They were originally scheduled to get up early the next day to take photos in Yunshan, but for some reason, Zhao Gan and her friends both suffered from insomnia that night, and they were still awake until a little early in the morning.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door in the middle of the night, and someone was singing the children’s song "Little Rabbit Darling" outside. Both little girls were startled. The girl who walked with her called Su Shaodan ran to the door to ask who it was.
But got no response.
They didn’t rush to open the door. About half an hour later, a police officer called them and said that suspicious people had just fled outside, hoping that they could open the door and cooperate with the investigation.
Zhao Gan and Sue shallow a listen to is the police, and the opposite accurately called out their names as soon as they lost their guard and opened the door.
The door opened and their first dreamland began.
Finally, Su Shao found that the problem broke the dreamland.
But when they came out, they found that the outside had changed long ago, and there were mutants everywhere. Sue’s shallow power was aggressive, and she stumbled out of the hotel with Zhao Gan.
But when they escape, they don’t know where to go next. They can run and hide and be forced to move forward with their eyes wide open.
Zhao Gan’s power is hidden, which can be integrated with the surrounding dreamland to the greatest extent, and can not be discovered by mutants and other humans. It is as offensive as Mao Chengcheng’s power, and it is not as advantageous as Fang Yin and Qin Yougui’s power, which can maximize and strengthen itself.
Suitable for escape
And Zhao Gan also put this escape skill into full play, hiding in Izumo Town, avoiding many mutants, sweeping a large amount of materials from the mall and planning to run away.
Just as she was about to leave Izumo, she met a group of people.
The other party is a normal human.
She came to meet reinforcements by herself, but she saw the other side kill other people who escaped from the dreamland. The man rummaged for something and finally seemed to find nothing, and scolded him in a low voice.
She had never seen such a scene. At that moment, human beings were more horrible than mutants in her eyes.
She was scared silly.
Desperately fled to the back of the square rockery, but stumbled upon the unfinished construction site, the light city.
It’s very different from the ground world
No horrible mutant, no suffocating purple-gray smoke, and no human who wants her life.
I don’t know when clusters of white flowers will grow in the small corner of the city of lights.
The grains of rice are like clusters, much like the stars all over the sky, but they are much more fragrant than the stars all over the sky. It is the kind of reassuring sweet smell.
It’s ridiculous to be peaceful here. Compared with the outside, it’s a paradise in troubled times
Zhao Gan thought that she had found a wonderful place. She camped here and spent nearly half a month relying on the materials she had found before until she fainted because of long-term mental strain.
Then Fang Yin found her curled up in the corner.
Zhao Gan’s expressive ability is very good. Try to make her experience clear in short words.
She took a deep breath and explained, "I woke up in a daze for a while, and I didn’t know that it had been so many days until I was held. You were with those people who killed me before."
That’s why she reacted so violently, struggling and crying.
Fang Yin turned to look at Qin Xu and found that he was staring at Zhao Gan. He didn’t find Fang Yin’s sight and didn’t want to talk.
So Fang Yin can ask herself, "What about the girl who is traveling with you?"
"She is shallow, she was taken away." Zhao Gan held the water bottle and said this with some tears in her eyes. "I don’t know how she is now."
Zhao Gan’s experience these days is too much beyond Fang Yin’s cognition.
Whether it is able to disperse the dense fog and white flowers or start work on their own kind, human beings have never met Fang Yin before and suddenly realize that Li Xing is just the tip of the iceberg in this fog.
Chapter 25 Mystery Games
I was taken away, that is to say, I have left Izumo Town, and I don’t know where those people who took Su Shallow came from. Being in the fog, China and India can’t manage so many things. I didn’t worry too much when I learned that Su Shallow is no longer in Izumo Town.
Fang Yin looked at Zhao Gan with a dignified expression and said, "But there was no white sea of flowers around you when we found you."
"How?" Zhao Gan looked surprised. She put the water bottle in her hand and sat up straight. "I was in the sea of white flowers. I think they should have dispelled the dense fog. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be alive today. Why not?"
Fang Yin first guessed whether Zhao Gan was too weak and caused her to have some kind of hallucination.
Qin Yougui suddenly asked her, "Have you ever experienced a second dreamland?"
"What second dreamland?" Zhao Gan looks at a loss, and some can’t understand what they are saying.
I cann’t believe I haven’t had a second fantasy?
Fang Yin and Qin Xugui glances saw doubt and shock in each other’s eyes.
The situation in Zhao Gan is really special
All the members of Li Xingzhong, Zhao Yi and Qin Yougui, have been compiled into a book. After everyone came out of the dreamland, the longest foggy period was only seven days.
It’s not that no one has tried not to open the door after the seven-day epidemic period, and the most consequence of hard resistance in the fog is direct mutation with no chance of survival
That’s why they have to enter the dreamland honestly every seven days. The reason is that if they enter the dreamland, they should be smart. There is a great possibility of survival, but if they don’t even enter the dreamland, they will die.
But according to Zhao Gan’s account, it has been far more than seven days since she came out of the first dreamland.
But she has neither experienced the second dreamland nor alienated.
Nowadays, I’m sitting here and just being treated by Zhao Yi, and I’m looking at them with vacant eyes.
There are thousands of questions in Fang Yin’s heart, and there is no way to ask them all at once. I can answer Zhao Gan’s second dreamland question first, while Qin Yigui went upstairs to find Zhao Yi.
He handed Zhao Gan the Li Xing handbook in his bag, and then gave her a general introduction to the running rules of the world after a heavy fog came.
Zhao Gan looked at him with a puzzled nod.
Looking at her Fang Yin, I couldn’t help thinking of the other day. I didn’t expect that after only a few days, he had already started teaching these things from a little white who knew everything.
Just then, Zhao Yi suddenly pushed the door and came in. Fang Yin looked behind her and found that there was no Qin Yigui figure behind her. It was Qin Yigui who changed posts with her.
"Much better before the hazy brain is not very clear, but now I don’t feel that way." It is obvious that Zhao Gan believes more in Zhao Yi. When she came in, she smiled and leaned forward.
Zhao Yi nodded and stretched out his hand to help her sort out a broken hair on her temples and then gently rubbed it off. She had just rubbed biscuit crumbs.
"If you are better, take us to the sea of flowers you said later. Let’s have a look. When I saved you, I didn’t find any white flowers around. What you described is very strange. You have to figure it out, okay?" Zhao yi pushed the frame on the bridge of the nose gold-rimmed glasses peach blossom eye smilingly asked.
Zhao Gan has no opinion. Darling Qiaoqiao nodded his head.