A series of explosions suddenly rang out in the forest. Because the three of them attacked and broke, the leaves fell down and flew like a tree. The posture of Maomao was broadcast by the dark part of Muye, which was particularly surprising. It was a group hiding across from Maomao!

Two rebellious people have recognized their identity. The strangest thing is that their clothes are equally extremely sensitive. Siying immediately knew that they were members of the same organization.
"Shu Mao’s strength is really good. A spiral pill can be so effective elsewhere. I think Watergate can laugh when he knows it!" Lei Ying is the only ninja who has ever played against Watergate. Naturally, he knows that the spiral pill of Watergate ranks first in the list. The spiral pill of Ninjutsu can be said to be an indispensable ninja for forging the great achievements of Watergate. Although the limelight is covered by his other ninja, people who know Watergate a little know that the spiral pill is Watergate talent, and Fei Raytheon is strictly speaking, he inherited it from the second generation, which is not exclusive to Watergate.
"Earth Dun Earthquake Core!"
Jiao Du finally put up with the flying debris-he was just a scorpion with a broken tail, but slowly he found that Shu Mao’s other hand actually attracted the flying debris in the air, and these debris were blown out again, directly forming an attack cycle, while his left hand was damaged by a spiral pill, causing debris, while an unknown ninja pulled these debris closer to him, while Shu Mao’s mouth blew out some wind and directly used those flying debris as an attack method!
This endurance rhythm directly stunned Siying, and it was the first time they saw such a coherent attack!
"He’s really a master just because of the wind!" The shadow of the earth praised him. He figured out that this tree is really a enchanting figure. Unfortunately, it was found a little late. Now there are not many people who can clean up! If I had found out earlier, Tuying would have killed him anyway.
"Did you find out? Each of his escape doesn’t look like a mature ninja, but it’s no less powerful than those mature ninjas. This is the most incredible place! "
"No, the most incredible thing about him is that he controls you. See? The debris around him never touched himself-even the blown debris was just blown out without external force! This is really quite a terrible control. I have never seen such control. "Shui Ying, a woman can always find things that others can’t find.
And the wind shadow was completely silent. At this moment, he was thinking about what Shu Mao said to Tuanzang. At this moment, he was confused by these words!
"Do you have such means? Let’s stop wasting time and make a move directly! "
Tuan Zang can’t stand the attack of Shu Mao. Although he is immortal, it’s really annoying. Ah, the head of the regiment directly channeled the dream.
After Meng Kuang appeared, his big mouth directly sucked the debris around him into his mouth. When Shu Mao saw Meng Kuang coming out, he knew what kind of moves he wanted. He immediately stepped aside and left the front of Meng Kuang’s mouth.
The horns and scorpions also hurriedly walked away, and the debris in the air disappeared directly and disappeared at the same time, as well as the frivolous dust of the broken trees. In a short time, the forest was sucked out of a barren land by Meng Xiao.
Tuanzang saw that Meng Xiao didn’t remember anything and sent him back. At this time, both Scorpion and Horn entered a state of fighting.
Scorpion summoned three generations of wind shadows on the big screen. The three generations of wind shadows were seen by all the audience. Those people were crazy at this moment. They couldn’t find the three generations of wind shadows and were made into puppets!
And his audience is full of interest. Obviously, they don’t mind watching the enemy like this for revenge.
The audience in the arena all saw a few shadows before they dispersed, and there were some programs late, but they didn’t expect it to be like this. Now the arena is boiling completely, and those who heard the cheers or were notified came out from the stalls from the downtown area and went straight to the arena. Soon the high platforms around the arena were full, even the roof was full!
Corner is played to complain directly into the disgusting tentacle mode, and four hiding masks are behind corner separately.
Jiaodu took the lead in launching an attack, and the wind-escaping mask blew with the fire-escaping mask, and then the wind and the fire merged together to form a huge fire wave to attack Shumao!
"Feng Shui evasion Feng Shui gun!"
Shu Mao sent out Feng Shui Ninjutsu for the first time. At this moment, he finally bloomed with great light. The spiral water gun directly looked at the large-scale fire escape, chopped a waterway directly from the fire waves, swallowed the surrounding flames directly with rotating momentum, and an unstoppable posture directly thought about the two masks at the corner.
"The corner flash is a powerful endurance that your two fragile masks can’t resist!" Similarly, the most immortal scorpion still knows something about the method of immortality in Jiaodu.
The horns heard his words and went straight away, and the two masks stopped their evasive attack and jumped up directly!
"Sand and iron attack!" The sand iron spit out from the mouth of the three generations of wind shadows directly turned into a huge shield-like object and came to the front of the water gun, trying to block the water gun!
Who knows that at this moment, a huge water gun burst from it, and a lux gun-shaped fire dun directly hit the sand iron. The ultra-high temperature directly melted the sand iron into liquid, and the castration did not decrease, and it directly ran away from the three generations of wind shadows behind the shield!
Scorpion saw that the situation was wrong and immediately contracted the chakra line in his hand to directly measure the three generations of wind shadows and pulled it to his side. The musket directly hit the ground. Even though the arena was far away from their fighting place, everyone could hear the dull explosion!
At this moment, everyone was attracted by such gorgeous but powerful gun ninja and forgot to breathe the silence in the arena! The silence is not only the scorpion and the horn in the arena, but also the skunk and the shark in that corner!
"Shu Maojun, so you are already so powerful?" He knows what the ferret is thinking. He still remembers that he gave Shu Mao a kaleidoscope! If the tree is in a kaleidoscope, does it mean that the battle will be over soon?
"It’s really amazing. Who would have thought that such a huge water gun department could hide a powerful fire escape gun?"
"I’m afraid it’s not that he hid in it, but that he used the force to play. Those fires absorbed by the spiral water gun formed the musket we saw just now!"
At the same time to make such a guess and Shui Ying!
"What do you mean?"
"Otherwise, this kid will be able to master the boiling dun. You know, the boiling dun quality is water dun plus fire dun, but you see if those waters are boiling just now! So this is because he absorbed those fire escape effects! Instead of him releasing fire! "
"So that’s it!"
When Tuanzang reappeared, it had become extremely embarrassed!
And scorpion now found that his three generations of wind shadow puppets could not control those sand and iron samples! Scorpion instantly thought that the fire escape just now may have affected the sand iron! (Thermal demagnetization effect! )
And Jiao Du looked at Shu Mao very seriously, and he was a little angry at the same time. What? Because just now, when he dodged the attack of Shu Mao, his lightning mask was directly chopped up by Shura behind Shu Mao!
That’s right. Shura actually kicked the ball and hid it. With those strengths, he flew directly to the Leidun mask, and gathered chakra to suffer and cut off the Leidun mask directly, so that the angle would lose a life! to be continued
Chapter 7 Second Selection War (2)
Jiao was angry and thought that if the scorpion hadn’t saved him just now or the scorpion puppet didn’t have that huge shield to block something, he might be burned to ashes now! All corners can now be said to be surprised or angry, and of course there are some fears! At this moment, this person who has lived for nearly five generations has truly felt the death threat!
The atmosphere at the scene was particularly dignified, and the depressed feeling made the ninja who participated in the assessment of forbearance dare not get close to it, and those ninjas could observe the situation at the top of the tree. A kind ninja actually raised the platform and looked at the contest from a commanding height.
"Carouhy, you said I can still have hope? Seeing him attack, I feel that he and I are two people from the world! " Lifting the platform soil layer is naturally black soil.
"I don’t know, even if I’ve never seen such a burst attack on Uncle Lei Ying than the teacher, maybe it can reach such a level, but it’s far less self-possessed!"
Women are just surprised that they were noisy to death just now, but now they have become a good sister!
"Hey, I really don’t know when it will be the end, brother. He is really amazing!" Naruto hands holding the back of the head of the earth to protest.
"Say yes! Brother Shu Mao’s attack made me know that my fire escape was really like Mars. No wonder he didn’t teach me to fire escape. It turned out that I didn’t even have the qualification to study! Maybe that’s why he wants to help me find a teacher!
I must learn that Shu Maoge is on fire! "Sasuke decided at this moment that he would arrange for Shu Mao to complete his study. The first thing to do when he came back was to learn Ninjutsu from Shu Mao.
"Shu Maoge’s medical endurance is also quite powerful. I don’t know if it will!" This is KINOMOTO SAKURA’s idea.
"It’s a good thing that we didn’t talk to Shura, or if those things floated out a little, we would be turned to ashes!" Ino summoned the lovely gills to help the deer pill and said
"I didn’t expect him to meet Brother Shumao and fight with others. It’s not easy for those people to take a complete blow from Brother Shumao!"
"Well, anyway, I just want to eat. I want to catch Brother Shumao!" Ding Ji, this is to eliminate food as a tree!
Another direction

"Well, this is Mr. Wen Sheng, a great painter, and also a creative person in the world." The host introduced the old man in the stands

The old man stood up and smiled at the audience.
"The last one is also a great man …" The host looked at the screen.
One minute and two minutes, another girl with black hair and a mask appeared on the screen.
"Hello, everyone, I’m Nangong Xiaoxiao. I didn’t expect to participate in the evaluation of the Moon Cup with Qiu Xue Ji, and I was scared to eat a cold noodle to calm down." The dark-haired girl turned around and ate it.
"…" Audience
"Ha ha ha Xiao Xiao is really interesting. Is that Qiuyi Building?" Autumn snow ji laughed.
"Mmm, it’s delicious." Nangong Xiaoxiao mumbled.
"Ahem, let’s introduce a theme. This time, the theme is Nangong Xiaoxiao’s teacher. Please look at the big screen." The host looked at the tablet in his hand and said.
All the audience and players looked at the big screen and two words appeared.
The future!
"This time the theme is two hours in the future!" Zhuzhiren boulevard
A group of contestants wore closed earmuffs so that they could be quiet and play their painting level well.
Yunxuan is the same.
All the contestants were quiet to draw.
Two hours to draw and associate can be said to be very hasty.
Qiu Xueji and Nangong Xiaoxiao are both live broadcasts, and you can clearly see the situation here, including the paintings of each player.
One minute passed, and an hour and a half later, Yun Xuan put on his painting tools.
Two hours later, everyone left the drawing board.
Grading and evaluating the painting from the first contestant.
The player’s interpretation of the painting directly affects the painting score.
Yun Xuan doesn’t have much opinion about other people’s paintings. He is number 15.
"The seven-point summer calendar player scored seven points, and the first one was over five points!"
"It’s another seven-point summer calendar player tied for the first place. A player from Beijing, Bai You, painted the earth."
"The third-ranked wild player draws a future life score of 6 points!"
A player came to Yunxuan more than an hour after his introduction.
Looking at the big screen hanging city and abandoned ground Wen Sheng three people some don’t understand.
"I’ve thought a lot about the future, but I think it should be the closest to the future. As we all know, resources are limited and the roots of environmental protection can’t be strict. Sooner or later, resources will be moved, and the ground of human life will become a problem in the future." Yun Xuan said seriously
"Environmental protection in the future? Interesting "Wen Sheng nodded his head.
"This player’s angle is very special but meaningful," Qiu Xueji commented in silence.
"Yunxuan, you really didn’t let me down" Nangong Xiaoxiao smiled.
The host of "Please give a rating" is a little confused.
Wen Sheng three people took it out at the same time and scored three 2 points.
"Yunxuan players draw a total score of 6 points in the future," the host was surprised.
Yun Xuan’s eyebrows are wrinkly, but then a smile appeared on his face. Is it a point?
All the players’ scores are ultimately the primary intelligence scores.
The host of "Please give a rating" looks at the big screen, and so does the audience.
The primary intelligence score plus the judges’ score is the real first.
"This is impossible!"
"Is there a problem with primary intelligence?"
"92 points. How is that possible …"
Even the three judges were shocked when the primary intelligence score came out.
Score the first Yunxuan player to draw "Future" with 92 points!
The second summer calendar player scored 72 points for painting "Tai"!
The third-ranked white player painted "Earth" with 72 points!
Unexpectedly, the six-point cloud Xuan instantly turned into 152 points.
The original tied for first place has become tied for second place with 142 points and one point difference!
"What is this?" Wen Sheng frowned and suspected that there was something wrong with primary intelligence.
"Yunxuan player" Future "drew the ground phenomenon through delicate techniques, and calculated the ground condition according to the primary intelligence, which is in line with the human high-tech era." The primary intelligent mechanical sound started.
"this is a painting that truly represent that future!"
The audience couldn’t believe it when the primary intelligent voice fell off the stage.
Predicting the future, drawing this … how is it possible?
Wen Sheng suddenly realized that this is based on the potential value judgment, which represents that the painting "Future" has definitely become a scene that may become a reality by primary intelligence.
"The latent value … is really fierce. It seems that this time we are mistaken." Nangong Xiaoxiao applauded.
"I also have a problem with my primary intelligence. I’m sorry, Yunxuan player, you are very good." Qiu Xueji said seriously.
"Old man, I’m so old. Yunxuan congratulates you on becoming a new generation champion of the Moon and Moon Cup." Wen Sheng wry smile way.
This is the case with the Xingyue Cup. There have been several times in the past, and this kind of counterattack has made the players become the first.
It is very reasonable for primary intelligence to explain the real future. Is this something that ordinary people can describe?
Its significance is to remind people to protect the environment, and secondly, the painting level is superb.
(PS: there is another recommended ticket at 7 o’clock in the afternoon) 1
Chapter 56 Lord’s adult name
"Congratulations to the host for winning the first prize of the Xingyue Cup and upgrading the random bronze skill level!"
"Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reaching the advanced level of hacking"
There are two sounds in Yunxuan’s ear. You need to go to a hidden place to get the reward.
"This time, the champion of the Xingyue Cup is from Yunxuan, Fangyu City, and his" Future "will become a representative." Host Avenue.
The audience gave a hand.
"Congratulations!" Wen Sheng came from the judging panel and gave Yunxuan the gold medal.
"Thank you" Yun Xuanwei bowed and admired the man who created the world.
"This Xingyue Cup is over, please leave in order." The host said with a smile after watching the award.
Xingyue Hotel in half an hour.
"Yunxuan, your" Future "is priced at millions by primary intelligence. I wonder if you have any intention to sell it?" Wen Sheng hesitated.
"if you want to buy it, 7 million is ok." Yunxuan smiled.
"It’s Akiyuki who asked me to buy her. She has a special identity." Wen Sheng shook his head.
"No problem, I have no interest in collecting what I have drawn." Yunxuan nodded his head.

After all, they are all practitioners. Give them a hand if you can.

"We can’t take care of ourselves, and we still have the heart to take care of others. Once one of us can’t hold on, the other one will die!" Many people hesitate to refute Jiang Feng.
People continued to fly, and the ancient inscription never looked back and kept flying to the front.
With so many whipping boys in the way behind him, his journey is obviously very smooth.
"Everyone is fighters help each other but go further. If you don’t help yourself, how long can your body energy last! ?”
Pang Zeyin also shouted "Bang!" Blow a skyfire snake to save a pale fighter.
Otherwise, many people hesitate.
Now there is not much time to think about it. After all, their reasoning is consistent with each other, which really improves a lot of efficiency.
All the way, many people struggled to resist.
A good distance from the exit is not too far. After some efforts, I finally saw the dawn and ran towards hope with my last strength.
"swish! Hey! Hey! "
Many people rushed out of the ancient road and gasped.
The head-on breeze refreshed them a lot.
Inside, the skyfire snake is unwilling to shoot outward, scaring people to hide again and again.
A good skyfire snake can be born in flame. Once it leaves the flame, it is like carp dehydration without attack.
"Damn … I let you kill … let you kill!" A fighter heart gas but blunt before motionless skyfire snake severely stepped on a few feet.
It was not until I stepped on my head that I was willing.
"all right! Is everyone okay? ?” Gu Ming didn’t know where he came from. "I didn’t expect this to happen. I have some Dan medicine here. Let’s take it to restore the immortal energy!"
He took a porcelain vase out of his arms.
At this time, all the injured people are grateful to DeDehua Longgu Dan medicine, but it is very rare.
They have no idea
They wouldn’t have died so badly if Gu Ming hadn’t given them fruit trees and flowers.
"Wu Yun just now is you save! I still flatter the ancient inscription! " Pangze walked to come over from the side.
He’s covered in blood. Obviously, he’s just been through a big war.
"Everyone can see that you came up with an idea to save them, but you don’t know that human feelings are nothing before interests!"
"Then why don’t you get Dan medicine! ?” Jiang Feng looked at Pang Ze curiously.
Pang Ze shook his head and showed disdain. "I still have to stick to my own bottom line in some things. I can see that you are a friend compared with that hypocritical ancient inscription!"
If they choose Jiang Feng, it doesn’t mean human nature.
If you want to leave Hualong Valley by yourself, then they won’t have it.
Gu Ming soon came to Jiang Feng and handed Pang Ze one of the two Dan medicines in his hand.
"Thank you!" Pangze hard stuffy brain nodded.
Although he doesn’t like the ancient inscription, he doesn’t want to offend him in person.
"I didn’t expect you to get here …" Gu Ming stared at Jiang Feng face vaguely bad.
Especially the thought of Jiang Feng emitting purple fire.
But also let his heart like a cat scratch.
"This is your Dan medicine …" Gu Ming took out a Dan medicine from his arms, but his hands slipped and fell to the ground on purpose.
"Sorry to get dirty … please pick it up!"
At this time, everyone looked at this side and knew that the ancient inscription was ugly for Jiang Feng.
"Are you? ?”
Jiang Feng looked down and took a step directly to Dan medicine, which was directly mixed into the soil.
"I appreciate your kindness …" Jiang Feng raised his foot and was dismayed. "I’m sorry … Dan medicine is dirty for you. Please take it back!"
Jiang Feng directly turned and walked to a tree to repose.
Gu Ming was livid and looked at Dan medicine. He didn’t pick it up or his fists were clenched by him. "Hey! Squeak "
"How can this Dan medicine be so precious?" Wu Yun immediately to pick up Dan medicine sleeves wiped.
Is to ease the embarrassing scene at this time.
But everyone can see that Gu Ming’s eyes on Jiang Feng are getting colder and colder.
After a long time, the human spirit has recovered a little.
Wu Yun, who was previously saved by Jiang Feng, leaned in toward Jiang Feng and looked at Jiang Fengzheng’s eye closure.
A silver needle suddenly appeared in his hand and plunged into his neck.
The cold light sparkled, and everyone didn’t react. I didn’t expect Wu Yun to suddenly start work
Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared in a flash.
Wu Yun frightened to disgrace andao a bad it’s a pity that it’s too late to hold the silver needle arm directly by Jiang Feng firmly.
"Hey!" Directly by him should break off.
"Ah …" Miserable roar shocked everyone.
In Wu Yun, the whole person feels that the neck has a strong force, as if being caught by iron tongs and abruptly being Jiang Fengqi.
Root has no resistance strength.
He came here to get the ancient name of the fruit, although he was slightly higher than Jiang Feng, and he mastered the fairy energy root method.
Not Jiang Feng opponent nature is taken for granted.
"What do you want! ?” Jiang Feng cold voice from the ear to frighten Wu Yunshen tremble.
Chapter 766 samaritans
One side is resting, Ponze also opens his eyes, and the scene just happened is naturally perceived by him.
"Don’t you forget who saved you before! ?”
There are fighters aren’t said

Chapter 532 Phantom is killing me!

Thanos blows Zhang Lan away with one punch, which is very disdainful and mocking.
"Dare to show your back in the face of the enemy? It’s really a low-level law. The host’s fighting consciousness is poor!"
See Thanos swing strength is just a blow-it is precisely because there is no Xu Li that he can hit the nail on the head to guard against Zhang Lan.
Otherwise, let Zhang Lan feel the power to gather in Thanos, but Zhang Lan can’t be beaten.
Even the sneak attack on Zhang Lan Thanos did not benefit.
See Zhang Lan’s figure shot straight through a planet flying rocks. He had a perfect cover for a moment. He just suddenly leaned out of his arm half a meter behind Thanos and punched Thanos’s lower back hard.
If this punch is hit by a strong SSS, I’m afraid I won’t have sex after that.
However, it is strange that Zhang Lan, who carries Thanos’s attack potential, blasted Thanos with one punch. The other party turned out to be motionless. Zhang Lan felt like bombarding a stacked wall (multi-dimensional). The fists wrapped in black gold garments were all dull pain.
Thanos turned to the slightly surprised Zhang Lan, who fought back with one punch. Zhang Lan came and walked without making a force. Seeing that he was going to be bombarded by Thanos again, Zhang Lan suddenly disappeared from Thanos’s attack range.
Thanos, this blow will bring Zhang Lan back behind closed doors!
Thanos this is turned around and looked at Zhang Lan.
"But I look down on you. You have mastered the laws and the laws of time. It’s a pity that you are not a face person after all. There is no way to fully understand the laws of Marvel Comics’s plane without the plane mark."
This a blue face is quite unnatural.
It was half a year ago that he had mastered the three laws of reality, time and law, but there was a layer of unspeakable obstacles that prevented him from mastering these laws completely.
Zhang Lan has a faint guess of his own. Thanos answered him today.
To put it simply, it is orthodox to divide the office, and the office will never be faced up to.
Zhang Lanxian is completely accepted by the Marvel Universe, while Thanos is the successor of the Marvel Comics World Recognition Law.
Even Tony, Katie and others have the same opportunities as Thanos.
Unfortunately, Zhang Lan can’t.
Because his soul and body don’t belong to this cosmic plane, he is just a long-term visitor to Marvel Universe.
Just like a yellow man who wants to cross the ocean, the United States has settled down and has the legitimate civil rights of the United States, but he will never become the president of the United States
Because the yellow race belongs to outsiders, they don’t even have the benefit of voting.
This is a second-class citizen.
Zhang Lan is a second-class citizen of Marvel Universe at this time, mastering the laws but not owning them.
Even if he swallowed all the laws, he could not have them all.
On the other hand, if Thanos’s roots don’t merge and devour, it is necessary to set the power gem in gloves, which means that he can completely recover the power gem elsewhere.
It’s not irritating.
Don’t see Zhang Lan. At this time, Thanos’s mastery of the law is a little poor, and there are three laws to make up for it, which can be better than Thanos’s having a law of strength.
Actually, it’s just a delusion
A trace is a valley!
"So Thanos, why did you intercept me?" Zhang Lan’s exploratory inquiry
From then on, the two men fought to see who could not stand anyone.
Zhang Lan’s temporary attack method breaks through Thanos, but it can make the time limit to trap Thanos in the middle of the time.
Thanos’s attack can bomb Zhang Lanshen’s black and gold garments even at random, but his attack is too slow and he needs close attack. Unless Zhang Lanshen lets him attack, he won’t touch Zhang Lanshen at all.
Pause, shuttle Thanos root nai Zhang Lan.
It was when I first contacted Zhang Lan that I tried to get some information.
It is unexpected that Thanos really answered him, "because your body law is the law of birth."
"The law of birth?" Zhang Lan doubts
"Your rule should be to choose the host for the first time?" Thanos is not in a hurry to guide.
"What about that?" Zhang Lan doesn’t hide that Thanos now seems to know more than he does.
"It is because of this that you may not understand that a hidden rule has been born in the digital plane. It is too much trouble to explain it to you. You are still" Thanos’s words are a little high.
"Do you mean the candidate of the Lord God?" Zhang Lan’s look flashed and tentatively threw a topic.
"hmm?" Thanos to interest with a little bit nervous "how do you know? What does your law tell you? "
Zhang Lan carefully examined the hidden deep tension in Thanos’s face and didn’t explain, "So I know about the birth of the law and the candidate of the Lord God. I also know that the plane law predator has come to the question. Can you explain it?"
Thanos smell speech face look change hesitated for a long time is to continue to say "there is nothing to hide because I used to be a god candidate".
Said the Thanos is very miss touch to power gem see Zhang Lan didn’t take the woman is to continue to leave the way.
"I’m not as lucky as you. I just got the plane law, and soon I met a plane predator who plundered his plane resources, laws, and even laws to host the candidates of the Lord God to obtain resources and expand myself." Zhang Landao
"But I met that plane predator from a lower level plane. Even if I just got the plane law, I can compete with him. It’s a pity that he gave his own law to a higher level opponent before he died. The attack almost killed me, and even shattered my plane law into six big pieces and several small pieces."

Jiang Feng paused and waved his hand. "If you’re not interested, I’ll just watch, or you and I will lack that practice resource."

Jiang Feng said that the stands in the distance just found a place to sit.
His move attracted many people to watch, especially the virgin’s brow wrinkled slightly.
"Really think of yourself as the elders! ?” The virgin’s voice is not loud but clear into Jiang Feng’s ear.
Chapter 115 Competition
Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to nothing.
The saint didn’t mean to drive Jiang Feng away. She wanted to see how far he could cultivate softness in just a few days.
It’s not that she’s bad for softness.
I don’t believe Jiang Feng.
As time goes by, the game is official
The first is the puppet.
The wooden puppets are all burned with the law, and the general cousins are roughly the same, but they are not underestimated.
But everyone already has experience.
Three or four people gathered together and rushed towards a puppet.
Many people take the lead, because in the end, no one can face a large number of puppets alone.
But even so, it is difficult to pass.
Many people were directly beaten out by puppets.
Yu Rourou is squeezed into a human cake. At the end, he can’t get in if he wants to rush, and he can watch others sprint forward.
"Can’t this silly Ni be a little bit car-scrapping, maybe she can cross the first place?" The saint looked at the back and stamped her feet repeatedly with anger.
However, to no avail.
However, Jiang Fengyin came slowly. "If a person can’t even do this little thing well, what qualifications are there to be my apprentice?"
Hear Jiang Feng’s remarks.
Saint cold hum a root without rest assured.
To be gentle, don’t say that even a group of puppets can beat her to vomiting blood.
Heart is not more disgusted with Jiang Feng.
This is not a pose to hurt Rourou.
As time goes by, most people have gone to the second place, and they are soft and nervous behind them.
After all, it cast a shadow on the puppet.
"Soft! Why are you still there! " There are too many people in the distance, even if Park wants to take care of Rourou, it is impossible.
"I … Sister Park, I’ll come to you!"
Rourou got up the courage and strode forward. Park got a fright, but there were dozens of puppets in front of him.
Isn’t it suicidal to walk in softly?
But for a moment, everyone was shocked.
Because I watched the puppet attack softly, I even drank a "bang!" Followed by a slap on the puppet.
Original arrogant puppet
Actually lying motionless directly.
Soft and a little nervous, but when she saw the puppet fall to the ground, she didn’t rest assured that many arms waved continuously and continued to beat the puppet.
A palm and a palm are equally unbearable.
This scene caught everyone’s eyes and everyone felt incredible.
"Look at her!" Someone consternation rebuked way
At this time, all talents found that Rourou Xiu was already holding Yuan Jing’s top ten.
"How is this possible …" Almost everyone felt incredible.
The former Rourou Xiu has always been a ten-fold theory of the pulse condition, such as not embracing the yuan condition.
In just a few days.
Xiu has made such a high-level breakthrough.
Bao yuan Jing Shi zhong
Won’t it be long before you become a spiritual sea fighter? !
In this way, Rourou can directly enter the door, and when he enters the spiritual sea, he can also mix an elder Dangdang.
This speed … Not too surprising.
How can they think that Jiang Feng’s practice department is the top thing in heaven for Rourou?
If the science of uniting the speed up quickly.
Then it’s really hopeless
Even a fool can fix him abruptly.
"You …" The virgin looked at Jiang Feng again and her eyes were full of incredible. It’s impossible to fix it. How could it rise so fast?
"Don’t you encourage the tender body potential! ?”
Saint mouth asked.
Jiang Feng turned to look at the virgin and yawned and said, "What can I do without you? A little girl says more and you are still worried about yourself!"! Since you are my apprentice, you should also let go of this virgin. "
Jiang Feng slowly said
Hearing this, the saint frowned.
She doesn’t care if she can inherit the virgin if she is gentle, she doesn’t mind giving way.
But the former Jiang Feng identity caused her great doubt.

Jiang Feng also watched them.

In some accidents, there was a girl who was very handsome, and the contrast between the five big and three thick men around her was too great.
They talked about it in succession, and the international rivers and rivers have already spoken.
"Since you are my hands, don’t talk to each other. I don’t want to see unpleasant things happen!"
See all suo suo head silent.
Jiang Liuchuan nodded with satisfaction and said bluntly, "Let’s go!"
A line of people rushed to the front.
After a while, a group of people came to the mining area, which is a magnificent mountain towering into the sky and threatening.
When they came, the mountains were already full of people.
With tools in their hands, they are diligent in digging mountains and mountains, and they are full of holes in their eyes.
"this is your tool!" Jiang Liuchuan gave Jiang Feng them a hoe.
A group of people dispersed on their own to find the right position to dig the ore.
Jiang Feng didn’t act immediately but looked at the mountains.
"Outside! Brother, do you want to dig with me? "See a young Han looking at Jiang Feng and grinning.
Jiang Feng thought for a moment and nodded at random "but! No problem! "
Hearing this, the young Han suddenly got excited and walked with Jiang Feng and said, "Jiang Feng brothers, you really defeated the younger brothers! ?”
"Then it is said that my master can deal with them easily!" With a proud face, he has heavy dark circles in his eyes.
Obviously, I didn’t sleep well all night before.
"How can you have a woman here?" Jiang Feng doubt asked.
Young Han leng a look toward the nearby MuYuqing glanced at the little muttered, "Jiang Feng brothers, don’t hit her. Pay attention to her. She’s a sworn brother. It’s just experience to come here."
Jiang Fengwen suddenly realized.
So that’s the way it is. When he shook his head, he didn’t want to get into trouble at random.
"The Jiang Feng brothers are here!" The young man suddenly stopped and waved at Jiang Feng. It was a deep mine.
The young man has a proud face.
"It’s not that I said that my eyesight is very sharp. I dug up not ten pieces of ore from this mine. Brother Jiang Feng, you must dig a lot near you!"
Jiang Feng glanced at the mine and didn’t speak.
He doesn’t have the heart to hit young men. This mine is a virtual hole. It looks powerful and powerful, and the number is not much.
I’m afraid it will be difficult to dig up ore in the future.
"hey! ? What is this! ?” Jiang Feng suddenly found an abandoned mine with a puzzled face.
Looking down the eyes, the young man shook his head
"This is an abandoned hole. A fool said that something was dug in it for half a month and nothing was dug. As a result, he starved to death!"
Young Han said here can’t help but shook his head.
"At the beginning, I lent him four pieces of ore to save his life. The ore was dead and I didn’t get it back!"
"Then I’ll dig this!" Jiang Feng corners of the mouth slightly raised.
"ah! ?”
Young han froze a face of incredible "you want to dig this! ? You mustn’t … You can’t dig anything out of this abandoned hole. You can’t have anything if you look around with a weak spiritual force! ?”
Jiang Feng ignored his diameter.
See Jiang Feng determined to dig young han repeatedly shook his head! Since you want to dig, I won’t stop you.
"hey! It’s time for you to show! "
Jiang Feng unceremoniously threw the hoe directly to Kun.
"I! ?” Kun pointed to his dejected face. "I know. I’ll dig … I’ll dig …"
Jiang Feng is a butt sitting cross legs practice.
Mining in the central area is the first time to see someone so relaxed.
"You this practice! Old man, I walk around … "Bald cow Buddha yi tooth smiled for a moment and there was no figure.
Jiang Fenggen doesn’t care about bald cows. The Buddha continues to practice alone.
Just then, there was a sudden flurry of footsteps in the distance, and a line of seven absenteeism came screaming with hoes in their hands.
"Who is it? ? Who hurt my cousin! ?” A fine strong man came up in a threatening manner.
Many people have shown that they are practicing Jiang Feng.
"He is the little today! ?” Li Mu cold eyes looked at Jiang Feng.
Li Muyuan was also a younger brother and a younger brother.
Unfortunately, he was sent to the mining area for violating taboos, and his strength gradually became a leader here.

If you kill them, it will certainly include those high-ranking bureaucrats. If you kill them, wouldn’t the impact be terrible? When the time comes, the court will investigate it …

Ah, the imperial court … is gone, isn’t it?
Until now, many people didn’t realize that the imperial court, which kept pressing their heads to behave, was gone, and it was wiped out by the Guangfu Army.
In fact, this piece of land left in the Big Jin Guo can still maintain its rule. Doesn’t that mean … they are the imperial court?
"Daikin capital didn’t which come of senior dignitaries! Do not kill from the commander! !”
ACTS ChanHeXi roar loud to solve the army finally bound.
He probably all military personnel realize that although the current situation is at stake, there is no doubt that they are the real days, they are the real rulers, and those old nobles are nothing.
So in this case, those original unscrupulous people in Chang ‘an who wanted to leave your city were killed by the army.
When the army is bound, it can seem a little weak. They can’t fight back, scold or talk back. It’s not terrible, and they don’t see any threat.
But don’t make the army really weak and deceivable. The army is a completely violent machine, which directly reflects the will of the ruling class. The command of the ruling class will lead to extremely terrible destructive power.
However, this is not the most terrible army. The most terrible army is the ruling class itself, and the original ruling class is smashed into a terrible military and political situation.
In this way, the army is absolutely terrible, and all the imperial courts have tried to contain the army in the five dynasties and ten countries.
At first, ACTS Chanhexi planned to associate with Chang ‘an people in the normal rule mode, but in return it was chaos and order.
In that case, he’s not pretending, he’s showing his cards, and he’s going to be the only ruler
Although it is a little late to make this decision.
At this moment, those who are attacking the Jin army to set up the city gate defense line still know nothing about it. They don’t know that the feelings of being single and happy have changed greatly.
Wang You, a wealthy Han businessman, is one of them.
He is taking three wagons with his own nurses to prepare to rush out of Chang ‘an and take refuge in his hometown.
One of the three carriages is a family member, and the other two are valuables stored at home.
A few days ago, it was said that the terror recovery army had conquered Tongtong and was coming to Chang’ an. He packed up his family property and wanted to go back to his hometown to take shelter from the victims of the military disaster.
However, like him, many people crowded into the street to leave Chang’ an, but a street was blocked, and it was so full that it was impossible to move.
Moreover, the government in the city also ordered that it is not allowed to leave Chang’ an without authorization during the war, and it must be allowed by the government to leave.
However, there are too many people who apply for permission, and many people can’t get permission at all, and the pace of recovering the army is getting closer and closer.
Earlier, it was reported that people were constantly breaking through the city gate and had successfully escaped. This news stimulated people to March forward and attack the blockade line.
But the team is still so bloated and slow.
Wang You was sweating profusely, but there was nothing he could do to get dinking to continue to protect the team outside and get into his family’s car.
In the car are his wife and a pair of young children.
At the sight of him coming in, his wife, Li, was in a hurry and asked, "What happened? How far is it from the city gate? "
"I saw the gate early in the morning, and I kept moving forward. I haven’t got to the front yet, but there is no end in sight."
Wang You took his wife and handed him a towel to wipe his face. Looking at his sleeping wife and legs, a pair of children sighed. "It’s bitter for you to run with me. I should have known that I shouldn’t have brought you back to my hometown. It’s better than now."
Lee shook his head.
"You’re busy, and I won’t rest assured if I don’t take care of you with you. It’s not your problem."
Wang You shook his wife’s hand and nodded slowly.
"Always stay in the car and don’t come outside. It’s hard to say that there are many people and messy eyes in the car."
"Yeah, I see."
Lee looked at Wang You tired and looked distressed. "Let’s take a break. It’s not like we can leave for a while."
"Forget it, I’d better keep an eye on it outside, or I won’t be at ease leaving the city gate. Maybe I’ll give those soldiers a little something, or they won’t let people go. I’ll take care of these things. Don’t worry."
Wang You patted Lee’s hand and turned the car.
Lee can also sigh and silently watch Wang You leave the car and then gently stroke a pair of children who have fallen asleep, somewhat sighing.
They gave birth to people who were not really lucky in such a chaotic era.
Although the family is rich, there is no shortage of money, and flowers have never been hungry or cold since childhood. It is natural to meet the prosperous times.
But it happened that it was in troubled times.
In the troubled times, the dynasty collapsed, the soldiers and horses were in chaos, and everyone was in danger, so it was very difficult to protect themselves. What should be done to get through all this safely?
What should the children do if they can’t get through a terrible thing in troubled times?
Lee thought like this and gradually felt sleepy. As soon as he closed his eyes and leaned back, he just fell asleep.
I don’t know how long it took before a scream woke her up.
Listening to the screams of men and women in her ears, Li was very frightened. She shook her hands and lifted the corner of the car curtain, so she glanced at the outside and many people fled in the opposite direction.
Before she could react, the door was beaten forward and Wang You got in.
"go! Let’s go Come with me! ! Don’t stay in the car! "
He pulled it up and before he woke up, his daughter held her in her arms and ran outside the car.
Lee was afraid, so she took her daughter and followed Wang You to the outside of the car. She didn’t see that the situation outside was simply chaos.
Many people ran back in horror and screaming instead of running in the direction of the gate, as if something terrible was chasing them at the gate.
"Let’s go! !”
Wang You held his daughter in his hands and let Lee follow him with the stream of people before he could react.
"Where are we going?"
As Li ran, he asked, "What happened?"
"Kill people! Killed someone! The soldiers in the city killed people! Run! Go home! !”
Wang You can’t say more. He keeps urging Lee to run home together. He wants nothing but a pair of children.
It is God’s mercy that a family of four ran back to the city home smoothly, patting the door and staying at home. The old servant was surprised to knock on the door and let the family of four in.
When the house was in shock, the husband and wife took a breath and sat down.

When the meal arrived, students came in groups of three and five, and the restaurant soon became lively, and they almost finished eating.

"You wait here for me to get to the car first" because it is not convenient to park, the car is a little far away.
"I’ll come with you!" Ye Lingshan got up from his position.
"Are you sure your feet can still walk?" JiNaRui glanced at Ye Lingshan high heels.
Ye Lingshan embarrassed smile or took JiNanRui arm "then I’ll wait for you at the door"
Although it’s autumn, it’s still quite hot. Plus, it will be the highest temperature at noon. Ye Lingshan squints and looks a little lazy.
Xing Sisi saw the door at a glance. Ye Lingshan was held by her friend arm in arm and walked on without responding.
Xing Sisi’s other two roommates don’t know Ye Lingshan, but she and He Zhenmei do.
As we get closer, we can’t avoid He Zhenmei, and we also see Ye Lingshan.
He Zhenmei now saw Ye Lingshan’s face change and touched Xing Sisi’s arm. Xing Sisi was calm now. "I saw it!"
He Zhenmei doesn’t like Ye Lingshan either, but Ji Nanrui’s words scared her that day, so she didn’t dare to expect anything. After all, they are married now.
Ling Ye Shan doesn’t want to trouble Xing Sisi. Both of them can’t solve their personal grievances in this life, but there will be too many personal grievances outside, so there is no need to disturb everyone’s silence.
Xing Sisi saw that Ling Ye Shan didn’t mean to talk to her, and she was also a bit heavy to walk in.
When she crossed Ye Lingshan and walked into the restaurant, she really stopped. "You order first and I’ll be right there."
Xing Sisi’s eyes fell on He Zhen’s beautiful body. He Zhen’s beautiful eyes flashed "Sisi, don’t go."
Xing Sisi’s eyes flashed with a surprise and she smiled quickly. "I’ll be right back."
Things have come to this. Is there anything worse than this?
Even if she knew Ji Nanrui before her, even if she liked Ji Nanrui first, what does it matter? If Ji Nanrui likes to marry her, it’s just that she is obsessed with her.
She hung down and shook hands, then went out and walked beside Ye Lingshan. "I have something to say to you."
Ye Lingshan looked at her with a partial head and nodded "OK, what do you want to talk about?"
It seems to be menacing, but now even my sister doesn’t want to scream.
Xing Sisi looked up at Ye Lingshan. She was shorter than Ye Lingshan and wore sneakers, so she was more than ten centimeters lower than Ye Lingshan. She had to hold her head up when she spoke.
"You know what I want to talk about." Xing Sisi’s eyes were aggressive.
Chapter 562 You be gentle!
Ye Lingshan rubbed his brow and sighed, "Miss Xing, I think you are being ridiculous."
She came here specially to talk to her and said that she knew it. Please, she’s not a worm in her stomach. How can she know what she wants to talk about?
Xingsisi sneer at "I make fun of it? Who is the troublemaker? "
Ye Lingshan didn’t look at her eyes and looked at the traffic in the distance. The expression was somewhat absent-minded. "Xing Sisi, if you are not so fake and lofty, you may not be so annoying. Since you don’t want to talk, get out of here and don’t bother me with this stepmother face."
"Ye Lingshan, don’t go too far!" Xing Sisi bit his lip and looked at Ye Lingshan angrily.
Ye Lingshan sneered, "How can you blame me too much?"
Is it her who is looking for trouble?
Xing Sisi looked at Ye Lingshan with a cold expression, but his expression was contemptuous, just like he was a Tianshan Snow Lotus.
Xing Sisi really looks good. This ice muscle, jade bone’s good skin and everyday people are as pale as chrysanthemums. It is really pleasing, especially men.
Isn’t Ji Nanrui attracted by her temperament at first?
If this sister of hers is really fighting so hard, she may not hate her so much. It’s a pity …
A bitch is a bitch!
Xing Sisi saw Ye Lingshan’s naked contempt in his eyes, and his chest became more and more depressed. "There is nothing wrong with you striving for your own happiness, but why do you want to harm Ji Nanrui? Is he going to marry you just because you like him?"
"I am evil?" Ye Lingshan was angry and smiled. "You are ridiculous. Xing Sisi, when will you change this problem?"
"It’s not you he likes!" When Xing Sisi said this, his confidence became more and more contemptuous than his eyes.
Her meaning and expression tell her that the person Ji Nanrui likes is her Xing Sisi, not her Ye Lingshan.
Ye Lingshan was angered by her. "Xing Sisi, I really don’t know where you come from to say this confidently. Ji Nanrui doesn’t like me, a beautiful young lady who loves him. Do you like you to be petty and unlucky?"
Xing Sisi was choked by Ye Lingshan for a long time and couldn’t speak. It took a long time to hate and hate. "You just got what he was proud of."
Ye Lingshan bowed her head and glanced at her gently. "If you think like this, it will make you feel better and feel free!"
Xing Sisi’s face flushed. Obviously Ye Lingshan said this to her heart.
"Now that I’ve finished, leave before I want to embarrass you!" Ye Lingshan has been looking at Ji Nanrui’s parking direction just now. Why hasn’t it come for so long?
"Do you think it will be held fast to get people by hook or by crook?" Xing Sisi’s words are really vicious.
Ye Lingshan was angered by her and reached out and slapped her. "I don’t keep it well. This is my business, but with me Ye Lingshan, you won’t have a chance."
"What is it that you dare to say such a thing to me? You look and eat, including that you can talk to me here. Ye Jia gave me Ye Jia for so many years, but he raised an unfamiliar baiwenhang. What makes you think you can take Ji Nanrui away from me? Is it because your face is bigger than mine? But what if your face is bigger than mine? "
Xing Sisi was ridiculed by Ye Lingshan, blushing and trembling. "Ye Lingshan, you are too bullying."
"Bullying people? I just bully you. What can you do with me? Before, you still had self-esteem and were different from those coquettish bitches outside, but now I find that you are really different because you are not coquettish and a bitch! "
Just like her mother who hooked up with her father, she is a bitch in her bones.
She didn’t know that she had a mind to seduce JiNanRui.
It’s not that she suspects that JiNanRui will have anything with her, but that she is afraid of disgusting herself.
"Ye Lingshan …" Xing Sisi stretched out his hand to slap Ye Lingshan when he was about to fall, but his hand was caught.
Ye Lingshan looked up at the person in front of him. Who is it?
She just scolded Xing Sisi and really didn’t notice when he came over.
When Xing Sisi saw that it was Ji Nanrui, her eyes turned red and she bit her lip and started to cry.
She broke away from JiNanRui’s arm and turned her back on him without saying a word, waiting for someone to coax her.
Ye Lingshan is the so-called stretched out his hand and grabbed JiNanRui arm "how come it took so long? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time."
Ji Nanrui didn’t say anything. Ye Lingshan noticed a bag in his hand. "What is this?"
"For what?"
"The foot doesn’t hurt?" JiNaRui didn’t good the spirit gave her a look.
Ye Lingshan has packed a box with a pair of shoes, white sneakers, which are not pretty but not ugly.
"You bought it for me?" Ye Lingshan holding the box and smiling at JiNaRui.
"Change it!" Ji Nan Rui Dan said that her feet must be worn out after walking in high heels for so long. It would be easier to wear a new pair of shoes.
Ye Lingshan looked at Xing Sisi with his back to them and shook his arm. "I can’t bend over to change my skirt."
Ji Nanrui looked at Ye Lingshan’s skirt and missed the knee. It’s really inconvenient to bend over.
Take the shoes from her hand and squat down in front of her, let her sit on one leg with her hand on her shoulder.
When I took off my shoes, I saw that her foot was broken at the back and was about to bleed.
Ji Nanrui took out a band-aid from his pocket, put up her wound and then deal with it.

"Or let off steam and make slaves"

Several women snickered, and Xia Zhu felt that her heart had fallen into the dust, and Liu Yao couldn’t listen to it. She was about to pull her back in the past.
"Nothing" Xia Zhu took Liu Yao to one side with a wry smile.
"Xia Zhu, I can see that your husband is very kind to you. It’s not what they say." Liu Yao was angry
"It’s all urgent people who are angry with them, and they don’t know whether they are happy or not." Xia Zhu replied.
"So what are you happy? Heart? " Liu Yao is worried
"I am very happy and heart-warming." If Xia Zhu continues to laugh, it will make people feel more distressed for her.
Liu Yao sighed, although Bai Yinting said that all aspects of the conditions were very good, but it was too cold. Compared with reality, she hoped that Xia Zhu could be with Qu Lu, but it was a pity that some people missed it.
"Xia Zhu, why do you hurry up here? One is you."
Someone came over and told her Xia Zhu to go over and get ready for the stage. No, that person should do her own performance and get her due reward.
Because Xia Zhu is a sand painting performance place, mainly a large-screen projection place, her position is actually a side platform, which means that the audience can’t see her easily
This can also make everyone pay more attention to her sitting face. Bai Yinting will come today because she is not at ease with Xia Zhu.
Besides, of course he’s coming to join his wife’s performance. Who doesn’t know that he and Xia Zhu are in school?
However, seeing that Xia Zhu’s interpretation is an imperfect love story, Bai Yinting is somewhat unhappy. Is this a hint?
After the performance, Bai Yinting quietly left and went backstage to find Xia Zhu. He didn’t ask too much about the sand painting performance before.
For Bai Yinting, it doesn’t matter what Xia Zhu can perform. He doesn’t need an excellent woman, but a woman who can make him feel comfortable.
But this sad love story made Bai Yinting feel uncomfortable. He must see Xia Zhu now or his heart will go crazy.
When I came backstage, female students took the initiative to come over and say hello to him. Bai Yinting ignored them. His indifference made those girls feel the pressure and it would really suffocate with such a man.
A few minutes later, Bai Yinting finally saw that Xia Zhu had four more programs to show at the finale, but it happened that at this juncture, her female model in the couple costume suddenly vomited and had a stomachache, so she couldn’t attend.
I can’t find a suitable candidate to replace Xia Zhuhao and volunteer "or I’ll do it"
Former Yan Ningxuan asked her to sell her instead of a female model, and now it seems that everything is destiny takes a hand.
"Wait a minute" Bai Yinting walked past.
Xia Zhu looked back and saw that he was a little surprised. "Why are you here?"
"Are you going to wear a pair of clothes with him?" Bai yinting dissatisfaction, pointing to one side of the male model.
The male model suddenly sweated, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, moved back a small step, and dared not come out.
"It’s no way out. Besides, it’s to show that you don’t think too much." Xia Zhu couldn’t come when she pouted.
Bai yinting grabbed the male model who had changed his clothes, and almost said, "take off your clothes for me."
Chapter 51 Love is a generation
Xia Zhu’s eyes widened when he heard Bai Yinting’s words. Looking at him strangely, he didn’t want to go on the catwalk with her, did he?
"Bai yinting, what are you doing?" Xia Zhu thinks this is inappropriate.
"Hurry to change clothes, didn’t you say you were nervous?" Bai yinting didn’t care if she took the male model and went to change clothes.
Xia Zhu’s eyebrows are twisted into a knot in one’s heart, but Liu Yao is envious. "Xia Zhu, your husband is jealous and handsome."
Ah, Xia Zhunai sighed, and Liu Yao helped her to make up her makeup, do her hair and get everything ready, just to show them.
To tell the truth, Xia Zhu was particularly concerned when she saw Bai Yinting’s dress. She used to hold Bai Yinting’s arm. "Are you sure you want to come with me?"
"What else am I dressed like this?" Bai yinting is more used to putting his hand on Xia Zhu’s shoulder.
"But isn’t it a bit fall in price for you to do so?" Xia Zhu took him to Houtai District.
"Yes, but I can’t accept you cuddling with other men." Bai Yinting is really a jealous altar.
"Uh," Xia Zhu rolled his eyes. "There is no cuddling at all. It’s just a show."
"You’ll have" Bai Yinting bad smile.
Before Xia Zhu could react, she was brought to the stage by Bai Yinting. Her heart was beating wildly. That sentence and his meaningful smile made her feel guilty.
Because I don’t usually wear high-heeled shoes, today I wear them temporarily. The former female model prepared high-heeled shoes, and Xia Zhu walked unsteadily. It was ugly to watch her swing from side to side.
When they appeared, everyone in the venue was amazed. Soon, many people took out their mobile phones. This is the first show of the president and his wife of Shengrui Group!

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife is not a mistake. The woodcutter thinks about it. Su Yonglin decided to turn around and go to Dongguang County to make some supplements and adjustments.

Before he sent someone to Dongguang county, he asked them to prepare hot water and ginger soup for the soldiers, and then prepared some horse feed for the war horses, and then went to Dongguang county with the army
Dong Heguang, the commander of Dongguang, is Xiao Guojun’s practice. After receiving the order, he acted with the instructor item and soon got everything ready for Su Yonglin.
After Su Yonglin arrived in Dongguang County in the shortest time, Dong Heguang arranged everything properly.
They prepared hot food for the soldiers to eat, and then handed the cooked ginger soup and dry clothes to the soldiers, and prepared some hot water for the soldiers to wipe their bodies and change clothes.
While the soldiers were resting, Dong Heguang and Xiang arranged for the defenders to take their horses to rest and eat to supplement the horses with concentrated feed so that they could have a good rest.
In addition, they made the illness worse and the fever worse. More than 100 soldiers stayed in Dongguang County to rest, and arranged reliable doctors to treat the soldiers and put everything in order.
During the break, Su Yonglin pursued Xin Qiji with him, and Geng Xingwen, deputy commander of the samurai camp, and a group of officers discussed the movement of 8 Jin J.
The map Su Yonglin marked the known route of Jin Jun and found that Jin Jun took the north-east route.
"This route passes through Jingzhou and Cangzhou, and then through Qingzhou dialect, it reaches Daxing House, that is, Yanyun can be said to be the safest route to return to the north at present. There is no garrison of our army here, and Jin Junnan did not go here."
Su Yonglin pointed to the map of Qingchi County, saying, "We have stationed troops in Qingchi County and Nanpi County in Cangzhou, and the vast areas are in a state of clearing the field, except for a few docks and castles."
This situation is very suitable for the gold thief to flee north. They probably chose this road. If we want to chase them, we have no choice but to speed up and we can’t expect him to be intercepted by our army. "
Geng Xingwen frowned and asked, "So he can certainly be intercepted and destroyed?"
"Not necessarily, but compared with our pursuit of this road, he is two ways less. If he continues north, he is likely to hit our people head-on."
Su Yonglin said, "I’m not sure what will happen then. I hope they can stop those desperate thieves."
Xin Qiji kept looking at the map when Su Yonglin spoke. When Su Yonglin finished talking, Xin Qiji pointed to the map.
"Su Shuai, I, let’s chase the gold thieves all the way. It’s easy to know where there are garrisons and where there are no garrisons. Obviously, they will avoid Nanpi and Qingchi. It’s very likely that they have been to Yanshan Mountain. journey to the south is almost unblocked. It takes enough horsepower to reach Yanyun in a few days."
Su Yonglin looked at the map and nodded his head.
"That’s true, but I think this is the ideal state. We still have some things to consider."
Xin Qiji looked at Su Yonglin.
"You mean cavalry status?"
"pair state"
Su Yonglin said, "Even if there is enough food for one person and two horses, we still feel difficult in this rainy day when it rains and travels. There are also soldiers who fall and break this sick horse. In my case, there will be more gold thieves.
This is a gold thief. Is there enough grain there? When we attacked, we found the gold thief eating. What does this say? It is said that they may not be fully prepared when they escape, and they will slow down their escape because of various problems. "
Everyone thinks Su Yonglin is right.
"So I’m afraid it won’t be very difficult for them to go to the North Yanyun in March or February, but it should still be there for us to take a night off to keep our spirits up."
Su Yonglin went on to say, "As far as the eyes are concerned, it is not impossible for us to stop them before they enter Qingzhou. Although Yanyun may have been turned upside down now, I really don’t want to let Yan Hongliang go."
Everyone knows that Su Yonglin hates Yan Hongliang.
So Xin Qiji made a suggestion
"In that case, it’s better to speed up the March by alternating ways."
"You said"
Su Yonglin looked at Xin Qiji.
Xin Qiji nodded slowly. "Generally speaking, cavalry mainly relies on horsepower to rush for a while, wait for the horse to run out of physical strength, rest for an hour or two, and then rush for gold again. It should be faster if the thief has two horses."
Our army doesn’t have two horses, but we can make up for the normal speed by manpower. When the horses are tired and slow down, we will stop riding the military horses. At the normal speed, we will lead the horses to walk forward and slowly recover their strength while moving forward. So Su Shuai is like this? "
Su Yonglin considered a moment and nodded his head.
"At present, there is no other way to do this. Of course, if necessary, even if the horse is killed, don’t pity that we have captured about 100,000 war horses. Are we very rich and white now?"
Su Yonglin said this sentence, and all the officers around him were full of laughter.
It is indeed foreseeable that the Guangfu army will be able to fight in the future. They never dared to imagine a rich war.
After a night’s rest, the Guangfu army kept up its spirits. After breakfast the next morning, it took a break to replenish dry food, horse supplies and rain gear, and then officially set off.
The target is directed at Yanshan County.
Chapter 46 Kill a thief! !
Along the way, Su Yonglin led the chasing troops, sometimes with horsepower and sometimes with manpower, and the horseshoe and iron footboard increased the endurance and rush time.
Then he took advantage of the advantages of garrisoning the city along the way. Nanpi and Qingchi counties asked the city garrison to give him food and some supplies to supplement.
With the troops ready to pursue, they can eat hot food and drink hot water immediately after arriving in Nanpi and Qingchi, and they can also change dry clothes, shoes and socks.
The garrison troops in the two cities are also very intimate in pursuing the troops and preparing a lot of ginger soup to drive away the cold.
During the pursuit, the injured and sick soldiers were replaced equally by the defenders of the two cities, and the injured and sick soldiers were left in the city to recuperate. The elite soldiers in the city were transferred to the pursuit troops to participate in the pursuit.
With this constant supply, Su Yonglin ensured the nutrition and health of the soldiers and horses in the pursuit force to the maximum extent.
So the chasing troops went to Yanshan County to prepare for the final battle at the fastest speed and in the best condition
God helps those who help him. On the evening of his arrival in Yanshan County, the news came that the trace of 8 Jin Army was found in Yanshan County, and the scale of 8 Jin Army was not small.
Su Yonglin was overjoyed when he heard it, and then forced himself to calm down to calm his pounding heart, and made a comparison between the strength of both sides.
The size of 8 jin j is absolutely 2,000 cavalry, but it seems that morale is low. Some nomads from 8 jin j are resting in Yanshan county, while others are camping outside the city.
Boy, don’t forget to echo inside and outside?
Su Yonglin seems that this is probably Yan Hongliang’s arrangement.
He must live in the city, and he can keep out the cold and shelter from the rain. He must also arrange some soldiers to guard outside the city to meet and prevent the Guangfu Army from raiding.
So it’s really difficult to eat 8 jin j in one breath.
However, this state of 8 jin j must be scary. They have so many cavalry that they are afraid to rush over, which is probably a great deterrent for 8 jin j. Maybe they didn’t fight 8 jin j and collapsed themselves.
It’s not the first time that Su Yonglin has encountered an elite army without good discipline and organization. Once frightened, how can it collapse into a sheep?
So Su Yonglin called Xin Qiji to his side and decided to split up with him.
"You lead troops to attack from south to north, let the gold thief pursue us from south to north, and urge the gold thief to flee to the north. I lead troops to ambush the north of the city, and when the Jin army escapes to the north, it will be killed, so that he can’t escape!"
Xin Qiji was very excited that he had a chance to capture the Emperor Jin Guo alive with Su Yonglin.
Anyway, the other party is the emperor of Xu Jin Guo.
Before the state of Jin, it was indeed a shame that the overlord of East Asia was all-powerful, and the Zhao regime in the south was all other ministers in name.
It is a milestone achievement for the Guangfu Army to capture such a hegemonic emperor alive.
From then on, the Guangfu Army will soar for nine days, and no one or force can stop the Guangfu Army from turning around beautifully.
The Central Plains will recover all the troops, and they will certainly build a glorious country and let this glory shine as brilliantly as the whole day!
Xin Qiji’s ideal can also be implemented and realized. He has been fighting for nothing!
So he accepted this life with excitement, and Su Yonglin split his forces while the night was dark and windy.
He led 1,000 cavalry to fly around the south and prepare to launch an attack from south to north.
At the same time, Su Yonglin also took people to the north of the city to prepare, ready to intercept and escape, and Jin Jun gave them a wave of secondary injuries.
The action is scheduled for early morning and dawn.
Yan hong yiying didn’t realize that he felt very tired and miserable, and he probably thought the soldiers were equally tired and miserable.
In rainy days, the camping cold wind is rustling and the humid air is directly cold, which is super double. Although the rain has almost stopped at this moment, a few drops of stars are still unwilling to fall, but the cold air is still cold.
I stayed up all night, and when Yan Hong Yiying woke up and was ready to lead the team to continue to set off, I found that many soldiers could not afford the high fever and had no way to move on.
"What’s going on? How did this happen? "
Seeing that many soldiers were lying down with high fever and couldn’t get up, Yan Hong Yiying was a little anxious and quickly asked a few army doctors.
"In recent days, the weather has been very cold and rainy, and many soldiers have been caught in the rain, wet and cold, and there is not enough cold protection, which has caused a large number of soldiers to fall ill."