really have a way? !” The landlord tried to ask
"Of course, Xuanmendi never talks nonsense."
"Then how do you treat me? !”
As the saying goes, the landlord has been troubled by the disease and went to many big hospitals, but he has not cured him.
In fact, the couple just want to give the rent to the company next door to earn a lot of money to continue their treatment. They don’t want to get rid of Xia Xueshi before the lease expires.
If someone says it can cure this disease, the landlord would like to have a try.
Zhou Xiaolong said to the landlady, "Go downstairs and buy a bottle of old vinegar, and then I will treat your husband."
The landlady was hesitant to leave her husband alone, so Xia Xue asked the intern Xiaoyalou to buy vinegar.
The landlady took out 100 yuan and gave it to Xiaoya, who told her to buy the most expensive kind of mature vinegar.
There is a supermarket at the bottom of the building, and Xiaoya soon bought a bottle of authentic mature vinegar.

The next morning, after the morning break, Jack went to Chen Palace to talk about Su Xiuwen’s being in a coma. He was immediately scolded, but she went to Luoyixuan House with him out of the palace. After careful pulse diagnosis, it was determined that Su Xiuwen was in a temporary coma due to excessive blood loss, which made her feel more at ease.

For Su Xiuwen Liancheng, she thinks that people are quite nice, but she didn’t expect that Jack would humiliate a woman like that. Even if the other person is wrong, the man should be generous, right?
Yeah, it’s hard to bear to put a woman in this era by humiliating her first with words and then with actions.
It is not difficult to understand that Su Xiuwen will go to a dead end.
The sun was shining all over the floor, and neither of them spoke when Jack and I walked along the long path in the imperial garden.
For a long time, Jack couldn’t resist saying, "Boss, do you think I did something wrong?"
"Go and sit in the front pavilion for a while" Liancheng didn’t answer his words, but casually said a sentence and walked towards the nearby pavilion.
After she stepped into the pavilion, Jack added, "I hate being calculated and I hate being threatened, boss. You know that."
Liancheng greeted him and sat down with a serious face. "No one in this world likes to be calculated and threatened, but Miss Su Er is your aunt anyway. How can you not show any respect?"
Jack said, "I stayed because she didn’t love herself enough. Can you blame me?"
"Jack wants me to say that Miss Su is at fault, but the fault is more about your parents and yourself." Liancheng took a look at him. "Especially, your mother and a girl are close to each other without picking words, which led to yesterday’s incident."
"I think my attitude is really good for my mother, and she is also good," Jack blurted out.
"Your attitude is true, but it doesn’t mean that the other party can see it." White one eye is priceless, and it’s not urgent or slow. "Su Xiuwen knows that she can marry you as soon as she throws a girl. From this point of view, she is not the kind of mind in your mouth. It is because she feels ashamed to live in this world after being humiliated by you. Chapter 376 Solution
I heard that Jack’s face changed slightly. "Can’t you see that it’s her own business?" Hum, he continued, "But I won’t humiliate her again and again when she is enough. It’s even more exasperating to calculate me and then threaten me. If this woman’s mind is not malicious, what is it?"
Liancheng threw him another dirty look. "Didn’t you listen to what I just said?" Jack looked at her with a sip of his lip and saw that she didn’t good the spirit tunnel. "Miss Sue is bent on marrying you. It’s really wrong for you, but you don’t have to humiliate others in that way, do you? She is a girl and she is in this era. Do you do that to make her live with face? " Jack is still silent, and she can’t help sighing. "Maybe it’s not a threat to make you regret it, just to make you remember her."
"But I was a little reckless at that time, but I couldn’t control my emotions at that time." How did he kiss her at that moment? Jack lowered his eyes and recalled the scene when he kissed Su Xiuwen yesterday.
If there is a feeling, there is doubt, but the subtle feeling he had for women in his previous life is too small.
He was … baiwan?
As soon as the idea crossed Jack’s mind, he suddenly jumped twice.
"Jack" is a whisper.
Look up at her thoughtfully. Jack’s mouth moved but he didn’t say anything.
"Do you still face up to your heart?" When Liancheng’s words were first spoken, Jack was shocked, and his face changed a few times. He muttered, "I, I …" What should he say? Face up to your heart. Does the boss want him to face up to his heart and ask him to find that person?
Liancheng stared at him and frowned when he saw that he had been silent for a long time. "So you are almost open to all the women around you, and Miss Su Er is also a beauty and has a good talent. You are not only unable to give birth to her, but also extremely disgusted. It is not difficult to say that you can’t let Haiyan know your news or go to Forgotten Island to find him?"
"I like women" was silent for a long time, and Jack’s lips and teeth slowly overflowed.
"Really?" Liancheng recalled his lips and smiled, "I know you very well. Don’t tell me anything, I won’t know what you think."
Jack said, "I don’t have any ideas."
"Really not?" Liancheng eyebrows asked
"No" eyes looked at the spring scenery outside the pavilion. Jack said softly, "I want to be a good son and father on a quiet day now." He didn’t want to set foot in that place again, even if he often thought of small fish, he wouldn’t go there. It was very powerful. "Jack, I want to see you happy and don’t want to see you alone." If you don’t wear it, you will still live happily like that. How can you be so preoccupied and see it in people’s hearts?
"Boss, I’m not alone. I have parents and children. I live a full life every day. You don’t care about me." Jack turned around and pulled his lips and smiled lightly.
However, his smile fell into Liancheng’s eyes, but he barely smiled without comfort.
"Sue home there is not difficult for you?" Feelings are two things. If the parties always escape and don’t want to face up to their hearts, even if she persuades them and is impatient, it won’t help. She shakes her head and turns back to the topic of chaos.
"I didn’t ask me not to say anything about Su Xiuwen." Su Xiuwen didn’t go back to the office yesterday. After Sue’s parents got Zhou Mu’s words, she didn’t think deeply about clinker. After knowing the real reason why her daughter didn’t go back to the office today, she was simply ashamed. Although they are not bureaucrats, they are also fragrant. I didn’t expect her daughter to do that. She asked Jack to keep his mouth shut and never force her brother-in-law to be humanitarian.
They won’t blame Sue and Jack if their daughter can wake up.
Speaking of which, do they blame it?
After all, Su Xiuwen is already an adult, and no one forced her to do something wrong. She felt ashamed to see people choose to hit the wall and commit suicide.
"In that case, don’t worry. At the latest, Miss Nisuke will wake up and I’ll untie her and you won’t see her again!" Gently soft voice raised Liancheng got up. "Let’s go and sit in Chen Palace. Three little guys even woke up." Jack followed the silence and didn’t follow her out of the pavilion.
Su Xiuwen woke up in the evening and found herself in a strange place. free from worry stayed in the room for a short time and then struggled to get up from the bed.
"You’re awake!"
After being called by Jack to Luo Yixuan House, Su Xiuwen brought people into the palace to settle down in Xiang Yuge’s middle workshop. Bad gossip affected Jack and Luo Yixuan’s reputation. Of course, Su Xiuwen’s reputation is also under consideration.
Didn’t you hear her when you didn’t talk?
"You’d better lie down because your forehead hurts badly." Liancheng, who walks slowly beside the bed, urged with a smile.
Yes, the bearer is Liancheng. She just wants to see if Su Xiuwen woke up and changed her forehead wound by the way.
Su Xiuwen didn’t listen to the advice. She sat up with difficulty and her eyes fell dead. She asked, "Where is this?" Her voice is hoarse and her expression is callous like a lifeless doll.
"This is the palace. I brought you in." Sitting by the bed, I looked at her with a gentle look.
"the palace?" Su Xiuwen murmured
Liancheng moment said, "You can call me Princess Yu or Princess Yi. I’ve heard what Lord Zhou said about you."
"Zhou adult brother-in-law … said he told you what you are? What does he want to tell you about me? " Su Xiuwen stared at the pain in her dead eyes. "Are you laughing at me together? Laugh at my overreaching, laugh at my self-affection, and deserve to be humiliated by him? "

Seeing everyone urging their eyes, Branna wiped her sweat and coughed a sign that Night Feather could go out to talk with him.

Night feather and bran hospital consider a word bran this just mouth.
"That … I said night feather …"
"that … you are not small now is an adult (have children > _
Chapter VII
In view of the fact that the enemy is dark and the number of our enemies is very large, it is not clear to what extent the other side assimilated human beings. Night Feather simply made a series of preparations to seek information and promote Carrie Luo Li’s strength to prepare for the future.
The activities of the principal’s office of Kari Luo Li Orendo College set up by the Ministry of "Preventing Humans from Assimilating by Demons" are in full swing all over the world.
Now that Datan has fallen into the dependency of Terta, other countries are also eager to move, but everyone has no time to care about national contradictions. Now each of them wants to have a job, which is really too busy.
Yan was sent by Ye Yu to train new recruits, but let him train millions of new recruits by himself. Forget it. What do you want Heather to do? She has to sleep in the dreamland every night, and she is devastated by those green people!
Moreover, those demon families have to be cut into dozens of pieces before they die. They have a thick smell of blood and will turn into human beings. Their recruits can’t sleep well every night, and they have to eat a medium-rare steak with bloodshot blood when they get up early! Rao Shiyan also feels that he can’t stand two dark circles hanging every day and complaining.
Fortunately, being so busy allowed him to think about his feelings about the night feather in his spare time, and Heather could be happy with him.
Aoben, such a big guy, was dragged to give a lecture by Ye Yu …
Carrie Luo Li is a rare soldier, but she is a military student.
Anyone who studies military strategy, marching and disposal theory, and age has been compiled into the study class by Ye Yu. Aoben, these days, every day, his head is cracked with strange faces and strange questions.
He is not good at words when he comes. It is enough for him to deal with the problems of the students in the military academy. Night Feather also asked him and his mercenary group to show actual combat with the students. The students in the class dressed up as generals at all levels to conduct the command. The flame trained the recruits to conduct the guest training process step by step. We should fight wits and be careful not to hack people to death in the battle … For several days, Aoben would rather fight a group of dragons than face such a radish head again!
Rosfer was instructed by Night Feather to train a new ninja with Xuanlei because of his wind posture.
Although Xuanlei is always cheeky and unpretentious, he is unambiguous when it comes to business.
First, Carrie Luo Li selected suitable ninja talents from the applicants, and then conducted closed training. Ninja is really important, but it is also necessary to correctly judge the situation and escape. The posture method can not only help a lot when you escape, but also be very helpful when you are on your way or listening for news.
It is for this reason that Yeyu sent Rosfer to form a small group of students with wind attributes, who can conduct news exploration at any time.
It used to be a very easy job, but the problem was that he had to go through Xuanlei education with the students on the principle of sharing weal and woe with the students.
There is nothing in the dark. Stay in the room for three days. No water, no food, crossing mountains, no weapons, swimming across the long river full of predators …
It’s a miracle that Rosfer thinks she’s still alive!
Bran, the two great magicians who combine light with the necromancer, is not a wave!
Night feather not only made a series of plans for him to train necromancers, but also asked him to come back every night to display the city-wide healing magic for all the trainees.
It takes a lot of magic to stop positioning and sending stones every day, not to talk about dissecting corpses day and night, not to talk about it
He was also asked by the night feather to hold several positions!
Teach future necromancers, light wizards, deal with college affairs, re-plan college structure, compile magic experience and so on.
Yu Xuanlei once rescued the princesses and the Xuanren escort also arrived at Carrie Luo Li (Xuanlei came back first) and met Lyon without a burst of affectionate greetings. Except for Qiu, both of them were shocked by the changed appearance, but forced by the situation, they were immediately thrown into the army by Night Feather.
The second sister Lan went to organize the female army, and the second brother Cyril was sent to support Aoben’s third sister Freya, and was sent to the treatment group.
Night feather although grateful to Freya saved his heart, but it is impossible to treat the other eye.
Unfortunately, big princess Datan was occupied and executed by the demon king together with the royal family.
Lyon, on the other hand, took Xiaoqiu, led by White Dragon and Green, on a journey to find the "best" green beast …
Lasso and Kororo took some business students to rectify together.
Combine large and small businessmen to form a business alliance, and preach to the nobles the truth that they are cold and bitter, saying that they are generous and so on.
What about night feather?
To say that a month ago, he was training the army of Warcraft in the misty forest.
A week ago, he abducted aliens and slaves from other countries.
To say that three days ago, he was looking for veins everywhere.
What about now? He’s at Carrie Luo Li Harbor.
Carrie, there is a huge ship full of gold coins and treasures parked by the Luo Li harbor, and the harbor is also full of several seas.
From the inferior octopus monster to the advanced fisherman warrior, each one is well equipped and prestigious in the harbor.
Not far from the harbor, huge shells are floating on the sea, tall warships are floating on the sea, and the jellyfish army is constantly flashing!
Not far away, you can see the ships piling up treasures, huge shells, pearls and jellyfish, the army is covered with crystals, and the harbor is covered with all kinds of gems …

"I’m going to L.A. for business." The old man made no secret.

"I’m going to Los Angeles, too!" Green slave is laughing …
Ps: The rules for planting grain in the city have been changed by one number. Those who can deliver it once a day can plant dozens of fertilizers, and less than ten chemical fertilizers can be sent to the fans list.
233 panic-whipping method
Update the latest chapter of Pro-Queen as soon as possible!
It’s late.
A face of plain and low-key carriage in the road slowly before.
Car Zi Xuan snuggled up in Duguying’s arms and slept soundly.
However, Duguying is sleepless and frowning with a heavy face.
The soldiers in their hands have almost arrived in northern Xinjiang, but the snow mountain situation is not happy.
The venerable Baili of Baili clan died at the hands of Master, and the virgin Baili Xuan died at the Qing Temple, while Baili Xuan’s elder brother Baili Yunxi not only took charge of the deity of ice and snow for the high priest, but also took charge of the Chinese University.
Baili Yunxi actually removed the throne of the kings of the dugu royal family in the ice and snow temple!
The carriage jolted gently, but Zi Xuan frowned, but he didn’t wake up. He continued to be quiet with a small hand around him.
Duguying carefully put away the secret letter in his hand, and now he can send it to his confidant. Nothing else can help him. The desertion of the army has been blackened.
No one will remember how the high priest found the lucky people one by one, and he didn’t know that he was working hard to keep this plateau from being invaded by the Chinese.
I will remember that he abandoned the army and made De Yi lose his clock in vain.
It seems that this will be a tough battle and it must be iron!
Think this eyes sharp across the scar handsome face cold evil color more and more, the bosom person seems to perceive the strange didn’t wake up is hug his hand tighter.
It was such a subtle movement that it calmed the rage in his heart.
At this moment, however, the carriage slowly stopped.
"I won’t go in front of the guest officer. Go by yourself!" The driver is low outside the curtain.
“?” Duguying is also asked in a low voice for fear of waking up the person in her arms. It seems that Xuan’s son is getting more and more sleepy, and he is so distressed that he is willing to disturb her sleep all the way.
"There are a lot of bandits cutting diameter in front of the guest officer. We all send them here a few steps away. There is an inn. Why don’t you stay for one night before you go?" The driver kindly woke up and kept his voice low.
Duguying carefully put Xuan’s son in a warm place and put a thin quilt on it for her, so she withdrew.
Looking ahead, there is a lantern with high lights. The word "inn" is very clear
"This is not a road? If there will be a diameter cutter? Then the post was changed into an inn? " Duguying asked incredulously
"Guest, you haven’t been here for a long time, haven’t you? After the war, many official roads in the north have been like this. The great grandfather of China hasn’t been rectified here so soon!"
"The inn man?" Duguying understood at once.
"If you don’t know it when you are young, wake up the guest officer and keep an eye on it." The coachman looked cautious
Dugu Yingxin sneered, but took an ingot of gold and handed it to the coachman. "Leave the carriage."
"This ….." The driver is hesitant.
Duguying didn’t say much, but she threw the whole bag of silver to him.
The coachman was so happy that he repeatedly said, "Don’t drink tea in the guest officer’s shop!"
Duguying’s lips flushed with a sneer, and he drove slowly to the second front. He was very careful and had no bumps at all.
Car Zi Xuan is still asleep soundly, without alert and anxiety.
It was agreed that he would protect her and she would protect the children.
After a while, the carriage slowly stopped in front of the inn. This is an inn converted from a post. The door of the inn is open and seems to be waiting for guests to come, but the store is one person.
"The guest officer is sharp or staying in the hotel?" A young man with a small two appearance quickly greeted him.
"Shh …" Duguying squints at a face of evil confusion.
"What’s the matter?" The bartender asked inexplicably.
"Wife and children are asleep" Duguying is also low.
The bartender nodded again and again and said, "Is the guest officer sharp?"
"Well," said Du Guying, then the car went to the store.
The bartender saw the carriage with a sneer in his eyes and turned to go in.
As soon as I got started, another small two greeted me, not as tall as the one behind me.
Duguying saw his one eye and sat with his back to the door.
"The guest officer fatigue all the way to drink a cup of tea first, and what dishes will be sent by the horse later?" He said respectfully and poured a cup of tea for Duguying.
"Just copy a few side dishes and a pot of wine." Duguying said with a smile that when she picked up the tea, she raised her hand, and the tea in the cup suddenly went straight to the door like a sharp weapon and went straight into the throats of the men who came near the carriage.
So sad that I couldn’t even shout, so I went straight down and didn’t even scare the horse.
Two small two immediately dumbfounded.
"Not immediately? What are you still doing? " Duguying eyebrows asked.
"Yes, yes, I’m going!" Two small two panic nodding nasty then toward the fire room.
A smile appeared on Duguying’s lips, turned around and looked out the door. His wife and children slept soundly.
It’s time to hurry, but I can’t bear her to rush around and think for a moment, or go out to the carriage. It’s not bad to delay one more night, is it
However, when he lifted the car curtain, the whole person was instantly stunned
one person
"Xuan son … Zi Xuan …"
Kuang Kuang courtyard suddenly all a fear at a loss to look around is a person.
Just now, the attention root has never been away from the carriage root, and no one is allowed to approach it.
How could this happen! ?
He lost her again.
It’s like this again. I have it around but I easily lose it! 、
"MuZiXuan …"
Suddenly there was silence.

Watergate quickly said, "Everyone stop practicing and stop practicing."

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at Yan. At the same time, Naruto’s left eye suddenly burst into white light. Not only Naruto, but also others, where they shine, gave them rings with their fingers.
Naruto quickly checked it and found that it was the black pearl that he put in the room. Naruto immediately realized that it was preparing to send them to another world, and the door was about to open.
Naruto quickly said to his friends around him, "It’s time to take out your black beads quickly." Then Naruto took out his black beads, followed by a flash of white light and Naruto was directly sucked into the white light and disappeared.
Chapter four hundred and fifty Begins in another world
There are not only humans in this world, but also dwarves, winged people, elves, orcs, monster beasts, demons, dragons, and one of the most mysterious races, Tatan, which disappeared in a branch of giants thousands of years ago.
These nine ethnic groups rule the pale blue continent, which is very huge, more than 50 times that of the Huoying world. Among them, a huge land occupies 10% of the world and 20% of the ocean.
There is a lot of aura (natural chakra) here, and the average life expectancy of creatures is very long. It is no problem for humans to live a hundred years old easily. If you practice, it is no problem to live a 200-year-old when you first enter the world.
Because most people are addicted to cultivation, the technology here is not developed and still stays in the era of the Middle Ages of the earth, but the destructive power of the practice here is not inferior to that of the modern science and technology of the earth, so it can be said that the development direction is different
In the human world, there are three empires occupying the eastern part of the mainland, and the neighboring two ethnic groups of the Elves often have wars. The three human empires are the oldest Tianheng Empire, the first Zhou Empire and the later rising Ao Yun Empire. Among them, Tianheng Empire is the strongest, Zhou Empire is the weakest, and Ao Yun Empire is the weakest. After occupying most of the land in the eastern part of the pale blue continent, there are three hundred neighboring principalities of the Elves, large and small. These three hundred principalities are also called chaotic by the three empires, because wars often occur here.
Chaos often leads to wars to destroy the state, and because of the poor public security here, thieves run rampant and no one manages them.
Ao Yun’s three great empires of mankind are the centenary of Ao Yun’s imperial emperor Duanmu Feng, who was enfeoffed all over the empire. Duanmu Feng’s birthday has been returned to the capital one after another. Duanmu Feng has three big ones in the queen’s family. Now it is too named Duanmu Gan, the second king, Duanmu Fei and the third king, Duanmu Tian, among which san huang’s Duanmu Tian ability is the most outstanding. Ao Yun Empire is flowing everywhere, he said.
It can be said that the Ao Yun Empire can have today or it was only by san huang that it stabilized the Ao Yun Empire. Three years ago, when there was a drought in Ao Yun, the people were in dire straits. The general of Tianheng Empire even led an army of 500,000 troops to invade the southern border of Ao Yun Empire, and the garrison commander was killed. The southern border was immediately chaotic, and it was ready to receive the whole proud Yunnan territory and then take the whole Ao Yun.
The imperial court of Ao Yun was suddenly in chaos, and even the emperor Duanmufeng of Aoyun Empire was desperate. He was only thirteen years old when he was in charge. san huang Duanmutian turned the tide and led 100,000 apocalypse cavalry to the south alone to fight against 100,000 fighters, connecting 500,000 troops.
Duanmu Tianshen made a risk and was personally led by 10,000 fighters. Even the grain and grass were attacked. Because of underestimating the enemy, the grain and grass were not guarded, and 500,000 troops were burned. The next day Duanmu Tianshi continued to fall 30,000 fighters. Even the army was attacked by Duanmu Tianshi. When he was introduced into the canyon fire attack, his ranks were less than 300,000.
As soon as I got out of the canyon, it was a plain. I just escaped from the fire and was raided by a hundred thousand fighters in Duanmutian. At this time, even the soldiers were exhausted, and after a night without sleep, food, sleep and hunger, they rose up and resisted, but that was the opponent of the hundred thousand cavalry who had saved their strength and the apocalypse.
The people of Ao Yun Empire believe that no one can move Ao Yun and Ao Yun Empire because of the World War I, when Duanmutian was in Ao Yun, and no one dares to move Ao Yun’s thoughts again.
Duanmutian was also sealed because of this war. The king of Chu was in charge of the thirteen States in the south and became a proud cloud empire. At the age of thirteen, he sealed the king.
Today Duanmu Tian also set out from the south to the capital. In addition to the 10,000 apocalypse cavalry, Duanmu Lian, the fifth princess of the Empire, was born by Emperor Yun Guifei of Ao Yun. Duanmu Tian’s half-brother and sister came to the south a few days ago and now just returned to Beijing with Duanmu Tian. Duanmu Lian is fourteen years old and three years younger than Duanmu Tian. I hope to stick to Duanmu Tian since I was a child. It is also because I haven’t seen Duanmu Tian for a long time.
At this time, Duanmulian sat in the sedan chair and complained, "I’m not going back. How long has it been since I came out? I’m going back again, third brother. I want to stay in the south for a few more days."
Sitting next to Duanmu Lian, Duanmu Tianban raised his face and said, "I knew you were fourteen years old and still wanted to play like a child. My father would be unhappy if he knew."
Duanmulian rose and said, "I don’t care if you’re unhappy. It’s like you’re afraid of your father since you sealed the queen."
After hearing Duanmu Lian’s words, Duanmu Tian sighed slightly, "Your sister, you don’t understand that I’m not afraid of my father. I’m just avoiding it. At that time, I was impulsive and caused my brother. Now I’m in this passive situation. To be honest, I’d rather not be sealed. I’d rather have no light in my life. My brother was too young."
Duanmulian heard the sadness in Duanmutian’s tone and knew the difficulty of Duanmutian. He suddenly asked curiously, "Do you regret it, brother?" Do you regret pacifying the southern border? "
Duanmutian shook his head after hearing this and laughed. After laughing, Duanmutian was full of lofty sentiments and said, "I don’t regret it. If I have to do it again, I will still lead an army to pacify the southern border, even though it will be suspected by my father and feared by my eldest brother. But I won’t regret that Tianheng Empire wants to annex me. If Duanmutian doesn’t want me, he can’t step into my Ao Yun border."
Duanmutian looked at Duanmulian with latosolic red eyes and said, "Sister, did you see the terrible situation in Yunnan at that time?" Those Tianheng soldiers are all animals. No, they are not as good as animals. They are just a group of demons in human skin. They are not human beings. I will kill these animals as bad as everything, and I will not even give them surrender. "
Looking at Duanmutian’s crazy look, Duanmutian was a little scared. She had never seen such Duanmutian. Now Duanmutian is like coming out of hell. Duanmutian is afraid to say, "Brother, don’t do this. I’m afraid, afraid."
Hearing Duanmu Lian’s words, Duanmu genius quickly put away his murderous look and rage, took Duanmu Lian’s hand and said, "I’m sorry to scare you. I’m really sorry if I want to do this together, I’ll think of the terrible situation in the south at that time and I can’t control myself to scare you."
Duanmulian shook his head and said, "No, I can’t blame my brother for thinking that Tianheng Empire is not good. I can imagine my brother. You must have seen something that made you very angry. Otherwise, how could you get out of control when you think about it? You can rest assured that your brother and those people have been killed by you. Now it will be better if you manage the south."
Duanmutian said with a smile, "Well, everything will be fine. When we are strong, I will let them pay back the debt of Tianheng Empire sooner or later."
At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, Duanmu Tianhe looked at the sky, and suddenly a crack broke out in the sky, releasing a thunderbolt, just like Duanmu Lianhua was afraid of hiding behind Duanmu Tianshi and peeking at the sky.
Duanmutian looked at the sky in disbelief. Although his strength has reached the middle of the mortal realm, he still can’t understand such a vision. He knows that this is not a natural formation, but a person. But what kind of realm does it have to be for a person to do this? Duanmutian can’t understand it, and neither can people around him.
Listen to the guards around him and ask, "Your Majesty, what’s going on?"
Duanmutian shook his head and said, "Wang can’t understand it either, but it must not be formed naturally, but people don’t know what kind of power can do it. Even Master Wang’s heavenly heart Taoist can’t do such a vision of heaven and earth."
At this time, a figure appeared from the crack, and Duanmulian curiously pointed to the figure and shouted, "Look, brother, look, there is a person appearing from the crack."
In fact, Duanmu Lian woke up, Duanmu Tian had already seen it, and when that figure appeared, the cracks gradually healed, and the vision was no longer there. Duanmu Tian said to the guards around him, "Let’s go and have a look at the boulders."
The breccia replied, "But is there any danger to your report? It’s better to let Xiao take people there. Your report and the princess just wait here."
Duanmutian frowned and said, "That’s a lot of nonsense. The king said to go and see together."
Breccia suddenly frightened and bowed down, saying, "I dare not be humble."
Duanmu Tiandao "Cut the crap and let’s go. No one blames you."
"Yes, yes, I know. Let’s go," said the breccia hurriedly.
Naruto looked at this strange world and felt that the world was natural. chakra said to Kyubi no Youko, "Kyubi no Youko is really rich in natural chakra."
Kyubi no Youko said, "Well, this world is natural and chakra is really rich. If you practice in this world, you will make rapid progress."
Suddenly, a huge roar sounded and Naruto hurried to look behind him and saw a huge black tiger eyeing him. The huge black tiger was emitting black flashes, and Naruto was curious to see Hei Hu Hei Hu watching Naruto carefully.
Hei Hu saw that this human being was not afraid of himself, and Hei Hu still felt danger from this human body. Hei Hu let out another growl in his anxiety and said, "Who are you? I will feel danger from you. Who are you?"
Naruto suddenly became curious when he saw Hei Hu suddenly speak and asked, "You can talk?"
Hei Hu replied, "Hum, I’m the seventh-order Dark Cloud Tiger King of Warcraft. Of course I can talk. You haven’t answered my words yet. Who are you and what will appear on my site?"
Naruto dug his ears and said, "You’re too noisy. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. You say you are the seventh-order demon king of Warcraft. How can you talk? There are many other talking Warcraft like you in this world?"
Hei Hu replied, "You human beings are really interesting. You don’t even know this common sense. After entering the seventh order, Warcraft can refine the bone stuck in your throat, and of course you can speak. Of course, we don’t like to say that your human language feels like bird language. If I am not interested in you, I won’t bother to talk nonsense with you. Well, I have answered your question. Now it’s time to answer my question. How did you come to my site?"
Naruto suddenly didn’t know how to answer Hei Hu’s question. He could say, "Well, I’m not sure that there was a flash of white light at the moment and then he came here."
Hei Hu couldn’t get the answer he wanted, and suddenly he was furious. "Man, you are challenging my patience. Now I don’t care how you appear in my site, then you have to die, dark thunder." Hei Hu suddenly spit out a black flash from his mouth and hit Naruto.
Naruto hurriedly hid and stared at Hei Hu. "You are too barbaric."
When Hei Hu saw Naruto easily escaping from himself, Lei suddenly became furious and said, "Hum, no matter who you are or how you came here and broke into my site without my permission, then you should be prepared to die. Well, it’s really deadly for humans to break into my site again."
Duanmutian saw them when they entered the valley, but Naruto didn’t pay much attention to it. Duanmutian found that the man who suddenly appeared from the valley was fighting with the black cloud and the tiger king, and it was only then that he remembered that this was the site of Warcraft in the seventh order.
See the black cloud king tiger use thunderous Duanmu Yun quickly said to the side breccia "protect the princess Ann I’ll solve the black cloud king tiger" and Duanmu day rushed out from the Luanjia, silver gun in his hand will be shot to strike the thunder department.
Duanmu Tian was just about to attack the black cloud and the tiger king when a stereo suddenly said, "Since you want to die yourself, it’s no wonder that I am mini spiral shuriken."
Duanmu Yun saw Naruto stretch out a finger, and then a yellow energy appeared in the finger. The energy turned into two tiny arms, and then Naruto’s finger appeared like a dart. hidden weapons, hidden weapons hit the black cloud and the tiger king suddenly became bigger, and then the black tiger king was cut in half.
Duanmu Yun never thought that the seventh-order Dark Cloud Tiger King of Warcraft would simply be killed by people. At this moment, he remembered the former vision and thought to himself, "What is the realm of this young man? Is it so horrible to pretend to be a young old monster? If it is act young, I should be able to see some clues, but there is nothing false about this young man’s appearance. This says that this appearance is the appearance of this young man. What is this Uber?"
Naruto solved the problem of the black cloud and King Tiger came to the body of the black cloud and King Tiger. After Naruto collected the body of the black cloud and King Tiger, he came to Duanmutian and held out a hand and said, "Thank you for helping me. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. Just call me Naruto."
Duanmu Yun also held out a hand and smiled with Naruto. "My name is Duanmutian, and I didn’t really help Naruto. Do you have any place to go?"
Naruto shook his head and said, "No, I just came here and I have no purpose. I came here to practice."
Duan Muyun said with a smile, "Hehe, that’s great. It’s my father’s birthday in a few days. Naruto, if you don’t mind, come with me to have fun."
Naruto is in urgent need of this world information to see that Duanmutian’s clothes are not ordinary people, so he is the best person to find out information, so Naruto readily agreed to Duanmutian’s invitation and went to the imperial capital of Ao Yun with him