Du Xin son immediately chimed in after listening to the mysterious questions. "I also think it’s a trap. We’d better be careful. It’s definitely nothing good for Li Yonghao to see us. What can we talk about with him? What do you say? "

The cat took a look at the crowd and sank, "I think what would Ji Dong do if he met this situation?"
Wolf providence sink a way: "At the beginning, the young master once said that he would let Li Yonghao see us combine with them. There is no doubt that this foundation was established after the creation of the sacred island was released, and it can be said that this foundation is more stable after we killed all the dark dead guards and the dark heavenly beasts. Li Yonghao is the leader of the anti-cat organization. I am afraid he is also in a dilemma now. He will never hope that the dark cat will lead the dark army to unify the whole world. If that is not good for him, his most hope should be me." In this case, he is unlikely to help the dark cat set a trap to kill us because it is not good for his current situation. From the strength point of view, after all, the dark army is now superior to our light army, and if we are missing, the victory scale will be even more inclined, so I think this should not be a trap. "
The analysis of the wolf’s providence is obviously much more powerful than what Du Xiner said just now. It is true that the saints have nodded their heads. From the theoretical analysis, it is no good for Li Yonghao if he is annihilated. If there is no Frey, Li Yonghao may still have some hope for the dark secret, but Frey’s appearance will definitely smash him completely. He finally expects that the dark secret is not stupid. Even if he chooses his successor in cold blood, he will definitely choose his own son instead of possibly affecting his rule over the dark saint.
Yao Qian said, "I also agree with God’s will that Li Yonghao’s ambush on us may be very small, and let’s not forget that the red-violet skyfire may go out at any time. The most important thing for the dark cat is not our side, but the front line. If I were him, I would never leave the front line for a moment and I would always be ready to fight, regardless of his holy peak strength. He is the backbone of the whole dark army. If he does not doubt during the war, it will lead to a low momentum of the dark army and he will not be afraid of me if he wants to fight." If we don’t go to the front, the dark secret can even abandon the dark temple. It’s really impossible to deal with us at the important moment when the battle is about to be fought, and if I’m not mistaken, he will definitely calculate that we must have serious damage because of the dark guard, so I think we should go to see Li Yonghao’s secret and you can decide. "
The eyes of the cat quietly emerged from the eyebrows of the cat, and the light flashed without the cat slowly nodding and sinking. "Let’s go." Through soul induction, he could roughly predict the fortunes of the trip, and the result was obviously benign.
One day later
In the pub closest to the dark fortress, the heavenly saints are quietly waiting for them to come early. With the origin of the alliance against the cat, and the large amount of food and foam given this time, they can get accurate information before coming to the appointment place. Although they are short of Ji Dong and Chen Sixuan, they have a certain understanding of the surrounding situation and have a little arrangement. After all, the heavenly saints are all strong with nine crowns. Their cultivation is not comparable to that of ordinary magicians with nine crowns, which makes their magic more cohesive than ordinary magicians. If the dark cat leads the heavenly saints to arrive here, they will be more attractive.
"Coming" The cat’s eyes moved slightly, and the eyes of the saints became sharp at the same time.
The footsteps sounded from outside the pub, wearing a black cloak and covering his head. Li Yonghao strode in and sat directly in front of the cat, which surprised the saints. It was Li Yonghao’s trip that he was alone, and he didn’t bring a dark saint, not to the pub, but to the city.
"Pavilion seems very confident," said the cat was light.
Li Yonghao’s eyes swept away and revealed a little surprise. He didn’t expect that there would be so many naked saints in front of him. He didn’t say the specific number of naked saints, but he soon relaxed because he didn’t see Ji Dong in the crowd.
"Didn’t Ji Dong come?" Li Yonghao asked lightly.
"I can represent him," said the cat. "He has other things to contend with. I think we will all have reservations about each other."
Li Yonghao’s eyes moved slightly and looked straight at the secret as if he wanted to see the mystery in his heart. It’s a pity that he wanted to get it from the soul Xiu Yuan’s eyes higher than his. He wanted to know if it was impossible. Did Ji Dong die in the Dark Dead World War I? This idea lingers in Li Yonghao’s heart, and his heart can’t help fluctuating with it. If Ji Dong is really dead, it will be bad for his plan, because it seems to him that Ji Dong can lead these light-hearted saints to compete with the dark cat.
"I don’t think we need to talk about it any more," said Li Yonghao, who had got up and was about to walk away.
The cat didn’t stop him, but he quietly watched him go out. His eyes were full of inquiries. Although Li Yonghao was strong, the overall strength of the saints was not comparable to that of the saints in the dark. Compared with their efforts, Li Yonghao could not run.
Li Yonghao walked all the way to the door and didn’t find any sound behind him. There was little magic fluctuation. You know, although he turned his back on the saints, he was extremely cautious. He always felt the changes behind him carefully. Li Yonghao turned around and looked at the cat and found that the cat was looking at him calmly.
"I need Ji Dong Yard. He’s still alive. It’s the basis of our discussion. He has shown me that you and I are in harmony, but without him, I think the plan is meaningless. I’m afraid you will have the same understanding yourself."
Listen to Li Yonghao’s words, the cat got up slowly and raised his right hand slowly and pressed his forehead. Li Yonghao clearly saw the cat’s eye emerge and the cat solemnly said, "I swear by the name of the cat that the holy king Ji Dong is still alive and his strength has increased or decreased compared with before. If half a sentence is empty, the light will overturn."
In an instant, a golden light flashed out of the cat’s eyes and didn’t
Li Yonghao is a discerning person and naturally recognizes that this is a contractual oath. It is impossible for ordinary magicians to make such an oath first. Moreover, this oath is said from the mouth of the light cat in front of him. Although he has no strong repair, the two continents of light and darkness are of great significance, but the dark cat is equal. I can’t help but believe Li Yonghao.
In fact, the oath of the cat was meaningless. Ji Dong was indeed alive and better than before. The problem is that they left Ji Dong but didn’t wake up. There was no Ji Dong in his oath to participate in the grand battle. It can be said that it was a word game, which made Li Yonghao have to believe in word games.
Looking at the cat Li Yonghao eyes finally some changes have taken place, the face is hard and the lines are soft, and many nods a way"In that case, I believe that we have a basis for peace talks. You should also know that we are a member of the dark five-element mainland. I never want our dark five-element mainland to be ruled by your light five-element mainland, so it is impossible for me to help you deal with our dark army. Our rebellion against the cat alliance is a dark cat. Although we are all human beings, in a sense, we belong to different races. Therefore, we have two first peace talks before peace talks. The basis must be to ensure my dark five-element at least. The second reason for the mainland’s security is that the dark cat must die. Only when he dies can I use my resources to unify the dark five elements of the mainland and improve the situation of the people’s misery. I can show our sincerity first. There is still a warehouse in the dark fortress with ordnance and grain. This time, the dark cat asked me to come here to transport these things to the front, but I can let you move the warehouse. Of course, you must give us resistance to the alliance of the dark cat to support the suffering people, and you must let me see that sincerity is to kill the dark cat. Everything will be much easier when the dark cat dies. With the strength of your light-and-dry saints and the strength of our dark-and-dry saints, with the help of twenty artifacts of light and darkness, it is possible for us to reproduce the grand occasion displayed by the holy island of the first generation of saints. Perhaps our strength is not as good as that of the first generation of saints, but it is not too difficult to create an array like that of the original holy island. It is not too difficult to re-isolate my dark five-element continent from your light-and-five-element continent, and peace will reappear. Our two continents can also avoid the death of civilians due to the battle
At this point, Li Yonghao paused for a moment before continuing to sink. "This is all I can show sincerity. I believe you can also feel my sincerity. Please consider it carefully."
Li Yonghao’s eyes looked at the secret with sincerity. The dark holy king looked very sincere and seemed as sincere as he said.
Cat quietly watching Yong-hao li slowly nodded "pavilion is really sincere, but how can we ensure that you can keep your promise after the dark cat was killed by us? Chapter six hundred and fifty Finally put out the red-violet skyfire.
Although the cat’s eye is not as sharp as Li Yonghao’s, it is deeper than him. Can you still keep your promise? When this sentence is asked, his whole temperament seems to have changed.
Li Yonghao said lightly, "I scared you to death. It is my sincerity, not my commitment. I never believed that I believe that the strength pavilion is still not as bold as Ji Dong. If it is Ji Dong, he will definitely not ask me this sentence. He will act and prove his strength. At that time, I have no chance to violate the rules."
Li Yonghao’s confession makes the cat frown slightly. The key is that he is right. He is indeed far less ambitious than Ji Dong’s master! You must wake up. Without you, a light saint is not a light saint.
Although I think so in my heart, the cat’s mouth is obviously unwilling to suffer. "In this case, we are also very sincere according to what Ge said, but the final result is not what we can guess now, and all the endings will have to wait until we really get to that day."
Li Yonghao slowly nodded, "Well, we’ll wait for that day to come. Take care, everyone." After saying this, he turned and walked away and disappeared from everyone’s sight.
Li Yonghao stayed for a short time from arrival to departure, and the answers of both sides were both in vain. It’s hard to say now. If the saints can really kill the dark cat, then everything may be possible. But as Li Yonghao said, it must be that the strength of both sides is even after killing the dark cat. Only in this way can it be possible to re-establish the sacred island as a barrier with the help of the saints of both sides like the first generation of saints. But is this balance really that easy to achieve? That is, when they deal with the dark secret, Li Yonghao and his dark saints are probably not in harmony. Without the support of the dark saints, it is obviously much easier to deal with the dark secret by isolating an individual. Of course, even so, he is still a holy peak and the overall strength is not so easy to compete.
The day after the two sides met, the Heavenly Saints had already visited the dark fortress again, but this time they were going to come in secret. Many Li Yonghao replaced the people guarding the last warehouse with himself, and he had little strength. The Heavenly Saints moved the last warehouse with the magic weapon against the cat alliance, and saved a large number of displaced civilians in the dark five elements mainland with these food.
In terms of governance, both Li Yonghao and the anti-cat alliance flash father-in-law are many times stronger than the dark cat. After controlling most parts of the dark five-element mainland, the anti-cat alliance effectively organizes people to engage in production and farming, and makes every effort to ensure that they can barely satisfy their hunger at this stage. When a new batch of food comes, the famine in all parts of the dark mainland will be effectively curbed. Of course, there is still a long way to go before the dark five-element mainland can recover its vitality.
Li Yonghao was very dark, and the saints were not in a hurry to return to the front line. He told him that the last warehouse of the fortress was moved during the rescue of the dark fortress by the dark saints, and there were more saints left than expected. He was leading the dark saints to hunt down and hope to clear these anomalies.
What Li Yonghao did can be said to be a perfect seam, and the most important thing is that the battle is about to be fought. It is impossible for the dark cat roots to leave the front line and come to the fortress to see the specific situation. He told Guangtiangan saints that they would not appear in the battle field in the early days of the war, so that the Guangtian saints could seize the time.
There is enough news for the saints of light, but they are not happy at all because their holy king has never returned
Red-violet skyfire is still burning quietly, but at this time, the whole sacred island is in a state of tension. No one knows when the red-violet skyfire will go out, but everyone knows that once the red-violet skyfire goes out, the war will break out. At that time, it will not be as simple as the loss of life. Everyone will fall into this war.
This sacred island will also be destined to become a huge game between the two sides of the meat grinder, which is the key to the victory of the sacred island. It can be said that it has laid the foundation for the victory. It seems that this moment has ended in the sacred island.
The atmosphere at night is very refreshing. Since there is no Wanlei to rob the prison, the environment of the sacred island has become better than before. I don’t know how much it is sunny almost every day, and even when it rains, the sun is still hanging high. This is all because of the red-violet skyfire. Dark clouds are forming in this sacred island.
Compared with the moment when it just burned, the gorgeous red fire curtain has become dim. Many people can see each other through the fire curtain, and some vague scenes are opposite. The magic of the ultimate killing skill is finally exhausted, and the fluctuation of the fire element in the air has become more intense. There is a layer of faint red halo in the sky.
At the same time, the strange sight attracted the attention of both sides. Although it was night, the army of light had immediately demonstrated its action. Ten thousand magic divisions first appeared on the battlefield. Every ten people were neatly arranged in a row, facing each other with red-violet skyfire, and one hand was on the shoulder of the other, and the five elements were in circulation.
The vision of red-violet skyfire tells everyone that it is about to change, and the dark army will naturally not be calm here
There is a man in front of the dark cat quietly facing the red-violet skyfire Frey, and behind him are tens of thousands of dark magic armies. Although the saints have done a lot in the dark five elements of the mainland, at this moment, the total number of dark magic armies gathered around the dark cat is still more than 40 thousand, and there are still hundreds of thousands to prepare for the dark magic army. One by one, heavy armored regiments with excellent war weapons form a solid phalanx. In a short time, both armies have made preparations for battle
Hum-red-violet skyfire suddenly shook violently. A layer of water waves came out from the guide, and a strong red moment lit up the whole sacred island, but it also rose slowly like a huge curtain. The fluctuation in the strong fire element drove his attribute magic element. The ultimate killing skill of the horizontal stalk sacred island for more than four years finally turned into a red cloud suspended to illuminate the sacred island, which also made the barriers between the two sides disappear quietly.
No matter whether it was light or dark red-violet skyfire, no one made a move at the moment when it disappeared. Both sides looked up and looked at the spread in the red halo. Both sides finally saw each other’s kind of cold gas surging out like a huge wave. Even the murderous look emitted by the original god-killing Prius was compared with the millions of dark light armies in front of us. Both sides had more battlefield troops than three million light and five elements, and there were more on one side of the mainland because they still had a large number of logistics personnel. In this respect, there were also many dark five elements in the mainland, but the six warehouses of the sacred island were destroyed by the original creation, accompanied by millions of
If you look down from it, you can clearly see that the Everbright Army and the Dark Army are completely different, just like two completely different worlds. Most of the places on the Everbright Army are swaying roots, and there are no plants, while the dark army is full of green creation at a glance except the army. All this is brought by creation.
The atmosphere of the two sides solidified as if to drop water, and the magic condensed by each other’s magic division was climbing several times. It really deviated from the balance, and the light army was suppressed. The rhythm of magic in the air here was much larger, and the overwhelming general sharp coercion made the light army feel breathless there.
The commander-in-chief of the light Coalition forces, the equal king Ji Yunsheng, is at the front of the team. His face is ugly and even his breathing is unstable. Not all the generals around him are good. The magic division and the Presbyterian church are strong, and everyone’s heart is beating faster. Don’t say that there is a situation in which millions of troops confront each other. No one in their field has ever encountered this kind of atmosphere. It can be said that they are all immersed in a grand and vast pressure, so that everyone is in a daze. This situation also appears on the other side of the mainland. This is also what happened. After the disappearance of the red-violet skyfire on both sides, no one started work. To put it bluntly, they are all in a daze. Yes, millions of troops are in a daze.